
Business Intelligence Quotes

There are 265 quotes

"This is something you could present to a business person and say, 'Hey, look at this data. This is from the past year. Let's target our ads at this time.'"
"You're sitting on a gold mine of data of people that would consider it."
"Our target goal is 10%. We don't try to make a lot of money in one load. We try to make steady money throughout the year."
"Power BI helps you get insights from your data."
"But in essence, we built our dashboard based on the data model that had tables from Power Query, relationships, and DAX formulas."
"And get ready for our next video, number 16. That'll be an introduction to Power BI Desktop."
"We can use DAX formulas to deliver a table to an Excel sheet."
"Create from your heart space, from your sacral chakra."
"Power BI is a business analytics tool for visualizing and sharing insights."
"We create compelling interactive reports and dashboards and collaborate and share them with people inside and outside of our organization."
"Conversion intelligence enhances your marketing intuition with AI insights."
"People don't really realize that you're collecting data throughout this whole process as well which is super valuable."
"The data is only valuable if we can extract useful insights."
"Thank you, Israel, for putting this out. This is the kind of data you can use to actually make decisions."
"Alibaba shares them with the companies that operate through their markets... so that they can launch new products or... know their consumers’ preferences better."
"Data: data that you use to make smarter decisions about your business."
"It's really important to use data like this to inform your investment decision-making process."
"By being specific and unpivoting the columns for Zurich, Vienna, Hamburg, and Rotterdam that may not work moving forward if my stores are renamed or added to or removed from."
"A dashboard is visualizations from other Power BI reports pinned to one specific place that can be updated in real-time."
"PivotTables, the most amazing data analysis business intelligence tool in Excel."
"Our data agents have the potential to unlock new ways to find and act on meaningful signals from your data."
"The hybrid ecosystem that enables to connect all the on-prem data to all the public cloud data to enable companies to get visibility into their businesses."
"Understanding your analytics is key to a successful business."
"The goal is to remove the analyst layer and allow decision makers to tap a platform to make their decisions without having anyone develop anything."
"Tesla and pool employees are smart cutting the X and S prices was brilliant."
"The only way to do that is to know what's going on in your market."
"Hopefully by now you're starting to see the tremendous power of Power Pivot. You can bring in multiple tables of data, you can relate that data and then you can visualize the data in tables and also charts to get insight from your data."
"Data on its own isn't really that valuable; the value comes from being able to extract insights from that data and Power Pivot makes that a lot easier."
"Enhance reports to derive useful insights and make your reports interactive."
"Listen to your customers; their collective knowledge is bigger than yours."
"The snowflake schema: a result of transactional thinking in modeling."
"Text analytics is one of the most useful tools to have in a data scientist's tool belt."
"Finn: insights platform for customer support leaders."
"Essentially, business intelligence refers to applications that transform data into meaningful information which helps businesses make better decisions."
"Predicting customer behavior is a driving factor behind the interest in business intelligence."
"Usability and visualization are making business intelligence software more user-friendly and accessible across departments."
"Business intelligence software is making its way out of the IT department and into the hands of end-users."
"The investors in this space are some of the smartest people I've ever come across."
"Convert raw data into useful actionable refreshable information for decision-makers in a business situation."
"The smartest people in business aren't drawn to running sports organizations."
"Multidimensional analysis is very intuitive for businesspeople."
"We need to be smart about how we expose ourselves to the market."
"Using Google Cloud's BigQuery, business analysts were able to store and analyze massive data sets in a very reliable, fast, and affordable manner."
"Operation Suite ingests this data and generates insights using dashboards, charts, and alerts."
"Business intelligence involves automating processes and information channels in order to transform relevant data into actionable insights that are easily available to decision makers."
"Business intelligence professionals are making an impact everywhere."
"A career in business intelligence has the potential to be amazing."
"Creating a winning strategy is also a big part of BI."
"As you're discovering, BI is complex and requires a 360-degree view of the organization."
"Sometimes several departments in a company are using BI but the processes are siloed, meaning they lack communication and collaboration."
"PowerBI is Microsoft's business intelligence solution that allows you to create reports to present visual insights to business users within fabric."
"The third reason and a very popular reason why you would consider having a date table is if you are trying to design Dax time intelligence."
"As a BI professional, you aren't just answering your team's questions, you're empowering them with the data to answer their own questions."
"It is always recommended to use the latest version of Power BI."
"Local Studio: a free business intelligence tool from Google that allows you to analyze and visualize your data."
"Dex is a library of functions and operators with the help of which we will create different formulas and expressions for Power BI."
"Amazon QuickSight, which are our fully managed business intelligence tool."
"Smart analytics tap into big data and business intelligence Cloud offerings."
"It's an elegant solution to the age-old problem in business intelligence of everyone coming to a meeting with a slightly different definition of what an active user is."
"Your data really does tell your story. It is kind of a heartbeat of your operation and if you use the data in the right way you can figure out more about your process than you knew before."
"Understanding the possibilities of business intelligence: blending data from different sources like Facebook ads and Google ads."
"Power BI is one of the most powerful BI tools in the market right now."
"Power BI is a powerful business intelligence and data visualization tool that helps you perform data analysis and draw business insights."
"Amazon Athena for one-time queries and QuickSight for creating KPI dashboards is the optimal solution."
"Looking ahead, Data Studio is integrating with Looker to bring the best of self-serve and govern business intelligence."
"IBP's outlier correction happens automatically, dynamically."
"As a planner, I might not need to know what it's doing, but maybe I actually want to know."
"The real beauty of Looker is making things easier for the business users."
"A lot of organizations are data rich but information poor."
"Next Generation for all these companies is being able to put some sort of data analytics on top of it and query it."
"The prior captures our belief, captures our experience, and it's a really creative way mathematically to get business knowledge and intuition into a system like this."
"NetSuite comes with hundreds of pre-built reports, so often there's a report that has the information you need."
"Save searches are a big part of taking advantage of NetSuite to get the business intelligence that you need."
"You can do some really fantastic things with saved searches, emailing them, scheduling them to send to key people in your business."
"Have a play around with the analytics section because you can generate some really awesome business intelligence from this area of NetSuite."
"Love them or hate them, reports are essential because they tell you what's working, what's not, and where you can improve your business."
"Business Intelligence supports standard reporting, accounts schedules, and analysis reporting."
"It gives us the relationship analytics where we can really start to understand all of our interactions with our leads and prospects."
"Reports give you the summarized view of your organization."
"The combination of the SAP analytics stack with BW, SAC and DI has enabled us to be a truly data-driven company."
"Business intelligence is a method of transforming your data into insights and measurable metrics."
"The goal of the data warehouse is to give the business the ability to better analyze their application data."
"With ArcGIS maps for Power BI, you can do descriptive analytics to really describe what's happened or understand what's been happening within your business."
"Map-based visual aids, the visualizations, are a hugely growing segment of the BI market."
"Simple questions like 'How many active customers did we have yesterday?' begets these other questions like 'What do you mean active?' and 'What do you mean customer?' and 'What exactly do you mean by yesterday?'"
"Let's run this query through and as soon as this analysis is completed, I have insight into the state, what is the rating of a product, what is the name of the product."
"Qlik Sense has been recognized by Gartner as a leader in its Magic Quadrant for analytics and business intelligence platforms."
"Power BI and Google with their analytics platform will become the strongest BI solutions in the long term."
"This video is going to present the most in-depth comparison of business intelligence tools."
"It's just important to understand that Power BI has come in a lot later, but it's one of the most modern tools at the moment."
"Microsoft owns more than one third of the market, followed by Tableau and Qlik Sense."
"Community is one of the important factors which I want to derive from this analysis."
"Power BI is most likely the right choice for you to start."
"Now let's go create our visualization over in report view."
"This is a good start I think so now you have now you have your products table, your main orders table, employees and customers."
"The real business value from a BI tool, and Power BI is no different, is when you use it to find things you just didn't know you didn't know."
"Microsoft, as of 2017, is in the very far top right, so they're a very strong player in this BI space."
"The role of business intelligence is to convert the data into information."
"It has to go through the three different process: extraction, transformation, and finally loading the data into the data warehouse."
"The ability to provide flexible, customizable management reports is one of the most important things we're finding nowadays."
"That was all about how you can use Python to connect to either Power BI or SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular."
"These two chart types alone can answer 80% of business questions."
"The most value is in prescriptive analytics; it's explaining why something happened and prescribing something to do about it."
"Looker is instrumental in allowing Wpromote to focus on innovating amazing experiences to better provide their customers with data and insights to grow their business."
"At the end of the day, a data analyst is involved in the practice of data storytelling."
"This is what's known as the report view and this is where you would have any kind of a dashboard or a visual."
"Currently, 97% of Fortune 500 companies use Power BI."
"Business analytics empowers businesses to automate and optimize business processes, thereby enabling them to sustain the competitive advantage."
"With increasingly diverse tool sets being added to Excel, it's very clear that Excel is the business intelligence tool of choice."
"Business analytics involves understanding the patterns of what happened in the past to predict what might happen in the future."
"Ensure you're looking at actionable metrics and not vanity metrics like page views."
"Online analytical processing is when we think of data science, business intelligence, or data analysis."
"The amount of data these companies can gather today is staggering, even when compared to only 10 to 15 years ago."
"Power BI is the world's leading business intelligence platform."
"It's this idea of no code/low code for the business when it comes to data warehousing or analytics itself."
"Power BI datamarts is really about self-service data analytics."
"Building better dashboards that require less explaining, less revisions."
"It's a magical application and you can do much more with it than BI because it relates to the overall Zoho Universe."
"Data blending is the process of pulling data from multiple sources and combining them to create an actionable analytic data set."
"So really, you need to know what you're looking for to know what these dashboards should be like for you."
"Analytics leverages business data to solve business problems and take right business decisions."
"Businesses always rely on data to make important decisions."
"Great, now we have our sales by state."
"Our next chart is going to be called top customers by sales."
"Pivot tables allow you to analyze data really effectively."
"Making reports is the wonderful thing about Salesforce."
"Businesses that use data intelligently understand that they need to collect the right data and then use it to improve their products and services."
"Taking information and insights and combining them to take the right next action for you and your customers is key."
"People analytics helps you jump straight to predictive analytics."
"Power BI is giving us all the statistical details of the sales, the target, and what's available in stock."
"Competitor analysis is where you look at individual listings and you do a deep dive... you're trying to assess how strong your competition is in the market."
"The real value and what motivates people is the information that they can gain to improve their business processes as a result of analyzing the data."
"Superset is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application."
"The beauty of BI is that you can move things around."
"We will turn data into actionable insights."
"You could even give an executive a tool to be able to get any report they want that is customized to exactly what they want."
"SQL is an extremely useful thing to know if you want to use data to drive business results."
"We're going to see some amazing visualizations in Power BI."
"Work out what you want to show, what your starting values are, even what the numbers are in each of the boxes that you're looking to create."
"You can power BI, he knows how to talk SQL."
"The business intelligence chapter is just one of many virtual chapters hosted by PASS."
"Analyze various factors that impact sales to gain a better understanding of why sales grew or slowed from year to year."
"Lastly, I'll wrap up with a very common expression that you might hear in business intelligence, and that is the single version of the truth."
"Power BI is one of the most underappreciated tools that we have in the entire arsenal."
"It's all about leveraging information."
"Companies collect and analyse big data to discover hidden trends and patterns."
"Superset is really built with business analytics in mind and is pretty good at operational analytics too."
"We will also learn about business intelligence systems, online analytical processing, and data mining, all of which are very useful for helping managers to make decisions."
"These BI systems are designed to support managerial assessment activities, analysis, planning, controlling, etc."
"The power of competitive intelligence is that it helps you to understand exactly where you stand within the marketplace."
"They tell me around eighty percent of what I need to know about an Amazon advertising account."
"Superset was really created because of the challenges specifically around visualization, dashboarding, business intelligence."
"Amazon just rolled out a new report that not a lot of people are using; it's the search query performance report."
"Business questions provide context, they provide ROI potential for your data analysis, and you should always have one."
"We've stepped up our analytics to the next level."
"No more guessing; track, measure, and know."
"So that's how you make use of dashboards in real time."
"I believe Power BI stands for Business Intelligence, and I'm pretty sure you can use most of the features for free."
"What you have built, is it literally answering the question for the business? Because if it's just flashy, it's beautiful, but there's a business question and you can't answer them from the data, then it's beautiful nonsense."
"Superset's a modern open-source BI platform; we work with nearly any SQL-speaking data engine."
"Business intelligence means understanding your customers' needs and providing them with the best product."
"It helps you make better informed judgments."
"The difference between a dashboard just being published and nobody ever using it versus finding that next million-dollar idea within the company."
"Once something becomes a metric, business users, analysts, BI engineers will just be able to come into Fabric, into PowerBI, and search."
"I started as a sales assistant for a distributor... and one of those departments was kind of their new BI field."
"Power BI is really great for dashboarding interactive reports if you want to see trends in data."
"Being able to do reports, especially in a small business, is very important."
"Based on that, I am showing some of the KPIs like the sum of sales, the profit, the sum of quality, average discount."
"Power BI is a great data analysis and visualization tool."
"The members function simply displays the members at a particular level in a hierarchy."
"The estimated propensity score can help the business to make data-driven decisions such as improving marketing campaigns."
"You could have business intelligence... they want to be able to be proactive, they want to be able to be more customized to the customer."
"Gold layer is a layer where we will get ready-made data, like a business can query the data and get their insights."
"A well-deployed BI solution is an opportunity to not just improve your business but to dramatically reduce frustration."
"Using Power BI, a couple of columns here that looks at potential monthly revenue rental, what the rentable square foot per year looks like, and annual revenue."
"Generative AI has enormous potential for analysts and business users that want to quickly access that data for more strategic decision making."
"Excel dashboards and reports are now standard in GP 2015, a huge advantage."
"Business Analyzer, at a glance, allows me to see a graphical representation of data that I've preset."
"PivotTable allows you to quickly group and filter data to visualize the data in Excel table and quickly find answers to business questions."
"It's a very powerful tool for shaping your reports in any way that you need them to be formatted."
"KPIs are items in a cube and they represent the key drivers behind the business."
"It's always great to understand what's in your data."
"It's always a great idea to find out what works for your competitors."
"I'm honored to be here... I'm a Business Intelligence Engineer at Amazon."
"There is no one path that's all for BIs, definitely like build your own path."
"Here's our pipeline: We're going to build a database, develop SQL query, connect Power BI to the database, visualize, and summarize our findings."
"Organizations are interested in getting insights from this data."
"It enables you to get insight into your critical operations and processes in real time."
"Predictive Analytics is a type of data analysis that helps organizations predict future events by identifying patterns and trends in historical data."
"Let's get started with generating reports; let's see how easy it is to run a report."
"The ability to pop out reports, the ability to see real time what is happening, and the ability to filter that in the way that the supervisor might want to see it, that's a pretty powerful feature of CUIC."
"The real-time insights that we get from project accounting can help us make the right decisions and implement process changes right when we have the time to fix a problem."
"We've been focused exclusively on business analytics for the duration of that."
"A data warehouse... contains much larger quantities of data and is often used for large organizations and businesses for data mining and analysis."
"This is going to let you make smarter business decisions."
"The more information you can gather and put into this lead record, the better it is not only for yourself to track but also for other areas of the business."
"Your KPI will automatically update, just like everything else; it will automatically refresh."
"Descriptive analytics is what's happening in your business; diagnostic is the why; predictive is what's likely to happen if we don't make changes; and prescriptive is what do you need to do in order to remedy this issue."
"We can see exactly what is being clicked on, what is costing us money, what is being clicked on and purchased, and making us money."
"Next plan is next couple of days we spend more on control tower and especially these three things: analytics, dashboards, and custom alerts."