
Industry Insights Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Our healthcare system is an industry, just like every other. A patient cured is a customer lost."
"Arming game developers of all sizes with these insights can give them the conviction to thoughtfully consider how to make games more inclusive for everyone."
"Eventually, you're going to get written out of the script. That's what happened to Eric Bienemy."
"I'm big into music production. There's so much good music production, especially in pop music."
"It's a miracle that any video games even come out in the first place."
"Coding is such a special field. What matters is that you have the skills. It doesn't matter so much if you have a credential saying you can do it." - Chris Peach
"Making games takes a lot more than having a lot of money."
"Go and see what the bloody industry is about before signing with anybody."
"Yeah it was pretty grueling, but it's a dream to be making a film with someone like Danny Boyle. If you get a few bumps and bruises, that's nothing to complain about." - Cillian Murphy
"It shows a thorough lack of understanding of how PC gaming actually flourishes over the course of several years."
"People are already seeing the truth behind the music industry."
"This won't be the last video of this kind. I will probably be doing a lot more process/publishing industry-type stuff in the months and years to come."
"They just about started the film, it's not even a month old."
"That's the main thing you'll learn, you go in there in the building, yeah, that's exactly, that's how you got in the building, anything you'll learn from going to a major is, damn, I already had it."
"They're aware of the mistakes... They have analytics companies and really smart people."
"Those are the three like literally biggest people for zombies all literally don't work at Activision or Treyarch or Sledgehammer or Infinity War."
"Because let's face it, who else is going to tell you about the future of transportation?"
"I know that multiplayer is the hot thing going on right now." - Xbox Ready
"It's [ __ ] possible - touches me in my heart someone said that this ending there this movie was like very steel bur good message you're saying."
"The Bible says we have not because we ask not. Do you want Him to come and speak to you in a dream?"
"Did you know Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was originally going to be a detective game about a private eye?"
"This is what growing exposed is all about, bringing you the biggest buzz of the industry."
"To summarize, the secret to box office success is to make your movie good. That's our pain through the roof for the rise to a marketable IP and a bankable lead actor, and then you can make the movie as [__] as you want."
"Licensed games tend to come with their own issues."
"I really like their business model I think it's really clever and I think it's a great pickaxe kind of play on the puff puff industry."
"It's fascinating to watch from a marketing perspective rolling out with the best of the best is essentially laying a statement for the future graphics technology."
"The thing about Crowder is, and this is a well-known secret in the industry, he monetizes his own videos to sell more mugs."
"Filmmakers screw themselves when they ignore marketing."
"To show you can write somebody else's show in their voice really well, I think still is a very valuable thing."
"Ultimately, it's the essence of a game, rather than the polish of the game, in many cases."
"Sony know that and if and obviously Sony plateau agrees to this game to develop and publish it if it was too close to The Last of Us they would have said we've already got the Last of Us."
"One of the best ways to get this information is either on forums or on blogs industry professionals are all over those places."
"Ignore everything those guys said, we were getting asked the same questions before Limbo was released."
"Finance is not an open-source industry. But I'm making this video to help you guys."
"When you're in the production world, you want to understand that it costs money to make things, but at the same time, your vision can be sacrificed."
"It breaks my heart to see developers work on their game for years... because they've neglected marketing."
"Fashion is one of the best industries during Q4, so that's why I love this product so much."
"I think probably it's up to Sony. Sony has both those characters and has venom in their world. I don't know what their plans are for another venom or if they're going to do that but it seems likely at some point." - Kevin Feige
"The majors do not, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's not a fact, have money into the DSPs."
"The big giveaway that this is a confidential development build of Windows and not Windows 7 can be seen in the 'Let's not leak our hard work' desktop wallpaper."
"Working in this industry is difficult. The work is hard, the hours are demanding, the demand is draining."
"I kind of think that Uzi blew up real big and realized that he wasn't getting as big of a slice of the pie as he thought he deserved."
"Even though I very much dislike him, and I do think that he is a creep, I actually do agree with some of the industry recommendations that Dan mentioned at the end of that interview."
"The gaming industry iceberg looks a whole lot more like this."
"The realness of this, the business of this, the other side of this."
"It's a perfect example of a disconnect between the Old Guard media and the New Media."
"There's a lot of money in trucking but you gotta work and get it. It's not going to fall in your lap and you gotta be smart about it."
"Okay, we're gonna leave the scene in and I want you to remember that it was Miramax who left it alone."
"MGS3 at bottom was a mind-blowing glimpse of the medium's future."
"It's like, Quincy Jones said, it's pretty on the top and dirty on the bottom."
"I like talking to industry people about the highs and the lows bro because a lot of men are pumped faking out here I understand that now."
"The reality of what Hollywood is... none of the normal rules that apply to propriety and business apply."
"Video games have proved that more than anything else, no one is [too big to fail]."
"This is going to be an interesting wake-up call for the comic book industry."
"Monetization generally does not make or break a game."
"There's a lot of great game designers that aren't good at interviewing."
"We can only hope that he accepts the invite extended by Joe Rogan and spills more tea on the shady underbelly of the comedy industry."
"Dedication and passion are going to be what propels you through this industry."
"Motorsport as a whole is a results-driven industry."
"Unless your game is designed by the Michigan Lottery Association, the house always wins at a large scale and the players always lose."
"Good journalism can still happen in traditional games media, and when it's good, it's valuable."
"I've seen the page. I could vouch for it. It's a thing that I just... I have a bunch of actor friends who are currently sitting at home not doing very much of anything, and all of them have expertise in taping themselves for auditions."
"This business is filled with luck being at the right place at the right time..."
"Remember, the number one enemy of streaming services right now is not other streamers, it's churn."
"The toughest part about content creation is not doing it."
"The only constant in game development is change."
"This does give you a sense of how the sausage is made and how disastrous things can be if you don't have adequate government regulation and oversight."
"If you join any of these industries for long enough, you're gonna be making more than enough money."
"You can get paid to play and write about your favorite games, connect with fellow Gamers and Industry professionals, and stay up to date on the latest video game news."
"Ultimately the fact that Rockstar employees are admitting behind the scenes to insiders that they aren't sure they can still produce the chart topping caliber of game."
"It's daunting, you know? There's about 13-hour days for a month straight, yeah, yeah, I bet, but very cool."
"I just want you guys to know the whole community... my motivation behind all this stuff is to provide value and to just contribute insight to the industry."
"MGS taught us in a game has to serve the gameplay and vice versa."
"Our hit rate was really high actually. We were, I'd say, probably 75-80 percent of people that we shot with ended up in the movie."
"Games are still the place to be if you're advertising games."
"It's show business and one of those words is bigger than the other."
"The secret to cinematic success isn't the rating, it's making a good film."
"Welcome to Collider movie talk! We give you all the latest news from the world of movies plus some insight into what it all means."
"It's not getting in, it's like staying in, that's the hardest part."
"Everything in aviation connects back to a previous airframe design, engine, or people in some way."
"No one sets out to make a bad movie, but bad movies do happen."
"People will still go and watch other people play games on other sources... it's one of those gotcha moments that I think Steam can do."
"A lot of the insider sources in the industry are saying it is not a guarantee that 'Tenet' is going to get bumped again."
"I saw him earlier, he was out here at the studio, and he sat down with SimGuru Lindsay to talk a little bit about the future of the Sims."
"It's the movie. It's not the star, it's not who is getting the 20 million dollars. It's the movie. And that's the lesson of Titanic."
"If you want more money, be average in a different industry."
"Amy Pascal was technically a co-producer on that, she Sony was co-producing that movie."
"I think there are a lot of people not just at Fox but in the media in general who really don't understand New Media."
"Right now our most of our order books have people who have either owned or have owned a Cirrus aircraft."
"Who do you use and why? Share your experiences to help fellow musicians navigate the industry."
"If we have call of duty battlefield and halo these developing teams all these studios are going to feel challenged not threatened maybe a little bit but challenged and at the end of the day the people that end up winning is us the gamers."
"Hot hatches or performance sport compacts, they're not dead."
"Everybody thinks there's this big mysticism to making movies... You've made a movie."
"It's a money-making industry if y'all haven't gotten it at this point um you need to think twice about it."
"When you say what do I want, I want Netflix to come back and say because we said she was a legend we're gonna give her a 20 million dollar payday like we gave to Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle."
"This is very inspiring stuff to those who want to get into the industry someday."
"One thing I've learned being in the detailing world for a long time... a lot of these big companies... get the same product and then what they do is they change the smell and they change the color."
"Birdman, Birdman, yo Gotti and a few other rappers executive came up here and kicked so much knowledge."
"Deliver us good games, people will come," - Commentator
"My advice in regards to breaking into the industry is to- I think you should be your own biggest fan, give honest value to your work."
"If you tried to pitch that in America, people would've been like, 'What?'"
"Ghostbusters is a master class on what's achievable in cinema when you bring on talented people and don't second-guess your decision."
"At the end of the day, both the ghost and the bustings end up playing second fiddle to a silly but endearing character drama."
"Ghostbusters was successful because of the understanding that the filmmakers had not only with their craft but with one another."
"Because I think the players know the product better than us."
"Thanks for taking time to talk to us today. I know we've all got lots of questions about boat design."
"To make a film is really difficult, because you see people like Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, huge actors doing television."
"We're really starting to get to know the key players in the industry."
"According to Wired, free-to-play mobile games make the vast majority of the revenue from just a handful of players, these players are referred to in the industry by generally unflattering named whales."
"The entertainment industry is not real life."
"For many people these will be stories that make you question why anyone would ever try this business for others they'll sound like normal things when dealing with people."
"Unused content is one of my favorite topics to discuss when it comes to video games because you get to take a look at what went on behind the scenes."
"This business was a shoot it was the man that made the most money so when I worked for Vince and Bob botton was a champion oh I wrestled back when that's when I always got paid more than me."
"In this industry, nothin’ talks louder than money." - Video Narrator
"Production secret: If you saw the judges warn you about a particular mistake, it's because someone made that mistake 100%, yes, yes, exactly."
"Sony's e3 press conference showed us a solid look at what a human assembly line would look like... turns out they're not doing E3 in 2019 so catch you guys in 2020."
"I'm sure that people in intelligent systems are almost constantly throwing around ideas for new Paper Mario games and you know plenty of them probably just don't see the light of day."
"This is everything we've been saying on this channel since the RTX cards came out."
"Anybody tells you they just made a hit movie before it comes out, they have no clue. The audience is always smarter than any of us."
"Maybe fan perception of what I do and industry perception's a little bit different."
"I said we do a two-hour movie, a feature film. I go to Bob Whiteman and Courtney. We have lunch together. Weidman said to me, 'Look, you got...'"
"It's a myth and an illusion, success didn't come fast, they picked her for it."
"People don't appreciate the number of people needed to make a film."
"Nothing like being transparent about how being a content creator works."
"Television reporters are actually actors behind the scenes."
"Getting a movie made is hard guys... it doesn't matter if you have 6 million subscribers on YouTube."
"With the dust well and truly settled in the five years since its release, these fascinating factoids confirm just how colossal of an undertaking the game really was."
"Recruiting vs. selling: where the real money is."
"Show business generally has a tremendous amount of pathos and angst and neuroses at the center of it."
"The kind of partnership and building of relations that kava has been engaging in during the bear market has really excited me."
"My scene was the first scene shot of the entire production. Day 1, Scene 1, I was there!" - MatPat
"But I think it's important to understand how the behind-the-scenes environment really paved the way for this troubling situation DC is digging itself out of."
"I paid my own money back, this is way before you had videos shot in digital. I paid film, I paid 30,000 for a video, my own money, cash. It was on BET, [__], go do the research on it."
"Location, location, location - extremely important in the self-storage business."
"The hard part was finding the vulnerable side and not being scared to... I mean, the rehearsal process, I'm sure you guys heard David has a pretty rigorous rehearsal process that everyone has to be involved in."
"Interesting to hear this update from a battery leader."
"We're in the business where your flaws benefit."
"It's incredible the similarities between where the auto industry is going technologically and smartphones."
"As we are nearing the end of phase four, I think people will start to see where this next saga is going." - Kevin Feige
"I think the industry is changing right now so and I have a lot of insights so I wanted to help others to understand the stuff behind it a bit more."
"Netflix doesn't have an opinion on stand-up comedy... they base what they pay you by the amount of ticket sales for your last tour."
"This is really a perfect setup, I mentioned earlier Andrea and I were talking about what's cool and new about this coach."
"He realized he was making pennies compared to what he was actually earning for the label..."
"I mean, I was they all had their own opinions about why they didn't want to sign things you know but for me I was just like this definitely not good deals."
"From what I understand, Overwatch 2 that we actually got was turned around very quickly."
"The YouTube grind is one of the most stressful, amazingly beautiful, broken things."
"You gotta have another game, you gotta have something else out, so yeah, they're already working on it, trust in that."
"Steam Spy did something that was pretty important, it opened up a tiny window into an industry."
"There's never an end of content for us to shoot."
"It is 20 percent show and eighty percent business."
"It's much more difficult to pay your dues after the success than to be able to stay in the game."
"I forced myself to learn the nuts and bolts of the business and not solely on the creative side."
"Ownership is everything. We created it, we envisioned it, we expanded upon it to make it what it was, such a phenomenon. But if you don't own the media, which is going to be the one that packages and delivers it as they see fit, can't win."
"Video games industry knows more about human nature and behavior than every other industry put together."
"I would encourage you not to chase different skills or services but to think if I take the exact same skill set that I have and I apply it to like an industry that's one degree different it can have a massive return on investment."
"Nothing is black and white in this industry, nothing like I thought grading fee. I've always just treated this like it just kind of is what it is. Nothing is what it is, there is always room to negotiate if you hold any sort of leverage at all."
"What are some of the biggest trends? This is especially important if you are moving into a new industry."
"This is one of the things about this industry that makes it kind of fun: every once in a while you see something that hasn't been done before."
"Hip hop has grown up, mm-hmm you know what I'm saying the record labels don't want you to grow up, yeah they don't want you to know about this [__] be doing now I want you to know what's in that contract."
"If you really think about the people nowadays that are winning in trucking aren't the drivers."
"Networking is the hottest area that nobody's talking about in technology."
"You're going to learn so many different things about the industry."
"The ups and the downs of this industry, being there firsthand."
"This is the series where I get to sit down with artists, band members, other roadies, and anybody else in the music industry, and we just have conversations about whatever we want to."
"Cloud computing is here to stay: Insights from TechCrunch's Ron Miller."
"Truly practical advice from people in the trenches about the pitfalls and challenges and solutions for productionizing generative AI."
"I started doing social media and creating content because I felt like I couldn't get useful, helpful information on what it really means to work as a makeup artist in this industry."
"On this channel, we do things around luxury fashion, so unboxings, reviews, vlogs, and the occasional chat about what's happening within the fashion industry."
"Welcome back to another salvage story where we give you an unfiltered look into the good, bad, and the ugly of the performance auto salvage world."
"I made a promise to myself and to you guys to share the truth about the industry, hashtag freedom of information."
"The music industry runs on smoke and mirrors."
"It's crazy to think how many things get filmed and don't see the light of day."
"We also have so many filmmaker interviews, really cool stuff."
"You cannot assume anything in the gaming industry."
"I hope that these tips will help you start out in the industry with just a different set of eyes."
"Socializing with men in their 40s and 50s also provided me with opportunities to learn about economic structures and various aspects of different industries."
"These are longer form conversations with some influential and thoughtful people from our industry."
"It's the one aspect of being a child actor that people do not realize."
"After thousands of hours of machining on a CNC, I've learned some lessons that nobody really talks about."
"After decades of making films, I realized there's a cheat code that no one is talking about."
"Europe is different, and many international theme park operators could learn from this thriving industry."
"I'm just grateful that I've been in the game for a long enough time that it lets me see what's taking place."
"That's one thing about the toy industry that I feel like people don't know much about."
"It's not always about what you see on screen; there's so much behind the scenes going on."
"Auditioning can be a kind of hideous experience."