
Spiritual Abundance Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"Come to the waters and drink, that no money can buy wine and milk without money, without price, but the price is recognition, belief, conviction."
"In the heart of tradition lies the rhythm of life, a dance of cultural richness and spiritual abundance."
"It's gonna be beyond words, that's the abundance."
"God has already given us everything we will ever need."
"Creation is finished. It is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
"Plentiful showers of open skies and of blessings so abundant they'll saturate every aspect of your life and home."
"God's blessings abound my friends, and they are the norm."
"Why would anyone not want to receive all that Christ died to give you?"
"He has come that you may have life and that you may have it in abundance to the full till it overflows."
"He that believeth on me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of Living Water."
"Lord, please fill me with unlimited favor and blessings."
"I will bless you when you're going out, bless you when you're coming in."
"Blessed be the Lord Our God who has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings."
"Thank you so much Father that I am whole in Christ and because of him I lack no good thing."
"It's your season for God to do exceeding and abundant above all I could actually dream or imagine."
"God is able to do exceedingly more abundantly than you can ask or think."
"All things are yours right now, in Jesus' name."
"When you tap into the kingdom of God, everything you've been searching for is already there."
"In the next week, I will shower you and your loved ones with blessings in ways you can't even begin to imagine."
"I'm not fasting for more of God, I'm fasting that God will have more of me."
"This move of God is going to come in volumes and waves of glory."
"Honor and give thanks for the blessings you are about to receive."
"Bless me abundantly, Lord, so that I will be able to help those around me."
"I don't want just enough for today, I want to overflow. God, I want more than enough, I want everything you have for me."
"Blessings of manifestation and abundance are coming to you."
"There are things in the overflow that God wants you to enjoy."
"Now unto him who's able to do exceeding and abundantly above all I could ever hope or imagine."
"God so spirit however you see the divine in the universe is handing you a gift of prosperity of wealth of beauty of healing."
"Jesus came so you could have life and have it more abundantly."
"The entire world survives on a particle of the ocean of happiness within us."
"Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water."
"Prepare yourself for an avalanche of blessings."
"I am a god of provision, healing, and wishes, and I want to bless you with the resources you need to fulfill your purpose and live a life of abundance."
"God is gonna pour you out an amazing supernatural blessing."
"God wants to bless your life more than it's ever been blessed before."
"He who has the knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven will be given more and he will be given an abundance."
"I decree harvest right now in the name of Jesus."
"Your demands don't deplete heavens inventory."
"Abundant blessings are stirring and shall soon manifest."
"Favor is coming from the west, the east, the north, the south, and all points in between."
"God, you are so good to supply our needs and give us the desires of our hearts."
"You are a pipe hooked up to the tank of unlimited resources in your kingdom."
"What you want so bad is a small thing compared to what God wants to give you."
"We have this enormous blessing today where we have this overabundance of the word of God."
"The highest consciousness of supply comes when you have so completely lost yourself in the infinite that you no longer think of or speak as being in any sense apart from God."
"I am blessed and highly favored. Lord please let your goodness follow me all the days of my life. Your word in Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11 tells me that and I will always guide you and satisfy you with good things."
"Miracles are available, increase is available, healing is available, and joy is available in the name of Jesus."
"This is the divine timing for that temperance, that you truly understand that the abundance comes with self-acknowledgment and an open heart chakra."
"I live in the space of grace. I just feel that I'm flooded with it all the time."
"Ask, seek, knock, for our God is the God of more than enough."
"Things are changing and you can change with them."
"Out of your belly flows Rivers of Living Water."
"The universe witnesses your energy, your harmony with the essence of abundance, and begins mirroring this joyous state back to you through material wealth, aligned health, and well-being."
"Remember, divine supply is equal to your demand. Your riches is equal to your recognition of that divine supply in, and really it's covered in scripture with a parable or a story, The Widow's Oil."
"Abundant giving - we are not dealing with the Creator who is impoverished by granting our requests."
"Recognize that everything comes from the great infinite supply."
"This anointing of increase is on me, and I'm believing that."
"Some change is better than no change at all."
"Gratitude in the morning also helps us develop a resilient Spirit."
"Don't let things, okay, even your emotions and your mind limit you from the infinite abundance that the Universe has for you."
"May the beautiful presence of Jesus Christ be found to be in abundance over your life."
"Trust in me with all your heart until the very end, and you will witness the unfolding of my abundant and glorious blessings in your life."
"A trickle that some people have been experiencing is going to turn into a gushing river of my glory."
"Abundance comes from the heart centered trust and knowing that the universe provides all that is needed."
"When you operate in the Kingdom, nothing you want can be withheld from you."
"If you have the kingdom, all these things will be added. Who is adding it? The owner of the Kingdom will give you everything."
"I am one with the universe and abundance is mine to enjoy."
"It frees us from the grip of greed and ushers us into the abundance that you have for your people."
"Expect restoration, breakthroughs, abundance, and victory."
"I'm ready to receive something that brings me love, abundance, joy, reciprocity. I'm ready to receive these higher blessings. Bring it on, universe."
"You weren't born to suffer... you were created for a purpose... life is about abundance prosperity infinite."
"The Lord wants to fill you with the spirit far more than you deserve or you think you deserve."
"Every aspect of your life is about to be transformed; the Divine showers you with an abundance of blessings."
"The word of god says he'll meet every one of my need according to his riches in glory in and by christ jesus."
"Blessings are coming down like snow, like rain, like never before in the name of Jesus."
"When you uncap God, He pours out so quickly."
"God supplies all my needs, there is a divine surplus."
"He said 'But I have come that you may have life and life more abundantly.' So, he goes beyond just like the conqueror and the more than the conqueror he says not only life but abundant life."
"You will have all sufficiency in all things."
"Jesus said in John 10:10, 'I came that you might have life and life more abundant.'"
"He doesn't supply out of his riches. His love has no limit, his grace has no measure, his power no boundary known unto men."
"Accept the genius of life and allow it to flow through you, circulating your divine light even more abundantly into the world around you."
"Watch the Lord pour out his blessings on you in this season."
"God can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think."
"I don't have any more than I had then, but I have you, Lord, and in you I have all things."
"Abundance always, and yet I think that especially Christian groups have not been living abundantly for a while."
"His thoughts for us outnumber the sound of the seashore."
"God is able today. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you dare ask or think. He is not limited. He is not limited on this day by any means necessary."
"God is too big for your box. He's able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we ask!"
"By affirming our goals and staying committed to them, we open ourselves to the support and abundance of the universe."
"Divine abundance: born to align with love's will."
"Unexpected blessings and miracles are occurring in your life. All your prayers are answered now, unexplained wonder, beautiful, and it will take time. One thing at a time."
"It's amazing, it's the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness."
"Abundance doesn't come from them, it's already been reflected directly from your relationship with this space inside of self."
"He wants to give you the fullness, that's why He said, 'I prepared a table before you.'"
"There's infinite love, energy, and possibilities out there."
"God is good. God is just pouring out, just unmatched, too good, too good, too good to be true news."
"What has God put in your hands? Those are some of the most phenomenal prosperous organizations."
"I'm not gonna ever run out as long as I keep pouring that oil, my anointing, the thing that he's called me to do. I'm not gonna ever run out."
"Your spirit has all of Christ you're ever going to need."
"Blessings are flowing into your life and coming towards you in all directions."
"Heaven opens its loving arms and pours abundance onto you."
"Abundance is coming in, you are one with the divine."
"Miracles, breakthroughs, healing, salvation—everything comes from you and from you alone."
"You're not trying to get blessed, you're already blessed!"
"Christianity is not a starvation diet. It's an invitation to a banquet, an infinite wedding feast."
"Out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of Living Water."
"The Lord offers to you an abundant life today."
"When you become service to the collective, you become unlimited, because the universe supplies you, there's synchronicities, there's magic."
"All these blessings will come on you; you won't have to ask God to be blessed."
"Abundance in the realm of elevated vibrations is a state of being."
"I saw the heavens open... bread rained down... golden Wafers... supernatural abundance of food for the people of God."
"Embrace the blessings that are on their way for they are a testament to my unending love for you. A new season Dawns upon you, a season of Freedom prosperity and abundance."
"You have more now than those who walked with Jesus in the Gospels."
"I'm talking about a continuous flow of favor."
"In the presence of Jesus, God's people will hunger no more and neither shall they thirst."
"You can get so saturated with the anointing that it cannot be contained."
"God wants to Crown the year with his goodness, not just one time, but every year of our lives, amen."
"God has already offered to us everything we need."
"God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus."
"Jesus has come to give you life and to give it in abundance."
"To him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything you can ask or imagine, according to the power that works within you."
"My joy might remain in you, and that your joy may be full."
"Given it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over."
"Though there be no fruit on the vine, though there be no cattle in the stall, the Lord is good."
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly."
"For all is light and love, freedom, happiness, and peace, and you will see me in all."
"Those who trust in the Lord will lack no good thing."
"Of his fullness we have all received grace upon grace."
"Rivers of living water will flow." (John 7:38-39)
"You are entitled to everything because God's will is everything, and you are a creation of God."
"Where grace abounds, there sin abounded, Grace abounds even more."
"Thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over."
"I will live well all the days of my life; all my needs are continually supplied by His riches in glory in Christ Jesus."
"Wherever sin abounds, grace abounds much more."
"Jesus came not to make us religious or moral or true believers, but that we might have life and have it abundantly."
"You as an infinite being are unlimited, divine."
"A little becomes much when I put it in the Master's hands, and God is in the multiplication business."
"God wants to give you a life so big that you need God to live out that life."
"Mercy opens the door for you to get into the treasure house of God for anything you need."
"There is a river that flows from deep within; there is a fountain that frees the soul from sin."
"You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you."
"When you feel like you are lacking, you are blessed because you will find your abundance in Him."
"Jesus came to give life to the full till it overflows more abundantly."
"From your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water."
"If you believe on me as the scriptures have said, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water."
"God wants us to have a life of abundance in Him."
"And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work."
"We know that your spirit pours out whenever we need it the most."
"God has an abundant life for you."
"The Bible says we can have as much as thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and even a hundredfold."
"I came to give them life and life more abundantly."
"You empower your faith by the truths that you know to the point that your faith overflows."
"Out from your innermost being, rivers of living water will flow."
"God opened our eyes, let me see the potential, show me the fragments, show me the double portion."
"One can spread one's thanks around without diminishing one's thankfulness to God."
"If I should number your thoughts concerning me, they are more than the sands of the sea."
"Your needs, each one from the simplest to the most complex, are to be met not out of scarcity but from the overflow of my riches and glory through Christ Jesus."
"Out of their bellies will flow rivers of Living Water."
"Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the voice of song."
"His mercies are new to us every single day; we don't need to hoard the mercies of today for tomorrow."
"God did not call you to have a life like this; He came that you could have life and that you would have it in abundance until it overflows."
"Whoever believes in me, out of their belly shall flow rivers of living water."
"You can leave here with a cup full of blessing, or you can leave your cup here and walk out with the well."
"God doesn't want you to just survive; He wants you to thrive."
"...if your life is empty, it can be filled to overflowing."
"The Earth has been filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the Seas."
"Out of your belly will flow rivers of living water, I command the flow to begin."
"God gives seed for the sowing and bread for the eating."
"Brace yourself for the deluge of God's love and blessings as your life transforms into a dazzling masterpiece of plenty."
"I'm filled to the brim, my cup runneth over, I'm filled with the Holy Spirit."
"There is no need to struggle; open up your heart to receive the graces that are available."