
Social Engineering Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The idea is to make less niggers so they won't have to build houses for them."
"It's possible to build incentive structures that prevent us from engaging in those worst excesses."
"It's all about social engineering...whether or not the government and elected officials really should be in the business of trying to socially engineer or fool people into doing things."
"If the first half of the twentieth century was the era of the technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of the social engineers — and the twenty-first century, I suppose, will be the era of World Controllers, the scientific caste system and Brave New World." — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
"It is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism of the world to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population."
"If the first half of the 20th century was the era of the technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of the social engineers, and the 21st century, I suppose, will be the era of world controllers." - Aldous Huxley
"Social engineering is basically you know it's where people play act to try to get information or data out of you."
"Praised for his hacking or social engineering techniques."
"If I want to become a better social engineer, do you have any resources that you'd recommend?"
"We know from research that's come out recently that the majority of cyber attacks start with social engineering."
"What gives a Dei program the right to come in and try and alter the nature of things to create a quality of outcome?"
"Dune shows how the masses can be manipulated by religion and social engineering."
"Cultural destruction is a powerful tool that has always been used by communists and socialists to socially engineer a potentially dangerous populace."
"The nature of the ultimate revolution is precisely this: getting people to love their servitude."
"The reason why they keep doing these strategic social engineering projects on us is because of the power of the big black brain."
"I figured out how to create these fictional people with fake social security numbers."
"Love bombing basically involves showering recruits with attention and affection to entice them into the cult."
"Race programming for social engineering relies on false identities."
"The media constructs public beliefs and engineers social change."
"Celebrities not only sell dreams and products, they are models for shaping public perspective and frontline administrators of social engineering."
"You can social engineer AI, and AI has never had to deal with any of that."
"Films and documentaries don't just function to entertain us... They also function to prepare, to propagandize, and to SIOP."
"A war based on culture creation paradigm-shifting and social engineering."
"You can engineer human behavior by tapping into fears and trust networks."
"Changing the foundational system that determines our social outcomes could make combating climate change much easier."
"They don't actually own their home but it worked, plebs got that feeling of ownership and it made all the difference."
"Social engineering is a science, I understand how these things work."
"It's not that virtual worlds are bad, it's the temptation that this will be used to socially engineer people into global human slavery to the virtual realm."
"The government wants to socially engineer the population out of wanting to drive."
"We have the means to regiment people's minds as efficiently as armies regiment their bodies."
"We've been socially engineered and they be like, 'Well why can't you pull yourself up by your bootstrap?' Well you keep taking my bootstraps off my boots."
"They convinced the Irish people they're white... it's one of the greatest triumphs of social engineering."
"The attack appears to be the result of a meticulously planned social engineering campaign."
"A lot of people maintain that you can't really social engineer ISTPs."
"I'm in a field, a security consultant... I started to focus on human vulnerability and ended up writing a framework for something called social engineering."
"Any act that influences a person to take an action that may or may not be in their best interest... encapsulates both the good and the bad side of what social engineering is."
"Wishing is a type of social engineering attack in which the attacker uses voice calls to trick the victim into revealing sensitive information."
"Social engineering is really, really important. If you forget or if you ignore social engineering, you're going to miss out on a big part of what actually takes place in hacking."
"This is another form of social engineering just to make people feel as though everything that they know to be true isn't so. Why? Because feelings."
"The prisoners began to call guards by their first names and actively work to resolve conflicts between the guards and other prisoners in order to ingratiate themselves to the guards."
"Do something right and actually thank them and then they won't be manipulated and social engineered by people like me."
"The distinguishing feature here is that the attacker develops a story or a pretext in order to fool the victim."
"Social engineering is any attempt by an attacker to convince someone to provide information they wouldn't normally."
"A Faraday cage would not deter social engineering."
"There was an attempt to prove the theory that all of those conditions like poverty and disease and improper sexuality would be wiped out by the state if mandated surgery was applied to young people like Carrie Buck."
"Chris here, the Chief Human Hacker, has literally written the book on social engineering."
"Social engineering quite simply is the use of deception to elicit information from people that they wouldn't normally give you."
"They warned about utopian social engineering that we should all look at with a strong level of skepticism."
"It’s sort of a brilliant combination of social engineering and hacking."
"There is no technology and there never will be any technology that defeats social engineering. You only defeat social engineering through education."
"Part of why the scripts don't change is because they're designed to hack your brain. It's called social engineering and the idea is to manipulate you into giving them what they want."
"The mythos around rock and roll being all about alcohol, sex, and drugs is nothing more than a social engineering narrative."
"The liberal project is nothing more than a successful engineering project, different only in one respect from the one that the Socialist and Communists attempted early in the 20th century."
"The normalization of liberalism should not hide the fact that it was a social engineering project of monumental proportion."
"Situation crafting refers to the art and the science of creating situations that are conducive to a sense of belonging."
"Society can engineer itself to give people the best opportunity for good outcomes."
"It's not based on force; force is too expensive, it's too inefficient. Instead, it's built on careful conditioning, on creating consent."
"Engineering of consent... applies to any social goal."
"I perfected a technique which is called social engineering... where they'll agree to type something in their computer... that allows me to gain control of their computer."
"This need for autocracy led the Terran government to partake in social engineering political projects the scale of which have never been seen before in human history."
"Authority, likability, reciprocation, consistency, validation, scarcity—these are the deception methods used by social engineers."
"I think in general I'd want to craft the best rules for society that gets everybody invested in whatever program or whatever I'd be interested in."
"Social engineering is responsible for the vast majority of attacks, 70 to 90 percent."
"The weakest point in any system is typically the aspect that can be socially engineered and exposed."
"Social engineering is the exploitation of human emotion."
"This scam is all about assumptions and social compliance."
"Let's engineer kindness, better behavior, accountability, and let's hold people accountable."
"Hacking is not just about technical abilities, but also the social abilities you have."
"Social engineering is the usage of techniques that will allow you to gather information from human resources."
"Piggybacking is a mixture of a physical attack with the impersonation social engineering attack."
"Quid pro quo is when you make favors to someone in order to expect some kind of payment for that favor."
"Creativity is critical, not only when using the tools that you have available but also when performing social engineering."
"Every other synchronization mechanism has a social engineering component."