
Prescription Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"You're not simply prescribing a drug; you're prescribing an experience. It doesn't work without both elements."
"Exercise is one of my favorite things to prescribe."
"It's very odd what's even more odd is the sleeping pills weren't even prescribed to her."
"What prescription do you need to write for yourself?"
"That seems to be the drugs that the president is taking, what has been prescribed."
"In general any prescription that you pick up at a pharmacy or by mail order after your doctor writes a script would be covered under your Medicare part D plan."
"Metformin is the most widely prescribed anti-diabetic drug on the planet."
"We are dramatically overprescribing these medications and underestimating the extent to which they can cause people harm."
"...here prescriptions three and try to know and be beneficial for those who have acne who may have failed adapalene and need something stronger or those who have acne and really have photo aged skin that can benefit from a prescription."
"God can heal any way he wants. He can heal with a doctor or without one, buy a prescription or without one."
"God used a prescription to heal Hezekiah."
"Just because you don't follow your prescriptions doesn't mean your prescriptions are not your prescriptions."
"At this point a doctor who's not willing to prescribe a PCSK9 inhibitor just is a fool."
"This is just what the doctor ordered."
"He's got prescription pad, he's on top medication for various ailments."
"God has a prescription for anxiety and it's found in the book of Philippians."
"I prescribed this the other week: the movie The Other Woman."
"Um, I noted that again and my my understanding was her primary care doctor had prescribed her hydroxazine to help with some anxiety."
"Doctors don't prescribe you medicine without checking for any pre-existing conditions that could put your life at risk."
"I talk about that 24/7 basically. I'm often asked where I recommend getting a tretinoin prescription from because you do need a prescription."
"Insurance will not cover the cost of that, and that means you're going to be paying a crap ton of money for that prescription when you pick it up from the pharmacy."
"We've been prescribing for 10 months now."
"Per federal law, a provider can authorize a maximum of five refills lasting no longer than six months after the date of issuance."
"According to federal law, how long is a prescription for a non-controlled substance valid for? Federal law places no expiration date on prescription for a non-controlled substance."
"I know it is a very fortunate thing that I am able to do this and not everybody is able to either get it prescribed or get their insurance to cover it."
"Movement is medicine, that's the medicine we prescribe here."
"The ability to get a doctor to prescribe you this is going to be anybody...I think it's going to get insured."
"I only do drugs that people prescribe and that people can, um, that's actually tested."
"I once again don't think I gave them any of my records from the clinic in San Francisco where I had been going, and this time, you know, all safeguards are off, just like, 'Cool, you come here for hormones, here's your prescription, there's just no question.'"
"This medicine prescribed for him, right? Okay."
"Depending on the prescription that you're given and the ingredients that you have in there, it can take your skin a little while to adjust to it."
"It's a prescription for happiness."
"Exercise as a medicine to persuade your medical team to prescribe exercise as a drug."
"Antidepressants SSRIs in particular can be dangerous for people with bipolar disorder and they are prescribed to people with bipolar disorder every day, and that needs to stop."
"But it's free at the point of use, isn't it? Yeah, so you book your appointment, you turn up, you get seen, then you get given your prescription."
"Antibiotics should only be prescribed to treat bacterial infections that could infect others unless treated, are unlikely to resolve without treatment, or carry a high risk of complications."
"The only thing i've ever done is um is uh take a xanax but i had a prescription."
"The number one prescribed medication in this country is Vicodin."
"Benzodiazepines are prescribed for the short term."
"The Obagi Nu-Derm RX system is classified as prescription strength, and the Obagi Nu-Derm FX system is classified as non-prescription strength."
"He prescribes me stuff without a doctor's prescription."
"They should be prescribed by the National Health Service. They just bring instant happiness."
"Junior caught the sniffles, Bill sneezed, and Jill wheezed. They called up the doctor and asked for his prescription. Here's what he said to do: buy Listerine."
"If you were to go to a physician with a problem and they were to give you a prescription for a medication... the prescription would look like this."
"Getting doctors and health care professionals to start thinking about prescribing exercise is a big part of the mission of what I'm after with this."
"Movement can be medicine with the right prescription."
"Dometica is an online prescription skincare service or provider, and they ship out a bottle of your treatment every month."
"...truly bring the best prescription for every person."
"The drug order should specify the route to be used for the administration of the medication."
"This prescription is based on your size and your weight, you forget it, you two are built differently, thank goodness for little favors."
"Remember, schedule 3 through 5 drugs, their scripts expire in six months."
"'One of the big reasons that women are not being prescribed hormones is because of the Women's Health Initiative data.'"
"Your seed is going to be cheaper than your prescription."
"...they are high quality, they are affordable, and they are prescription."
"Descriptive doesn't equal prescriptive."
"Lost my medical license writing prescriptions for him and his friends. Okay, oh my god. Writing prescriptions for him and his friends. Jesus Christ."
"Soon, instead of always giving a drug or a vaccine, we'll prescribe an app. There'll be an app for pregnancy, an app for surgery. They can really help tune and personalize your therapy."
"Words don't have prescriptive usage."
"I will leave you with a prescription and devices to make you feel better," the doctor said.
"Drugs are good when they're prescribed and taken as directed."
"It's not just a little pill; respect the power of that pill. Just because it's a prescription, it is every bit as deadly and every bit as addictive."
"It's been lovely, just what the doctor ordered."
"Permethrin is most likely going to be the treatment that is prescribed to you by your doctor or your dermatologist."
"The most value is in prescriptive analytics; it's explaining why something happened and prescribing something to do about it."
"That's just what the doctor ordered."
"Literally what doctors prescribed was a well-balanced diet, plenty of fresh air, and rest and relaxation."
"Observing the fast is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become the pious."
"I'm Dr. Herwitz, and I prescribe more fun."
"Mother Nature is the best doctor, and barefooting is the Barefoot doctor's prescription."
"It's the most commonly prescribed medication for bipolar disorder."
"Huge numbers of Americans were prescribed this stuff by doctors who'd been bought off by Purdue Pharma."
"The only prescription you need is a prescription for fun."
"You cannot get hormone replacement therapy over the counter; it is prescription only."
"Cause of death was combined drug toxicity from the exact three drugs that he had been prescribed by this clinic."
"A storefront operation where people go to get prescription drugs, a prescription for controlled substances."
"Everyone who goes to that clinic would basically come out with the same prescription."
"Prescriptive analytics is about what should happen, how those better performances can take place."
"You can actually now get a prescription for a cannabinoid medicine today in Quebec, in Canada."
"Prayer works, that'll be my only good prescription."
"I think the correct prescription to have here is people should express themselves in the ways in which they are most authentic and comfortable."
"The prescription for exercise should not be ignored any more than a prescription for Aspirin."
"Hey Doc, I got this order for fentanyl here, did you add an extra zero on it or something?"
"The outdoors should be prescribed by doctors for most things prior to giving any sort of drug, especially to do with mental health."
"It's exactly what the doctor ordered for me, I'm gonna come and chill out on a beach."
"I'm going to send a prescription over for some medication to help you with the pain."
"It's not symbolic at all; it's a prescription and an RX, if you will, for instability and perhaps even escalation."
"There's no such thing as a bad exercise or a bad drug or even a bad supplement, only an incorrectly prescribed drug, exercise, or supplement."
"All they can tell you is how words are currently used; they cannot tell you how words should be used."
"We have plenty of evidence at this point to prescribe it to recommend it in these contexts."
"Ensuring that we prescribe antibiotics correctly."
"Get out and soak up some prescription nature."
"Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribed garlic for a variety of conditions around 400 BC."
"Maui Jim's PolarizedPlus2 lens tech in prescription is amazing."
"Drugs that have a big difference between the safe dose and the effective dose are ones that you can give to patients and trust them to take safely."
"You were exactly what the doctor ordered."
"Finally, let's talk about retinoic acid which is prescription strength retinoid, otherwise known as tretinoin or retin-A, this is just amazing."