
Healthcare Criticism Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Our healthcare system is an industry, just like every other. A patient cured is a customer lost."
"I just don't think America can be called the most superior country on earth when people are dying because they can't afford medication."
"Are better help and its affiliate marketers trying to exploit a global mental health crisis?"
"Almost everyone across the spectrum looks at this kind of stuff, they hear about hospitals... and almost everyone knows that it is horrifying and insane."
"Expecting a different result, we keep using the same conventional model over and over but hey, it's not working with a success rate of about 2 to 3%."
"Taking a handful of pills for the rest of your life is not a very elegant solution."
"People are tired of being screwed over by a terrible healthcare system, having a minimum wage so low they can't survive, and enduring nearly constant mass shootings."
"The criticism that most often falls on Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity has to do with the quality of care they provided."
"If you're a healthcare provider and you recommend a low-fat diet, you're endangering people's lives."
"I think the biggest thing that I see now with doctors... was mostly just seeing my acne and they would look at it and then they would just hand me a prescription."
"I'm really tired of watching the US health system's failed response to this pandemic."
"Doctors don't know hardly anything about preventive health care preventive care they don't know a lot the people that do know about preventative health care are personal trainers and wellness centers."
"I say jenk thinks I have emotional problem because I'm angry about lack of health care in america and yell at politicians about it."
"We hate them for the harm they do, the lack of real Medical Care, the misinformation being spread, the lack of bodily autonomy they force on pregnant people and so much more."
"Our healthcare system is a sick joke, and no one should ever vote for a candidate who doesn't say Medicare for all."
"The medical system is often referred to by many experts as the medical mafia."
"These are simple metabolic things where we're biologically just destroying ourselves and the medical system now is the largest and the fastest growing industry in the United States."
"There's no chance that reporters would hold Republicans feet to the fire on their health care proposals killing people with the same temerity that they go after our possibility of raising taxes."
"We deserve more than a dollar store economy and a GoFundMe healthcare system."
"You shouldn't have to go to a doctor and get this diagnosis and just be told, 'Here's your diagnosis. Go home and love your child. That's it.'"
"The pharmaceutical industry is enormously greedy."
"We need to be mad as hell and deciding that we're not gonna take it anymore when it comes to the commodification of healthcare and putting people's lives at risk for profit."
"We're spending a trillion dollars in America on healthcare, which is not healthcare, it's disease management."
"First do no harm... Seems like these days they're doing a lot of harm without asking any questions or doing any other kind of care first."
"Testing in the U.S has been one of the greatest failures of this pandemic. We've done it all wrong."
"Why are we still trying to say that you and me and everyone else we're all the same and we got to get the same medications and same dose? Everyone's looking for a magic pill."
"They'll give you every drug for every disease based on some bullshit end point, some uncontrolled study, they'll bankrupt society because they're saying that, oh, you know, just on the safe side, we could try it, can't make it worse, right?"
"The medical system has failed in one way or another and we need to address that."
"The way health insurance companies screw you over."
"Why is the health of the average American plummeting? Because modern medicine profits from sickness, not health."
"These large heavily bureaucratic Health Care authorities don't seem to be very good at delivering Frontline care."
"The medical industry is really taking advantage of those who can't afford to pay for their medical bills."
"CDC is really missing the mark here... It's like ignoring the smoke detector and waiting for your whole house to be on fire before you call the fire department." - James Lawler, Infectious Disease Specialist
"Health insurance is incentivized for us to be sick. Even prominent health scholars with good credentials - health insurance wants prices to go down, so they raise premiums."
"We equate it to going to a doctor who draws all your blood out spills 40 of it on the floor then begins a transfusion for the remainder."
"Medical tyranny is to me one of the most evil things out there."
"Doctors prescribe it like Oprah handing out cars."
"Do you know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? Medicine."
"It gives a really bad reputation to anybody who is a nurse."
"The lies and deceptions need to be revealed, our complete medical system needs to be dismantled."
"We don't focus a lot on the doctors that kill a lot of us too."
"The second leading cause of death in the United States is doctors, ladies and gentlemen."
"The health and welfare of the American people is held hostage to the private profit system."
"This is shameful and this is playing with people's lives."
"Everyone has gripes about the American healthcare system, but now that the US is facing a coronavirus pandemic, the flaws have far greater and even deadly repercussions."
"Having healthcare tied to employment is gross, insensitive, and inhumane."
"The system was invented by crooks and perfected by crooks." - This quote offers a critical perspective on the healthcare system's origins and operations.
"Sixty of our beautiful women are on mind-altering things because our current healthcare system doesn't know how to take care of women."
"I just want to say, healthcare in the United States of America is so [expletive] up."
"The whole damn system is going wrong, and the amount of unnecessary tests and unnecessary prolongation of inevitable death that's going on is a national disgrace."
"We have no idea what the 30-year long-term data on that is going to be, and yet we prescribe them by the billions of dollars."
"Being ripped off by pharmaceutical companies is the number one priority for Americans."
"The American healthcare system definitely needs an overhaul."
"That's private healthcare for you they took my money for all those years but now I need them to pay for stuff now."
"People are sick of Big Pharma and their criminal ways, their unethical, immoral price gouging of poor sick people."
"This latest news adds to the mountain of evidence that Obamacare has completely failed the American people."