
Financial Caution Quotes

There are 395 quotes

"Living by the crystal ball is bound to eat glass."
"It breaks my heart...the growth of this buy now, pay later because what does that mean? I can go out and buy anything I want, not pay for it today."
"Anything that requires you to invest money...is a very bad idea for a beginner."
"Watch your spending, especially toward stuff that doesn't really benefit you in the long run."
"Leverage can offer huge returns but also can kill you as well, unless you know how to use it correctly."
"Do not trade without a limit order capability ever."
"Every decision, every purchase became this serious gamble. I don't know if the money I spend is gonna make me look good this time or if it's just gonna be another waste."
"Impulse is your enemy; trying to time the market can destroy even the best portfolios."
"Debt can turn something powerful into a huge headwind."
"Don't ever buy a cryptocurrency because you think it's cheap. Looking at price alone is a historically tragically terrible investment thesis."
"Only gamble with what you're comfortable with losing."
"Don't give men money. Don't date someone after six weeks, especially if their name is Shane with a 'y.'"
"Bubbles and anti-bubbles are some kind of distorted mirror images of each other."
"These statements: Do not sell your Bitcoin, do not sell your Ethereum."
"Be careful of financial losses; watch your spending and investments."
"This plan is here to get your money. They want your money."
"Making trades during an emotional time usually does not work out."
"If you're going to go put 70% of your portfolio into a small cap coin like this and only 30% in the safer coins, you know you are gonna get wiped."
"You cannot think like that. If I put all my eggs in this basket and this basket breaks, where do I end up?"
"This is an environment where bitcoin likely failing, falling hard, crypto's likely falling hard."
"50 billion dollars in market cap evaporated. That's essentially like if today Uber just stopped existing."
"You do not want to be under withholding your taxes because if you do, then you're gonna find out that you have a tax balance to do."
"It seemed once again that people were exploiting the audience of a creator just for money."
"When you see people using credit cards and unsecured money to survive, that's the calm before the storm."
"You're going to mess yourself up, it's gonna take a decade to recover from this peer pressure induced purchase that the math says no to."
"Don't let it burn you twice once when you made your poor investment but a second time when you let that bad investment stop you from a good investment."
"I think it's incredibly troubling... the people that are going to get burned are going to be the people that have the 401k." - Host
"Don't want to bet the family farm on crypto."
"Don't get distracted, be careful with leverage, hold through it. Tesla's a generational company."
"You don't trust the stache... hold on to your cash."
"Stay clear of this freight train; at any day huge selling could come in and just wipe all the gains you think you're smart doing a day trade."
"The four most dangerous words in the world are 'it's different this time.'"
"I highly recommend not putting all of your money into one or two stocks."
"I think debt is like, you want to show off ludicrous wealth, but the moment you run into trouble, it's like a fine line. The moment you run into trouble, people drop you like a rock."
"Never invest more than you can afford to lose. High risk can lead to high reward."
"Make sure you guys just take this video as entertainment purposes only and really make sure to do your own due diligence before investing in anything."
"The scariest part about cryptocurrency is how easily it could be manipulated."
"I'm holding, but I'm not a financial advisor. This is not advice. Don't do as I say and say as I do, right? This is the information that I want to pass along because this is what it's going to take to make this happen."
"I am not quite ready yet to hang my hat on bitcoin being an indicator of inflation because we've never actually seen it exist in an inflationary time period."
"Just be a little bit careful with financial speculation."
"Rush into huge financial decisions without thinking them through and then you spend the rest of your life doing Penance feeling guilty about it."
"Any job that requires you to pay a fee to get the job should be an immediate red flag."
"Remember, never invest more than you're willing to lose."
"The market goes up too high, you're discounting earnings seven, eight, ten years out because everything is overpriced."
"We do not believe that you can sustain U.S. equities at this level."
"Always be wary of an investment or financial opportunity that sounds too good to be true because it probably is."
"Fear and greed index, prepare for a liquidation wick at any point."
"There's no go States... you cannot invest in those places."
"Don't buy into the idea that self-care is wasting all your harder coin."
"That [expletive] real. They say a lot of [expletive] don't went broke, they like end up getting some real M's and [expletive] not paying a [expletive] tax."
"An uneducated person with a lot of money is eventually going to be broke because educated people are going to come along and steal it."
"There will be at some stage some type of reset."
"Crypto is highly speculative; people need to go into this stuff with eyes wide open."
"Virtually every single person has been or will be prospected to join an MLM company."
"Please be careful who you give your money to."
"These contracts are going to get really expensive really quickly though so we still have to be really cognizant of that and not be super crazy in free agency."
"If you assume that inflation is gone... you could be sadly mistaken."
"What's happened on Saturday where we all get excited."
"Don't think Wall Street has your back, don't think that you are immune, nobody's immune."
"Be scared of debt: use it wisely or not at all."
"It's better to lose out on a little bit of gains than to lose multiple percentages."
"Nobody wants to be the bag holder who's riding this thing all the way down."
"I think maybe I should like walk away from the table before the house wins."
"Don't get carried away by the flavor of the day. Every 10 years, our country goes through a new flavor. Typically, most people end up losing their shirts..."
"Do not expect this to be like 2020 where you had the v-shaped stock market recovery."
"The bigger the top, the bigger the drop. It bears watching and it bears caution."
"Everything is negotiable but also look at every single thing especially on documents involving numbers."
"Tech is deflationary, but QE is inflationary for asset prices. Be careful, define your terms."
"Trading is difficult and that most people lose money, and there's no guarantee for success, so do take it slow."
"Don't just be a rich fat dude. You'll get girls but they're going to just use you for your money."
"I'm gonna tell you guys up front, not to be the voice of doom and gloom, but this is going to pull back."
"Netflix lost $17 billion in value in one day. They flat-out said that Netflix needs to be more careful with money."
"Debt is a killer. If you have too much debt, nobody's coming to save you."
"Investors may lose money? No, I'm not banking on you."
"It's only a status game. Be careful, because at some point more money becomes just too expensive."
"Just keep your eye on stuff you guys don't be, you know, trying to pull the trigger trying to time tops because you're not going to be able to."
"Don't leverage trade either because that's where you absolutely get wrecked."
"Be very careful with your positioning, you don't want to get caught in a profit-making move."
"This isn't some miracle job; chances are it's just gonna put you in debt."
"Trends are great, just don't dive in so deep where you're like, 'Holy [ __ ], I'm broke.'"
"Think before you spend, especially with impulsive spending."
"The market is euphoric, everyone's making life-changing money, but we need to all be responsible."
"There's a lot of loopholes of people trying to take advantage of people, you gotta be very careful where you buy things."
"Times of extreme fear and greed are the most dangerous times to be invested in the market."
"It's sold to us as a positive, rosy investment that's going to generate better days ahead. A lot of times it doesn't." - Adam Taggart
"United are wary of spending more than 100 million on him."
"Get off exchanges! It's not your keys, not your crypto. Trusting exchanges can lead to losses, as we've seen with companies like BlockFi and FTX."
"If you hold coins that have liquidity threats... that is something you need to take into mind as a risk factor."
"Protect you and your family. I'm not a financial advisor, I will never tell you to buy, I will never tell you to sell, all I'll simply do is let you know what I am doing."
"We do not Chase growth stocks, we do not Chase High Market multiple stocks."
"California's $98 billion dollar surplus... comes as a warning sign looms."
"Do not buy the dip in Alibaba... if you listen to this advice, you have avoided the disaster."
"I think we are in a big transition away from an ultra loose indulgent kind of Arena where people are suddenly going to have to be a lot more Discerning with their capital."
"If someone is presenting house flipping as a great simple solution for getting out of poverty or a target to the American dream, you need to run from that."
"Don't treat the market like a casino; it will take all your money."
"Don't pay any scalpers ridiculous amounts of money."
"Don't impulsively just jump into things expecting a short-term profit."
"All money ain't good money, you know? If somebody comes along and invests in your company and they want to tell you how to run things..."
"Some of these alt or meme coins will try to take advantage of you by designing their tokenomics in the following manner."
"In your wallet if there's no liquidity to that coin you actually don't have any money."
"But where you have to be careful is when you have these gigantic whale wallets that can dump the market."
"Just saying like 'Oh but the guy's offering me money, he's offering the cash' it doesn't matter, that is a risk that you should not be willing to take."
"This is why you do not buy a home with someone you're not married to."
"Fiat is dangerous to hold on to, very dangerous to hold on to."
"XRP is not a crypto to be owned with funds an investor can't afford to lose."
"Sales often tempt us into buying things we really do not need."
"This is when you can get burned, this is when you can make a life decision that you'll be paying for for many many years."
"Exactly what worries me is that everyone's euphoric everyone's Rich everything's going up everyone's posting screenshots of their gains everyone's right except Capo and no one's worried about this and that's why I think we're due for a correction."
"If anyone is telling you that this is not a reason to be concerned to some degree, that it's okay to just buy the dip on USDC and have large sums of your capital in stable coins right now, unfollow them."
"Don't ever invest money with somebody who's got less money than you."
"Don't put money into things unless you know and trust the source."
"Remember, do not get to the point where you think bitcoin is going to be your economic saviour."
"I would strongly advise all of you guys watching to look into this very closely and do your research."
"Just because they're worth billions or have billions locked in doesn't mean that you could trust them fully."
"So that's the bottom line. Just don't ape into projects just because other people are aping into it."
"A bubble being something that grows and grows and grows but at some point it's gonna burst."
"Please, for your sake, not because I'm trying to be mean to you, because I don't think you're inept. Please, sell this house."
"For me, it's not worth increasing my risk exposure to the crypto markets by hoping that I'm going to be some sort of crypto wizard when the data says I won't be."
"The stock market has been taking huge hits recently as analysts say we may be in a huge bubble."
"Money is nice and good... let's be a little bit careful."
"Be very responsible about it. I'm not sitting here telling you to bet money you don't have."
"If asset markets aren't ready to kick off a new Bull Run, we need to be protective, we need to preserve our capital."
"If we lose twelve thousand eight hundred, even a little higher, maybe twelve thousand nine hundred, if we cross this trend line over here, this parabolic trend line, breaking the lows of this last area, this was the test into the resistance."
"We may be getting very close to the late stages of this crazy market mania."
"Right now, the NASDAQ, the S&P... way too risky."
"The more money you have, the more people start coming after you."
"Be very careful because you don't want to lose your funds. That's just a warning to anyone new to moving crypto around."
"You don't want to ever be betting more money than you can possibly withstand losing."
"Don't give EA your money monkey see not monkey do monkey pee all over you."
"Most of the time I really would strongly encourage people not to spend money on this game seriously, but this is where spending money is a good idea."
"Thank you so much for watching, stay safe, spend responsibly."
"You don't want to lose money in real estate. You don't want to lose the deal."
"This is such a complicated treacherous time for investors right now."
"If you can't use a credit card responsibly and pay it off on time then you should really think twice before applying for a credit card."
"If you think you should start with 50,000, start trading with 5,000... You can never start too small but you need to be willing to build that foundation."
"For 240 dollars I don't want to wreck that thing."
"Never send the full amount on the first transaction, always send a test transaction first."
"You don't want to dig yourself into a financial hole having to pay every single month for a website host when you're not even making money yet."
"Why are these deals possible? Multifamily rents are starting to fall. If you're buying multifamily right now and you are not underwriting that multifamily rents are falling, you're screwing yourself."
"You should not be chasing green dildos to heaven like you're going to lose this game 'cause you're going to panic sell if there's a correction."
"A fully invested stock and bond portfolio is not at all the place to be."
"Don't always assume that just because it's rated investment grade that it's safe... in fact I think one of the cheapest things that you can buy out there is protection."
"This is a pretty scary market full stop, and as you said, we're not sure we're anywhere near the end of this yet."
"When things go parabolic... you gotta know when to get out."
"We would personally suggest an allocation lower in equities, 30 or so or less even now."
"Be excited for it for sure but don't forget your brain and only bring your wallet."
"Remember, it's only theoretical life changing money until you cash it out."
"Be suspicious if you have to pay any money to get something free."
"I think there's a really big warning sign flashing in the markets for what happens after this next big push because we're seeing a transfer of money throughout"
"It might have seemed like a scam at first, and it still might. I know it still might seem like a scam right now, but just wait on it, okay? Just wait on it just a little longer."
"The lesson for this video is this: don't try to pick absolute bottoms."
"You should never ever ever put your money all into one thing."
"I'm surprised people don't see through that that you don't need to provide the government with gift cards to alleviate your legal troubles."
"Try not to get too invested into these heavy RNG systems, especially if you are spending money on them."
"If it sounds too good to be true then it is."
"You don't want to be standing in the way while the market makes up its mind."
"Bitcoin dominance helps you save your money... it helps keep you out of all these super risky altcoins that for the most part just keep bleeding back to bitcoin."
"Don't go out spending money when you know for a fact that you're not gonna make it back as fast."
"Make sure that the crypto relinquishes their coins so basically they relinquish the contract they denounced the contract so that they can't just rug pull on you."
"Keep in mind that one potential scenario here is that the cryptocurrency market overall is losing steam."
"Of all the long stretch of speakers we've had, they're all saying this is an incredibly dangerous time for investors."
"Don't chase the yield... if you see something paying a 20% dividend, be very careful... it's a falling knife... not sustainable... company is likely headed to bankruptcy."
"You don't want to mess around with gold, especially on Monday."
"There's definitely some real risks possibly ahead."
"Over the course of their operation, Peter asked for more than $300 to perform their miracles, but alas no such miracle ever came."
"Just make sure to exit before the inevitable crash."
"It's even more standard when you consider he put his money into a magical trader behind a purple curtain."
"You should never normally buy a crypto at an all-time high or at least or during the peak."
"Forex trading is not a scam, but not a get rich quick scheme."
"The risk is back on the table, so be cautious. This is called Wall Street bets, not Wall Street guarantees."
"Do not be upside down in your car because you overpaid for it."
"You won't want to trade in areas of consolidation."
"It is going to crash and if you think you've made money remember you haven't made money to sell."
"Just gotta be careful. So you know use a little bit of money, use what you're comfortable with if you want, and then set your stop losses so you're not going to get burned."
"If you see a bearish engulfing from a technical analysis perspective, then you should be ready or expecting that the market may be falling early. Raise your caution levels and be alert."
"Markets are overvalued... sitting at valuations that we've never really seen before."
"But we need to be cautious that we don't migrate to a situation where we're all now stuck with transacting in one value system."
"This can hurt expectations which can cause people to now pull their money out of the stock market."
"Chase pumps, you get hurt. Wait for pullbacks for safer entries."
"It's not natural for the market to just continue to go up every single day."
"Because when you get into the yields of six, seven and 8%, that is when you have to start worrying about the safety of that dividend."
"People get lost for being greedy. They hold on for too long."
"Sometimes too much money can make you do crazy things."
"Be wary of centralized banking in a digital world."
"If you're not aware, your stop losses probably will get hunted."
"Take your profits off the table... When you make a good chunk of change, don't get greedy."
"All investments have risk... tread lightly, proceed with caution."
"Remember, this is not official financial advice."
"You have to be careful in the world of cryptocurrency."
"You've got to really be careful out there one mistake over leverage you're done for."
"There are very nefarious players out there... their entire goal is to separate you from your money."
"The recession is always at the margin and if you're not a credit worthy borrower to the highest degree you're going to have trouble accessing credit."
"Think thrice before purchasing a home or car. Only buy when you can afford it and do not when you can't. Natural disasters and accidents are unpredictable; don't corner yourself with no way out."
"We have a stock market that is so bloated, be careful of a bubble."
"Run from online communities when money is involved."
"In cryptocurrencies, you should always be suspicious. It's the Wild West out there."
"Don't sit in the casino long enough for them to take it away from you."
"The fear of missing out swiftly became the fear of losing money."
"Risk management is everything because if you risk too much and blow your load on a trade or two, it can completely destroy your account."
"Before you spend hundreds of dollars on a microphone, you need to know what these sins are."