
Invulnerability Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"You're literally just completely invulnerable to damage while this thing is up."
"The most obvious is subscription because you're invulnerable at that point."
"His skin didn't cut... he couldn't be hurt from a punch."
"It's almost like you feel tranquil, you know? You feel untouchable."
"On self-education and investing in skills: 'Education can't go down, can't be taxed, can't be taken from you.'"
"The overpowered totem, as long as it's in your offhand, you just never die."
"This sig, you can't punish it. Okay? You can't live from it. You're gonna die from it."
"A tactic done by continuously refreshing legend tangibility over and over in such a way that you never have vulnerable frames."
"He had the attitude that nobody could hurt him. I think he was wrong."
"I will never die at this point... a significant defensive cooldown... just mashing damage and ignoring any incoming danger for a few seconds."
"Zen is immune to all damage and it is extremely good for dealing with certain ultimates."
"You're successful, victorious, and can't be touched."
"They view you as someone who can't be touched."
"This thing cannot reach you, that is awesome, that is so awesome."
"It's a power that can make you practically invulnerable."
"He can't die, right? Quote on, right buddy? He will never die to a Mewtwo psychic, that won't happen."
"Shin Godzilla is almost impenetrable from external attacks, with everything mankind could throw at it bouncing off its skin."
"Saitama tanked a punch that could blow up an entire galaxy, yet he still took no damage or bleed at all."
"Chaos and harm will not be able to touch you if you are protected by God."
"You need to have an entertainment form that people remember as being impressive whilst maintaining somewhat of a likable reputation."
"Invulnerability: it means that they can't be hurt at all and it is literally the perfect ability to have in a fight."
"You can't stop Bitcoin. This is a fact, technologically impossible, cannot be done."
"The cave rats are literally doing no damage to me, and that's because I'm dressed up as a member of the legion of Doom."
"God put Joshua in charge. God tells Joshua, 'I'm I got your back. I got your back, your sides and both your fronts. Can nobody touch you? Nobody's ever in life gonna hurt you anywhere you fight, baby. I'm taking them down, okay? I got your back.'"
"They also fixed an issue where the player driving the hovercraft cannot be shot through the front window."
"Han Yul was surprised because there was not the slightest scratch on his bar."
"Geography alone provides the United States with near invulnerability from enemy invasion."
"Strong spiritual willpower—you can't touch me."
"I've never seen plot armor like this, this is nuts."
"She takes no damage, she is damaged immune to that flag."
"We're bulletproof, what the [ __ ] is happening in there?"
"Permanent polaroid invincibility, mmm, nice underwear."
"You literally couldn't even affect me if you tried."
"He's immune to rogue's powers and even survived being killed by Thor."
"Aku, with powers ranging from shape-shifting to necromancy to manifesting items to traveling in space and time, is nigh invulnerable to everything except divine weapons."
"Whatever will I do? I'm at your mercy. And oh wait, you can't hurt me, I'm a god."
"This is what we want: never take damage again."
"Logia fruits turn you into the element of substance of that devil fruit. Any normal attack will literally just pass right through the user."
"These human monsters feel they can never be caught, that they are invulnerable."
"It's crazy... nothing at this point is going to ruin her."
"The shield has the benefit of being untouchable."
"Nothing hits me, I can't be hurt, I can't be bought, can't be tainted with."
"Percy has access to the curse of Achilles, which gives him complete physical invulnerability."
"Listen, I can't take any damage whatsoever, you guys know this."
"We should then have a force which would render us completely invulnerable to anything in the world."
"Self-love is the greatest healing power in the universe because love brings invulnerability."
"Nothing can touch me from the front, can't touch me from the back, super fast and no idea where I'm going."
"True damage can't be blocked by anything, no matter how much physical and magic defense you have."
"Love is always the highest frequency of all; nothing this person is doing to you will ever be able to hurt you."
"Hulk's skin is almost impenetrable."
"Impervious to bullets. Lots of no reaction to them whatsoever."
"Achilles was practically invulnerable for his Divine mother had performed a ritual where he was submerged in the waters of the Sacred River."
"Blue Marvel possesses invulnerability."
"You can't really hurt a toon. It's not that the Mask has a specific healing factor or some such, it's more like he can just say no to damage."
"Invulnerability is usually just a power-up that makes the body harder to hurt, not actually invulnerable."
"I felt impervious to that sort of...I didn't feel like anything was going to get me out of there."
"The Zillow Beast was naturally clipped with plates that could not be penetrated by a lightsaber nor could it be shot through by Blaster."
"I know your simple explosion would not be able to do absolutely anything to me."
"Superman's body can't really be harmed or torn apart like a normal person would be and is in general resistant to direct damage."
"I'm not trying to tell you, I cannot be hurt."
"You can't hurt a man who can't see."
"Superman: 'Living up to his name, the Man of Steel can take punches, bullets, and even bombs head on without a scratch.'"
"It's as if you don't have a care in the world. You're happy, you're lucky, you're untouchable, you're invulnerable, you're invincible."
"Lucian is practically invulnerable to most conventional causes of Fatality and has an endless lifespan."
"You can't kill something that is already dead."
"It's just an appearance of war and suffering, ultimately all still Christ invulnerable, untouchable, innocent, whole."
"The self cannot be cut by weapons... burnt by fire... dissolved by water... or dehydrated by air."
"You can't hurt this one. You can't hurt it. You can't hurt it."
"Gemara: immense insectoid creatures, immune to the One Power, almost impossible to kill."
"He's made of light, so physical injuries do nothing."
"You can't hurt what you can't touch"
"What God has blessed, nobody can curse."
"Blessed with invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical."
"They only flee when the Secutor appears. As far as we know, there’s only one of them, but it has proven impervious to all weapons."
"Doomsday is nearly impossible to defeat, being essentially invulnerable and super strong."
"I'm on fire! But it doesn't hurt."
"The aircraft flies so high and fast that no missile has yet succeeded in shooting one down."
"If we have a Persona with wind and physical reflex, we cannot take damage this entire fight."
"Impenetrable skin, yeah, my skin is impenetrable vibranium."
"And Wonder Woman was like, I mean, invincible."
"I wait in eager anticipation, no bullet, no dagger, no mortal means could damage this white wolf."
"Before seeking victory, first make yourself invulnerable to defeat."
"Freya learns from the norns' prophecy that Balder is going to die a needless death, so she places a spell on him that makes him invulnerable to pain and injury."
"He's taken big shots, perfect shots, and I genuinely don't see anyone killing him ever."
"The bracelets are impervious to nearly anything, including gunfire, demon lightning, and Kryptonian heat vision."
"Who you are can never be attacked."
"Power is amazing; your attacks alone are tickling me. I don't feel anything."
"No one would be able to kill you unless you want to die."
"Thanks to his Sage Mode, it didn't hurt in the slightest."
"He is nearly invulnerable, able to fly unaided in space, survive in the heart of stars, and deal with blows from Thor and Thanos."
"Superman is one of the most durable beings in existence, able to withstand bullets, missiles, bombs, and man-made weapons without a scratch."
"His armored physical form powered by terrible dark energies rendered him impervious to all human weapons."
"When you believe you're not of this body, what can harm you?"
"No weapons formed against me shall prosper, there's nothing you can do to hurt me."
"If he never cuts his hair, no blade nor bullet can harm him."
"He was no dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon."
"Its body is so tough, even a crash with a jet plane won't leave a scratch."
"Water cannot wet it, fire cannot burn it, weapons cannot cleave it, death cannot touch it."
"If you recognize what you are, you can't be harmed."
"When it is used to its full potential, the fighter becomes invulnerable to weapons and cannot be broken by anything."
"With enough soul shards, you can pretty much render yourself invincible."
"The awareness is love, and it's that dimension of our Consciousness that can't be hurt and that is loving."
"I watched as every single bullet passed right through him, just as the bat had a moment ago."
"I always carried that sort of thought of it could never happen to me."
"What would be the point of shooting you? Bullets don't seem to have any effect."
"...nothing that is fashioned by man or fashioned by the enemy... in any way can harm the eternal promises of God."
"You're so strong and so free in the end that you walk around untouchable in your own mind."
"Can't nobody hurt you when you get on stage, man."
"You are always safe. Nothing can destroy you because you are the Atman."
"The redundancy is enough to create a system that's really effectively invulnerable."
"There is no greater feeling than to be fired upon without effect."
"As long as you have absolute power, you can never be betrayed."
"When you are solid and you know who you are on the inside, nothing and no one can touch you from the outside."
"The Trident system will provide for increased area for the submarine to hide in, making it, we feel, on a new plateau of invulnerability."
"Where's the fear if you can't get hurt?"
"Earlier you know that you are this nameless formless awareness, death cannot touch you."
"It's immune to fire and poison; it's also immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical weapons."
"I thought of him as being invincible."
"When you pimp with the truth, nobody can expose you."
"Ghost Rider is essentially impervious to almost all forms of normal damage."
"He has immeasurable strength, is immortal, nearly invulnerable."
"Let's face it, guys, he really didn't have any weaknesses."
"I have no weaknesses, none, zero."
"This sensation makes him feel invincible."
"My true gift is the ability to receive absolutely no damage from lemon-shaped explosives."
"Nothing can destroy you, nothing can hurt you anymore because you have your own back."
"What cannot destroy God cannot destroy you."
"Once per day, his hero can enter a berserk state that cleanses all negative status effects and makes him immune to all harm for five seconds."
"Saying 'I am Brahma' will transform you into Brahma until even birth and death cannot affect you."
"Nobody's invulnerable, and nobody's untouchable."
"Azrael gives a 4 up invulnerable save to anyone within 6 inches."
"The soul could never be damaged ever, it's as infinite and as bright as eternity itself."
"It doesn't care about indestructible, it doesn't care about untargetable."
"Ever moving, always submerged, hidden and invulnerable to sneak attack and destruction."
"We're fireproof, nothing to hide at all; we're untouchable."
"Frenzy became an X-Men member in 2011; her steel-hard skin is so strong that it has only ever been penetrated by adamantium."
"You know who you are as a person, can't nobody [mess] with you."
"Celestial bronze doesn't hurt mortals, most monsters would ignore you."
"Even Licht's most powerful spell, Ray of Divine Punishment, is going to be useless against Black Asta."
"When you know yourself and you come out and you're so confident who you are, then nobody can hurt you."
"Neither arrow nor blade could hope to pierce the shimmering, protective glow."
"That man doesn't know that I am bulletproof."
"When your vibration is high, nothing can faze you, no fear can attack you, no illness, nothing can affect you, not even a breakup."
"This time, not even a God will be able to harm her."
"When you surrender, death cannot touch you."
"I am as God created me, His Son can suffer nothing, and I am His Son."
"It's powerful to see Letty walk through knowing that she can't be hurt by any of this."
"When you know thyself, you cannot be [__] with."
"If you put the work every day into getting control over the way you think, nothing in life will ever hurt you again."
"He's so lucky that pranks don't even touch him."
"The inability to be hurt is the blessing of the master Cain, the most ancient of wands."
"When you know thyself, no one can [__] with you."
"It's been proven to someone that they don't touch this one."
"Nothing real can ever be threatened."
"Wonder Woman is the most dangerous member of the Justice League because she has no true weakness."
"The Silver Surfer is nigh on invulnerable and can regularly exceed the speed of light."