
Investment Goals Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Most people just want their money to grow; they want it to be relatively safe."
"I don't have a price target. I don't care. There's one thing I care about, and that's that the stock gets above my break even. That is it."
"Financial freedom and being able to walk away from the stress that comes with cash is such a beautiful thing."
"I still believe we'll at least hit that 100k."
"I think another 6x by bitcoin in the next eight months is too lofty of a goal."
"Clearly, you want to identify companies whose share price will grow in value in the future. That is the point of investing."
"I like people to achieve that psychological goal of owning one Bitcoin."
"Your goal is to make money... you want to fall in love with the return."
"I'm not trying to double or triple my money, my main goal is to maintain and slowly grow it."
"We want to be building up to 100 shares of a company that we really want to own, that we believe in, and that we think long term is going to go up in value."
"When we are writing options, guys, your goal is to write that option, collect that premium, and get out as fast as possible."
"The primary reason I invest is to one day reach financial independence."
"Let's get out of here, we made that fight a chance."
"The goal with investing is to one day live off our investment portfolio."
"At some points you'll be able to retire off of your portfolio. That's the goal with investing."
"Try to get 5 to 10 x in the next few years rather than few basis points in a short-term trade."
"That's what we actually fighting for. Is that one entry on each of these great coins that we never have to sell again."
"Identify what your goals are for the stock market and then find the tickers that work best with your goals."
"We're investing in companies that we think will continue to generate long-term free cash flow per share growth, and I want to buy those future free cash flows for as cheap as possible."
"Know your long-term goals and stick to your strategy."
"I'm just waiting for any good news to see this coin go back to 20 cents that's kind of my goal."
"If I had a million dollars in this strategy at 20% annually, I'd be making $200,000 passively every single year."
"The goal of this portfolio is to provide a fun interactive and educational investment experience using my own money."
"I'm not here for a 10x. I'm here for 100x plus, 1000x plus."
"Our Benchmark is the S&P 500 and we want to be better than that."
"The goal is to constantly increase our account, constantly protect our capital."
"I think this stock can perform very well and it can achieve very good targets of more than 2,000 rupees."
"I want a more safe conservative slow growing stock market portfolio where back when I was like 24 25 I wanted to make a million from the stock market as fast as possible."
"I frankly want more than just income, I also want growth companies that can last."
"They're aiming at that... You want to do better than 100x, especially if you're using the word ultra."
"The purpose of this entire strategy is not for you to make like these twenty Thirty forty percent gains it's to have a consistent win rate."
"Viola Davis won me over when she said, 'You know what? I'm just going to be me.'"
"The goal is to get everyone capital up to 2 million dollars."
"VCs are in the VC business to make 50 times their money."
"I still think we're gonna hit 130,000 this year, that's my conservative number."
"That's where I am actually for this one going to take it up to 200 by the end of 2022."
"A dollar is not the end, it's just the beginning."
"Titan aims to deliver the best investment experience in the world and in a way that's accessible for all income levels."
"Your passive income starts to out earn your earnings. I think that's the goal. I think that's something that's fantastic."
"I want to accumulate as much ownership of the best companies as possible."
"I think a 10x is doable, my target - I'm gonna try to get it to a 100x."
"Putting together a portfolio focused on capital appreciation."
"Assessing if a $100,000 target is a real possibility."
"I think we are gonna break a hundred thousand dollars."
"A reasonable target to have is thirty dollars for silver and twenty five hundred dollars for gold."
"The end goal of my dividend portfolio is to one day be able to live off of my dividend payments."
"Our investment portfolio has to generate on average a yearly return rate of four percent."
"Ask yourself the question: What you're investing for in the first place? What's your goal?"
"Your goal is not to lose less; your goal is to kind of try to make money all the time, protect capital on the downside, and still do well enough on the upside."
"Buying quality dividend growth stocks is the exact strategy I'm using to one day be able to live off dividend income."
"The main aim is you understanding this and making money."
"SCHD aims to distribute a high dividend to fund investors every quarter."
"Many investors aim for an annual return significantly higher than the average inflation rate to ensure their wealth continues to grow in real terms."
"People give us money in order for us to produce relatively high and consistent returns, and that's our mission."
"The primary goal is to own a piece of some of the biggest companies in America, and the secondary benefit is the dividend."
"For most investors, as they prosper, the goal of wealth preservation starts to become increasingly important relative to wealth accumulation."
"Your goal with diversification should be to balance out your portfolio in such a way that when one part of the market is down, your entire portfolio doesn't have to take a hit."
"The goal is to buy good companies at great prices."
"Yield on cost is kind of the holy grail of dividend stock investing, in my opinion."
"My goal is to beat the S&P 500 in total return while creating a growing passive income stream for my family."
"Make sure you understand the risk profile of the loans and what your goals are, and make sure everything's in line."
"The amount of money you need to invest is driven by what your goal is and how quickly you want to achieve that goal."
"Once I have fully invested into my portfolio over the next 20 years, these are my target numbers."
"We need to always aim for a return that is higher than the return we desire."
"Maybe one mil in investment pot should be quite sufficient."
"I want attractive returns and I think that 12% annually for a REIT is very attractive."
"If you're taking a long position, a take profit is a sell order above your position where you want to trade for a profit."
"It's not that complicated. They have a fairly small number of goals, investment outcomes that they're trying to achieve."