
Placebo Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Psychedelics are placebos on rocket boosters."
"The placebo effect and its opposite, the nocebo effect."
"Religion can be a placebo, but it's not the best solution."
"The placebo effect is maybe my favourite topic in all of medicine."
"Some of them that stopped taking the placebo... they lose their job... they lose their mother... they lose their life."
"The evil twin to the placebo effect is the nocebo effect."
"Even if it's just a placebo, if it helps you for the better, who cares, right?"
"The holy grail for me in science, uh, is the double-blind placebo-controlled stuff. Yep."
"A control treatment is not an actual treatment, right? Or at least not in the sense that you're adding something, right? You're just keeping it basic. And a control treatment is used to make sure that there is no placebo effect."
"Homeopathic stuff is in the same vein. It is known to have no effect. It is known to do nothing."
"Alcohol is going to beat Placebo, you know, red wine, nice red wine, good quality red wine is going to beat riina or whatever it is we compare it to."
"Placebos can't fix everything. But these kids always had the power to start healing."
"Just having the watch with you will make you feel better. But it's not the watch, or it's not the machine that's making you feel good, it's your own brain."
"I got my chicken salts let's go maybe it's Placebo maybe I'm just trying to convince myself because I just spent 30 dollars but this is like the best salt"
"The opposite of placebo is nocebo, where you've been told something will cure you, and then it doesn't work."
"All three classes of these drugs have side effects. Placebos have side effects so of course active drugs will have side effects as well."
"There is no medicine like that. It doesn't change anything, but it sure makes it feel better."
"Placebo is certainly beneficial for some of these patients."
"We are our own Placebo. We are our own medicine. The question is, is it going to work or not? The answer is up to you."
"If you understand how placebos work, you actually understand how the mind works. Because that's what the placebo is, it's the way that the mind works given a piece of information and what we want to do with it."
"It's like a placebo almost... If you really believe, even if it's not doing anything, that belief will do a lot."
"The best example of positive thinking in a scientific study is called placebo."
"If the placebo works, then I will pay for that placebo."
"I figured even if it was just a comforting placebo effect I'd picked a cute chime and it made a pretty cool sound so I was happy regardless"
"Nocebo being: I believe in things gonna cause me harm, therefore the thing will cause me harm, the opposite of the placebo."
"The placebo effect is remarkable, their potential to heal."
"Overall imel stat treated patients received significantly less transfusions over time than those on Placebo."
"Placebo is no longer just tricking the patient; it's a very powerful neurobiological effect with measurable chemical changes."
"Previously considered a sign of treatment failure, the placebo effect is now seen as an indicator of alternative non-pharmacological mechanisms at work."
"It really gets me thinking, how much is it down to the science and how much is it down to just a little placebo effect?"
"Every single intervention has a component of a placebo effect."
"Surgery is an extremely strong placebo effect."
"Your pain has actually gone down through exactly the same biological mechanism as if you had taken morphine."
"Anything that gives the impression of a potent, effective treatment is going to trigger a larger placebo effect."
"Honest placebos still work; you can take a placebo and know it's a placebo, and it still works."
"It's those advances in hard science that have given placebo research a legitimacy it never enjoyed before."
"If there's a placebo effect that has a positive effect by you doing something and you feel good after doing it, keep bloody doing it because it's working."
"A placebo is something that shouldn't work but does because of the strength of our belief."
"Placebos are real, make your mind believe that it's made."
"What is Placebo? Placebo is just all of the mechanisms of the human body and mind that we do not scientifically understand exactly, but Placebo actually gets people better."
"Faith and prayer could be considered a kind of placebo, a harmless procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit than any physiological effect."
"Even if it's a placebo effect, it's still an effect."
"When we do placebos, neither the person giving nor the person receiving knows, which one's the right drug and which one's just an inert substance."
"Saint John's Wort was about 30% better than a placebo and in the smaller studies, they found it was about 90 percent better than placebo."
"If you can't get real sleep, perhaps you can make up for it with placebo sleep."
"The placebo effect is a way into understanding how consciousness affects phenomena."
"The placebo effect... refers to the belief that you are being treated having an effect upon your expectations of improvement which becomes self-fulfilling."