
Misunderstandings Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Mistranslations are the source behind many misunderstandings."
"Under certain circumstances, a tiny misunderstanding can snowball into a full-blown catastrophe."
"Sagittarius...they're very loving people but a lot of people tend to think that they're heartless and cold."
"May you live in interesting times, and people say that without knowing that it's a curse, not a blessing."
"Education is the most misunderstood sector of the economy that's ever existed because of the complexity of how it works."
"You must be very patient," replied the fox. "First you will sit down at a little distance from me - like that - in the grass. I shall look at you out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. Words are the source of misunderstandings."
"Check out their videos; they're not mean people trying to hurt anybody."
"Just because we're connected to somebody inexplicably without words or language behind it, doesn't mean we're on the same page."
"There are very few things that make me more frustrated than when people who know better act like someone invoking the idea that race could play a part in things means they are calling giant swaths of people racist."
"You always make me feel stupid, but I was going to save you."
"I just want to say this right off the bat because I feel like I'm worried if they post something soon people are going to think that this is a response to her video."
"First thing I want to elaborate on is what we talked about a little bit ago before we move on to this crazy call, is that Katarana did and I just want to hear you that she reached out to you to talk to Prime then you about this."
"There is nothing sadder than watching woke leftists explain comedy to one of the greatest comics of our time."
"I just felt like I was being trapped into trying to talk crap about another creator who I didn't know at all."
"Don't assume malice if you can't absolutely prove it especially when incompetence is just as good or a better explanation."
"Don't make assumptions about people, just like the woman who thought that she offended a guy and needs to apologize. That's an assumption."
"I'm sorry, I think I knocked over your books. Don't worry about it, it's my fault for not cleaning up."
"I know so apparently what women actually mean is 'I don't need you anymore' and consequently, we need to rearrange how men and women interact with one another in society."
"The one thing I hate is people commenting on stuff when they don't know the full story."
"It really pisses me off when people go out of their way to misunderstand me."
"I just thought it was interesting that I was being blamed."
"What we've been told is that this was all just a big mistake that it boils down to an app that malfunctioned."
"It's not a personal attack on you, it's just an expression of an issue."
"Communication is so, so, so important, otherwise it runs into misunderstandings, it can lead to abuse."
"To me, saying 'don't overprepare' when you mean 'don't railroad' is a case of mistranslation."
"It's hard for me to imagine like a guy coming to the picture and telling me that my mom said these awful things."
"It's not very uncommon for a man to not be able to find the Red Dot."
"Reconnect with people from the past, but be cautious of potential misunderstandings."
"What you think about me is not real. Like, that's not cool."
"Enchanting is probably a higher priority than the others as it brings the most benefit."
"Ryan's got a good thing going. I'm not sure why he needs to think that I'm after him or something like that."
"So yay, the problem was fixed, water under the bridge right? Well, no."
"Girls, relax! But Heather, it does look like you're the one that left this heart for me."
"The fight may be over... it's actually the other way around."
"They feel like you keep initiating something with them or they feel like there's a lot of false starts between the two of you."
"Everybody has to stop saying they hate the thing that they don't hate."
"Most things in life come down to bad communication."
"I can't wait for you to see them because they're really pissed off at that video you uploaded for multiple goddamn reasons."
"Tulsi Gabbard is the 2020 presidential elections most misunderstood candidate."
"I mean, it's not like a personal attack, I just said her car has really bright headlights."
"I've been really burned on that a lot or you put a lot of time into this and then all of a sudden it comes out in - well, I'm you can present me exactly what I asked for and it doesn't matter."
"Just because something is problematic on the surface doesn't mean it's a problem."
"If it ain't disrespect, if it ain't dangerous, I don't even know how we got here."
"Did you learn something? Was it to not screw around and try to make me look like an idiot when you know I'm not?"
"If you try to hand a woman something and close your fist, she is going to think you're trying to hand her a bug."
"Someone like you comes along and thinks they know what's best."
"I go into another fit of giggles. Sam takes my actions as genuine interest."
"People were messaging me about the KSI thing. I know he's mugged you right off."
"Fame came to me and it all hit me all at once and like people were just making allegations of me like oh you paying these people to think and I'm like no I'm not paying them."
"Anyone blaming the victims nearly never been in a situation of abuse. It's hard to get out of that situation."
"Nothing says innocent misunderstanding like hiring a crisis communications consultant."
"Diamonds are incredibly important, density 20's frustration with shadow, but you know that's fine, he just doesn't understand, man."
"We're always wondering why, when somebody does something to me, it doesn't fill my cup, or when I do something to them, it doesn't fill their cup because we're always thinking we know how we're loved."
"I legit thought he hated me, and then why would I you think like me did you?"
"Don't attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity."
"It's like, anything that you're not involved in, you might have the wrong idea about it."
"Avoid speaking without thinking, avoid a misunderstanding by clarifying your perspective."
"Never attribute to malice that which can be sufficiently explained by stupidity or ignorance."
"I'm sorry, Plucky, I thought... is it so bad that we want you out?"
"Hilariously what did you say because I said his head was long."
"I've spent so many years arguing with people who have told me that I said something that I never said."
"Mommy loves you please don't think that mommy hates it."
"If I post a screenshot of someone calling me a name, that's me being homophobic?"
"Assumptions don't really help anybody and I think that was what was a little bit difficult because this person had assumed that I just didn't like them anymore."
"That's right baby, I'm talking about Krampus and no, has nothing to do with your period cause I thought the same thing."
"Nowadays everybody thinks everybody else's job is easy."
"I know if I break up you don't mean they're literally together I'm assuming that's not what you mean anyway."
"Assumption will definitely get you in trouble."
"First-time flyer boards conveyor belt with luggage thinking it'll take her to the plane. Fair assumption, right?"
"People get the wrong impression of me but to be honest I'm quite chilled most of the time."
"When a woman says 'it's fine,' usually it's not."
"We were friends forever... everybody just assumed I was a horrible personality."
"They do miss you, but they're causing their own problems with their stupid assumptions."
"There's a lot of outside noise and external forces that may not understand why either you chose them, they chose you, or you chose each other."
"Then what would actually this mean that this isn't your connection with this person isn't dead it is"
"I thought I had fucking problems like this last week living with you. I've never seen anything like these second term edibles too literally ugly like you are supposed to eat them but they're not actually food."
"Assumption is the motherfucker of all things."
"He might not be doing it to harass some girl. She can't just say things about him and try to ruin his life."
"Babe, can we talk about this? Listen, okay, it was meant to be a prank, but I need your help right now."
"Love isn't dead if what Holly returns to fill in for Toby, Michael finds out that she and her new boyfriend AJ are on the rocks."
"People getting mad at things that aren't actually happening drives me nuts."
"Arguments are never about what they're about."
"People don't really understand [ __ ] don't [ __ ] around like that out here."
"I'm scared that she is going that she thinks bad things about me that is aren't true."
"Tommy, intentions matter. Okay, my intention was not ill."
"Lady, it's not a dog park, it's a public trail."
"They're just complaining about each other... literally just talk to each other."
"The Bible is the best-selling book of all time but often there are some misunderstandings surrounding how we got it."
"It's not what it looks like, it's exactly what it looks like."
"People fear China because they don't understand it."
"Even though we live in a global world where communication happens in an instant, things are often wrong or miscommunicated or there are various sides to stories."
"I wouldn't do it on purpose okay we know yeah he'd feel bad about it yeah it could be an accident but you guys are insulting me by saying oh god I wouldn't do that and I'm like yeah you're right."
"Maybe they just weren't in a good mood, maybe they weren't being rude on purpose."
"This idea that I left her for an IRL girl and that's why we stopped talking in April and May, which is just not true. I didn't date anyone who I knew in real life until my current girlfriend."
"I thought Britney was I mean look I I think she actually really was into Trent I thought Trent was going to be into Taylor I don't know why just right away like it it kind of vibe."
"The biggest problem with healing is that we think we know how somebody should be healed."
"I'm with you on that but that isn't the intentions."
"I'd be insulted initially by some of the inroads they made to me."
"I'm going to call it love, everybody's just kind of side-eyeing each other right now."
"The value of FSD is extremely high and not well understood by most people."
"Do you know it aired live? I'm sure she wasn't gunning for your sister."
"They feel like you're playing games with them."
"We get into so much trouble when, out of insecurity, out of fear, we just make assumptions."
"Even a simple misunderstanding can escalate into something destructive if egos get involved."
"Sometimes when people have core supporters, sometimes they do just, and it's kind of innocent. Yeah, it kind of causes things that doesn't need to happen, exactly. Wow."
"Meanwhile, the poor Babel Fish by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures has caused more and bloodier Wars than anything else in the history of creation."
"You ladies have women who will blow up relationships and situations just because somebody texts the wrong way, a misunderstanding. Your pain tolerance is laughable."
"When I was a kid, there was a time I thought the power went out because the clock stopped moving. I told my parents and they told me to look at the TV. The TV was on, the clock's batteries were just dead."
"Because we have been misunderstood, and we talk about this in the first one, but your comedy, your style has been created by controlling those misunderstandings."
"Take a hike" means go away, and hugs are perceived as a sign of aggression, which is not something I could have known.
"The horny one. How you tryna look at that? Valentine's Day pass. I don't know why I merged the calls of my parents."
"I have five children by four women. He seems to think that I'm having relationships with my children's mothers."
"Oh, that's Andy, my boyfriend," I reply. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Alicia chimes in. "I thought you had a thing for Fred."
"Jesus was not insane but his mama and his family thought he was."
"He explains that it wasn't a romantic gesture and that nanay is like a sister to him, he realizes that she's jealous and kisses her passionately."
"Misunderstandings often stem from insecurity."
"The most damaging thing people do in relationships is make assumptions."
"There's a lot of dramas that happen simply because of lack of communication."
"Communication is key. Most problems in relationships are just miscommunication or things that aren't transparently said."
"I said it's just letting him letting you know she said well I had a free died yeah you know and yeah yeah we've had some weird stuff happened man."
"You must have been. I was cleaning chimneys."
"So Ry and I did not get off on the best foot."
"Because at the time, he was working on his demo, he dissed us secretly. I didn't know about it, but when it came out, [__] went, 'He dissing you because of that tape?'"
"Scorpio is a sign that's easily misunderstood."
"You do though, you do. You told me that I do trust you, but I know it was Jac Lee West."
"Certainly wrong about them fighting each other."
"You're wasting a lot of time, you're wasting a lot of time. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not wasting time here. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is ridiculous. There's no way you sent this back to me three times. It just can't."
"You sound beautiful. Yeah, thank you. Like oh, sorry, Planner. You have to pay upfront, which is 800 dollars."
"Sometimes it really is just a conversation because things always get misconstrued behind the scenes. 100%."
"Have you never seen a [ __ ] rom-com, a roman commander?"
"For some reason, they've got the impression that you ended things with them or you're planning to end things with them because you may feel like the grass is greener on the other side."
"Biggie didn't want to beef with Pac."
"...you can see that there are some misunderstandings there... just the overall idea of alignment and clarity among all these roles is just super powerful."
"We got off on the wrong foot; you don't know me, and I don't know you. That's okay, we will get to know each other."
"Assumption makes an ass out of you and me."
"Misunderstandings are inevitable in a relationship; in some situations, neither person is right or wrong, but someone has to yield their position."
"Everything is complicated, all these systems are complicated, there's lots of misunderstandings about all of them."
"The intention of this program is to clarify common misunderstandings."
"Communication, man, it's key, and assumptions are the mother of all messes."
"Misunderstandings do nothing but breed hatred and division, which I think is the last thing we need on this planet right now."
"If you think that you're gonna be in a relationship any length of time and nobody is going to say or do something stupid, then I don't know what kind of relationship you think you're about to have."
"This is a case of continual misperceptions, missteps, misunderstandings, and missed opportunities."
"I love when people get white people names wrong because they always get our names wrong."
"Misunderstandings and words unspoken, we fall apart and I won't dare to say, do you feel the same way?"