
Worldliness Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"This world is not where our reward is... we are pilgrims and strangers in this world."
"The opposite of loving the world is to seek and love and delight in God and live for His will and the glory of His kingdom."
"This world is not my home; I'm just passing through."
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
"Friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim. Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim."
"Being a believer in Christ is to be set apart; you are no longer conforming to this world, you are conforming to the word of God."
"Let us be Christian, that we not have an impact on the world because we are like the world, but because we are completely the opposite of the world."
"For the same sun that melts butter, hardens clay. Beware of sensuality. Beware of the things of this world. Beware of your own heart."
"Beware of your love for this world and the things of this world."
"Don't underestimate the value of a good sound worldly education."
"Beware of the magic of this world, for indeed it is a distraction."
"These grifters have the most fascinating lives. They've been all over the world, studied every subject known to men, they're never wrong."
"It's not that we're not in the war; we are in the war. We're not of the world."
"God is Holy, He is Sanctified, He is pure. The world is sin, it's fleshly, it's self-centered."
"You cannot embrace the world and embrace Christ at the same time."
"A Godly person desires to please God above all else, to share their faith with the lost, and to live above the cares of this world."
"If we start looking like the world, we ought to look different."
"You have to be a new creation... There is no way you can be in this world, of this world, from this world and yet understand and preach and believe and be with Jesus."
"A faithful servant of Christ cannot love this present age."
"The church is not walking in the power and the authority and the freedom that we should because we're too in love with the world."
"As humans, how easily we can get distracted with the mundane things of the world."
"Live for the glory of God, guard against worldly influences."
"Jesus' heart is crying out for us. He wants us to forsake the things of the world."
"If everybody loved you, you would be of this world."
"I'm so thankful for our father's word, his warning, and his consistent message of not being of this world."
"A man who will be friends with God will definitely be an enemy of the world."
"True freedom is freedom from the temptations and desires of the world."
"God can change your desires, your taste, what you like, what you don't like because we're not supposed to be conformed to the things of this world."
"Satan tempts us with worldliness, appealing to the lust of our flesh, the lust of our eyes, and the pride of life."
"If this sermon depressed you or worried you, you may be getting a little too adjusted to this world."
"They're super curious about the world, always wanting to explore."
"You're shaking the dust off and seeing that there's a whole wide world out there to enjoy."
"You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world."
"The more you feel good about yourself, the more prepared you are for this messed up world."
"Lord, let there be no love of the world in my heart. Help me to be on guard against worldly traps."
"We should be in the world but not of this world."
"It's a befuddling world, and I hope we can be quite humble."
"Covet the world, Covenant with God."
"If you're a friend to the world, you're hostile to God."
"You do not belong to the world. And what a joy it is that you don't belong to the world!"
"It is the thought of worldly objects that prevents the mind from going into samadhi. One becomes established in samadhi when one is completely rid of worldliness."
"True peace can't be found in or understood by this world."
"Paul says, 'Do not be conformed to this world.'"
"The world is much bigger than the city that you live in man, yes sir."
"If there's one struggle every human has had, it's always been the struggle of how do you balance your spirituality in relation to your worldliness?"
"Detached from the dunya. Don't be tethered to it."
"What an amazing way to spend a life by seeing the world letting the world come in being as weak as possible to every gesture of the world and then responding."
"Our faith goes beyond the threats of this world and beyond the demands of this world."
"You can't link God to the world system in any spiritual enterprise."
"If you love the world, you'll soon be living that kind of life."
"We are hated by the world because we're not of the world."
"We must live above the world and not be of the world even while we are yet in the world."
"This is the victory that overcomes all worldliness: your faith."
"It's possible to be alone. There's nowhere you can go that we're not there. The whole world is right here."
"I'm in this world but I'm not of it."
"Our churches must raise the standard of Holiness and forsake the lure of the world."
"As one pursues this world and turns away from God, God is seen as someone who stands in the way of their pursuit."
"Jesus loves you with a love that the world can't offer."
"Remain focused on God, not become distracted by worldly things."
"When Jesus says 'be in the world,' it doesn't say, 'I pray that they'll be in the world, not of the world.' He says, 'I pray that you don't take them out of the world, because then they'd be with you.'"
"I feel like now that I'm out and I've been able to experience the world."
"The book of Romans is powerful. It's just struggling with how you can be in the world but not of the world."
"When that hunger is upon you, not a thing of this world satisfies that hunger."
"Jesus said, 'I have chosen you out of the world.'"
"When you're living a Christian life you are not meant to fit into the world."
"She's one of the most interesting people in the world."
"I wanted to have my education be in the world, experiencing Europe."
"The deeper your roots, the more unaffected you are by what happens on the surface. What am I talking about? The surface, I'm talking about the world. The deeper your roots, the more unaffected you are by the things that happen in the world."
"Worldliness is anything that takes a keen edge off of my spiritual life and dims my vision of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The curse of worldliness has invaded the church and there must be a voice raised against that."
"The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it, and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters."
"Jesus put it this way: 'You're in the world but don't be of the world.' That's the idea."
"Although we live in this world, we are not of the world."
"We may need to remind ourselves often that although we live in this world we are not of the world."
"Dubai is not my final stop, Dubai is just another stop in my journey to show me how big the world is."
"The kids are grown up and more worldly wise."
"The world is full of desirable things, and that's good."
"I can't feel at home in this world anymore."
"She was able to become a cosmopolitan, which is something that most people are not able to do in their lives."
"The heart of the believer is so connected to the Hereafter that it is never deluded by this world."
"It is one of the most vibrant cities in this world."
"This world is like a shadow; the more you go towards it, the more it moves away from you."
"After a while, I just don't want to, you know, I want to get in touch with the real world."
"Consider yourself dead to the things of the world."
"He's seen both heaven and hell on earth; he's experienced all the fruits, all the pleasures of the world as well as all of the hells and the pits and the lows."
"As the world is increasing in sensuality and in secularism and skepticism, we pray that our hearts would be increasingly riveted to You, to Your son, and to the cross."
"The Renaissance man I want to talk to you about tonight is a man who is so aware of the world around him."
"The world signifies the fool's re-entry into the world with a more complete understanding and a new level of happiness and fulfillment."
"You have a very worldly knowledge."
"They love everything that love really has to offer and they love everything that the world has offered."
"It's a great big wonderful world, but scary things can happen."
"The world is passing away, and all that is in this world is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life."
"I am quite old enough and wise enough in the ways of the world to need no protection."
"God wants to be close to us. It hurts him when we choose the things of the world."
"Whatever we may gain or accomplish in the world is still of the world and subject to decay and loss."
"It's all dirt, worldly accomplishments are like this."
"He who calls nothing his own, whether it be before, behind, or between, who is poor and free from the love of the world, him I call indeed a brahmana."
"The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God."
"You can't cross over into what God has for you if you have the same spirit in you that's in the world."
"You have an absolute right to be a winner, to overcome every aspect of this world."
"Your heart is too big for the things of the world to satisfy."
"If you were of the world, the world would love his own; but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."
"For the present form of this world is passing away."
"Remember what I told you, if you were of the world, they would love you."
"I think it's the worst part of growing up, realizing how the world works."
"Love is a place, and in this place 'less place of love, move with brightness of peace all places. Yes is a world, and in this world of yes, live skillfully curled all worlds."
"When you start to have some encounters with God, you realize this world has nothing to offer."
"Ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice; and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy."
"Creativity is a way of being at home in the world as much as being free from the world's claims."
"We are becoming less and less like the world and we're becoming more and more like Christ."
"Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world."
"There is as much sense in Hafiz as in Horace, and as much knowledge of the world."
"Meditate upon the fleetingness of this world."
"Do not love the world or anything in the world."
"Therefore, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God."
"The world sure is a big place indeed."
"For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world."
"One lives in the world but not of the world."
"The world has nothing to offer that's of any value."
"I've been around the world and I have seen it all."
"Our hearts we've fed them the things of the world and it never satisfied until eternity was placed in there."
"If you serve the world, it will pay you halfheartedly."
"When I was about the things of God, my mind was constantly returned to the things of the world; when I had to engage in the world, it was going constantly back to God."
"Makes you appreciate how big the world is around you."
"The world's too big! It's too interesting."
"What God is looking for are a group of people who will be in the world but not of the world."
"The world is vast, but sometimes it's pretty darn small."
"They that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away."
"The Buddha wanted us to know the world, living in the world we gained our knowledge from the world."
"For the Love of this world is the source of every sin and invalidates every good deed."
"Fruits growing on a tree is a very powerful Christian image of being drawn into the world through its delicacies and through its temptations."
"Leave the world to the worldly, focus on spiritual and social development amongst the children of Adam."
"When you've tasted the bread of life, the less and less appealing the world becomes."
"Solitude is the pursuit of those who have lost their taste for the world."
"If you're a friend of this world, you're an enemy of God, but He still loves you enough to give you Grace."
"Manners takes you around the world, you got trying to say, conduct yourself properly and manners will take you around the world."
"The less of the world you partake in, the more you can taste and see that God is good."
"You need a specialist who has a broad mind, broad experience, an understanding of the world."
"We traveled around the world and we feel like we're at home here."
"We are called to be in this world but not of it."
"No Christian should have a heart that longs for a corrupt and passing world."
"He's traveled a lot around the world and he has seen things that others have not seen."
"A vagabond Buddha is a citizen of the world in the material sense and a boundless undefined awareness in the spiritual sense."
"Be reasonable, have a look around; you're a man of the world."
"It is the woman of the world at the window."
"These places are perfect for like connecting and feeling like you really are a part of the world and it just like humbles you so much."
"This smells like a person who is so well-traveled."
"I want the comfort that comes from above that delivers me from everything that this world has to give."
"We live in a world that is not of God. That’s why were told to come out of her my people, that you don’t partake of her plagues."
"We are born in the world, but we are not of the world."
"The world's pulling on us, pulling us away from the things of God."
"Traveling is a great way to just have a more holistic view of the world."
"Love not the world, the things that are in the world."
"This world don't give a damn about you, so take all that you can."
"She's been to Cabo, she's been to Hawaii, she's a world traveler."
"We need to be in this world but not of this world."
"Do not be conformed to the standards of this world."
"However, if you ever want to become a gentleman and a scholar, you're going to have to know about the ways of the world."
"The world is so much bigger than your home or your online."
"The essence of worldliness is to get, get... but the essence of godliness is to give, give."
"God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish."
"The world and all of its attractions can never satisfy the soul that has tasted of the goodness of God."
"It was a real challenge of do you pick the Lord or do you pick the world."
"The world is a very diverse, very complex place."
"You're in this world but not from this world, you know, that's what we say in Sufism."
"This worldly life has been decorated to the people too much: the love of desires, the love of having lots of children, the love of wealth... But whatever is with Allah is more beautiful and is also everlasting."
"We need to live in the world but not of the world."
"I don't want any drama on my channel, you know, God knows there's enough of that in the outside world."
"Turn the quiet up, turn the noise down, let this old world just spin around."
"You learn so much from traveling; you learn the most about the world and how to function in it."
"Keep that heart pure as long as you can, so much of this world tries to pull it away."
"Any man who will be a friend of the world is an enemy of God."
"Zoom out and just understand the world is bigger than your city."
"When you can see God's love, it doesn't become a struggle to turn from the world."
"You were following the ways of this world, influenced by this present age, in accordance with the prince of the power of the air." - Ephesians 2:1-2
"Make sure that your refuge is in the God of the universe and not the world."
"Those that are called to carry the presence cannot operate the way the world operates."
"I'm about the globe. I'm about the world."
"There is nothing this world has to offer compared to having intimacy with God."
"Never thought one day I'd learn to face the big world."
"It's tricky to keep all those thoughts in our heads when there is so much going around in the world around us."
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, for if any man loved the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
"We cannot be friends of the world and friends of God at the same time."
"I am satisfied to live like Jesus; the world has nothing to offer me."
"Life in Egypt, life in Assyria, life in Babylon, life in the wicked world can be exhausting."
"There can be and should be spirituality in the midst of worldliness, but there shouldn't be worldliness in the midst of spirituality."
"The human soul is so large that the world cannot fill it."
"The love of the Father is not in you if you love the world."
"Paul was very much part of the world; wherever he went, he mixed it with the best of them."
"So go out there and experience the world."
"Remember, the real trouble with the world is too many people grow up."
"I'd rather my kids see the world."
"How can you save souls if we don't talk about things that are of the world?"
"She's been everywhere, man. She's like the world's most interesting dog; she's so distinguished."
"You can either choose God or choose world."
"You need to come back to Jesus because the world ain't gonna satisfy you."
"I have intentionally tried to unplug myself from all of the things in this world that dilute my faith."
"You will not love the world or anything in the world."
"She can truly say she's been everywhere in the world, you know."