
Donations Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Why wouldn't you donate to a preservation that's doing a good job of keeping wildlife safe and thriving?"
"I really appreciate the donations, guys. Like, I'm so humbled by it, but please, only donate what you can afford."
"I'm not asking for donations, if you guys want to donate out of the kindness of your heart, be my guest."
"Community support: donations fuel the excitement."
"Have you ever, like, drive around with your donations in the back of your car?"
"I appreciate all the donation, I love you guys."
"Yo, thank you guys so much for the donations, truly is so helpful. I really appreciate it."
"Thanks for watching. If you'd like to keep these fireside chats free, please do by donating to PragerU."
"Thank you, Stephanie, for another $50, what the heck?"
"Thank you for the donations, I appreciate that."
"Thank you for any donations that you guys sent me, super super appreciated."
"He just gave a million dollars he's not a wealthy dude he gave a million he received in donations to cancer research and so he must be cancelled."
"Special thanks to the folks who contributed with financial donations."
"All contributions go to the charity itself, Doctors Without Borders."
"We've offered all the help we can. I really tried. I made PSAs when they were asking for donations. We let our community know that the project needs help."
"Thank you so much for your donations, they help a lot more than you know."
"Damn Anastasia with a hundred dollar donut! Go ahead girl, you look good by the way."
"We are trying to bring you the best content possible, and with that, we're going to need your donations."
"Hey, shout out to Brazil, thank you for the super chat donation!"
"If you want to support what we do, you know that this is only possible because of your kind monthly donations."
"Yo, it's fine not to donate, just enjoy the content."
"If you enjoy the stream, be sure to thumbs it up, share it, participate in chat, and of course, donate using super chat. It helps support us, helps get us to Nationals if you donate."
"Thumbs it up, share it, and feel free to donate using super chat. Any amount helps and much appreciated!"
"That's an amazing donation there coming in from that gaming enthusiast, thank you so much."
"Your contributions help us serve the community."
"Unlike what Jaden did, the money never touches my hands, it just goes directly through."
"Thank you so much sir for $20 donation love the video is always fun to watch really glad you enjoy."
"There's no one being attacked for not donating, it's just the people that are donating that are getting attacked."
"You can give me a dollar or a quarter or a penny, and even if you can't give me anything, just give us a smile."
"Lucas with the $100 donation, the biggest donation in a long time, thank you!"
"Thank you so much for the super chat. Trust me, it's gonna go to good use. To good boba use."
"100% of the proceeds are being donated to the Mira foundation."
"We wanted to ensure transparency and accountability with donations."
"Thank you so much for the donations, you guys are actually really amazing."
"If you can't beat my world, you gotta donate a thousand dollars to a charity of my choosing."
"Thank you for the dono, congratulations. I've been watching you for so long and I love you and your videos."
"Thank you everybody for all the donors, at everyone. Your voice is so cute."
"Thank you everybody for all the donors, your support means the world to me."
"Any bit of donation is, even if it's just a dollar fifty cents or whatever it ends up being really really appreciate it."
"I never beg for donations. I always appreciate it, of course."
"Shout out to all the subscribers and sponsors today. Nixie just donated $100. Yo, we're in the stream. You're not supposed to do that at the end of the stream. He was new, silly man."
"Thank you for all the donations, this has been amazing. I love you guys. Peace out."
"Shouts Oh Alfredo with the 15 dollar donation, greatly appreciated fam!"
"Ukraine all they did was print out an ethereum wallet they said here here's our ethereum wallet please donate to us they got 100 million dollars within the first few months."
"Thank you so much for the donation, I really appreciate it!"
"Ninety-nine point three percent of our donations were under a hundred dollars. That's amazing."
"You're being patronized for your work, getting a lot of donations."
"Donate because donations are what keep these independent creators like this going."
"Goodness, I'm really behind on the donations. Thank you again."
"Not counting all this stuff in the back of Arnie's Honda Odyssey, we have 3,460 pounds of food and other essential items to donate. Not bad."
"I cannot thank you enough for it. A special thank you to those who sent donations recently. That was incredibly sweet of you. Thank you so much. You are very appreciated."
"Can we get some MVP donation hype? You guys are insane!"
"For every one dollar donated, that's one pound of trash out of the ocean."
"Thank you for the donations, guys; I appreciate it very much."
"The work of the Progressive International and the work of the Belmar's Tribunal depends on small donations, so please, everyone who is watching this, subscribe to the Progressive International and consider helping and supporting our work."
"Tyler is now the biggest donor of the stream with a $50 donation!"
"That's the biggest donation I've ever got so far!"
"Thank you guys for the donations. So appreciate it. Thank you very much."
"Bro, XD just donated $500! Absolute legend!" 💰
"Nobody gives billions of dollars without the explicit intention of influencing."
"Please become a monthly donor... it's how we stay alive."
"Donations are never required but always appreciated."
"Donations are never required, but they're always appreciated."
"Your support is appreciated more than you can possibly know... every time I see a donation come into my PayPal account my heart just opens."
"I know y'all have been waiting... unless y'all want to donate I mean you can... they never wrote that but listen."
"All the donations help keep the channel running. Without it, we would be in some foul shape."
"Blood and platelet donations are critically needed to help prevent further delays in vital medical treatments."
"I appreciate the donations for sure, always."
"Accountability is a big part of soliciting donations. Accountability is also something that cults do not have."
"For people who send in donations guys thank you for those donations they help a lot more than you know really appreciate the hell out of you with much gratitude."
"Thank you all for your incredibly generous donations."
"Thank you so much to those of you who haven't donated or you can't donate; that's absolutely okay."
"Monthly donations are convenient and cost-efficient, meaning more of your money goes directly to our fight for freedom and justice."
"I can't even imagine 3.2 million just from donations, that's insane to me."
"Rihanna swiftly stepped in with substantial donations during times of Crisis such as Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and the covid-19 pandemic in 2020."
"I want to express our extreme gratitude and thanks to all of those wonderful people who have made donations to us in the last three to four weeks."
"Thank you guys so much for all your donations today. Absolutely ridiculous."
"We are raising money for alvas, we rely entirely on donations."
"Pi-Hole is free but powered by your donations, so I strongly urge everyone, if you get a lot out of this Pi-Hole project, send them a few bucks."
"And that's it for yet another LGR donations unboxing video."
"Athletic Brewing donated over $1.3 million to human-powered Recreation last year."
"This is the reality, we have our donation pile over here."
"Making large donations to several different foundations in his own name or in Apotex name and he would get the tax credit and would be loaned back that money totaling around 6 million dollars."
"Every single dime goes to charity."
"We collect donations of linens, kitchen supplies, clothes, things that people who are really struggling need."
"We sell them and then more than 80% goes back to the Charities."
"Do you want to support the channel? I'm on SubscribeStar now, or you can donate to my PayPal. Whichever works for you."
"Last year, Americans donated $428 billion."
"Despite taking in record donations last year, the actual number of Americans giving to charity has been falling for almost fifteen straight years."
"But the total share of donations coming from the ultra-rich is skyrocketing."
"By one estimate, 30% of all charitable donations this year are expected to come not from the top 1%, but the top half of the 1%."
"Thank you for all your support here on the channel, for all your very generous donations."
"Huge thank you to all of you who have donated packages to the channel as that always helps with future video projects."
"The super stickers that you buy on here and the Kofi donations, they are what keep this channel going."
"Hey, what do you expect with twenty viewers? You're not getting a fifteen hundred dollar donation."
"They take anything seriously that donates a good amount of money."
"Luckily, it helps that I love donating makeup, I love giving stuff away to my family and friends, it's a very pleasurable part of my job."
"This is the after. This is clothes I'm selling and this pile is clothes I'm donating. That is a lot of clothes."
"If you're asking for money and you have no presence online, I'm just not going to give to you."
"This project has been entirely funded by viewer donations."
"Many donations were gathered for the family, totaling thousands of dollars."
"So, I really need to find some cool stuff that I can sell. I normally don't sell a lot, I normally donate mostly everything I find. But right now with me not really working, I kind of need to find things I can sell."
"Thank you all for your donations to the channel. It really helps produce future content for you guys, so thank you all so much."
"I swear to you all this stuff here is amazing for donations."
"I've made a lot of anonymous donations to various charities I believe in."
"Your contributions are greatly appreciated and I never thought I'd get to a point where there would be people who believed in me and loved what I do enough to generously donate. Thank you so much."
"Thank you so much for all your incredible donations."
"We're trying to raise some real money, huge shout out to all the companies that have donated."
"Do you think that all of the people in the UK or in the US who are sending over these second-hand clothing have any idea of where it ends up?"
"Huge thank you to Zilch and Alex once again for your very generous donations, for sending two packages each out to me now. Very very awesome of you guys."
"If everyone who's pledged keeps their promise, there'll be 1800 dollars going to the Aftermath Foundation."
"Ask for parent donations or put it on the school supply list."
"Americans gave enormous amounts of money."
"It was all like $5, $10 donations. That got to $200,000 with $10 donations is just-- it's just mind-boggling to me."
"I'm incredibly grateful to the people who sent donations to help me with this endeavor."
"I'm really trying to be a great streamer and read all donations. I don't even know if streamers be reading donations, no cap."
"We want to do one more big load to charity."
"Taharqa also displayed his power by making incredible donations to the temples, demonstrating power through piety."
"100% of donations go to injured veterans."
"Your donations are going to hospitals that are helping kids like Thomas, so please, if you can donate, please do."
"Your donations help us so much it is insane. So thank you guys."
"According to the Daily Mail, one of the financial backers of Just Stop Oil donated £770,000 to the Labour Party during the COVID pandemic."
"And the thousands upon thousands of purchases and private donations from members and viewers like you that keep this place running."
"Donations are never something that is required but they are always appreciated."
"The Lord is not going to forget your Works, understand without your donations, without your contributions the prophets would not be able to fulfill the prophecies"
"We believe your tithes belong to your local church, and your donations to our ministry are received as offerings for the advancement of the Great Commission."
"An increase in donations to the RNLI."
"The memorial survives on donations, guys. So if you would like to make a donation, we will have a link in the description to this video Down Below on how you can make a donation."
"We have so many donations! Look at all those! Holy guacamole! Plus, we have all these over here. Oh my goodness! So let's get this party started."
"I've never been to a church ever in all those years that people didn't need some money."
"Lastly, if you'd like to contribute directly, you can support me with donations at patreon.com. Just visit patreon.com/otisjiry."
"When you see it lined up down the hallway here, you realize just the vast amount of stuff that gets donated."
"We thank thee for the tithes and offerings of saints across the world whose donations have made this restoration possible."
"Thank you for supporting us with your financial donations, and every time you give, you're being used by God to stop misfortune in someone else's life."
"Your donations are the backbone of what makes all of this possible."
"Your donations will be going towards helping them fill their aid trucks with food with water with medical supplies with shelter."
"All the proceeds from the cameos will go to the charity."
"I really appreciate all of your donations really helps keep stocked up in supplies and paint and canvasses and things like that."
"Even if you don't have time to volunteer you can help us build the dream with donations of any size."
"Political donations, they've got to stop."
"Donations of $10 or more will receive a sticker pack."
"It's crazy how people donate things that are legit brand new, like with tags still on them."
"100% of all these donations go to empower those living in extreme poverty."
"These men and women rely a hundred percent on charitable donations."
"...they actually donate 8% of their total profits to nonprofits which I think is really an amazing thing."
"A lot of people donate stuff to hospitals."
"Thank you so much for your donations."
"Please support us; your donations make a lot."
"Donations are one of the many ways to make money on Twitch beyond the features offered directly by the platform."
"All of the donations go to neighborhood improvements."
"Thank you for all the donations, guys. We really appreciate it."
"Thank you for your donations; your money is very well appreciated and accepted and put to good use."
"We're super happy and thankful for everybody that donated."
"It's free but powered by donations."
"100% of the donations do go across to the charity."
"Anytime you guys send us donations, it goes directly towards our service dog program."
"Thank you all for the donations, you folks are single-handedly funding... I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."
"You can help us beat cancer. All donations benefit the V Foundation for cancer research."
"Thanks again to you guys for making that possible with your donations."
"Big love and thanks to all channel members, donors on PayPal, and buy me a coffee."
"They made numerous multi-million dollar donations to hospitals, schools, and charities and had buildings named in their honor."
"It's a reward center activating thing whenever you get a donation on the live stream."
"This is my job, you see the donations come in because people are laughing and entertaining themselves."
"Thank you, everyone who did donate today. I appreciate you."
"We're also here to do a fundraiser for kids, so we'll accept all donations through the channels."
"Any and all donations, if you're able to make them, are very, very welcome."
"Thank you so much for your donations, guys, it honestly means so much to us."
"The Commission is satisfied that Leave.EU did not receive donations or paid for services from Cambridge Analytica."
"Your donations are going to good places, and you just never know who you're helping."
"I understand that the donations are like Last Resort."
"Any kind donations will be reinvested back into the channel."
"Fill up the donation boxes as much as you fill up the moving boxes."
"We're going to take all the super thanks donations... and we're going to give them to a local environment nonprofit."
"People are doing monthly donations, automatic donations to the museum and that's lovely, that's greatly appreciated."
"Thank you so much for the awesome tip; I truly appreciate all the donations."
"Every penny really does make a big difference."
"Thank you all for your generous donations, this is really, really nice."
"We're donating half of the money that we get from brand collaboration from sponsored videos to nonprofits."
"100% of your donation goes directly to research, dollar for dollar."
"100% of every donation goes to research."
"Be the best you can be at work, with your family, wherever you go."
"Thank you very much indeed everyone for the donations because they really, really do help."
"Appreciate all donations. They are very helpful to us."
"There is a leaderboard at the bottom of the page here where it lists out all of the donations that are coming in."
"By default, we want to show the most recent donation at the top of the list."
"We're at 40 donations at $532. Wouldn't it be great if we could get to a thousand?"
"Why does he deserve all of these donations? Why does someone worth over $100 million deserve gifts to be sent to him on this little app?"
"Not one penny of the donations goes to me; it goes straight to Help for Heroes."
"We're almost at our first 1,000 in donations, come on guys."
"It's so incredible because all of your donations are going towards that facility."
"Support and front line workers, over 19 million servings donated so far."
"Every year there is more than 500 billion dollars donated to charities, education, medical emergencies, and memorials."
"You can choose to donate one time, sponsor a dog or cats, and even offer recurring donations."
"Donations are pouring in; this is our, your, our listeners are fantastic."
"That's awesome though, guys. Heck yeah, we got some good donations."
"We just got these two boxes of donations here that are really great."
"I'm so happy, I am just elated whenever anyone brings in classics."
"Thank you again, these are so generous."
"Have an awesome night, thank you guys so much for all your donations as well, you guys are super kind."
"It's also nice to find what local charities or shelters take donations in your area."