
Gameplay Impact Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"The conclusion I'm drawing here is that we're going to get the Bloodborne treatment of an expansion area that's not vast in size versus total game, but has depth of content and mechanics that will radically change how you approach and feel about the entire Elden Ring experience."
"Gibraltar much like bloodhound has an entire kit of abilities that are honestly just incredible."
"I think it's very powerful, I think it's just hard to see, but I think this is the type of card that like a lot of situations can just be good for you."
"Our matchmaking process does not Impact gameplay elements."
"It's a thing I physically can't allow to happen; it's a big reason the game has the atmosphere it does."
"Crash's success was solely down to its gameplay."
"I think like having other things in the game where like it just changes the way that you play The Character Matters a lot."
"It all has to make an actual difference in actual gameplay." - Martin Hollis
"Genshin Impact actually kind of helps promote a little bit of balance in terms of your time spent playing this game."
"Blaze Accelerator Reload completely changed the deck's viability."
"Master Acid: Being able to wipe out all of your opponent's spell and traps on summon is definitely the most impactful immediate effect of all the master of monsters."
"You can see the raindrops on the camera already and it will have an impact on how you play."
"Garlic isn't even that impactful of an upgrade."
"That's a lot of damage that comes out with that." - Acknowledging the impact of a powerful ability or item.
"Out of time is insane if you've played with it or against it."
"The fact that it has real gameplay consequences is good."
"Horizon... it's really hard to deny how big of an impact this has had on Fallout 4 overall."
"Thankfully I've got an ace up my sleeve, turns out the life on scythe is once again the MVP of the run."
"Putting a big respect cost or like a big penalty for changing specs... I think that'd be a really really good idea."
"Customizing Spider-Man... really affects the gameplay. Spider-Man over time becomes more badass as you unlock new combos and moves for him to use, new gadgets for him to take crime out on a better scale, things like that."
"He breaks my expectations of the game entirely and I love that."
"Another fantastic pinnacle weapon to come from the Season of the Drifter was the 21% Delirium."
"Turning that secondary stat of crit chance into a primary stat of on-hit damage."
"Mutations modify the game in interesting ways."
"Her second constellation... will allow your transformative reactions to be able to crit and will give 20 crit."
"This video game moment depends on our friendship."
"I can't say whether the tethering is good or bad until I actually play the game and see if it's going to impact how I play."
"The custom Hearts literally broke the game; this is so cool!"
"It's a pack that adds into your game and it changes gameplay forever moving forward."
"Sprinting makes you move faster but it also drains your behavior meter."
"One of the most clever ways to design a passive and by extension a playstyle."
"This is going to be a total game changer for bossfights."
"Sweet Business perk refilling the magazine when picking up primaries no longer works in a world without primary ammo."
"Choosing which weapon you'll use in that game... has massive implications for every in-game choice you make."
"Supply structures are a repeatable structure that creates interesting decision points."
"Rampart's amped reloads perk is a game-changer."
"I firmly believe Revenge's crashes and their influence on gameplay are unparalleled to this day."
"These frogs might look cute, but that's how they get you."
"This wandering trader might look innocent, but that's how they get you."
"Sentinels are definitely going to take a hit. They're way too rewarding."
"Finally, Grit saw a massive change to how its effect operated."
"Spells are generally tuned so they are the ones that one shot you."
"You literally destroyed half the map, not the half I'm on!"
"The near perfect hipfire accuracy is truly a game changer for the Tommy's Matchbook."
"Cursed Eye is fucked though, that's gonna create some real organizational issues here."
"It just objectively cooler to see a pokemon get a new form that completely changes the way they play."
"Little incidental life gain is not something that you're just like, 'Oh, I'm gonna build a life gain deck, so I care about it.' But little bits here and there help out a lot. It can change the game in ways that you wouldn't think."
"The less deaths you have, the better it is because it means that they aren't getting gold and they aren't getting pressure from you dying."
"After introducing klepto Mancienne grasp of the undying as key stones in the game during runes reforged, it quite frankly broke Gangplank."
"Choices that you make in the outer worlds are not the typical good versus evil option instead you have two choices which cause separate outcomes."
"Tony Hawk's Underground was a tectonic shift in gameplay and identity for the series."
"Morbius has one of the greatest reaches in Marvel snap from the two costs like it's insane."
"Misdirection, this is another game changer right here."
"Blizzard have gone absolutely crazy and they've decided to turn Cassidy's magnetic grenade into an absolute weapon."
"Just crazy things going on, just on its base it just sits there and hoses graveyards."
"Your choices and a multitude of different approaches matter."
"Efficiency five: this pickaxe is going to be a monster."
"It's almost like an MMO mechanic, the more karma you build up, the greater the impact."
"Now this would create a few things, of course everyone can already tell that this is effectively a buff to damage or a nerf to serve ability that people are going to be taking damage that they otherwise would not be taking."
"This is a really big buff, I think the soldier we might see more of him getting played and wrecking ball."
"Once I noticed the Persistence perk, everything changed. It all made sense, and everything came together."
"Every single thing that you love about Minecraft has some stem from this update or something that stemmed from something that stemmed from this update."
"The changes to his heat mechanic ultimately turned him into a stat checker."
"Let there be consequences for the action... Whatever the players do, let there be an impact."
"They really do not want it affecting early game plays where everybody takes one and then dives at tower swaps aggro."
"Narset's Reversal might be secretly the most powerful card."
"Hero limit was positive, it changed the game."
"This card is strong. It's weirdly just strong."
"That tangible feeling of success when you find a good marriage is one of the best parts in a strategy game in a long time."
"This card is just super powerful... I just think this card is nuts."
"Eldritch Bounty is actually pretty insane and this will be something that you may want to consider."
"These blast plants create a whole new dynamic, especially in the mid to late game."
"Choosing which path you're going to take on the board is a big deal that'll affect many future turns of your game."
"Supports have always been useful and impactful."
"But that doesn't change how VC affects the rest of the mold... it's really impossible to actually make enough VC."
"If you get like three of these or god forbid four... it's very good."
"Halo fountain, untap 15 tapped creatures you control, you win the game."
"The abilities really do have a big impact on how you play the game and they help to make the dwarves and their gear more unique and enjoyable with every playthrough."
"Understanding why there's such a valuable defender... make them the most annoying character."
"These characters completely dominate multiple areas of the game."