
Casual Conversation Quotes

There are 718 quotes

"Happy Friday too. It's Friday, right? Yeah, yeah it is."
"Good morning, Mr. Toby Dog. How are you doing?"
"Got nothing else to do, why don't I tell you a story."
"We're out of water, believe it or not. We're trying on the Jack as well... It's so funny, dude."
"You can get high and do actually. That's covered. Whatever, we're good, we're chilling."
"Hey, everybody, dollars and two dollars left."
"Even Leroy, and then obviously we have Trumani."
"At least he ended up with a little [__] am I right?"
"You just talk to me, bro, as a regular person, like, 'What's going on with your life?'"
"Now back to the show while I eat my delicious... Meredith's afraid of salmon."
"When you can't turn it off and you start talking about the soda as you're drinking it, that's when you choke."
"I'm not saying they're great, I'm just saying that they have great coffee."
"Let me see the scar. Yeah, hold on. They make fun of me whenever I don't like, don't go like this then what do you stab you? What do you say? Number two pencil [Laughter]."
"I've got some time now though if you want to chat."
"All right, just a dead bird. All right, hey what's up Ryan, I was, how are your emotions?"
"I had some good ass [ __ ] I had some bagels okay nice cream cheese look lightly salted on the bottom was real good."
"I said, 'The picture part,' okay, so like, 'Did you catch it?' She's like, 'No, I actually hit the video part.'"
"Around my cream is just, I'm not really like salivating for that, you know?" - Nicole Enayati
"I guess it's a similar kind of thing but okay, go get it. I'm rooting for him because you know."
"Are you gonna eat an ice cream? Yup, chocolate. I like chocolate. I actually like all ice cream. Something told me that you might."
"You're thinking of me, aren't you Luna? My poor kitchen."
"Alright, love you so much, yep. Oh, there's an outro right? Subscribe, oh yes, no it's the intro but again, you just hit the intro, yeah you tell her she's here, boom. Alright, love you so much."
"It's kind of excellent, you know. There's like, there's some truth to what they're saying."
"You can do anything in five minutes, right? How's your house and your daughter's room?"
"Oh, shindigs, good morning Mr. Diggs, oh yeah."
"Hey Paul, how are you doing? I'm doing great."
"Beautiful morning to y'all. How are you guys all doing? Hope you guys are good, all chilling, having a blessing."
"She's the best, dude. How old is she? Ah, tough was that, a tough question. Ten, nine, ten."
"This is what just happened, we don't be serious very often but to be serious you know I get your point."
"It ain't cool to sit on the Block like what up what up dog what what an upset oh."
"Stop making them! No, don't worry kid, we've all had that one snack that got away."
"Did you do something different with your diet this week William?"
"Yeah, but if you're not gonna eat a chili dog, what even is there?"
"Hey-ya reversals in check, we get some reversal hype laughs! What's up buddy, how's it going? Are you back home or still in Japan?"
"It's not like this I know I'm kind of tempted I mean I would be curious what you'd say just to go ahead and you I mean the 529 is there why would you."
"Yours is mushroom pepperoni, right? So, what's your Domino's order?"
"Real quick, real quick, I was thinking, man..."
"I think I'd put that memory away a little bit, oh yeah, okay. No, for reals, for reals."
"You're eating dinosaur chicken nuggets? Are you serious? That sounds amazing, dude."
"Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man."
"My weekend was lovely. Thank you, Captain Redundant."
"It's like eating a lot of fights, yeah, pretty much."
"He's a lawyer, right? Oh, that's probably not the person you were going for, sorry."
"Let me finish it real quickly, hey hey let me live."
"Just sit down, unwind, grab some tea, grab some coffee. Does coffee work for chit chats? No, tea. Grab tea."
"First question comes from DMACC mixes. That's his Underdog name or her. Y'all have a starting four on the couch. Who would be your fifth player to put on the team?"
"Hey G, he's right there, but Mario kind of knocked him out so he's kind of sleeping, I guess."
"Oh hello, yo relax Poppy, damn, see these guns?"
"Grab your own beverage of choice which of course we all know is TE and let's dive into our traffic SL City fix together."
"All right. Grilled cheese. OK. No, no. Do not. Well, I mean, you can eat it because we do need to eat it."
"Nerd talk, he's a nerd, I mean, we usually try to avoid tech."
"Yes dude, yes! He brought that up out of nowhere a couple days ago. I was like yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, I would rule yes."
"I'm just kidding, you guys never made me do it."
"You said off camera this is called dido ditto dip."
"Three thousand dollars, I think we'll be fine."
"Good morning peaches, I'm not quite sure what the time is now."
"Hey, relax, relax, relax, you know, this, sit down, hey what's up scouts how you doing?"
"See you later, that's what I'm talking about."
"You're like 33, that's not a dis bro. I am 33."
"We all want to know how that happened, but guys I'm not gonna belabor the time."
"Well, Brian, it was so great speaking with you."
"And they have feathers okay I'm going to just take a few of those oh and they do have honey bottles in the food."
"Regroup tin foil hat off, regroup let's like exactly exactly."
"How hot does Jamie Rednap think he is? How hot do you think you are? How hot do you know you are? How hot are you in your opinion? Thank you, what do you say to that mate?"
"So, you're basically us catching up and chatting about things we find interesting."
"I'm high enough off the back word, no problem, right? I mean, that's cool, definitely."
"That's a good show! It's a slang phrase, whatever. Who cares?"
"Shall we just get into it? You reckon? Gonna speak some Dragon show words to one another. That's what we're doing here, we're just gonna talk dragon show."
"If you don't do the ish yeah the ish we'd still be paying so yeah maybe another five years yeah."
"You're a very fun-loving guy. You seem to be." - Scott Atkins
"Joel, please say hi Brooke. Hello Brooke, how are you doing?"
"Just saying hello now. I'm not saying you need to get into a big life story conversation with your Lyft driver."
"Mac and cheese and what? PB & J. PB & J. I gotta go with PB & J, I just have to." - Rhett
"I'm going to go pour out the rest of this coffee we're done with the coffee I'm going to go pour a glass of Rosé and then we're going to chitchat mckam manner stuff"
"We don't need the Java edition. What do you think he's listening to? Probably death metal or hard rock. C 418, far."
"Hi, I guess that's all the time we have... Oh, you're back up, that's good."
"Girls, relax! But Heather, it does look like you're the one that left this heart for me."
"I just got one question, did y'all make it through the eclipse?"
"We're gonna be talking about that's a good one. Let's have some fun. What kissing?"
"I've been here for eight months nobody I've worked with cops I work with everybody do you sell cars with window tint nah i sell i sell cars at an interesting crisis so window tint well that's what's up so you sell cars that have window"
"He's just like, 'What's up, Tobin?' It's awesome."
"Absolutely beautiful thank you very much indeed has melanoma come to congratulate me on my new badge and she's ran away okay well see you later."
"I guess that's my favorite planet too, right?"
"Dude, I'm so cool. Oh, dude, yeah, thank you!"
"Honestly, this looks good and then Jordan and Josh comes in and Josh is like this needs to change this needs to change this needs to change I'm just like RuneScape good there it is that's it"
"So, are we chilling, chillaxing here a little bit on Micro? Yeah, a little bit of a chillax on the Microvision run." - Individual speaker
"Chat, do y'all like the El Monterrey breakfast burritos? Dude, those are so good."
"I literally just woke up to talk to Tom Warren. Tom, how you doing?"
"Happy Friday, everyone! Here we are, sorry, hello!"
"Okay, that's good. Yeah. Oh, jeez. Okay, yeah, definitely. Uh, you can see how it ruins cars, doesn't it?"
"That's freaking hard word to say the things that Johnny is wearing."
"They're like a couple of poor but smart roommates passing the time showing how much they know."
"Who else is texting me oh the squirrels club okay uh windy Wednesday."
"Anita's like, 'Oh wait, we're talking about um Jennifer...'"
"what's next in her head right now she just texts me unsolicited about a couple weeks ago I was like hey hey uh I got out of the gate kind of slow"
"Should we check the garbage again? More poop crap, baby."
"Probably like two years, you went two years before, okay then you'd be good."
"Can I get some seconds here? What are they gonna do, just like a side steak?"
"Grab your cup of coffee and let's talk about some foundation."
"That's funny, you know what, I have never asked you guys, uh, favorite book since this game is essentially about a writer, you know, gotta find a picture one forestry equipment around there had to be something I could use to reach the top."
"Yeah, dog, I've never seen Mrs. Claus but, you know..."
"I mean, my life has been fantastic, sorry about the scratching everyone that you can hear that's Elvis under the desk here, and um, he's nesting under there. LV come on."
"I mean, I don't really watch cartoons, bro. I'm not into cartoons, you know?"
"He's real nice, bro, and like I say, bro, the dude, like, what I say, that, you gotta, but I'll add, though, I agree."
"Wow, so many cereals! Can I have them all? I want hollow series, they're so good. You guys like cereal? What's your favorite kind?"
"Please don't do that is there a mitt there's midnight blue isn't it Otis look at midnight blue what do you think of that."
"Have fun, trade well, my friends. It was fun, that was fun, good stuff, man, that's good seeing you again, bro."
"We gotta let me make this a little bit bigger."
"Why would they need robots? Because everyone needs robots, Jackson, that's the point."
"What's wrong with mac and cheese? I mean, nothing. And at face value, it's absurd."
"I love getting wasted at Epcot. Is that what we're talking about?"
"The state with Bernard for some doesn't change that in any way... what is Tim doing still aside from having a good dinner hopefully..."
"I'm just gonna vote with you, Moxie, because both of you, I'm just saying, I don't know what I'm saying."
"This is garbage, magic 8 ball says Dan is funnier than Adam. I don't know, come on, Magic 8 ball says a lot of things."
"You just said cannoli! I'll give you a slip."
"Simba, have you tried just not effing worrying about it?"
"Believability of that yeah yeah it could be again in English in mission fresh out the kitchen."
"You know what I mean like we don't do that here bro okay we just look at the tools you say hi to me I say hi to you we leave it at that."
"We talk as if we know exactly what we're doing, then we look it up."
"Should we talk about buttholes now? Let's do it after this."
"That's a banger that Glenn Greenwald promoted we should we should catch up with our Word document we're probably we've only done one oh yes yes of course yes Blair see how this plays out."
"I hope we don't have any ghosts here. No, we good."
"Scare money don't make but also the thing is we have a 200 budget we spend we're spending 60 on the wheel yes all right"
"Brandon bean like to have a beer with that guy."
"Brandon bean Bill's GM what an awesome conversation right there that's guy by Lee not a lot of gems you want to have a beer with."
"I mean that's what I really like this like everyone just wanted to stay off the scripts and vibe in the gaming."
"It was pretty casual, a lot of people are saying. Actually, Jules texted me this again. Oh my God, crazy."
"I'm glad you're having you're doing therapy and I hope that you have a performances like a psychologist whatever I don't care check into like yeah I don't go there what's that yeah moving on..."
"Don't be too mad if you like, I don't know, man, people are weird."
"The guy's gonna say this is like me and Josh Stein cuz Josh just doesn't [ __ ] yet along his brother."
"He'll seriously be like, 'Shut up, Katie' or like throw it in like a football."
"So is this a big, this is a big Atlanta shoe, right?"
"I'm playing a little slow, he's gonna be slowed, um."
"Come on, dude, what's going on? You good? Just pay $5 for shipping."
"Let's just say these things brooks said robbie wake up sancho's home."
"Hey, do you think you'll ever get one? Probably not, probably not, pal."
"Yo, what's up bro? Oh, that guy's pretty cool. If you actually just enjoying life."
"Stop these ridiculous chats! What are you doing? I don't know, what are you doing? What are you doing? I don't know."
"Now what's okay, right, so let's see how the game has gone down."
"I just wanted to ask what I actually right now I have nothing in the zipper I have everything in the bag."
"Why shoot the [ __ ] and just have a good time?"
"Phil's my guys so I can get one Harlan didn't it yeah there we go."
"It don't make his Liverpool man I told me he's like I said damn I hope because I can't really call her."
"Messi and Ronaldo, along with Maradona Pele, always going to be in the same debate but it's a good debate to have over a couple of drinks."
"Can you use some magical powers to get the leaves out of your pool?"
"That's crazy, but there you go." - Rob Parker
"Are you carrying right now just for me? I don't know yeah okay it's a phone all right I it's no biggie I just want him sorry come on no you're fine."
"That's it fam, that is it bro, that's it, you know what I mean? Are you? I might imagine imagine imagine it wasn't covered blood."
"Oh, here's a question that I probably could have asked off stream, but... Did y'all hear the crazy loud thunder last night?"
"Hey, let me out. Oh, you want me to let you out here? Yeah, probably let you out, Justin."
"Every time I take it out the ground, all right, you have a good day."
"You got somewhere to go? I was like, 'No, I don't have anywhere to go but a thousand per spot.'"
"It's rice and asparagus yeah, you know rice asparagus some ground turkey."
"I was finishing up a pretzel I didn't want to be chewing in your face or in your ears when I switched over hello hey."
"Happy Saturday, I mean I'm in a good mood, you know the vibes."
"Leapfrog memories, yes! Cheerio juice, I actually hate that. I hate when, oh my goodness, when you have cereal and milk and then the milk gets all like disgusting."
"Oh my god what I was going to ask will wait can I get it can I get another kettle one on the rock."
"Okay, I gotta go thanks so much for joining this sort of midday one, we'll see you later goodbye."
"Earlier this year, Costco's peanut butter chocolate pie became viral on social media."
"How do you utilize space? Hello, how are ya."
"Neil does have a favorite book quickly oh my favorite bug is the uh Western Conifer seed bug oh I gotta look that up it's a cute little guy."
"My ass is not on fire, for all... let's talk about Nigel's stomach problems."
"Actually really good I just need to put that onto my birdie."
"We said Keith tried to climb it, which by the way, it's a dresser, he could literally just touch the top of it."
"Meanwhile all right guys so the boys finally got here."
"We would do everything like, I'd be doing her hair, we'd be baking pies, do a hand game, playing double dutch. 'Girl, whatchu talking 'bout? Michelle? Just drinking Chardonnay.'"
"Always nice to see a knife kill, yeah a good bit of money, alright big baller over 25 pounds, oh stop bragging in front of the viewers."
"Hope I'm glad that last parts on there because it was like [Laughter]."
"Random goes through fits and spurts, you know? Sometimes people would ask you what your favorite food is and you're like, 'Pizza, obviously.'"
"Thanks so much for hanging out that's a deep start to our girlfriends."
"Always big enough phonic alright here's our first victim."
"Boop! Great sign? Oh no, my face is still here, I have to go hide."
"I think George is 5'10", I don't think I am."
"I think we just gotta go for the binka rooney, you know?"
"You look exhausted, you trying to get that ball?"
"Girl, please, there's nothing in here. A little bit of when I just died, even though it's warm."
"Goodbye, goodbye, okay, okay, let me just bring you all, yeah, just throw him right there."
"Listen everybody, hey there you are foxy, hi! Hey, I love my mom!"
"You guys brought me California roll right? Oh, I forgot to order that one."
"I'm gonna have to agree with Jason. You round up after 25."
"Eight percent gay that's fine eight percent."
"Dude, that's on me. Alright, thank you so much."
"Thank God for your brother... I know, right? Thank God that guy."
"They compare like it, thank you so much which prize okay?"
"That's what I'm not gonna do, he come here a lot. Why is he work?"
"It's so weird to even be talking about that, bro."
"We often just talk about random stuff because we're tired."
"Honestly, I'm just kind of tired and just kind of want to chill and vibe with all of you."
"It's all right, hopefully now that this weather's getting better, we won't at least have so much tension in my bloody."
"Oh, don't be mad, Pear, it's just a fun little challenge video."
"She good bro, you ain't got to ask her if she good, she good. One hundred."
"Let's talk about what we're grateful for tomorrow. Let's just have a chat tomorrow and hang out and talk about thanks doing."
"The body truly does have this clever way of showing you your internal issues externally."
"Every Monday morning everyone should get a pizza, a breakfast pizza or just, you know, French dude. I've never thought of breakfast pizza ever and now I really want it." - Francesca Fiorentina
"Absolutely and Thomas half is a 25 Swiss chips. Thank you very much, Thomas, I appreciate it."
"We're just going to use our mind power and be like she's thinking about guppy right now."
"I just feel like chip is here because chip for some reason, I always say it's like in My Big Fat Greek Wedding how the Grandpa's always like just put some Windex on it."
"That was cool! So that's like obviously a little secret you can unlock in this game guys."
"We're gonna poke it, probably when we get home. Private selections, let's go."
"I got food on the way, what were you saying bro?"