
Self-taught Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"The best way to learn, I find, and how I've actually learned most of this, is just going around clicking things and figuring it out along the way."
"Mr. Jones has taught himself to play over 13 instruments."
"I was never part of a bigger organization, anything like that. So everything I've learned just through doing it."
"When a person revolutionizes a game without the aid of prior knowledge, it's mind-blowing."
"I'm not a chef, I've not been to culinary school, I am a student of the internet."
"Carolini's legacy is a vivid testament to how passion and self-taught expertise can make monumental contributions to science."
"I didn't learn any of my coding skills at college. I used my computer to program instead of playing games on it all the time."
"My dad never graduated from college... he was so smart."
"I just started a band immediately and started doing cover songs of all these punk rock songs and learned along the way I never took a lesson in my life."
"Danny Elfman was a high school dropout who didn't even pick up a musical instrument until he started noodling around with a violin when he was about 16."
"I'm a self-taught painter and I've pretty much been making art my whole life."
"For a nonprofessional and someone who was building cars in a restaurant car park 4 years ago, to put a Ferrari engine back together and now it actually turns over, it's a pretty solid achievement."
"I learned how to record, edit, everything myself."
"I'm completely self-taught. I actually learned how to make animations by looking at GIFs."
"You've taught yourself something very important after a hard lesson."
"The best people in any walk of life are self-taught people because we weren't bound to anything; we just went and found the answers."
"It's always been one of my biggest inspirations, these old 17th, 16-century paintings."
"I have no, like, training of any type, but I've done a million fucking things that require training."
"I'm completely self-taught. I learned by my own mistakes and I have to tell it is a great teacher."
"I'm a woodworker but I'm also a self-taught guitar player and I taught myself mainly by trying to emulate this guy James Hetfield the lead singer of Metallica."
"I think the good thing about being self-taught is that you really just figure out what works and what doesn't work."
"Leonardo was self-taught, using an almost scientific method of observation to learn and grow throughout his life."
"...it is truly remarkable that an essentially self-taught person without any claim to a formal education could have accomplished so much in so many disparate fields in a single lifetime."
"He was very proud that his father had self-taught and had ascended that high."
"I do martial arts. I'm self-taught with weapons and everything."
"I'm a man without letters but learned, and by the grace of God, I'm producing a better product than any of your college-trained professors, leaders, teachers, and guides."
"I'm a self-taught barbecue everything I learned is from YouTube videos, books, and most importantly personal experience, trial and error."
"If you do all this, you know something, you literally just know. You learned a thing. You know more than some people who went to art school."
"I've been a software developer for over two decades, a self-taught developer who struggled through all the dead ends, missteps, and conflicting information."
"I know a lot about a lot of things and I'm really good at a lot of things, and most of those things I'm self-taught in."
"He learned to play the piano by himself when he was just a little kid."
"Self-taught, my education was in tuition, school of hard knocks, paid my own dues and tuition."
"You don't need to go to film school or business school to become a YouTuber. No, you absolutely do not."
"I taught myself how to knit and I would give this craft a 10 out of freaking 10."
"...we're not professionals, not at all. What we've done down here, you know, between Trenton and I has just been, you know, we've kind of taught ourselves, let's just say that."
"Credentials no longer matter like if you go to Amazon or Google and you know how to program and you literally just taught yourself they don't care that you went to Harvard or whatever it is."
"So I taught myself how to write direct produce and and then I started making my own films."
"People think of me as a dancer but you know and I'm not. I'm not because I never took lessons."
"The lessons which I remember the longest are always the ones that are self-taught."
"Raven is self-taught and she's made Ru look incredible."
"They didn't have a Berklee education and come out and just have all this classical Theory, they just like the music they were writing was the school that was their music school you can just tell."
"I really taught myself to do it, I'm extremely successful the way I do it so I'm not messing with it."
"...there are absolutely ways for self-taught artists to integrate mentorship and peer review into their education."
"There's people like that but as far as the process of bodybuilding the training the diet the steroids the all the everything that was all self-taught."
"The reality is you can grind it out as a self-taught artist it's just going to take a lot longer."
"I did it without education, but I'm also proof that you don't have to go to art school to be successful."
"I'm mostly a self-taught artist so I have no problem or think it's some lesser path to follow."
"I never went to school for design, which is people find that hard to believe but yeah I never went to school for design I taught myself everything."
"I got to scratch with no lessons."
"I'm self-taught. I teach myself. I get new tools around the shop and I have to learn how to use it."
"This guy didn't have any formal training in engineering and he was building a race car in his driveway."
"...anyone can win, anyone can build up because I had no...I just sort of self-taught."
"I'm a self-taught crocheter for about 10, 11 years."
"It was just a really weird thing to swallow because, A, I was completely self taught."
"Players will shoot anyway. If you're not going to show them how to shoot, they will shoot."
"I spent six years maybe editing my YouTube videos I've always done it myself I taught myself how to do it I've never taken a course or anything I just made it up as I went along and it took maybe a month for my brother to be as good as I was after six years."
"My submission game has been self-taught... because of that, it was different than anybody else."
"If we learned from YouTube, would you argue that we aren't self-taught?"
"I taught myself how to swim for this Iron Man."
"If you want to play piano, you play piano every single day for four hours without a teacher, you'll get really good."
"Humans hardly learn from the experience of others; they learn when they do, which isn't often, on their own, the hard way."
"Roger Corman never went to film school; Roger Corman is film school."
"I am not intrinsically handy. I don't come from a family of builders. My dad never taught me how to do any of this stuff. I learned it all from YouTube."
"Take courses online; there's so much content online to help you, and a lot of what I'm doing now is self-taught and just learned from online education."
"Amazing facility for someone who learned in high school."
"But he mastered most of his skills on his own, building anchors in his room at night and constantly reading up on books."
"I'm a musician, I play the guitar but I'm not a trained musician by any means."
"The real geniuses don't need to go to university to be a genius."
"Just because I don't have a degree, it doesn't mean I'm not enlightened."
"He taught himself to sculpt and he became an incredible wood carver in Hawaii."
"I am a self-taught artist; I never really went to art school to learn how to do this."
"My sleight of hand and the things I can do with a deck of playing cards, it's all self-taught."
"I had mononucleosis... I borrowed an acoustic guitar and taught myself to play."
"I taught myself how to rap, taught myself how to study business, became that I needed to do it better myself."
"I'm self-taught, so I only ever went to high school and then taught myself the rest of the 3D art process."
"I'm not a certified dog trainer, but I did train my dog."
"I was obsessed, but I didn't have any lessons."
"I'm definitely a self-taught motor builder. I just started doing it."
"Some of our best chefs in this country are self-taught."
"I'm self-taught, no culinary school, no nothing. I came from the School of Food Network."
"I'm giving y'all this knowledge because when I first started business... I learned everything by myself."
"I started my career really young, teaching myself to program."
"I never went to film school, I did a lot of film projects."
"I still remember all the things that I've taught myself, and they make me feel good about myself."
"He's smart, real smart. He started teaching himself magic before he even had a class."
"I'm just a self-taught artist, so I don't think it's going to turn out like perfect, but I'm going to try my best."
"I taught myself very quickly how to take a few shortcuts while still maintaining the integrity and the strength of the polymer clay."
"We have some great designers who do a great job, who overcame all these, but in every case that I've seen, they've been self-taught."
"Irelia is purely self-taught... she knew how to dance then she realized she can manipulate blades."
"He took an interest in music early on and taught himself to play the guitar at the age of 15."
"I'm not a professional, I've literally never claimed to be. I'm just gonna say what I know and show what I'm doing."
"He's a guy that thought for himself and figured out he didn't need to train that much, got good results, and shared the fact that he got good results not doing that much."
"He was a self-taught mechanic... ever since he learned to talk, it was always about automobiles."
"By dint of tremendous exertion teaching himself most of the time, he became an artist of real skill."
"Every person has two educations, one that is given to him and the other that he gives himself."
"Everything I've learned through trial and error, everything I do, it is self-taught, which is a very hard journey full of mistakes."
"I'm a fully self-taught woodworker."
"I could have done what I'm doing right now without college."
"I got from this to this without formal art school."
"I'm not a chef, but believe it or not, my skills have improved a lot in cooking."
"Everything I've learned was through YouTube and through trial and error."
"Natural Born leaders, we natural at this, nobody taught us this, ain't no college for this."
"I can play the piano," he thought. "Nobody taught me, but my mind tells my fingers what to do, and I can make music."
"She's self-taught on guitar and banjo which takes an insane amount of determination."
"He taught himself how to play the piano by ear using his four fingers and prosthesis to gracefully reach the keys and pedals."
"You can actually be educated and not go to school."
"A lot of sewing is actually self-taught, and you learn new stuff pretty much every time you sew something."
"I taught myself how to do graphic design, use all Photoshop and Cinema 4D."
"You do not have to go to school for art to be an artist."
"I'm just kind of self-taught... I created my own technique and then from there I just kind of built my skills."
"I went from living in a one-bedroom apartment with a thousand dollars to 'I want to be a CEO of my own company,' and I had to literally teach myself everything."
"No, I did not go to culinary school. I'm self-taught, so anything you see me do, you can do too."
"I'm not a real chef, I'm my own cook."
"Let's get started for those of you that do not know, I started sewing back in 2014. I am self-taught."
"Everything that I know now, everything that I'm able to teach Julian and Benny and all the guys that I work with, I've taught myself."
"I'm a self-taught crocheter and I do crochet differently than a typical crocheter."
"What I've learned as a leader has been all self-learned."
"I lost myself in music; I taught myself how to play instruments."
"I have no formal training but I have ideas and a dream."
"And the teenager who taught himself to play piano has given us a virtuoso performance."
"I literally taught myself how to do makeup."
"I didn't go to culinary school. I thought it was going to be my biggest disadvantage, and it turned out to be my biggest advantage."
"It's particularly inspiring as Uematsu has had no formal lessons in music, teaching himself piano at the age of 12."
"There's certain advantages to being self-taught in that you are very knowledgeable about certain subjects."
"He's done something that I've never done before and that is he has learned everything himself."
"I've basically built a career myself out of tuning these things by ear, I kind of have a knack for it and I'm proud of that."
"You can absolutely become an incredibly successful full-time artist as a self-taught artist."
"They're like, 'Oh, I play 10 instruments,' or 'I just picked this up and figured it out.'"
"Nobody really taught me how to do it; I just modified the cars, made a lot of mistakes, but really enjoyed building them."
"Things that I learned myself, things that I went through on my own."
"I'm not trained whatsoever; I just go with what I like."
"I'mma call this hell how I get rich off of a skill that I taught myself."
"I started composing without knowing anything about harmony, counterpoint, but eventually, I noticed that I have learned harmony and counterpoint by reading really assiduously all these composers."
"I learned my lessons without a teacher."
"You taught yourself to throw knives out of boredom?" Naruto said, surprised.
"I taught myself how to make beats, so there's a lot of hoops and learning I had to jump through."
"You taught yourself how to give someone chemotherapy. He's a real one for that, bro."
"I'm a self-taught artist; I never actually went to an art school."
"I learned to cook because my dad was so bad, so I'm self-taught."
"She's taught herself by doing what she loves and learning as she goes."
"I was never trained, I just sang."
"I've always described myself as a self-taught jack-of-all-trades, a man who wears many different hats."
"Andy Tauer is genuinely self-taught, so passionate, so committed."
"I taught myself music, and my father left his piano at the house. I wasn't allowed to play it when he was there because I wasn't as good as him. When he left, I was determined to get as good as him."
"I've learned everything myself, I am self-made on YouTube."
"I didn't take lessons to make a movie... but I was really passionate and driven and focused enough to figure it out."
"By the time he got to college... he decided to drop out of college and teach himself how to make music, record music, all that."
"He didn't go to college, didn't spend any money on expensive photography courses or anything like that."
"I wasn't classically trained, but I really feel that anything I can do, I usually can do."
"I'm a self-taught artist; I never had anybody really to teach me."
"I'm not formally trained as a composer of the orchestral variety, and I've used technology to kind of bypass the Conservatoire education."
"My wordplay is amazing, guess what, I didn't even go to school."
"You don't need a teacher to become a drummer."
"Elvis taught himself to sing driving a truck."
"He didn't teach me a single thing, but now I have got tons of raw battle experience and power."
"Kinsey is a self-taught rock star."
"This is my favorite way to learn; I never took a bootcamp or class for any of these programming languages or WordPress development."
"I am not a trained makeup artist, I am a cosplayer, I am mostly self-taught."
"She taught herself how to write her own scripts and do her own videos from the web."
"Though he had little formal education, Yan had a knack for tinkering with electronics."
"I've had to learn along the way and because I don't have such a great background in it, I was never taught the fundamentals, I'm very much self-taught."
"I personally follow a lot of very successful food bloggers who have never gone to culinary school."
"I'm a completely self-taught software engineer."
"I just love doing it and nobody taught me or anything."
"The skills you've taught yourself will help you when you least expect it. The courage you've built within yourself, will assist you when you're least determined. All of what you are, is all of what you've ever needed. Your time will come Rey."
"I've literally learned how to engineer, mix, and master all my own music."
"I'm a self-taught programmer from a young age."
"I'm all self-taught... I did a lot of really stupid things trying to figure out how to start, but that's how I fell in love."
"Your portfolio is your biggest asset when you don't have anything, especially if you are self-taught."
"It's a fantastic volley that is self-taught genius."
"I'm not a pro at doing makeup; I kind of want it to look quite natural and neutral."
"Self taught artists can do some of the most amazing, fresh expressive work out there."
"He's never learned how to dance; it's just watch videos and done it on his own."
"Unsupervised learning is when you have a kid who happened to stick a fork in that socket and no one told them, but just their reaction taught them not to do it."
"I've had to teach myself everything in terms of aperture, shutter speed, all of these things that you need to learn."
"Never let somebody tell you that just because you're not a registered herbalist or a naturopath that you can't learn this stuff and be able to treat your family at home."
"When you have people who just figure out how to do this stuff on their own and start very wildly successful businesses, I think there's enough proof out there that this is possible."
"I am self-taught. Everything I know about reupholstering, I just kind of tried to figure out what others were doing and make it up as I go."
"Now I am not a professional, I am self-taught; it is not perfect, but I feel like this video could benefit others."