
Landscaping Quotes

There are 596 quotes

"Landscaping on a budget can still blossom into beauty; it's all about utilizing resources creatively to bring nature closer to home."
"I grabbed some bone meal to fill it in with tall grass and create some more game trails of sorts."
"I love the additions of the brick to really support the landscape. Oh, and he's used picture pods, the very thing I made my farm for. That is beautiful."
"He switched careers and he opened up a landscaping company. This is when his career really started to blow up."
"The real estate market was at an all-time high, so people were buying homes. They were new homeowners and they wanted manicured lawns."
"Add nature, trees, grass, flowers, leaves, anything. It always looks better."
"The luxurious Villa that we've found might be slightly smaller than we thought but it's still vast and it's a fascinating example of Roman engineering and Landscaping."
"I'm gonna get rid of this tree it's that kind of blocks the path to walk through a little bit."
"Clear overgrown trees and brush from your area that will help keep your structures safe in a storm with winds or wildfire."
"Fantastic products. Trim the grass to get the yard look bigger." - Check out Manscaped, fantastic products.
"This is so freaking pretty. I literally hate landscaping with all of my heart."
"Back to the outside or the greenery at least, let's put some of these trees around here."
"I might do the waterfall so it's just like all of that water that kind of all comes down here gently."
"The Ryzen 7 1800X receives our 'damn good and damn innovative' awards."
"A loved yard makes a house a home, you know."
"Disturbed soil needs to be packed... save yourself a whole step."
"The neat thing about doing landscaping is that it makes such a huge impact for not that much of an investment."
"I think that this path looks nice and it'll be nicer once we do some like, layered terrain paint with some dirt and stuff."
"If your grass reminds me of plastic you're doing it wrong."
"The Procedural Foliage Placement Tool lets you populate your scene with foliage in seconds."
"Your future home is gonna have a stunning landscape where I think there's a desire to just like eat outside, spend time outside, be outside."
"All that's needed was to make a roof before I did that I trimmed off any protruding tree roots."
"Every single stone chunk brings the perceived beauty of that outside area down."
"I love the view I think it's beautiful I'm really enjoying I'm really enjoying working on the natural and nature stuff."
"Adam building up a little rock garden there on the side of the board."
"If you want like a really nice aesthetic water feature that's also useful at the same time, this is definitely a really cool idea for that."
"Planting trees around your base can really bring a build together, especially if you design some of them custom."
"The main thing I wanted to do was add some landscaping on the outside to make it look attractive from the outside and then on the inside I wanted another layer of landscaping so that you're completely immersed in the park."
"I think that right now is the perfect time for us to start thinking about a bit of landscaping."
"There are two key ingredients to make a nice looking structure pop: landscape and life."
"One of the biggest problems is he can't trim the grass to make the yard look bigger. That's a key thing we're going to talk about."
"If you can dig a hole, you can level a basin, you can hook up a pump to a plumb line, and you can put gravel on top, then you could be successful in water features."
"The pond is the main feature of our landscape; everything kind of revolves around that."
"Very lushly landscaped, quite beautiful, quite a lot of space for dining or entertaining out there."
"This is like phase one of my yard, and I'll start putting in trees and flowers and whatnot."
"When you choose gravel, it's important to get the right type."
"The nice jagged edges on here make sure it's really tight and compact but it will drain really well."
"The water line is actually going to be eight inches above the current grade."
"Depth of this is gonna be 30 inches."
"We have over the years built about 20 ponds, permaculture style."
"We built this five acre Pond over the past year."
"Always have a focal point in a garden."
"The resulting work involved shifting over 5 million cubic yards of soil, planting over 500,000 trees and shrubs, and excavating more than seven lakes and other bodies of water, all done by hand."
"It made a section of our garden that was sort of an afterthought before, it made it more usable, more friendly, and welcoming."
"We built up one side with a planting bed to bring plants to the eye level and curve the path so you would not see everything in one glance."
"These landscaping projects will beautify your yard space while adding tons of value to your property."
"Deck with astro turf and then we're just not going to go that direction that's going to be the deck that direction okay."
"I think it turned out well and it really showcases going into the back Garden instead of just a basic wooden gate."
"You could fit that pond in there, oh yeah, for sure."
"We're creating terraces and doing hugelkultur, and showing how you can work on this landscape."
"This pond is going to have a wetland filter, an intake bay, an awesome waterfall, and then of course Laura's touch with all the beautiful plants."
"Now we can get to the fun part of landscaping and getting our vision actualized. It's really exciting."
"All I did at the end of January was mow real close and cover it with Mulch."
"Look at the yard space. It's just such clean-cut grass."
"We're gonna have a pond not underground like an above-ground pool pond."
"Brushify packs include everything you need to create photorealistic landscapes."
"... when you Pan the camera that's what really makes everything look more convincing is when you have sort of layers and layers of mountains..."
"... so now the scene's really starting to come together..."
"They've beat back a lot of the poison ivy and the invasive weeds, and they've just made getting around our property a lot more manageable."
"Laying the mulch out is always super exciting because it's the last step, but it has such a huge impact in making the Landscaping look finished."
"This is a great option if you're just starting out with Japanese Maple and you want a traditional red one that you often see used in landscapes in the front yard or in borders here is one that you can try this is called Japanese maple red select."
"In xeriscaping, you are reducing turf areas to where they are appropriate."
"Xeriscape is a water-conscious and creative landscape approach."
"Over half of residential water use goes to landscape watering xeriscape is a thoughtful approach of using lower water using plants maybe minimizing the amount of turf that you have in your yard."
"They're always going to have a low kind of weeping habit to them, very very pretty, very ornamental in the landscape."
"We brought kind of a modern vibe to the landscaping."
"Hakone grass is one of the best ornamental grasses to light up deep shade spots."
"Look at problem areas where you can introduce another landscaping element."
"River Rock is usually pretty good, pea gravel is pretty good."
"High impact, low maintenance: these conifers are the backbone of any garden, offering stability and beauty."
"We just need to buy this and re-landscape the whole thing."
"I added various plants near the rocks that will spill over and create a really seamless look."
"We've added about four tonne of soil just around the outside because we don't want it to look like the stream is sitting on the surface of the ground."
"When the planting is in place, it really does make it feel like a natural stream flowing out into the countryside."
"Running Crush Limestone along the whole driveway too."
"what i've done here is just provide that stage if you like and on top of this now i can put my hard scape and then build around that no idea what yet though but i have got lots to choose from"
"These take it to the next level of wow. These kind of feel heavy duty. These are LED solar shade lights. I like how they come up and they go over like that. You can really make your yard look beautiful."
"The drainage layer helps prevent the substrate from getting saturated."
"My mowing is about to go dramatically down and I just want a rough cut mower to knock the perimeter of the property down a couple times a year zero turn is going to take care of the rest."
"Everyone's backyard is slightly different and even if you don't have this exact scenario at your location just know the general principles of retaining wall are basically going to be the same whether you're building a one-foot-high retaining wall or something much larger."
"I do want to remove all the grass but I want to save the grass because we're going to be using this to fill in this dead space behind our retaining wall."
"I really love the creeping Jenny. I love the way it takes over and the way it just starts to really like you said soften up everything and the way it encroaches over and fills like all the cracks in between all the rocks and it just kind of Finds Its home."
"This Milwaukee handheld sprayer provides instant constant and adjustable pressure to meet the needs of professional Landscape Maintenance and Pest Control projects."
"Blueberries are beautiful ornamental bushes, so they are the perfect stealth edible landscaping bushes."
"It's so much easier to hide wire in a flower bed than it is to have to dig trenches and rocky soil."
"Another option people use is gravels or rocks you'll typically see used as mulch."
"You need to plant trees so you can look at a view. You planted trees in a set way so that you had the darker trees closer to the house and the lighter further away."
"It's like you can have some little small hills here to play with, and this feels much better in my opinion compared to just a flat plane."
"You can easily create any landscape."
"You created something that many would consider to be one of the most beautiful golf courses in the world."
"I ran my buddy's uh plate compact plate tamper over it"
"Have your trees professionally trimmed."
"I got so many trees on my property. This is perfect. You can go around the trees easily. Quickly. I love them."
"Ground covers provide another layer of plants, highlighting your garden."
"Blue Star Creeper blooms in cycles, adding beauty to the landscape."
"Hedging plants used to make hedges."
"The gardening, the auto landscaping in the neighborhood, a lot of thought and care now put into the variety and very lush."
"For landscape professionals, so go to one property in the morning, discharge a couple of your M18s, bring them back to the trailer, plug them in, and they'll start charging as you go to your next property."
"Creating a more sustainable and attractive landscape."
"Evergreen ground covers are not just about beauty, they play a crucial role in reducing soil erosion, suppressing weeds, and maintaining the health of your garden."
"I do envision having it mostly garden, less grass. This right now is once again giving me some wonderful inspiration."
"Ornamental grasses just fit that bill so perfectly."
"Hopefully, that was instructed that you guys can see the value of it, the common sense of it, and the fact that you can get really extreme and dramatic results by doing something and not adding one penny to your landscape other than just a little bit of sweat labor."
"Grasses add movement, lightness, and texture to a border."
"If you divide a garden in half, you multiply it by two. In other words, if you make little rooms here and there, the garden seems a whole lot bigger than just one view."
"These are great plants if you need to cover a lot of space."
"The entrance to their driveway, they've used variegated liriope which is tough as nails."
"I like to work from the outside rim back towards the house."
"I love the spanish colonial style of the building and how they accented it with all these gorgeous olive trees and bushes all over the property."
"You can have a little bubbling water feature or you can have a permanent Pond system like this."
"The lovely thing about Stone in the garden is it looks beautiful and once it's in position it's gonna stay there."
"I just start putting trees and covering things."
"They look better at varying levels if you all have them at the same level they look a little bit more com commonplace so either buy topiaries at varying Heights so their heights get you at different levels or Elevate some of them."
"There is so much more you can do to maximize the privacy in your yard."
"What's particularly cool about a privacy hedgerow is that it mimics the edge of a forest, which is a fantastic opportunity."
"This entire hillside is planted in hostas, somewhere in the neighborhood of 14,000 hostas."
"It really gives that proper jungle feeling, and then once you've done that, the simple thing is just fill in with plants."
"You can mow some areas of your lawn smartly, and other areas you can leave to grow a little wilder."
"This is a great tree when an arborvitae is just a bit too small."
"Brushing sand to create elevation changes makes things look more dynamic and interesting."
"Nothing wrong with hardscape-only."
"The first thing to consider is the hardscape layout."
"One of the key things about a box blade is it's not just a blade, it's a way to transport material to even out things, knock down high spots, fill in low spots."
"We need some gravel for the bottom of this pool. As you guys can see, you know, this pool is looking awfully blue. It doesn't look that natural, and we want it to look as natural as possible for, you know, these epic bad monsters."
"Edging grass is a lot of physical work, but oh my word when you can take a space like that..."
"I love that dude I wish my front yard looked like that."
"I wheeled over the paver base. That's gonna go in next. Then the pavers."
"Ultimately shaping garden rooms only through the use of plants is the most affordable choice."
"By changing the rocks over to Dragon Stone, you end up with a completely different scape."
"The first crucial element to a good yard design and probably the most important thing is to have an isolated yard lead or drill track."
"The second crucial element is an arrival and departure tract."
"Thanks for tagging along. Hopefully some of these tips on landscape fabric are helpful for you."
"Everything is seamless the way that they've actually done everything all the Landscaping all the detailing has been done extremely well."
"This is more of I'll just do this for ground cover."
"All these rocks came out of a rock pile I had at home and I've been bringing a trailer load at a time placing them over a week's period of time working on the logs."
"This beautiful Hemlock beside our driveway ended up dying so I really want to take it down so I can bring the logs back up the driveway."
"It's crazy how many dips, I mean, I'm putting a lot of sand in some spots that were just dipped, I mean, you guys saw it, the lawnmowers are bouncing all over the place."
"This kind of lends itself to that where you can set up a barrier, a wall right over on this side and then have a fire pit back here that's recessed, so it's kind of like you're in the ground, you have the fire pit going. Beautiful."
"We did the blue stone on the walkway. These are the kinds of things that you don't really put a finger on, but when you drive up, I'm hoping you feel that sense of authenticity."
"One little note, I required that the landscaping only include whites and greens. I was a little bossy there, but that's one of the other reasons that it feels tranquil and beautiful from the minute you drive up."
"It has a nice path around it now."
"The idea is that you can use certain design principles and maintenance techniques to make inclusion of native plants in your home landscapes culturally acceptable."
"When you know this stuff, you know you can also make a change and make a difference and lead the way to more sustainable landscaping."
"Not everybody has access to a backhoe and a guy to run it, but many nurseries offer helpful services like delivery and custom landscaping."
"In just one day, we built a simple platform deck where guests can take in the view of the barn and backyard landscaping."
"...there's a difference between garden designers and landscapers because landscapers actually do the heavy lifting they build the paths and the walls and the perlers and some landscapers do have a garden designer in the staff but many don't."
"Every garden needs a focal point."
"Instead of a lawn or grass that uses up our precious water or looks brown and dead if it's not watered, isn't a planting like this far more interesting?"
"Now you can actually use this as a ground cover and put a lot of it in I'm actually going to put it all in this corner it's a little bit aways from the tree but as you walk by you're going to be able to see that beautiful foliage."
"If your garden is overlooked, think about what your neighbours will be looking at as well."
"Wherever you have stone, you're always going to have the potential for more heat and more fragrance because the heat bounces off the stone heats up the oils and the plants."
"It looks like a darn Golf Course out there, which I'm pretty stoked about."
"They hold a lot of soil, which means I can finally put in some more fun things."
"...this Landscaping is so nice... I think this idea can be applied on a lot of different scales at a lot of different budgets."
"This area over here could make for a very nice sort of perennial garden."
"You could always do it that way because it's not like you're not cutting two yards all the time."
"The pin oak are excellent landscaping shade trees to grow and they have a very high wildlife value."
"Streamco willow is a hybrid willow, it loves wet soil, it grows pretty fast, and once established, it has multiple trunks growing out from the base, so if you plant a row of Streamco willow, you can screen off just about anything in an area that has wet soil."
"I almost got bent grass right here, it actually is kind of already preset up so this is where you want it."
"Just cutting it off right to the black...it really just makes it seem like just like a chunk of the land and it adds something more artistic about it."
"usually what you have is a spot about you know a quarter acre to 2 Acres of a lot of beds"
"We've marked out up until here and I wasn't thinking I was going to get this far this fast so we need to start putting in some more Stakes Mark out where the rest of this driveway is going to go it looks like a couple trees are gonna have to go."
"You can use all of these ways to arrange plants to make your garden look more professional and put together right at home."
"One of the easiest ways to arrange plants in your garden is by grouping them together, also known as planting in drifts."
"Would be really nice to do just kind of like a little frog and toad pond with some boggy plants around the edges."
"...the reason for that is because all that grass around the base of the trees and the shrubs is taking the nutrients as soon as it comes into the soil so it's taking it out before because the grass layer and the grass roots are a lot shallower than the tree roots and shrubs"
"If you're part of the mowing industry, you know there's just no money in residential unless you get an entire HOA. It's like the only way it works."
"I think a really cool setup is having a dump truck or a dump insert in a truck with an enclosed trailer to bring your baggers, bring your mowers, your landscaping equipment, so on and so forth."
"The key with landscaping around a water feature is to plant it in a way that you can't tell exactly where the water ends and where the land begins."
"The pond is the very first absolutely very first thing that we did just to be beautiful."
"Not absolutely flat. Don't want it to be absolutely flat. You want to have a little bit of a slope."
"The Hardscape completed and it's time to start planting."
"Wouldn't that be a beautiful kind of stately entrance piece with beautiful flowers filling them spilling over the edges?"
"All the trees are in the ground now, and I mean it looks a million times better. I mean it does, already looks a million times better now."
"A deep enough initial application of an organic woody mulch material is enough to prevent the majority of weeds out landscape fabric, as long as it's a deep enough initial application."
"The new project is turning the valley which is already shaped like a big pond into a huge pond."
"I don't know if you can see from here but we'll walk over and show you all of the area that I have not mowed or bush hogs is going to be a five acre Pond Lake Pond."
"The number one cause for failure in my opinion on paver base is that the paver base acts as a sponge and it holds on to water."
"We are gonna demolish this wood chip pile and we are going to do all the landscaping."
"We're digging this waterfall back here."
"A zen garden is a dry landscape garden decorated with rocks and sand."
"Ground cover is the key; without it, you won't have healthy soil."
"Compaction is vital. If you do not compact your polymeric sand, you're actually missing 30 to 50 percent of the sand that should be in your joint."
"So having that sand densely packed in the joints ensures that you'll have great long-term performance from that polymeric sand joint."
"If you're having trouble finding topsoil in your local area try calling around to your local kind of landscaping or query yards."
"...we planted the interstitial area and I counted we have, I think, 54 trees and 96 shrubs."
"I love this one I think this is a dahlia that would look really beautiful in the landscape in fact we picked out three tubers and then there's another small variety over there that I'll show you guys in a second."
"Depends on what it looks like I may put something else in the middle if it's too... if like if it looks too clear maybe some like black crushed rock or something like that we'll see what happens."
"...any low textured architectural features of your house statues shrubs anything that's smaller..."
"With living pathways, you can manage irrigation without making a complete mess."
"Legendia in Poland... it's got pretty nice atmosphere, good landscaping..."
"The front yard is really well developed."
"Next, we're going to take our wood chips and scatter those around."
"In my case, I know that I don't want to have snow on my landscape."
"This bottom one here already has turf grass on it"
"The benefits of each style of curb."
"There was grass when they moved in. We had beautiful plants and shrubbery on one side of the backyard. It was all dirt by the time they moved out."
"Now today we're just going along we just went along with the skid loader and cut the extra plastic off the side I'm going to go across the back and then we'll go ahead and put dirt across the front edge just to seal that up."
"...kind of makes it feel like a true garden, yeah, a little bit more natural."
"Hopefully, you know, we take all the bushes out."