
Love Language Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Sitting in comfortable silence in a call together is a love language."
"Words of affirmation, that's a love language."
"I love quality time... I just need to be with that person and that's how I give and that's how I receive as well."
"Once given, can never be retracted... Knowledge is my love language."
"What's the best part of my day? When you lay in my lap."
"I feel like that's a big thing because I like to go shopping, and my love language is receiving gifts."
"My love language is acts of service. I really like when people help me when I didn't even ask them. It's so beautiful."
"My ultimate love language though, guys, is banter and roasting each other. That is my, um, you know what, that's quality time."
"It felt like I was being pampered, like it spoke to my love language."
"Find what their love language is and use that."
"Simultaneously a love letter to the infinite scroll of social media and a meditation on love language and human connection."
"Money is a love language at the end of the day."
"Sometimes my love language is just to not do anything for me except relax and let somebody else do it."
"What is the love language of pile number four's future spouse? They see you as the queen of wands, and they're the king of ones."
"I'm very big on affection, physical touch, and like quality time."
"One of God's love languages is quality time."
"Acts of service... that's my love language, that's that love, that support."
"What's your love language? It's both what you do for someone else and what someone does for you."
"Love language is gift giving, I like receiving things."
"I just love giving people gifts. It's my love language."
"My love language is money and gifts."
"I'm so full, you know what my love language is? Cookies and french fries."
"So the way this person expresses their love or will express their love to you is 100% through the way they make you feel."
"They're gonna be a very passionate lover."
"My love language is verbal affirmation."
"My love language is annoying you to the point where you should be able to, to take it and laugh back at it, you know what I mean?"
"They're a very devoted lover, showing love through actions and validating your feelings."
"Gift giving is a sort of love language."
"Someone could genuinely be a gift giver, that could be their love language."
"Making an incredible dish with your hands is a love language that I like to express on the daily."
"Their love language is very much quality time."
"As men, our love language is respect."
"Refusing to show her love in any way, shape, or form is the fifth way that you'll naturally show a woman weakness."
"One of them has a love language of gift giving."
"It's so cute that like she wanted to do this because Brandon one of his favorite things in the world is making people lattes and coffee when they come over he just absolutely loves it it's one of his love languages and ways that he shows love."
"My love language is gift-giving. I could never be like, 'People say, 'Oh, you a trick.' But anytime my friends say they want something, I try to remember that and get it for them."
"It's good to understand people's love language because, you know, I feel like my love language is acts of services, gifts, you know, and then the touching."
"Once you know your partner's love language, you understand each other much better and then you're able to speak their love language and get across to them how to communicate that you care."
"I'm very much an acts of service guy."
"Quality time is their love language."
"They want to shower you with gifts, they want to shower you with flowers. They really, really love and appreciate you, and I think of you in extremely high regard."
"Gifts, those of us whose love language is gifts aren't necessarily materialistic."
"Learn her love language, and learn to speak it."
"Your future spouse's love language may actually be gift-giving."
"The way that this person treats you is in a way where I think that their love language is words of affirmation."
"Her love language is physical touch, just knowing that that's her love language and that's how she's showing, it's not that I have to lower my boundaries and let her touch me but I can realize that she's not, she's just showing love."
"Some guys, that's just their love language, like acts of service."
"But what do I like to receive as a love language? I don't know if it's a love language. Honestly, and we didn't prepare this, we just talking."
"But my second love language is giving gifts. I love to give gifts. I love to spoil people. I love surprises."
"Acts of service, quality time, and words of affirmation. I mean, like, I need to kind of be told like, I still love you or get your [ __ ] together, girl."
"Their love language is like acts of service and... just wanting to protect you, wanting to be there for you, loving you."
"Giving yourself time is an extremely crucial love language."
"They feel like you're cold; they feel like you're very upset with them. There's a lot of gratitude for who you are, how open you are. Your love language is so fluid."
"Their love language is gift giving."
"Feeding good food to my loved ones has to be one of my love languages because I love doing it."
"My love language is your time and attention"
"Words of affirmation were so, so key to Megan."
"Acts of service is definitely my love language."
"I'm actually an acts of service person ironically, I love serving people and I feel very loved when I'm served."
"Giving away muffins is a love language to your favorite customers and Hospitality."
"How many points on your love language am I getting for this act of service?"
"Oh, my love language is active service, guys, if you didn't know that."
"Cooking is my love language. I love to serve others, so it is really great to be able to enjoy a meal served to myself every once in a while."
"I love giving gifts so much, my language for showing love is gift giving."
"Physical touch is still top for me."
"...guys were very simple creatures, our love language for the most part is sex, right?"
"I'm 100 an acts of service girl. Like, I will think of your needs before you even think of it and I'll take care of it for you."
"I have the same thing. Like my love language is keeping score."
"Quality time would be my top love language."
If my love language is words of affirmation and you're speaking acts of service, I'm not getting the message "I love you."
"Actions speak louder than words... Are they consistent with you? I think consistency says a lot about how a person loves you."
"Now girl, this is love language. This is like culture right here."
"I love spoiling you, you know I love gift giving, it's my love language."
"I enjoy being a traditional housewife because that's my love language. I love to make people I love feel good."
"My love language is quality time."
"Gift giving is definitely my number one love language."
"When your love language is words of affirmation, anyone can tell you anything, then you start to believe it."
"Learning about them was one thing but being able to identify the love language that I leaned into, that was another thing."
"Women like confirmation. 100. You know, and my love language is words of affirmation, so it's just, you're watering my plant right now."
"I wanna make popular is where we can actually affirm our women, love on them, use words of affirmation. If women, if that's not their love language and their love language is gifts, why don't you give me money?"
"His love language is acts of service which is not me. Like I'm words in touch. So like tell me you love me and give me a hug and I'm like so loved."
"Communication is very important. My love language is physical touch, biggest one. Words of affirmation, physical touch because I'm all horny pervert, words of affirmation because I was very insecure."
"You ever fantasize about sharing fruit or someone washing your hair for you and you're like 'oh, I am just a little pack animal.' My love language is indeed monkey instincts. Monkey. Monkey."
"The way I like to receive love is quality time and words of affirmation."
"A love language that a person speaks could come from a healthy place or it could come from an unhealthy place."
"That's the power of speaking someone's love language; it is magnified in their mind."
"So I actually even though my preference in the way I'm the most affected is uh words of affirmation after being married for 15 years and having four kids I'll take it how I can get it."
"How am I supposed to know how to love you in your love language if you don't tell me? So, if I say, 'Hey, I would like it if you sent me flowers, um, you know, once a week or something,' that's not me begging. It's me telling you how I like to be appreciated and loved."
"Some of us will feel grateful and will show gratitude through action, but one who feels love through words, those actions mean nothing to him."
"Cooking with someone is definitely a love language of mine because acts of service is a love language and then like physical touch, I feel like they're both my love languages and I feel like cooking kind of involves both."
"I'm a physical touch person, which I think a lot of people are surprised to know."
"My love language is physical touch without a doubt."
"In marriage counseling, it's not that they don't love each other, but they want to be loved a certain way."
"My love language would probably have to be... would, I think, number one is physical touch. And then I would say, right behind that is words of affirmation. But I think it comes from insecurity in my relationships in my past. That's why I like... I needed affirmation."
"I really think that you should just have an honest and candid conversation, be like hey, like I know that your love language is not personal touch but mine is, is there a way that we can, you know, try to be a little more cuddly, a little more affectionate?"
"We're speaking my love language here."
Words of affirmation: Unsolicited compliments means the world to you, hearing the words "I love you" are important, hearing the reasons behind that love sends your spirits skyward.
"When someone speaks like that to me, it just... it hits differently. I'm a words of affirmation, that's my love language."
"I feel like one of his love languages is gifts."
"Gift giving is Just My love language I don't know if Love Languages is like annoying to anyone but if it's the thing I'm definitely A Gift Giver."
"Acts of service is your love language."
"For her, I really think her love language is acts of service and quality time."
"But when I give you kisses and stuff, it's not that you don't like it, but that's not how you feel loved."
"The number one universal love language of any man is sacrifice."
"My love language is chocolate and ketones if you did not know."
"Gift giving is my love language. I love to just give people gifts."
"If I have a planning love language it's habit tracking so."
"That's my love language bro because I feel like there's a song to go with every mood every vibe every feeling."
"When somebody speaks your love language to manipulate you, it ain't love no more, it's just hate."
"You're gonna love them because of the way they hug you, the way they love you."
"Gift giving is my love language I love giving gifts and I also love receiving gifts not necessarily because of the actual physical item but for the meaning behind it that I feel seen and known by that person."
"God's number one love language is quality time."
"God's love language is quality time."
"Why would you ever rob someone you love from a blessing of affirmation and admiration?"
"My love language is time, I just want to spend time with people."
"I'm a great cook. I love cooking for my partners, my friends, just to feel like that's my way of showing love."
"His love language is acts of service and so he's just like cleaning the pool, cleaning the garage, I'm like, 'Sit down my guy.'"
"If your love language is touch, that has probably been the hardest part for me in long distance."
"Nothing says I love you like dinner cooking"
"Expresses love through gift-giving, expects reciprocity."
"He spoils you with shiny, pretty things, expresses love through gift-giving."
"I love giving gifts, it's one of my love languages."
"My love language is making a playlist for a guy that I like. I've got this."
"...he's like very chill on gifts like that's not his love language. My love language on my other side is definitely gift and like word of affirmation..."
"This person is a gift giver. That's their main love language. This person may have gotten you quite a few gifts."
"...my love language was to do things for you, you know what I'm saying, to help you, you know, and so I do think the intentionality was there..."
"Deals are not my love language. Work ethic and morals are."
"Cooking is one of my love languages."
"Acts of service is my love language."
"He's so clearly uncomfortable, he's like 'you guys have gotten a lot better at showing your love language, but my love language is being alone'"
"My most preferred love language is quality time."
"Quality time as well, but yeah I would mostly say words of affirmation and gifts."
"The true love language is the one that you put on yourself the most... the one you try to give to yourself."
"Sending plates is a love language."
"My love language is literally gifts."
"Gift-giving is not a love language; adding value is."
"You get turned on by people who perform acts of service, especially for you."
"Acts of service, and I think sometimes men are literally showing that, showing love that way."
"Speak one another's love language."
"Why the [__] did I say it like that? No, of course we can do it together. She hates you. Well, that's okay, I don't think she hates me. Is your love language quality time? Yeah, interesting, and physical touch."
"Acts of service is like a huge one for me."
"Cool ways to say I love you: Tell me you love me with a cookie and ice cream. That's my love language."
"Words of affirmation are my love language."
"My love language is gifts... it doesn't have to be expensive."
"My love language is trying new food."
"Culture for me is the love language for humanity."
"Words of affirmation really make you feel loved."
"Being seen, being touched, being held, being kissed, being stroked, being made love to is really a language that is very important to you."
"Physical touch is a love language and it's still a love language even if you're not with a partner."
"I love Nanny and I love giving Nanny stuff, and when it comes to Nanny, my love language is absolutely giving."
"What is your attachment style? What is your love language?"
"We must be willing to learn our spouse's primary love language if we are to be effective communicators of love."
"Words of affirmation is one of the five basic love languages."
"Quality time means giving someone your undivided attention."
"Gift-giving is my love language, that is a great source of joy in my life."
"Love language assures the other of connection, I will not abandon you."
"I love to give gifts; it's my love language."
"Your love language is what you didn't receive from your family or your parents."
"The language of love is 'we' not 'I'."
"Words of affirmation are the main love language of ENFJ."
"My love language is physical touch, and distance makes that very hard."
"I'm very touchy-feely. Touch is my love language."
"I take what I can from those years in my life and let it fuel me to be better, more selfless, understanding, observant, and willing to love my partner in her love language."
"My love language is not gifts. I don't love to get gifts really, I love to give gifts."
"Libras' love language tends to be words of affirmation."
"My love language is acts of service, so anyone that does any acts of service for me, it's won me over."
"Physical touch, that's probably my biggest love language."
"I love physical touch, that is my love language."
"Having coffee with friends is a very meaningful thing to me; it's one of my love languages."
"My number one love language is gift giving."
"People show love how they like to receive love."
"It's my love language when you know someone is like really caring towards me."
"Find out what the love language is of your spouse, of your husband, of your kids, family members, people in your community."
"Learn how to speak to people in their love language."
"I just love giving gifts, it's my love language, and I love spoiling people."
"That's my love language, and I want people to know that about me."
"Feeding my family like cooking meals for them is more my love language to show people."
"Food is a love language; it brings people together."
"I like party favors, maybe it's because I think love language for me, like my big one, is gifts."
"My love language is touch, so if I'm caressing you and touching you, that's like a cue."
"Drew's love language is acts of service."
"I try to make sure that I give him his love language, not my love language."
"Quality time is one of my love languages."
"Room makeovers and decorating and cleaning are like my love language."
"I love Christmas time and I love gift giving; that's probably one of my love languages."
"Physical touch is holding hands, hugging, kissing; all expressions of love."
"Being considered is a love language."
"I'm an enneagram nine and my love language is acts of service."
"I love to host, I love to cook, I love to feed people. That's my love language."
"I love gifts... that's my love language."
"First of all, I would probably bake something, uh make something like food because that is a lot of my love language is like making things for people."
"Thanksgiving leftovers are like his love language."
"My love language is acts of service. So if I really appreciate you, I will do my best in anything."
"My love language is gift-giving; that is how I show that I love you."
"I'm looking for a certain love language."
"Physical touch is my love language, so any sort of affection like that, play with your hair, head pats, hey, I'll eat that up. I love it."
"Gift giving is one of my main Love Languages."
"Cookies, coffee, and presents - that is my love language."
"It's always kind of crazy trying to come up with all of these gifts, but it's also really fun because my love language is gifts."
"Time is a love language, you know, why not give them the gift of time."