
Family Focus Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"All I've asked him for is a relationship, and I still can't get it. That's fine because instead of taking that energy and time and being upset and angry with him, I'm charging it to the game and giving that time and energy to my son and his mom."
"Your focus should be on building strength and focusing on your family."
"Every decision that I make is: Is this good for my family? Is this good for him? He's going to benefit from this."
"Well folks, first of all, happy normal month, in which we celebrate traditional virtue, recognize biological sex differences, go to church and synagogue, and take care of our wives and kids. Happy, happy normal month to you."
"You have to let go of everything and focus on the child because that's all that really matters."
"American families can focus not on money, but on the fight that really matters."
"A healthcare system that puts you and your families first, and that every American can be proud of."
"Republicans are the party of parents, of education, of small businesses, of freedom, and of family."
"I quite understand if you think you see some red flags and you want to you know focus on these parents I would just say I think you're focusing in the wrong place."
"We can't save America as one person in the House of Representatives, but we can save our family."
"Testimonials regret not spending more time on family."
"There is a strong focus on family; something culminates connected to property or place of living in a positive way."
"Drake could probably take a risk and come out with a record... head first into fatherhood and being wifed up and rapping about that as well."
"It's not about his family and my family it's about your family."
"We are all called to evangelize, but it starts with our own family."
"A husband's focus is the home that he wants to build."
"Our measure of success is really how real working families are doing."
"We need a president who will unite this country and get things done for working families."
"We're changing the face of our economy to be one that's much more work from home, stay with family."
"Focus on yourself, focus on your family, focus on building your community."
"Bird has revealed that The Incredibles 2 will not focus on the modern superhero but will again be focusing on the family dynamic just like the first one."
"Families and children were at the center of his campaign."
"I just want to help people, inspire people, spend my time with my family, with my mother, with my kids and just being good, good person. And this is my goal."
"It's not all about you, it's about the family."
"I want to coach but I don't want to coach at college or NFL because I just... I don't want to travel. I want to be home with the fam."
"This isn't about his family and my family, it's about your family and your family's hurting badly."
"Focus on pleasure, desires, and personal life, finding joy in home and family."
"April is a month focused on personal life, home, and foundation, with big new beginnings."
"Make sure you also pay attention to what's important: your family, your friends, and your loved ones."
"Black people don't have to pick a side. We need to re-center back on the family."
"What's the most important thing to this woman right now? Her kid."
"I can't imagine he has any hope. A lot of focus on Paul Whelan's family and a lot of joy for Brittney Griner's family."
"For people, it's not the millionaires that suffer, it ends up being the family. You see it on your table, you see it on your kitchen table. The price of things hits American families the hardest."
"Why would I consider my win something that makes you happy? I'm gonna consider my win something that makes me and my family and my kids and my girl happy."
"You should take some time off to focus on yourself and your family."
"Put your kids first... Keep your eye on the prize."
"You got to figure out how to maximize your life and your family's life and your values and your beliefs, you got to figure out how to protect them, it's on you to do it."
"I want to bring back a family-friendly Michigan."
"Christmas is all about family, so it's just so wonderful."
"For your family and your community, you don't destroy everything around you."
"The most important thing is the children. We have a modern society where it's me, me, me, my feelings leave when I feel like it instead of doing what's best for the kids."
"I'm all about lowering corruption, and getting our government just functioning for regular hard-working Texas families again."
"It's not about chasing the American dream, it's about chasing your family being the dream."
"No matter what's happening in the world, have your tea, make your list, plan your food preparations, read to your children, wash the clothes, do something creative for everyone and be a light in your home."
"I pray that God blesses you and your family."
"With standard Honda Sensing and ample safety features, the Odyssey prioritizes passenger safety."
"There's something about Christmas, it's just so magical and so family oriented."
"For Diana, the happiness of her children was paramount in all she did."
"Be wise now and be strong now and prepare yourself and your family."
"You've lost everything but your daughter. She's all that matters now. You are a father above all."
"Gotta make some kind of effort to prioritize those that's closest to you."
"Harry and Megan preach about the environment. Harry and Megan talk about their children and wanting them to have a better future."
"You can only save the world one person at a time starting with yourself and your immediate family."
"Susan had been a school psychologist before pausing to homeschool her three sons which had brought her joy, purpose, and fulfillment."
"This marriage is all about family, support, deeply emotional, and fruitful."
"It's personal service, you're gonna get someone pick you up and your family and take you exactly where you need to go."
"We believe that God's agenda is revival. It starts in the home."
"I had to get my life together for the sake of them."
"Christmas isn't about spending money and consumerism; it's about spending time with your family and friends."
"Love on your cat, that's what you got it for, that's what llamas for, and the baby in your stomach, focus on them."
"Focusing on family and career can help restore confidence and strength."
"I want my life back for me, I want my life back for my daughters."
"It would be nicer to focus on family time again and less on worrying about whether you're going to be able to pay your mortgage next month."
"We cannot let any party bring chaos to our nation... think about our kids."
"We need to continue to build our families and work on ourselves. I think that will solve a lot of problems."
"What do you want to be doing in a decade? My immediate answer was... be a grandfather."
"Just being here, just being in the house, just her being pregnant, it's just my mind has shifted to where I just want to be at home."
"Basically just do what you can for yourself for your family just only worry about you."
"I don't live my life to appeal to the haters. I live my life for my family and for the fans that love me no matter what."
"When you deal with an inhuman entity, it's usually focused on a specific family."
"It's about me, you, and these kids now. That's all it's really about."
"Eliza was brave and took a decision which she thought would be better for her family."
"One percent change doesn't have to just apply to farm life. They can apply to Family Life."
"Engage in prayer. Open your mouth and lift up to God, saying, 'God, this is what I'm praying for, this is what I need to see happening in my family.'"
"As we pray and fast today, may God fill us with boldness and give us divine wisdom and revelation concerning our families."
"I think my kids have a lot to do with it. I spent a lot of time with them and I focused on them."
"Maybe we can focus on our families if we are all financially free."
"I always talk about family entertainment... as long as it's a great story and it's got wide appeal."
"I made this message for black women who want to build a family unit, tired of doing life by themselves."
"Can we at least try to be friends? Can we at least try to make this work for the kids?"
"When you build and you focus on your household, your family, you see strength happen."
"We found ourselves more attuned to families."
"That's my primary focus like I'm a family man like every literal sense of the word like get up take the kids to school there any morning I get him to wake up get him dressed make sure you know saying ain't nobody get left behind."
"You worry about you, Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, because your children and your grandbabies, they're depending on you."
"It was regrettable that things had turned out this way, but knowing that we could finally focus on raising our kids in peace, I felt the sense of relief."
"Being rich is about focusing on you; being wealthy is about focusing on your kids, your kids' kids."
"I'm so hell-bent on building a perfect life for my kids."
"You've got to start getting into the mindset of taking care of your family."
"I'm focusing in on my family and the things that we love and making our home a place that we love and we love to be."
"I'm gonna be a Corolla guy, my family's gonna be awesome... it was about Freedom over here, it was about fixing my relationship so my loneliness over here."
"Women are taught to focus their life around family, so when that breaks down, you think it's you."
"Every single time we make a decision, it's in the interest of the child and the family."
"Pay equal attention to family members, as there might be some negligence due to work."
"Our number one focus is the child and the family, always has been, always will be."
"It seems like it's very family orientated, was that what you and the development had in mind when you built the place?"
"Just because you got money and precious things in your house, that doesn't mean anything. Life is number one, you see what I'm saying? The kids are the number one as well."
"Quality of life, where you're really focused on family and enjoying life."
"I'm living for me and my family. Luckily within the job that I have, I get to change a lot of people's lives."
"Lean into that as your priority because those relationships, both with your spouse and your children, they don't just take care of themselves."
"Every scripture that we have, every book of scripture, is a Scripture about family."
"I'm thinking more about that realm of like being around for the kids and being able to be healthy for a long period of time."
"It's all about my son today, so I'm gonna put my problems behind me and make sure that he has the best day that he could possibly have."
"Tristan was the center of her world."
"You need to focus on your family and you need to take care of yourself."
"You gotta be focused on the family, that stuff ain't healthy sometimes."
"I'm really enjoying this Arc just because of the focus on family."
"I really feel like the whole sort of family focus of the park seems to be working well for them."
"I really, for my 25th year, really want to focus more on my family, taking care of my family, and bettering myself as just a human being."
"It's changed my priorities in life from pursuing work to putting my family first."
"The more you set yourself up for success and work hard before the baby comes, the more you're able to just take the time to be focused on the child, on the family, on each other."
"Let's be about loving our kids. Let's be about figuring out any way we can connect, connect, connect."
"Let's focus on our walk with God, let's focus on our family."
"It's not about 'Hey, look how I manage things over here.' It's about the families."
"I'm focusing on my kids and my family. I've been exercising, going to school, focused on improving my life."
"Focus on starting a family and building a good life which is all in our control."
"So much of my focus this year has been on making getting outside easier for families."
"You should always pay attention to your family and your wife and your children."
"I'm really glad that I've done it on the weekend, and now this week I can just focus on the kids because we're all at home."
"The best thing I did was throw it for myself, moved for myself, thought about my children, put my children in the center of my thought process."
"A married woman's attention should be centered on her husband and children, as a married man's attention should be centered on his wife and children."
"I was a good man, good husband, and very very focused on my family and my children."
"We both were just feeling really strongly about slowing down, taking some things off of our plates, stepping back, refocusing on our kids, on our family, on our marriage, on our home."