
Apparition Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Grace that will be given for the efforts to come for this first Saturday... we have an incredibly powerful apparition approved fully... it's the link of Fatima and Lourdes."
"What looks like a creepy apparition can be seen walking in the background."
"The apparition wasn't tall; however, it did have a grayish to silver face."
"The entity that should really be feared is the lady in Black who can be seen gliding around the Mansion or running through the Acres surrounding the house terrifying all that come face to face with her."
"While many scary ghost videos show figures that appear to float aimlessly down hallways, this shape seems to behave with purpose."
"What's particularly odd about this shadow figure is its transformation from a solid black shape to being nearly transparent in just a second."
"Amid an eerie Scottish forest, complete with overhanging trees, moss, and mist, a creepy apparition appears amongst the trees."
"It looked like an old woman with a long shirt and curly hair."
"There's a ghost standing right there right now."
"This is eschatology perfectly, you know, which is basically heavenly apparition."
"The apparition was clearly visible to me for about 15 seconds straight; this wasn't a glance or a corner of the eye trick."
"I was driving back to my office when I thought I saw someone hurriedly walking down one of the lanes of tombstones before turning behind a hedge and disappearing out of sight."
"The appearance of the dog seemed intentional."
"He is still seen throughout the house as a full-bodied apparition."
"The cornerstone of every true apparition is this: convert while there is still time."
"Every night since I have been back in these rooms, it has come to me. It is an apparition, or at least it seems to be one, the apparition of my son's wife."
"If he saw what I see every night, it might unhinge his mind altogether. The apparition is strange, and horrible."
"It's like he materialized or dematerialized, kind of like teleported."
"...we stood there dumbfounded, watching the figure trudge through the sand with its unfathomably massive chain dragging behind it."
"Another famous spirit is that of a girl in a white dress."
"A spectral little girl has been known to materialize within guests' rooms, often crying in corners or closets."
"For years there have been sightings of something otherworldly here... there's a figure of a woman who seemingly Glides across the lake, an apparition who has been seen by hundreds of people."
"...the other Apparition witnessed at number 44 is that of a young girl who looks out of the window whilst brushing her long blonde hair."
"I was 10 or 11 years old and was sleeping in my grandma's guest bedroom next to the bed was an antique easy chair when I woke up next morning I looked over towards the chair and sitting there was a little girl."
"Sitting on the chair was the silhouette of a man he was a dark shadowy figure that just stared at me I couldn't see any facial features I couldn't see any clothes he was wearing I felt like he was malevolent and he wanted to hurt me."
"It looked like it wasn't really there, like an apparition of some kind."
"I woke up and look at the doorway. I saw a little girl with dark curly hair, wearing an old-style dress."
"In front of me was a translucent figure of a little girl."
"I've experienced paranormal activity a lot but that's the only time I've ever seen an apparition and it scared me to death."
"Our Lady herself appeared to a little girl."
"Our lady introduced herself as the queen of peace."
"When the permanent miracle comes and the secrets start being revealed to the world, Our Lady is going to continue to appear to one of the visionaries during that time. That's going to be very difficult for the people on the earth."
"the old hag isn't the only sleep paralysis Apparition people have seen"
"Is this Apparition a result of stress or something else entirely? Share your thoughts and theories about this mysterious sighting."
"He saw an apparition floating there. It disappeared into the ceiling."
"And then just before Christmas in 1987, Danny saw an apparition of a small hideous old woman while he was sleeping."
"He turned around and saw a tall dark smoke-like figure as tall as the doorway."
"As I was laying down, I saw the silhouette of a boy crouched down between the cable box and VCR lights on the other side of the room."
"I saw a full body apparition of a soldier, wearing only what I can describe as a dark button-up uniform and a flat style hat, holding a rifle over his left shoulder."
"A spooky ghostlike figure of a woman in a white dress with black hair standing still."
"The figure of a shadowy girl or perhaps a woman just standing there, seemingly staring at her, left Fernanda startled."
"A translucent shapeless creature appeared in front of her."
"And all of a sudden he just appears he appears in the room and it spooked them it scared them because I mean good grief if I don't want to see one of y'all die I imagine I'd be pretty shook up too if somebody just appeared but he said, look at me I'm not a I'm not a ghost."
"Legend has it that on the nights between Christmas and New Year's Eve, one may still see the apparition of the Palatine sailing across the waters near Block Island."
"The apparition of a young pale girl has been seen wandering solemnly around the gravestones."
"The figure of a woman in a Victorian era dress has been spied gazing from windows at passersby."
"An apparition bearing a likeness to Poe has been spied standing solemnly in front of his own grave."
"A surveillance camera captured the moment a translucent figure appeared out of nowhere."
"...the apparition of a beautiful woman bearing a distressed look who's often heard crying from just out of view..."
"I saw my first and only apparition in my sister's room."
"A loud bellow of an ox rang out as a giant ox surrounded by fire appeared before Veery."
"Be careful, you're standing right in the spot where that apparition appeared."
"He said he saw something in the garden, a woman in a white dress. She walked across the garden, half a meter from the glass, almost floated past, he said."
"He was a nice ghost. He would just appear, and he only woke me that one time to warn us."
"She didn't say a word, so I just closed my eyes and when I opened them, she was gone. I ran to my father's bedroom and told my parents, but of course, they didn't believe me."
"there was an apparition of a little girl who would appear in the kitchen Rafters from time to time"
"there was a shadowy figure of a woman standing in a doorway"
"I woke up and saw a black figure, not a shadow, but a completely black hooded figure just standing there."
"I rolled over in the bed and saw that across the room there was a figure."
"I remember waking up in the middle of the night and looking at the mirror, and I saw what looked like myself sitting on the bottom bunk, staring at me through the mirror with a grin."
"Sometime had passed and I hadn't seen anything else. Out of the blue, my older sister admitted to me that she saw what looked like a little kid standing at the top of the staircase close to where I saw him."
"I decided to ignore the question. 'We will not try to communicate with the apparition again.'"
"The figure in white with dark hair slowly emerges from under the trampoline, then just vanishes into thin air."
"There, the door opens on its own and a see-through figure shows up but then disappears."
"People see a man in black on the second floor."
"I saw a person-shaped figure in the mist. I moved a little closer and noticed that where the feet should have been, there was nothing."
"This is the one place where people specifically see a very tall shadow figure of a man."
"...people have claimed to see the queen walking the castle grounds especially in the gardens and stables that she designed herself."
"The foggy shape looked more like a man now, a gray-haired man wearing a bright orange shirt."
"Did you see it? A small childlike shadow figure can be seen."
"I vow I saw that in that room on that night an image like a nun."
"The lady in white has been known to appear as a beautiful woman in either white clothing or a nearly glowing dress or gown."
"If you light a candle by the bra, the woman's spirit will appear."
"The ghost is known as the Radiant Boy; he appears from nowhere and is full of a golden light."
"She has been a full apparition that people can actually see."
"Sometimes the Virgin Mary would disappear from its shrine and appear on top of an Antipolo tree just like this."
"Into this maelstrom of despair, the Blessed Mother brings heaven's message of hope to three shepherd children in the village of Fatima."
"Why the need for seven lead coffins even to this day nobody has any answers, but one thing is for certain, she has been seen."
"Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in 1846 in France leaving behind a legacy that's largely misunderstood."
"La Salette is a one-time apparition happened in 1846 at a mountain."
"They're just like apparitions moving across."
"Our Lady did appear to her and asked her, 'Would you allow this so that many would come to knowledge of these things?' and she said yes."
"The man that we had seen on the first floor had passed away in 1976, and it was the man's father."
"Such was one of the favorite haunts of the headless horseman and the place where he was most frequently encountered."
"He was old, tall, completely white clothes, hair and everything, with an aura of hazy light around him, simply standing, watching over the road."
"Many reported seeing a headless apparition aimlessly walking around haunted hollow as if trying to find his head."
"Oh Mary, our mother, we come to this place where you who are sinless appeared full of grace."
"I screamed and smacked my husband to wake up, and as soon as my husband jumped, the soldier took one step toward the bed and disappeared into thin air."
"I've had many other experiences at my parents and friends houses but this is the only actual full apparition that I've ever seen to date."
"No, it's true. A woman appears in the woods at the far end of the cemetery, usually right between those two really big trees, you know? They call her the Woman in White."
"I saw an old lady dressed in an old-fashioned white nightgown brushing her long gray hair."
"I saw my brother the same week he passed away; loved him then before he died, he looked very happy."
"We saw a typical movie scene white dress, black hair figure standing there."
"The fog began to lift, and as I looked in the rearview mirror, Silverpine disappeared into the mist along with the phantom hitchhiker who had once called it home."
"Between two trees stood, or floated, a figure: a woman in a white dress."
"The figures in the belfry, their Duty done, slowly faded away."
"Whenever I left my bedroom door open during the night, I'd see a very tall man in a sort of old-timey barber shop hat standing in my doorway."
"She was walking in the hallway when she saw a black shadowy figure in the house at the end of the hall."
"She usually appears to children and will sing softly to them as she strokes their hair."
"The figure of a Victorian lady has been seen in this room; she's been seen 14 times in the last few years."
"In the dead of night, a shadow-like figure can be seen walking along the graves."
"The Ghost Hunter hears something and turns to see an odd white apparition."
"The two men pray continuously as they encounter what looks to be an extremely pale figure of a little girl."
"For at least 100 years, there have been documented cases of those on the brink of life and death experiencing the presence of a guiding phantom."
"Imagine The Terror of encountering such a Sinister Apparition in the middle of nowhere, all alone."
"It was like a woman, and she just walked through the hall and kind of just faded away."
"Many to visit the castle have claimed to cite this apparition, roaming the halls."
"There's a lady in white who's been seen on a number of occasions."
"I knew I was special when one night a little girl in a light gray dress appeared at the end of the hallway."
"A ghostly woman appeared from behind him and lurks over his shoulder before retreating away and disappearing."
"I saw the shadow standing at my doorway; his face was decomposing, and he still had that horrific smile."
"The figure comes out into the middle of the hallway and quickly evaporates from sight."
"If we look at the evidence, the prime candidate that emerges has to be that this is an apparition of the Virgin Mary."
"The ghost of woman who appears to those who need healing."
"It was just a random photo, but when the pictures were developed, someone believed to be her mother appeared to be behind her husband in the back seat of the car."
"The spectre is known at all the country firesides, by the name of the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow."
"The rustling of the mother's skirt and hear her groans along with a young boy's fearful cry."
"The specter of King Arthur himself has also been seen as a full apparition, walking the now non-existent remnants of the castle."
"The ghost of his mother has been seen dressed in all white, wading through the water in a desperate search for her son."
"Strange sightings of a masked figure which may be an apparition have evoked images of the ancient nahani warriors."
"The angel would then appear to turn just as their car passes by."
"It was white and unlike the other things that happened, this one actually didn't make me feel scared."
"I looked up involuntarily and standing there smiling down at me with a white glow was the same lady."
"Then about 10 feet in front of me, I see a figure with no legs glide across the room and disappear."
"Thank you so much, Crystal," she said, and then she faded.
"The fog walker's grotesque silhouette appeared in the haze, oddly fluid, composed of the fog itself."
"Ever since, there have been reports of a teen girl's apparition appearing at different points on the highway, mainly between Natural Bridge and Jasper."
"The spirit of the dead appears standing before."
"I could have sworn I saw someone marching into the woods; it was very brief and it looked a bit like a gray mist."
"We were feeding and patting the horse when I noticed along the top of the field, a person running across, but something was strange; they seemed to be completely translucent."
"Based on the fact that I could see straight through his torso, I knew instantly he wasn't actually there."
"The lights of the Royal George flicker, and a fleeting apparition of Jeffrey Dallas appears on stage."
"The specter of King Arthur himself has been seen as a full apparition walking the now non-existent round parts of the castle."
"There's this black figure with red eyes... mainly in the evening times."
"They believe they captured a full body apparition of the drummer boy ghost."
"The most common sighting is the ghost of a woman in a black dress."
"The apparition appears to stand up, it then moves to the side before it dissipates into thin air."
"I turned my head to say something, and woven behind the sheet of falling snow, I saw the faintest outline of a human-like figure glide behind Tommy G."
"Remember me," Hannah cried as Danny's face appeared clearly in the misty gray.
"Suddenly, a car with its headlights on appeared in front of them, stopped briefly, and then vanished without a trace."
"There was a shadow of a woman in a long dress standing in the doorway."
"I saw the back of a nun wearing a black habit and veil... her garments swayed side-to-side in slow motion."
"I remember waking up from a deep sleep... I saw a woman there in older clothing slowly gliding into the room that I was in."
"I saw my dead friend in the mirror... she looked so normal."
"Our Lady appears to him and hands on to him the garments that would become the brown scapular."
"I couldn't get back to sleep after my husband woke me up and told me that he saw a woman in a white nightgown at the foot of our bed."
"Filming a full-bodied apparition is considered to be the pinnacle of ghost hunting."
"15 locals in County Mayo saw The Apparition of Mary, St Joseph, and St John the Evangelist."
"Our Lady appeared, clothed in the sun, moon under her feet, under her crown of twelve stars."
"The translucent apparition walks across the road and disappears into thin air."
"It is said that on clear windy nights, when the breeze is just ever so gentle, you can see his form or a shape hanging and swaying in the breeze."
"I go to work every morning at 3:00 a.m. and keep seeing this man; it looks like a ghost."
"I've never actually seen the apparition of Sharon Tate; I've heard her, we've recorded her, we've sensed her presence."
"But just a second or two after he looked at me he just vanished."
"A woman who appeared in front of me, seemingly soaking wet."
"A strange figure that looks to be in white can be seen passing by the window."
"A strange ghost-like child can be seen standing in the window eerily without any sort of explanation."
"The photo taken on a friend's property in an unknown location in North America shows a mysterious shape floating in the Darkness."
"A hooded figure has been seen wandering the grounds both during the day and at night. Could this be one of the Jesuit priests who were laid to rest within the grounds of the abbey?"
"Did you see it? When slowed down, you can see what appears to be a small translucent figure."
"I was so scared, this young girl sitting on the edge of my bed was absolutely still, no muscle movement, no sign of breath, and she was just barely an apparition."
"...the image of the girl in the doorway of the burning building was not noticed by Tony, the photographer, or the onlookers; it only appeared after the photo had been developed."
"...the photo shows the spirit wearing a brown gown, hence where her name comes from."
"I'm not kidding, that was an apparition."
"His imposing ghost, dressed in a long cloak and wide brimmed hat, has been seen in the forest many times."
"Our Lady of Fatima will go down as the greatest of Marian apparitions in history."
"I see the same little girl that I saw in my dream the previous night."
"We clearly saw my great-grandfather standing and smiling as he greeted us."
"It's a little bit like an apparition or a dream."