
Religious Figure Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"At Borang, Mary did not look sad, she did not warn, she did not foretell calamities, she was merciful, she was the mother."
"Jesus is our champion, our representative. He stepped forward and fought for his people."
"He was the foster father of Jesus, of course, yes, but it goes deeper than that. What did he actually do? The key is he loved."
"The Hero, our Hero, now and always is Jesus Christ."
"David is the primary image of that messianic figure."
"Many people have heard that Billy Graham recently passed away... Billy Graham was probably the greatest evangelist in the last 100 200 years."
"I'm telling you, Jesus Christ, great guy, fantastic guy."
"Christ preached all the virtues from the cross."
"Padre Pio has been called a second Saint Francis for our troubled current times."
"Jesus is the great equalizer and he steps out and everything changes."
"If Jesus ran for president of the United States, I'm gonna tell you boy something, I'd vote for him, you know what I'm saying? I already have."
"Jesus experienced one of his most lonely moments."
"How do we abide and how do we stand firm?" - A reflection on maintaining faith amidst adversity.
"David was a man after the Most High's heart."
"Jesus Christ, the most famous religious figure in history."
"Jesus was a human... He was divided, but he was expressed as in his thirty-three years on earth as a human being."
"Why is the Jesus Christ character the one who has survived the test of time?"
"Jesus is the most influential person who ever lived."
"Mary Magdalene: the overlooked successor to Jesus."
"I truly believe without any hint of hyperbole that Kenneth Copeland is demon-possessed."
"In the Bible, he would become the one we know as Moses, the wielder of the serpent staff, the teacher of his people."
"Reinhard Bonnke is not a loss, he's a gain for heaven."
"Father Lynson Lampert: 'The pupils turn green.'"
"Father Vincent Lambert said the battle can take many forms."
"Ali is more knowledgeable than me and you." - Abdullah ibn Hababam
"The capstone, the summit of spiritual awakening, is Jesus Christ Himself."
"Bushiri often spoke about the miracles he'd performed, claiming he'd cured people of HIV, changed the fortunes of those living in poverty, made blind people see, and once walked on air."
"There's a new sheriff in town, his name is Jesus."
"Jesus arguably was a pacifist and maybe even a socialist too."
"I always get inspiration from the life of the Prophet, salallahu alayhi wasallam."
"There is only one creature that Satan fears, she is Mary. Yes, there is only one human person the devil fears, and it is the woman, the great woman of faith, the woman clothed with the Sun."
"Jesus was a very humble dude, he wasn't dripping in Gold."
"Peter was important, he was an apostle, and there's a lot we can learn from Peter."
"If you're giving me any period of history, probably Jesus."
"For me Sri Ramakrishna was love personified."
"If Jesus Christ was just another man who when he died he stayed dead, what significance is he to me today?"
"Fisher didn't do any miracles in life, but in his death, he did a singular one."
"We have a divine and eternal priest now, our great high priest."
"If you have heard of Isaiah Salivar, it's very likely it's because of his connection to the Demon Slayers Deliverance Ministry and his very fiery brand of charismatic preaching."
"When Jesus appeared, it was the righteous that he appeared to."
"Isaiah's constantly describing the future as another exodus. Now why is that important? Well, who is the most significant figure other than God in Israel's exodus out of Egypt? Moses."
"So, this religion is centered around a supposedly illiterate Prophet who goes off by himself to pray about the religious unrest in his day."
"Jesus stands on his own as the most remarkable luminary of all time."
"I think it's certainly possible that he could be an existing religious figure um obviously it's impossible to identify that person or say it's going to come from here or he's going to be this type of person."
"A lot of power in the story of Mary Magdalene, a lot of dignity, a lot of grace, a lot of inspiration."
"Nobody could beat the Prophet in any matter."
"Padre Pio made present Jesus Christ and him crucified."
"This man Muhammad we say is the Spirit of Truth..."
"If you haven't reckoned with who Jesus of Nazareth is as an actual historical figure, you've missed it."
"Do you really know him? He's a prophet before Moses, a priest after Mac, a deque, a champion like Joshua."
"Jesus was the ultimate social justice Warrior."
"What was it about Jesus that rocked the entire world?"
"I became curious about my new patron saint, Maximus the Confessor."
"The true Jesus is the one that we see in the Bible."
"The richest man in the history of the world was Jesus"
"He doesn't achieve anything. Did the Prophet sallallahu protest? I'm asking a question. Did he protest? Could he have protested? Did protesting exist in his time? He could have."
"Prophesy, the prophet of Christianity."
"Mary is the quintessence of deification."
"And if one reads this text on the gift of prophecy, you would see basically Ellen White is another Bible. It says that she is a continuing authoritative source that provides for a church hope, comfort, guidance, rebuke, etc."
"The son of man came eating and drinking, a friend of tax collectors and sinners."
"Jesus never gave any indication whatsoever that he feared or even acknowledged this notion of social contamination."
"Let's take the opportunity to send your salams to Imam Hussain and his brother."
"If there's one guy, and I'm bragging on Jesus in him that is alive right now that is impacted or been a catalyst for more moves of God and more revivals, it's Dr. Randy Clark."
"She devoted her whole life to the task of spreading devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus."
"May Allah have mercy on Imam Bukhari."
"We should always trust in God, just as St. Elizabeth of Hungary."
"The Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Bishop... seemingly resurrected."
"Jesus in the New Testament, as is clear, is the Royal priest, the truly human one, he is both the True Image Bearer, The genuine human, and the temple in person."
"Father Josiah, traveled far to be with us tonight."
"Francis traveled through parts of the Islamic world, impacting diverse communities."
"switch the evil you get out of pocket armor I'm just gonna act like Christ Jim Caviezel come on"
"For all of the disdain for too much preaching, Andrews was by all accounts one of the finest preachers of his time."
"To me Jesus Christ was the greatest object lesson man the world has ever known."
"Jesus Christ was one of the mightiest messengers of God."
"Yeshua, Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world."
"Jibril who Muhammad perceived had 600 wings."
"Jesus was revolutionary in his empowerment of women."
"Saint Joseph believed, trusted, and relied on God."
"But should we then cease to speak about Abraham? I certainly think not."
"What manner of man is Jesus? He makes the blind to see, he makes the cripple walk."
"He humbled himself. He was not a military ruler, he didn't come as a king, he didn't come as a powerful person."
"He's the guy with the moon blade, and he's also one of God's disciples."
"Joseph of Arimathea is really a foundation to Celtic Christianity."
"Jesus was no racist; He fought against racism."
"Guru Rinpoche is a really special phenomenon."
"The Lamb represents Jesus because Jesus willingly allowed Himself to be sacrificed for our sins."
"Jesus is, beloved, the Lamb of God."
"Jesus Christ is a man approved by God to perform miracles."
"We see him as a mighty prophet and we see him as the Messiah as well."
"Muhammad is not the father of any men among you, rather he is the messenger of God and the last of the prophets."
"Isaiah is not only the largest of the prophets in size, but also incredibly eloquent."
"Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan."
"Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs."
"Blessed be Avraham by El Elyon, maker of heaven and earth."
"That is Jesus, son of Mary - the word of truth about which they dispute."
"Rediscovers the secrets of sacred geometry and shows the role Jesus himself might have played in an intriguing story."
"Good men look like the god-man, Jesus is the most significant man in the history of the world."
"Jesus of Nazareth and the resurrection power."
"The moral authority of Jesus of Nazareth is a force to be reckoned with."
"I always loved Jesus, you understand. I wanted to be like him."
"You decide: Mary Magdalene or the Apostle to the apostles, the one Jesus loved most."
"Brother Andre became the first male Canadian-born saint."
"St Peter, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ and quite possibly my favorite character in the New Testament."
"Jesus Christ of Nazareth was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power."
"Jesus is unlike anyone who's ever walked on the face of the Earth. Period."
"The only one who can silence that voice of guilt and shame is Jesus."
"Who is this man that walks on water, raises the dead, heals the sick, casts out devils?"
"The king of glory is a warrior, Jesus is a warrior, in fact, he is the captain of the host of heaven."
"Christ of course is the true Morning Star."
"John's Jesus symbolism is pretty obvious."
"Michael, the leader of the angelic army, is arguably the most popular of the archangels."
"Here is a friar that trembles, sighs, and weeps."
"Mary Magdalene was the first person to whom the risen Jesus appeared."
"A prophet? Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet."
"Jesus was concerned for lonely people."
"Holy Padre Pio, you served as an exceptional priest and confessor."
"The life and death of Yeshua HaMashiach changed the world."
"The Messiah is not just David; He is greater than David."
"Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has come in this world in the age of Kali to taste the moon of loving devotional sentiments of Srimati Radharani."
"Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has come to taste the mango fruit of love of Srimati Radharani's love."
"Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has come to taste this fruit and at the same time share this fruit."
"The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was nothing more than a messenger of God, his word directed to Mary, a spirit from him."
"He loves God, he loves Jesus, and he's a leader."
"Jesus of Nazareth undoubtedly is the most influential human being to live in history."
"Now there was about this time Jesus a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works."
"He is the messenger of the Lord of hosts."
"Yahshua came to set the record straight."
"Jesus was warm, welcoming, and approachable."
"Daniel, a great man of God, a man that God used mightily."
"Jesus was not a white man, he's a bronze colored Middle Eastern Jew."
"Jesus Christ is the biggest winner."
"St. Nicholas was the wonder-worker of Myra, the archbishop, and he's known as a saint who was pleasing to God."
"He is Jesus, He is Yeshua, He is the Jewish Messiah and the Savior of the world."
"Jesus is specifically referred to as the Messiah."