
Online Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"It's so difficult to find any good, meaningful discourse around sex online."
"I can't go along without streaming without connecting with the community."
"You need to get in these rooms, you need to get in places where you can meet an online community full of people that are on the same page as you." - Sneako
"You're producing a lot of tea, high-quality tea."
"It's not a crisis line, it's not a self-help line, this is professional therapy done securely online."
"That's why we built Roman, so it's easy to get medication prescribed online."
"Make sure you leave me a comment in the comment box below."
"Games that go online do not just stay there indefinitely for all time we live in a world of constant licensing issues."
"Nowhere is that more evident than in the suppression of First Amendment rights online."
"Come kick it with us on Discord, man, it's super dope."
"When you realize there will never be another snow day as everything is online now."
"You could go viral on something that you created online."
"Thank you for the valuable lessons you're giving online."
"We will be your regular dose of Positive Vibes online."
"I've had this online name for over 15 years."
"Prioritizing your and your family's online safety should be a priority for everyone."
"It's a wonderful thing about this kind of global community that you create with online."
"What online communities have created for us is this ability to build communities around uncommon commonalities."
"Don't go getting desperate, don't be that desperate looking person that just pops up in that person's inbox."
"Bank with us, put your money where your mouse is."
"Squarespace is the perfect place to host your little online home."
"I've been a longtime reader of this sub and one of my favorite parts of it is the community."
"Building an email list will make whatever your online marketing objective is much easier."
"Welcome to another episode of the best four-wheel driving channel on the internet."
"The decisions we make today last a lifetime, especially if it's online."
"It's just so sad for me to see like how much negativity is spread online across people who don't even know each other."
"Everything evolves so fast online, everything moves so fast."
"Online is the new oil and gas, online is the new gold, online is the new diamond."
"Secret websites to make money, how to make money on OnlyFans."
"It's an impressively well-done ARG."
"I mean you have a bunch of 13 and 14 year olds here who live their entire lives online."
"Four years ago, we didn't have online sports gambling."
"Give BetterHelp a try, it's entirely online, convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule."
"I love getting stuff on Amazon and there's like Mis translations oh my God that's so good I love bad English translations."
"I do think CarMax will invest in places to be able to expand their online footprint."
"Being able to go online and have that community and reading the comments where people were like rooting for me and I felt like people actually cared, it was always such a sense of security for me."
"I found humor through it through YouTube."
"I really was able to express myself online."
"People have destroyed themselves because of conspiracy theories online."
"Nobody online's perfect nobody online but anybody who's trying to convince you to stay in a situation probably doesn't have your best interest in mind."
"There’s way too much performative negativity in the media, especially online, as it is. I don’t want to add to that."
"Google Jamboard really has become one of my favorite apps to use while teaching online this year."
"Everything is gonna be like online games where it's like, yeah, there are skins and there's like tiers of [__] you can buy."
"It is the biggest online thrift store with up to 90% off of your favorite brands."
"That's why she had so many friends like many young women her age Molly had no trouble attracting the attention of the opposite sex and that was especially so online the only problem was finding a man that she felt equally attracted to."
"Bragging rights are the best currency online anyway."
"A lot of people online were like you slander him in public you used to apologize nah bro."
"There's just so much online, and you just have to take everything with a pinch of salt."
"I woke up like an hour ago and I don't have school today because we have another online day which I don't even know how that's possible but it's great news to me."
"It's just crazy how connected you feel to people online even though you've never met them."
"Making money online is almost like a basic fundamental human need these days."
"Not everything you see online is real."
"People online, I've got all sorts of opinions, ain't they? Yeah, but it's easy to have an opinion when you're behind the screen."
"Yeah just another one we're looking to start online and nail our routine."
"Negotiate online and over the phone as your best friends because competition will always drive that price down."
"Okay, but supposedly a group of black women online created this list."
"The best part: it's all done online."
"The simplicity, most effective, and best-looking way to start a business online."
"Don't get online without something like this."
"Whatnot is actually the world's largest virtual comic convention."
"So much of our personal information is online."
"Online as the mechanism to sell your product."
"I'm going to have the online version, it's simple, it's easy."
"Everyone and I do mean everyone online basically said that I was in the right."
"It's professional counselling done securely online."
"Now, more than ever, if you're watching this online, you can hit the Donate button."
"What they see online could potentially influence their selves."
"There are a lot of creators out there who look really happy online and they portray themselves in this really positive light but they are not happy."
"I got this for like 90 bucks on Amazon."
"It's hard to tell when the negativity was so overwhelming, particularly online."
"I've recorded the session and we can put it online."
"BetterHelp, it's not a crisis line, it's professional counseling done securely online."
"It's just insane, and you know, everything you look at online is fake."
"We're going to click on the 'join for free' button."
"We like many churches have switched to broadcasting online so a handful of people can join us in person, and most people are joining on the internet."
"Unique, cool pieces you go to Etsy or eBay to find that rare unique find."
"Most everything that we do online... is using a remote access computer system."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video. I can't believe I get to spend another year online sharing my life on the internet."
"Just think, in this universe, there are millions of people tuning in online to watch this stunning product."
"It was mostly just like YouTube and lots and lots of blog articles. That's pretty much how I learned."
"Like, sure, I paid for school, which helped with some of it, but like I just learned it all online for free."
"It's sometimes quite soulless being online because you're just opening yourself up to let people shred you open wound isn't it?"
"If you want me to spend double the money on eBay, let me know in the comments down below."
"...Loom is one of my favorite online business tools."
"What makes the most money online is teaching, not just entertaining."
"You can actually do it all online in your PJs on your couch and best of all it is totally free."
"Can you count cards online? Well, technically yes, kind of, but is it worth it? Absolutely not."
"You're valuing like online validation over like real life validation"
"Do yourself a favor, do all that stuff online before the cruise begins, that way the cruise terminal experience is super fast."
"Transform your space with the comfort and simplicity of shopping online."
"You've got to have a thick skin... and the internet is not a very friendly Place sometimes."
"I do believe that our traditional education system is broken and ... online education thing that has come about ... is really the way for the future."
"Thank you guys so much for following our little journey online."
"Join an online community. There are so many. I've built one for you guys."
"Just launching something online and saying what you see is what you get was an innovation."
"...a little out of order the way we've done it now but when we put them online hopefully people can follow them in order if they like."
"There's just a massive audience of people online who aren't gonna watch the big Blockbuster movie coming out."
"Slater said many fans turned critics have left the forum and taken refuge in the subreddit of Frank Ocean."
"Let's start off with my Thrive Market order. You guys know I love Thrive Market."
"If you're not getting any clicks, that's nearly always the problem."
"One of the biggest opportunities online is the fact that many people don't know how to monetize traffic."
"You have to protect your heart and your mind online today."
"Do you want to know the easiest way to make a six-figure income online this year? It's freelancing."
"Freelance writing is the easiest way to build a six-figure income online right now because it's a skill you've already got."
"This is one of the best and easier ways to get started with making money online for beginners."
"Zaman was in the relationship with K-ray worth, but then later on he started an online relationship with Myra Wood."
"I've been kind of wanting a bit more privacy. I just want to come online, share my art, talk about the characters and shows that I love, and then get back offline."
"Please take good care, see you online, bye for now."
"The bullying of anything online is insane."
"You can absolutely sue somebody for defamation of character if they say something about you that is false online."
"Online service gaming can actually be fun."
"In a time where literally all of us are online all the time, it can be really hard, honestly impossible, to figure out what you actually want."
"Chaos magic tends to be quite popular, at least online."
"Don't forget also to check out Thrive Market if you're not already a member."
"Online arguments never change people's minds. I'm gonna say that right now."
"The first comment you see every time is the suck bots. Yeah, it's not as if you have to scroll for it."
"It's a ridiculous number of skins and things that you can download online."
"Speaking of awesome communities, don't forget to check out the Discord and brand new Facebook group. They are awesome, super amazing communities filled with amazing people."
"Online advertising works. I have been influenced by a lot of different things from the internet."
"Playing online with random people in the Tournament Arena is really fun."
"Honestly, I got everything, like I did a whole Amazon purchase on Amazon Prime Day because I had lots of buys."
"In a time when companies are constantly sharing your personal info online without your consent, it's easy to get discouraged."
"The reason I talk about sex online is because of my desire for other women to know like there are more like we all have questions we all have areas where we feel like we're not good at or we struggling."
"We're getting dressed and we're going through, we're going with Amazon, it's a big one."
"I hope I destroy your face online everyone"
"...it's nothing personal it's just so important to create a positive and empowering space for yourself online."
"We outside, we online. What can I say?"
"I know I ordered some stuff on Amazon actually."
"The good news is that it is possible to create, do, or sell pretty much anything online."
"Be kind, especially online and offline, just be kind."
"This is why I love coming on here every two weeks and meeting all of you."
"Going online means using a computer or information device connected through a network to access information and services from another computer."
"Once you build your online business it's there forever."
"These online relationships are not real relationships."
"The difference between Word desktop and Word online is like night and day."
"Word online is like the command center for all your Microsoft applications."
"It's so much so that it feels like it's warped gen Z's perception of what nepotism means in online discussions at least."
"I need to see the chat history. Oh my gosh, but I wasn't even online. Did someone hack me?"
"Find ways to make extra income online to support your goals."
"You know you could hit like and subscribe for free. That helps out a lot too."
"The advantage of finding a team online is probably just the simplicity in finding people."
"A toxic comment section. It is laughable how they play this with the Sinister music, trying to make us all afraid of the online [ __ ] talking."
"This has to have been the biggest story online for almost a month now, which is no easy task to accomplish."
"This case is running rampant online with theories... be very careful what you say down in the comments below."
"Being online is stressful and it can be overwhelming so as soon as it's not fun for me anymore I'm okay with moving on."
"Good morning everybody welcome to church online here at Cornerstone Chapel today."
"Welcome to Trainer TV.live! Wherever you happen to be in the world, welcome."
"Welcome to the best family on the Internet."
"Keyboard courage is the most real thing ever."
"Sign up for the free one-hour online presentation now."
"Anybody that I've talked to online that I've met in person have been legit good."
"It's not a crisis line, it's professional counseling done securely online."
"Amazon hauls are kind of my fave."
"Comment section: treacherous in there."
"Comment section: not necessarily a reflection of your work."
"It's the best way to sleep, by easily online, completely risk-free."
"I think we're adding this to cart."
"There's a huge opportunity to make money online."
"Everyone's just turning to online to find a break from whatever the mundaneness of their day is."
"Most importantly, when you have the consistent couple minutes a day, face-to-face in person, it is going to be online every day of the week."
"You can sign up online and start therapy the same days you sign up."
"Everything's online. It's consistent now."
"The new brand is online and today for the first time there'll be a full house."
"I guess if you wanna know anything about like the exact specs of my guitar, the information is available online."
"While it might not be possible to be 100% completely anonymous, working towards it will help you be more anonymous online."
"I feel like I have spent so much money on Amazon just in the past 5 days."
"Playing online is Serious Business."
"Nothing is worth ruining your mental health, especially words on a computer screen."
"Combining this with an online game is going to be so much fun tonight."
"I paid $60 for these on Amazon, I believe the price has gone up."
"Online, we love you. God bless you. Keep us in your prayers."
"People change their online behavior to whatever incentivizes them the most."
"Finding online jobs that you can do from the comfort of your home without having any skills is pretty much an impossible task, right? Well, not exactly."
"Ignore the [ __ ] that's online online is like a spiteful horrible world ignore it and try not to let it get you down and keep doing you."
"Safety is one of the last true emotional biological triggers that women have left, and they can't get it through the internet."
"A lot of great kind of fan art I guess that I've loved seeing online."
"Despite the backlash these false messages often face, they spread six times faster than truthful information in online environments."
"Just because you make a friend online doesn't mean they're not a real friend."
"In addition, if you scroll down the home page, you'll see our free peer-to-peer online support group."
"People on the internet are not your friends."
"Indie music was extremely popular online thanks to sites like Tumblr."
"I'm very excited to be working with this video sponsor Skillshare. Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring ad-free classes."
"Custom Cursor is a great tool if you're teaching online because it's going to help direct your students' attention to the part of the screen where you want them to look."
"Post in the Discord because I think that's a very safe space. And if somebody's a jerk, we'll boot them out."
"Google sheets is free to use, is a spreadsheet program, and lives online."
"This is an online shopping challenge."
"Thousands of videos are posted online every day, but only a fraction of them get watched beyond the first minute."
"I love sharing my life online and I also love sharing with you guys things that work things that don't work and just kind of feeling like we're hanging out all the time just like two Pals hanging out."
"For our friends joining online, you can download the lesson for free and study along with us."
"...a larger and larger majority of your relationships now take place online or over text..."
"Super fun and totally addictive online quizzes"
"There are many wonderful resources online."
"Take advantage of the digital space."
"So, like this is what I'll be doing when I'm back home. Because I have an account that is working. I can be able to work online. I have a computer. I have internet at home. We'll be able to do this."
"A lot of people have been hearing you can make money online. It's possible to make money online, but they don't know where to start."
"I'm a lot more skeptical about things I see online than I used to be."
"As soon as the sale hit, I placed this order online from sephora.com."
"Not everything is as polished or as perfect as it seems online."
"You can't believe everything you see online."
"Check on your kids' Roblox because we took the kids' phone away at nighttime."