
Rule Quotes

There are 299 quotes

"The only real rule in art is to make beautiful things."
"In politics, it's majority rule; in economics, it's minority rule."
"Remember, we have one only one rule: don't kill the host."
"She ruled over two nations... France is a monarchy again."
"Sever yourself from the past... rule without armies... the power of the force... the ancient power that created the galaxy."
"This Empress rules the sun, the moon, and the stars."
"Evil men will burn down their nation so they can rule over the ashes, and weak men will watch their nation burn so they can sit among the ashes."
"New Arroyo thrived under The Chosen One's rule."
"Frenzy... might be the best rule in the game."
"The Targaryen Dynasty ruled the Seven Kingdoms for almost 300 years."
"That grip, that cursed strangle of rule, will squeeze any semblance of humanity out of the ruler."
"The rule of Hueco Mundo is determined by the strongest."
"We got only one rule: you have to love what you do."
"Rule 7: If you hear scratching at any point, turn off all radios and hide under your covers until the scratching stops."
"Every time you gamble, every time you lose, that's the rule."
"The Yorks would finally rule England."
"Honestly, I really like that rule of brick."
"Spiderman any spider adjacent characters must have the hyphen."
"The rule of Peisistratus was described as a golden age in Athens."
"Caesar aims the gun at Malcolm, reminding him of their no gun rule."
"I play the Mulligan rule if you like do really bad it doesn't count you get to go over"
"Remember, placement of the rule is very important as always, right?"
"You're not here to compete, you're here to rule your reality."
"My rule is, as long as I invest $100,000 every single month in my investment portfolio."
"I feel in my heart and soul that I can rule Genovia. I love Genovia."
"Rule #4: Never underestimate the power of teamwork."
"This is the most important rule, period."
"The first rule of thumb is to invest in the highest quality that you can afford."
"Consider the fact that any move where your hand wasn't completely on top of the basketball was considered a carry."
"The one in two out rule. Anything that comes in the house, two need to go out."
"It's about the Only Rule: kill them quietly."
"If you lose a disc and I believe in golf, the rule is if you lose a club, that's it."
"Every man should have one really cool toy. It's like a rule."
"You buy the newest one you can afford, that's the rule."
"I'm Royal by marriage. What, he marry in? You are Royal by Blood. You can rule. Rule."
"The second rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club."
"Whatever you're gonna cheat with, it just has to have one rule: make sure it has some protein in it."
"Rule number one: Don't talk about Fight Club."
"The only rule, still, is to be good."
"...the very first and most important rule of them all is have fun."
"The epitome of the rule right there, absolutely right."
"John had been raised in the expectation that he would never have any power, so he began his rule woefully unprepared."
"That's the second rule of being an assassin: don't pick up a phone from a call from your daughter while you're on a job."
"Rule of 70 divided by the growth rate is going to equal the number of years it takes to double."
"Rule number two: Have the patience of a saint."
"The first rule of distributed computing is don't distribute your computing."
"What really sealed Donnie’s fate, however, is the ‘no weapons rule’."
"Undefeated and undefeatable, a house rule."
"Only someone was crazy would put the cereal first. The milk always goes first. It is my golden rule of life."
"Everything about who she is and what she knows is the law."
"There's a rule that fairies can't interact with humans and everyone just sticks by it."
"I have this rule called 'don't drink on airplanes' because the alcohol on airplanes sucks."
"Don't ever get caught, that's the Only Rule you need to care about."
"The first rule of remakes: Don't mess with the original."
"I never make exceptions. An exception disproves the rule."
"He himself will rule them with a rod of iron."
"I understand. I mean it's a stupid rule because everybody is constantly posting on like Snapchat and like filming other kids and stuff but I don't know it was just the rule I couldn't film at school so I didn't."
"Marco Ragnos was exalted by The Sith people and they seemed to not only love him but graciously accepted his Ironclad rule."
"...I would Institute something that's basically a 5-year rule... you must have been active in the film industry within the past 5 years."
"There is no more important safety rule than to wear these safety glasses."
"There's one rule: you never force the new generation to take over."
"The rule is the o-r is the giver, the e-e is the receiver."
"Stop trying to be the exception to the rule."
"One is none, that's the motto, that's an unbreakable rule."
"The presence of an exception proves that a rule exists."
"You can't be disciplined for placing a rule which is not even inciting."
"The exception that proves the rule is talking about like an outlier, an exception that by its very existence, it shows that the rule that it's breaking is generally true."
"Nobody is allowed to die at Disneyland."
"Oscar brotman a Chicago film exhibitor once told me many years ago he said there's a rule he said if nothing has happened by the end of the first reel, nothing is going to happen."
"What this rule is doing is if the type field comes in as a problem and the origin is over email, then we can control who the owner is."
"In order to steal something, you have to move that thing by some physical act. The old-fashioned term for this is a supplication, and the rule is that you only have to move the item that tiniest distance for it to be stealing."
"BTS is success alone could be framed as the exception that proves the rule."
"Unless we create a rule of law that nullifies initial acceleration upon dismissal, this case is barred."
"The kingdom rules over everything."
"The most important rule of working out is don't injure yourself doing it."
"The Kumite... where the Only Rule is to win."
"Marcus Aurelius had been groomed for rule longer than just about anyone else in the history of the Empire."
"As long as you stayed or resided in that home, you never ever prospered. The minute you leave and when you get your own place or live somewhere else, your life took off like nobody's business. Why? Because of this rule right here."
"Silence," and read out from his book, "Rule 42."
"I have a three-week rule with kissing."
"He would be able to tell that the rule is fake from the Death Note; there would be no reason to test it."
"The 0 1 infinity rule states: in many domains, the only numbers that make sense are 0, 1, and infinity."
"Let's see if it works. Just put some herbs in there. I'm going to put some Sriracha sauce on it. Rule number one, if something doesn't taste nice, put Sriracha in it."
"Adam was created and told that he was going to rule over a perfect Paradise forever."
"The Only Rule in PODA: You and your entire station need to be within the park as an activator."
"First rule of gun safety: always point your Barrel in the safe direction."
"The use of color throughout the show rules."
"One in, one out: if a minimalist brings something in, something else has to go."
"Respect, that's the number one rule without that you're down, get killed in there, right?"
"If you're ever in trouble, I'll help you as many times as you need. That's my rule."
"Here's a rule that I didn't know about Satan: you must not interfere with free will or he himself ceases to exist."
"Ascension is not about absence or distance but about rule and sovereignty."
"There's a concept called the rule of 72 guys look this up online it is a phenomenal rule."
"If you're gonna buy a Lamborghini, I think there should be one rule: It must be bright."
"You always want to go 1/8, that's always the Golden Rule."
"Good Queens finish last, but Shady Queens rule the world."
"Mercury Ranger rule 23: 'Rangers don't cry.'"
"No entry. No vehicles may enter this road at any time."
"A movie defined by a single rule: do whatever it takes."
"In chess, you are allowed to still move the piece if you do not let go of it. The rule is known as 'touch move'."
"...anything raised to the zero power is always one."
"Zana claims cognis as her new apprentice and her rule began."
"The Feingold rule: if your King is two squares in front of your pawn, you win. Simple, yet effective."
"If the pattern stops, it means it's not a rule. If the pattern doesn't stop, then it's a rule to the universe."
"The contestant will at no time leave the bed."
"I think there's an exception to every rule. I would like to consider myself an exception to the rule."
"There are no exceptions to this rule."
"...the Rule of Two, which all Sith Lords must follow, requires that one master and one apprentice can be the only Sith in the galaxy at a time."
"No one comes out until the turkey comes out. New rule."
"Have a rule... that you don't give back more than 10% of your profits."
"It's as simple as that, it's a simple rule: never discard and refeed your starter before it peaks, that weakens your starter."
"It's not really a hard and fast rule, but the 80/20 rule props up quite a lot."
"Let your kingdom come let your government rule let the authority of your kingdom be established and let all things be done on earth as they are in heaven."
"The number one rule for secrets is don't check them into source control."
"My number one rule for climbers no matter how you're climbing is that you're tied into the tree at all times."
"This birthday rule does not apply when we first go on Medicare."
"Rule number one: we can't spend any longer than 2 Days in any given Park up."
"Keep the distance from the car in front, always try to think of the two-second rule."
"Freedom therefore means the Liberty to dominate or the right to rule your environment, not to rule other people."
"Summarizing: the key thing, most specific rules wins."
"The Only Rule is Unified grip to weight ratio"
"So for the rule for you guys who are going to be coming up here, you have to have your cameras on. All right, that has been the rule that I am now establishing with these live streams."
"If you have to leave to go pee, the rule is you gotta have 60 seconds."
"Always remember that number one rule, fellas."
"The NFL made a rule that said if you kind of fake an injury to extend timeout to give them the time to call plays, you get charged a timeout."
"Her five-second rule is a game changer."
"After 'to,' the verb will be in simple form."
"If a sentence starts with a blank, it will be followed by an 'ing.'"
"The first rule of Fight Club in my opinion is that every man should fight."
"Cookies rule everything about me."
"There's no right or wrong way to do it. What I decided to do was come up with a simple little rule."
"I am not ruled by my desires, feelings, wants, or needs...nothing rules over me except Christ."
"They also have to be double stuffed, that's a rule for me."
"There are many rules to abide by at Texas Roadhouse, but you should never forget the number one rule: If it doesn't say Texas, it's not Texas Roadhouse."
"They require all men to wear pants."
"...every straight man has a rule: that would be the one penis per fantasy rule."
"No killing, yeah, no killing rule, 'cause that's what he has to do."
"The hand of the diligent will rule, while the slothful will be put to forced labor."
"It's the diligent that actually rule. Sluggards are terrible workers."
"God says because the diligent people rule and the slothful are consigned to the slave labor. The hard work down here."
"That's just a rule, it's always true: the person with the highest level of clarity always wins."
"We have a rule on this ship: what you take off the enemy is yours."
"That's the most important rule in business."
"Adjust the mix you've been given so that it works for you. That is the golden rule, make sure it works for you."
"My first painting rule is to have fun. If you're not having fun, take a break, try it again later. It's got to be fun, otherwise, it just won't work."
"The government should rule in the people's interests."
"He's coming back to rule, not to be crucified."
"He rules over the 422nd layer of the abyss, also known as the death dells."
"...there is one thing that sets our town apart from everywhere else it's a single solitary rule that everyone who lives here abides by a rule not openly spoken about but one which everyone learns..."
"The territories that he ruled, that he and his sons ruled, is sometimes called the Angevin Empire."
"Imagine trying to rule an empire of that size in a time when you don't have technology."
"I subscribe to an 80/20 Rule... I want the camera set up where I can make just small adjustments and keep my eye in the viewfinder 80% of the time."
"We had William Bengen, who is the financial advisor who first articulated the four percent withdrawal rate, otherwise known as the four percent rule."
"It is all ruled from holy Terror, from Earth."
"This rule gives the public, regardless of where you live, you own part of this public land."
"Rule number one is you can never have enough solar."
"The first rule of investing is diversify."
"Your story needs to make sense; that's like the only rule that I would ever place on anybody."
"Make it a rule never to utter one word of doubt or discouragement."
"Muslims ruled much of Spain for almost 700 years."
"God is sovereign; He rules over everything."
"789 or any number for that matter raised to the zero power is going to give you one."
"The most important rule for creating charts and for visualizing data was created by Edward Tufty."
"The 10 10 10 rule of making money."
"The decree of a king is unchanging; the edict of a king is unchangeable."
"The territory or domain over which the King rules is called his kingdom."
"Sunshine in everyone's sky, if I ruled the world."
"I appreciate your naive optimism for life, but you have yet to go through the reality of what life is like under the rule of these gods."
"One who comes from Jacob will rule; he will destroy the city survivors."
"There's one rule today: have fun, right?"
"The acceptance of a new rule that could provide stability and order was probably greater than any other kind of acknowledgement."
"Sasuke would rule the ninja world with an iron fist, at least until Toneri came to earth to take Hanabi Hyuga's eyes."
"Sasuke would rule the ninja world unopposed until the end of time."
"If there's one key golden rule on any restoration project, you need to be there."
"Rule number 39: Believe in your team."
"Her rule corresponded to the flourishing of central European culture with Italian, Slavic, and Magyar contributions."
"Only the strong decide the rules in the world."
"Thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule."
"Power within you is astonishing. It is you who will rule the universe."
"The rule of the Olympians is now undisputed."
"The rule was simple: I drive to the exact spot where the dart landed."
"The 4% rule is a great formula, but it does have its limitations."
"Rule number three: keep a smile on your face."
"There's only one rule if you want to eat, you got a catch and cook it."
"The moon rules the night so the moon rules kind of our heart, our feelings."
"Rule number one of sailing is keep the water out of the boat."
"The stronger alone should rule, but is the stronger always the better?"
"Darth Bane, the ancient Sith Lord you are. Darth Bane, created the rule of two you did."
"Man rules now where they ruled once; they shall soon rule where man rules now."
"The first and the most important rule about home brewing is to enjoy a home brew while home brewing."
"Now Murim was ruled not by those who were stronger."
"Everyone has two biological parents, and there's no exception to that rule."
"To allow a destroyer to rule on their own is ludicrous. Your actions... selfish."
"It's the 10% rule: you have to be 10% smarter than the equipment that you're working on."
"When a God rests, he takes his seat on the throne, and his rest on the throne is his rule."
"Exception proves the rule," Itachi looked amused by Naruto's words.
"Hagoromo's rule was an era of peace where people truly prospered."
"While you're here, you shall rule all that lives and moves and shall have the greatest prize among the deathless gods."
"Nothing comes in unless something can go out."
"The 50 30 20 rule of money is a very important concept to understand."