
Predictive Analytics Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Predictive analytics helps to forecast trends based on the current events."
"At the rate the count is going and the pace votes going to Joe Biden, they believe that he will surpass President Trump sometime between 4 or 5 AM."
"I think big data is going to answer a lot of these questions."
"What does the data tell us about what our future world might look like?"
"Lagging indicators would be least helpful in determining future trends; they cannot predict the future accurately."
"Take all of the data that we have and have more analytical and predictive power."
"Technical analysis can sometimes predict before Black Swan events."
"The whole goal, the whole mission, is to predict what the viewer wants to watch."
"Google knows what you want to search before you finish typing."
"So these are the benefits of using these incredible minds that we have that create these algorithms in these predictive analytics."
"We can predict your risk down to the month when you're likely to see symptoms."
"Artificial intelligence can now predict suicide with remarkable accuracy."
"There is a strong correlation between the size of the decline and the ensuing rally."
"They know more about us than we know about ourselves, and they can actually predict what we'll do in the future."
"Could you imagine being on the sideline and with high accuracy knowing, at 20, one out of every five plays, you would know what they're going to do?" - Chuck
"Predicting customer behavior is a driving factor behind the interest in business intelligence."
"All I did was a few matrix transformations followed by a few activation functions, and it's able to take something as complicated as an image of a number and predict what number that is."
"We can predict with high accuracy whether an individual will have a heart attack or stroke in the next three to five years by analyzing the health of their retina."
"ML is starting to be used to forecast how much wind and solar power will be available."
"We're actually improving out-of-sample predictive performance of our model."
"What New York City Hall did with its predictive data, what many private and public sector institutions are doing with predictive data in terms of mashing up different data sources, can be incredible."
"...it's something that we would like to do a good job of predicting ahead of time because if I know somebody's going to leave the platform maybe I can send them an email with some kind of cool offer to get them to stick around."
"Let's predict the airline ticket prices using machine learning."
"Within Dynamics 365, there is an AI capability that performs predictive lead scoring."
"Predictive analytics understands the future to answer what could happen."
"If you have a million people hooked up with biomonitors, you're going to learn within a matter of months what works and what doesn't."
"The prediction models in the works are just mind-blowing."
"Linear regression is probably the single most used predictive analytics technique in the world."
"We're going to try and predict life expectancy as a function of health indicators from developed nations in the past 10 or 20 years or so."
"Making predictive decisions about your data is enhanced by using smarter reports that really present only the data that you want and need."
"Speed figures and the related ratings are used by handicappers as tools to help them predict the future."
"Hopefully, we should be able to predict whether the productivity is going to be good or bad."
"The accuracy of predictions can vary widely depending on the quality and completeness of the data being used."
"We've reached the summit: AI and machine learning; it's like having a crystal ball that can predict the future."
"It even has a smart feature where it's kind of predicting how you're trending."
"Selecting the correct predictive fields for your target field is crucial."
"Predictive analytics are increasingly important to supply chain management because it makes the process more accurate, reliable, and it reduces the cost of your supply chain activities."
"Predictive analytics is basically what is likely to happen in the future."
"Predictive analytics identifies some common attribute or pattern that might be used to identify similar activities."
"Digital twins... it's really about having the right information to the right person at the right time so that they can change the outcome before it actually happens."
"Predictive Analytics is the use of data, algorithms, and machine learning to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data."
"This is so we can deploy what would be considered a true predictive modeling or predictive analytics framework."
"I like the data engineering part the best because it allows me to really impact what predictive stuff we can do and what questions we can answer."
"The better our forecasts are, the better decisions our pricing engines can make for a better rider and driver experience."
"Predictive understands the future to answer what could happen."
"Google Trends is like a crystal ball allowing you to see the past, the present, and the future with consumer demand."
"The three main outputs of AI are predictions, insights, and generated content."
"Predictive analysis is used by machine learning to predict outcomes like component failure for anticipated life span."
"The impact that predictive analytics can make will grow higher and higher."