
Wolves Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Wolves are friends, not food. Remember that."
"Wolves mate for life, their packs are generally like nuclear families."
"In one of the last wild places on earth, is it possible that here and only here, wolves still live the way wolves once everywhere did?"
"Wolves are actually the most demonized animals throughout human history."
"Gray Wolves work together to bring down prey far bigger than themselves."
"The wolves were howling with a purpose."
"The wolves help us," someone says weakly.
"People are absolutely gassing up the work that Nuno Espirito Santo is doing at Wolves."
"Wolves are incredibly intelligent creatures."
"Wolves are the leaders in adventure, family-oriented, fearless, and they go off to places that are undiscovered."
"200 wolves against 10,000 sheep. I almost feel sorry for them. Imagine their surprise when they realize they poked the wrong mercenaries."
"So those are the two wolves that we're rescuing. They're technically geriatric, they're 10 years old, but wolves can live 16 to 17 years under human care, so the dream is that they live another like, six years in this enclosure, which is very exciting."
"You heard Lord Rezak, it's just some wolves, dumb beasts, that's all."
"It's clear to me now, whether in the rivers of the Great Bear or in the wilds of Yellowstone, pure wolves are like shape-shifters."
"Wolves are highly misunderstood animals."
"California: the land of lakes, butter, and wolves of the timber variety."
"Wolves are amazing predators, found used to be found all across the US until we basically destroy their habitat."
"The alpha wolf concept was based on wolves in captivity."
"It was the sort of smile that wolves ran away from."
"The two lone wolves that found each other."
"I hope I can observe them, bring their behavior home to people so that they can get rid of their misconceptions about wolves."
"The coast wolves are so special animals; we now think that long ago when the glaciers covered Canada, the wolves along this coast were cut off from the rest of the continent."
"It's crazy, yeah, I'm lying in the middle of the wild, surrounded by a pack of wild wolves, maybe never ever seen a human before."
"It's been said that the wolf walked with man before we were friends with him and companions."
"I feel the presence of the wolves; I don't see them right now, but I know they're right there."
"I got first attracted to wolves because they are the endurance athletes of the animal realm."
"That's wolves done, lovely stuff, another team completed."
"Even though wolves are alone, they're in a pack."
"Wolves are fierce warriors but loving nurturers at the same time."
"Wolves howl to communicate with each other."
"Wolves roam vast areas of territory."
"There are not stories about wolves but about the human spirit."
"Together we do whatever it takes; we're wolves."
"When I think of wolves, I think of complex and important social structures."
"Wolves live partly in this world and partly in a world of dreams."
"The animation in the forest is kept rough, making the wolves feel like sketches."
"Everybody fell in love with this idea... that by wolves being on the landscape, they caused the riparian areas to bloom and Paradise returned to the greater Yellowstone ecosystem."
"The howl of the wolf stands alone."
"Wolves are generally wary of humans and are not by their nature man-killers."
"Wolves are monogamous; they live their entire lives with one female."
"The gray wolf is notable for its pack behavior."
"If you want a book about wolves that I like, I can recommend 'Cold the Night, Fast the Wolves'."
"Since wolves are mostly social creatures, they live in packs across the park."
"Half of all the wolves in Yellowstone have black coats."
"Wolves are just my favorite animal."
"Wolves don't howl at the moon; they face the sky because it helps the sound travel faster."
"Wolves are constantly reinforcing their social bonds; mostly wolves depend on getting along."
"We should report this when we get to town; there was a pack of wolves near the capital too, so this could all be an omen."
"Dogs are related to wolves; numerous studies have shown that dogs and wolves share many DNA traits."
"Wolves are family-oriented; there's never an orphan in the wild."
"Wolf attacks are extremely rare. They normally like to keep their distance from humans."
"Observing wolves in the wild is a rare experience; highly social, superbly intelligent, and extremely cautious, they're seldom seen but often heard."
"The reintroduction of wolves to American National Parks hugely improved their ecosystem."
"It was not the humans that domesticated the wolves, but it was actually the wolves that domesticated themselves."
"Can wolves be managed non-lethally? Yes, emphatically yes."
"We need to talk about individual wolf lives and indicate to people that they're not that bad."
"The most important area of wolf conservation is the ability to respect everything about it."
"Smell is an important way for wolves to communicate."
"Wolves are extremely misunderstood creatures who tend to steer clear of humans."
"A group of wolves is called a pack."
"Normal wolves never abandon an injured member of the pack."
"Successful range riding is a threat to ranching organizations because it does show that you can have wolves and livestock out on the Range and not have problems."
"There is a difference between fighting a thousand sheep and fifty wolves."
"I had a pet wolf. His name was Wolfie."
"Every single Mexican wolf that we know of today stems from those last seven survivors."
"By the late 1970s, the Mexican grey wolf, called the lobo, were believed to be completely gone from the wild in the United States."
"I speak for all wolves as we have a deep and inherent communication with nature and all its inhabitants."
"When we sing, our songs can be heard across lakes and throughout forests."
"I love wolves, wolves are awesome."
"I love wolves, wolves are awesome, and I love them."
"Wolves were actually worshiped in Japan."
"All modern dogs are descendants of wolves."