
Agelessness Quotes

There are 791 quotes

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn."
"Chess is ageless. Kids as young as two and three are now learning how to play the game, and people in their 90s and even hundreds enjoy the game as well."
"Heroism and righteousness knows no age only actions."
"You can live your dream even if you are poor. You can find a way, live simply, and still achieve your dreams."
"Despite his age, his legacy as a pioneering musician and innovator in the music industry remains enduring."
"Every time you stand up for that person and don't sell out, you remain a lot younger."
"It's never too late to find love. As long as you got breath in your body, it is never too late."
"You're never actually too old to do something really amazing."
"I am super attracted to funny and he is so funny and never ages."
"A fucking dope MC doesn't age... like Albert King with a fucking guitar."
"You could be a hundred years old and change it tomorrow."
"I think you ever get too old to read a middle grade or children's book because if it's a good book then it's a good book."
"Just promise me one thing that you'll never grow up even if you're a hundred years old."
"Age when it comes to the soul has nothing to do with years."
"You gotta keep it going man, we need more. And one of the things that I love about hip hop now is that it's just showing us that there is no there's no age requirement."
"No sickness, no aging. We will all be at the age of 33."
"You're never too old to be a filly, there will always be work to do but having fun together is something you never grow out of."
"You're never too old to achieve what you want."
"Strength can be at any age, believe it or not, and Juliano Stroy is living proof of that fact."
"I've had grizzly bears and cabin porches before, doesn't matter how old you are, there is nothing more unnerving than hearing something big intentionally walking on the porch of a cabin when it knows there's human beings in there."
"You're never too old to enjoy a rice krispie treat shaped like a ghost."
"Not only children but even adults can have fun."
"It's hard to keep a straight face. Fart jokes never get old."
"You're never too young, you're never too old to do the right thing."
"You're never too old to play and you shouldn't be."
"Forget my age or status, get the information and go win."
"You're never too old to enjoy something adorable."
"It's never too old for you to dream, it's never too old for you to accomplish your goals."
"You are never too old to nestle under a blanket and get so cozy and warm."
"You're never too old to do anything that you want to put your mind to."
"When you have your goal in your DNA it doesn't matter how old you are." - Commentator
"There's no age to restart and look for new challenges."
"Your soul doesn't know your age, your soul knows you."
"Age is just a number, nothing in this world will stop my hunger."
"The Eternal youth is a mere side effect of the hobby hobby."
"There's no gender or age here, there's only energy."
"Regardless of your age, if you want to be married, you can be married."
"I think that at any age you can have an Enlightenment."
"You are never ever too old to build a killer fort."
"Just pursue opportunities or goals, age is just a number."
"You are never too old to catch a dream." - Speaker
"Age is not the idea when it comes down to learning. It's a concept that you choose to continue doing to get better."
"There is no age of makeup or clothes. You do what makes you happy."
"Healthy hair is timeless, no matter your age or style choices."
"Don't waste the pretty. That's it. If you're 20, you know, 30, 40, 50, the advice is all the same. But do not waste the pretty."
"You're never too old to enjoy a well-made game."
"You are not too old and it is not too late to start whatever it might be that you might be interested in."
"He looks great, not joking around, that guy is ageless."
"Like Joan Collins, I believe that age is just a number."
"I don't dress my age; I dress my truth, and age fades away."
"I am youthful and Timeless at every age."
"Don't let anyone tell you you're too old to do your part."
"Travel as much as you can, and there is no age for that."
"If you're doing what you love... it doesn't matter if you're 40, 50, 60, 70."
"Music itself shouldn't have an age barrier."
"Welcome to your go-to channel on staying chic and confident at any age."
"You're not too old to dance, you're not too old to praise, you're not too old to operate in faith."
"It's a young person's game, but for Denin, it seems he would care less what the age of his body is; his mind is still sharp and very ready."
"Rey Mysterio is 47 years old and he does not look it."
"The Opop fruit makes them that age forever so they don't physically get older."
"It's okay to keep dreaming no matter how old you are."
"One gets the singular, frightening impression that this island has been a part of the ocean depths for more years than man can count."
"What is your secret? You do not look one day older than when you won the World Championship 21 years ago."
"There's no age limit for Learning."
"He's like 40 years old at this point and it still looks like he's slowing down so that Rosario Dawson can keep up."
"He's been able to maintain the level of what is the relevancy in different eras without being old."
"Superheroes don't really age and rarely get hurt. They maintain incredible powers and vanquish every enemy who stands in their path."
"I feel like Jim Carrey never ages when it comes to comedy."
"Sig mentions he was 38 when the Dawn Shard stopped aging him."
"There is no age limit on doing great music."
"Ethan Hawke looks exactly the same in everything he's in, does the guy not age?"
"Diamonds are forever. Diamonds never age."
"It's really interesting, the notion of agelessness. Like, is that a good thing? Why isn't wisdom a good thing?"
"Ageless wonder man Dave Feldberg."
"Your beauty has no expiration date. Betty White's did, she's dead."
"The man that God had for you, he gonna look at you and think you're the most beautiful, gorgeous, best thing that has ever happened, and he will not consider your age."
"Proving that true beauty knows no age."
"Peace is deserved and available at any age."
"For the love of Honor alone is ever young, not riches."
"Generally I think the philosophy of less is more kind of spans across all age ranges."
"In heaven there's not going to be an age Factor."
"Welcome to the year of agelessness. They shall see you at 100 and you're still looking good. 130 you're still looking good."
"Age is not the thing. When you feel good and you have a good life, I have no complaints."
"So there you have it, the black mamba storm pioneer, and this is, I'm gonna saying, remember, you don't stop playing because you were old, you're old because you stop playing. Big geek, be proud. Boom, in your face!"
"He doesn't age, he looks exactly the same."
"Age doesn't define how good of a parent you're going to be."
"Age is just a number. You're supposed to be over the hill at 30, but I feel pretty good."
"So pull up a front row seat to the Chianosans as this immortal 50-year-old still kicks just as much ass as he did in his twenties."
"It's your fashion, your style, your age, and it's always your choice."
"Age doesn't matter, it's the feeling that's important."
"Let's have no boundaries, you know that. Love has no bondage, no age."
"Y'all never too old for Legos, bro."
"Your higher calling would come at whatever age God decided. It doesn't matter if you're too old or too young, it's about answering the call."
"You're never too old to grow and learn something new."
"Age is no obstacle, keeping fit and healthy."
"This pouring out that Joel's talking about is irrespective of age."
"You will be a true leader and you will make a difference whether you're eight or eighty, you'll make a difference."
"Pigtails for grown-ups guys. We are allowed to wear pigtails regardless of our age."
"There's no age limit on romance, you know."
"There's an awakening going on. There's an awareness, it's a newborn again. It's a powerful awakening. It doesn't matter what age you are."
"Age never matters when you're in the kitchen."
"You're never too old to be a princess."
"You're not too old, trust me. Everybody loves you and you're one of the greatest."
"Wear what makes you feel good, never feel like you can't wear something because you're a certain age."
"You're never too old to go on a sleepover."
"You're never going to look your age, no matter what."
"There are no age restrictions on having dreams."
"Thank you, Naomi. Like, you're never aging."
"Grandma could dance as sprightly as any of them."
"They'll make it fun for you regardless of how old or young you may be because Disney is for kids of all ages."
"Never too old to ride a Spider-Man bike, guys remember that."
"She looks exactly the same. She doesn't look like she's ageless, she is ageless."
"You're never too old to try something new."
"Age alone is not the limiting factor. In fact, if any of y'all are watching right now who are in your 70s and 80s and you still backpack, please make a comment in the comment section below."
"He should have a birthday cake that says Timeless on it."
"Age is just a number, and mine's unlisted."
"Age ain't nothing but a number, so's IQ, and neither are important in age of love."
"Age is absolutely nothing but a number."
"No matter how old you are, you can keep pushing."
"Brook's jokes, they never get old, do they?"
"That's what Ice Age accomplishes the most, is that the movie sort of transcends the age barrier that it doesn't underestimate its audience."
"Youthfulness is a mindset, not an age."
"Age doesn't make any difference if two people are right for each other."
"It's never too late... at any age, one can discover this."
"Don't think you're too old to express yourself because that's completely factually incorrect."
"The love of Honor alone never grows old."
"Age truly is just a number, and we have to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves."
"Literature can have a transformative quality no matter your age."
"It's never too late like you're going to be the same age in 20 years whether or not you follow your dream or not."
"Age is only a number, that's right, you're as young as you feel."
"You are never too old for trick-or-treating."
"The age is not important, I feel good, I feel motivated, exciting."
"You're never too old to be a filly, something you never grow out of."
"People are mean and it hurts our feelings. It doesn't matter how old you are."
"Age makes no difference, there's love between us."
"In your head, you are the same age little kid, you don't really age in your head."
"Age... honestly, it doesn't hold you back."
"You can never be too old to chase a dream."
"Because you're never too old for Barbie."
"If you give respect and kindness, you'll get respect and kindness in return. Age ain't nothing but a number."
"However old you get, it's always going to make you feel like a child again."
"You're never too old for a new love, and I'm grateful to have grandparents for many more years to come."
"It's just so awesome that you can never be too old to try something new."
"Age is not a restriction at all, you know, just as long as you can stay in the boat and can fish comfortably and stuff throughout the day."
"Never too late to make a change. It doesn't matter how old you are, you could change your life at any point."
"Florida alternative medicine where age is just a number."
"I might be old but I act like a 12 year old. I love to have fun."
"You're never too young or you're never too old to start a business."
"Age is just a number, it all comes down to mindset."
"No one can do it like this; 73 years old, he is still just hitting home runs."
"It's really a kind of person; it has nothing to do with the number of years you are."
"I don't think anybody is too old unless you think you're too old and you're just not up for the challenge."
"You're never too old for sand castles."
"You are never too old to dream afresh."
"It's never too old for dates, yes, I agree, between spouses."
"Anything subject to time gets old; anything born out of time is ageless as part of being eternal."
"You have lost your age when you lose your wonder."
"Do you ever get too old for Easter eggs?"
"It's never too old to drink, you're never too old to dream."
"You're never too old to dream. Basically, I have dreams, was a dream, and it came true."
"You're never too old because once you give the Holy Spirit permission to use you and to instruct you, things just fall into place."
"You don't get too old to play poker; you get too old when you don't play poker."
"You're never too old to learn, and you can do it if you put your mind to it."
"Don't let age be a factor, you know I'm living proof that at 67 you can start this journey."
"Don't believe age is a barrier to having a good time."
"Happy birthday, many happy returns, you certainly don't look it."
"I don't care how old you are, doing something like this brings you right back to your childhood."
"You never get too old for dino nuggets."
"You're never too old for this stuff."
"You're never too old to have fun."
"Just be happy and do your thing on every aspect, young or old."
"You're never too old to dream a new dream."
"You're never too old starting the dating world."
"Start when you start, doesn't matter what age."
"Age is not a factor, and they love each other."
"Love knows no bounds, no age. It's a demonstration of tenderness and love."
"It's important to see that love knows no bounds, no age. It's a demonstration of tenderness and love."
"Age doesn't matter as long as you're having fun with it."
"You're never too old for good things."
"Common sense doesn't have an age."
"You're never too old, you're never too young to start anything."
"True love does not know time or age."
"You're never too old to enjoy the things you love."
"The growth never stops, regardless of how old you are."
"You should be judged on how you feel, not on how old you are."
"Age is just your number; it's just a number. You can be anything you want to be, you can do anything you want to do."
"Love could be whether you're 18 or 80, it doesn't matter, God will make sure you have the love you need when the time's right with the right person."
"You're never too old to jump on a giant bubble ball."
"Age doesn't matter, you stay focused."
"You are never too old to set another goal or dream another dream."
"Movement does not discriminate against age."
"You're never too young or old to go back and accomplish your dreams."
"I feel like when you're a musician, you could be a senior citizen but you're still cool and young."
"Disneyland, they say age is just a number."
"Googly eyes are fun at any age, alright. You can't change my mind on that."
"We'll never be sick, we won't get any older, and we won't ever die."
"No matter how old you get the cinema is just so totally magical."
"Live in the moment no matter what your age you're in and do what you want, what your heart desires."
"You're never too old to play with toys."
"Age doesn't define the player, but where a player can be defined for the ages."