
Audience Retention Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"If you can get people to get on the platform, watch your video, and keep them on the platform, then you're going to win."
"Our job as content creators is how do we grab that attention but then how do we tell an effective story that holds that attention long enough?"
"You want to remove every dull moment... and have a good payoff at the end."
"I'm so surprised you all are still watching this vlog."
"Ethan's resilience and ability to stay ahead of trends has retained a core audience in spite of or maybe because of the regular controversies he is now in."
"You gotta bring some [ __ ] to keep the people's attention."
"There's nothing else I want except to keep the fans watching AEW."
"Big vlog channels are gonna make sure that every single video they post is just as interesting for returning viewers as it is for people that are brand new to the channel."
"The most important thing is the intro... if you don't hook them in good at the intro they're not going to keep watching."
"More watch time means more promotion and revenue."
"Always give people a reason to subscribe to your channel."
"It's literally just if you make content that people will watch for, you can make up to a minute content if you have an average of a minute of people watching."
"Let's get stuck straight into it and try to answer as many questions as I can before this turns into a super duper duper long video that nobody wants to pay attention to."
"We created a show that you could grow up watching and not feel like you were growing out of it."
"I hope I continue making content you guys want to stick around for."
"People stick around for your personality more so than the specific genre of the content."
"The underlying situation isn't changing and that means their audience may eventually walk away."
"We're going to be losing the silent majority of our viewers at Fox as we chase the nuts off the cliffs." - Fox News editors
"It's a choice between continuing with a formula that will at one point or another lose theme aside from the core fan base or venturing into the unknown and risking everything he's built."
"Smashing the like button is literally the closing the gap between losing people and keeping people, it's really, really that simple."
"Strengthen that hook of the TikTok for the highest retention possible."
"All you need to do is subscribe and turn on notifications, that's the main thing."
"Curiosity literally addicts someone to a story if it's leveraged properly."
"Viral doesn't mean anything if people don't stick around."
"The point of YouTube is to keep people on their platform."
"The longer Diablo 4 takes to break out of its issues, the further the game falls from general interest."
"The momentum thing is so key... you just want to keep the audience happy and keep yourself happy."
"Audience retention is the thing you've got to focus on."
"The golden ticket is to make sure your viewers want to watch all the way through your videos."
"Make sure your content is something people want to see more of."
"Hook their attention, and so that they're more likely to keep watching."
"As long as you continue to be entertaining, you'll make money."
"Just make sure it's consistent, so people know and they keep coming back to you."
"If you found that interesting, be sure to stick around for the links."
"If you want to follow my Twitch so you don't miss stuff like this again, please do."
"If you stay until the end of the video, I appreciate you so much."
"The more trust a viewer has, the more likely they are to continue to watch a video."
"Even if this game ends up being kind of weird, people won't lose interest."
"A sniper has to be very accurate with their work, right? Or else things could go pretty bad. And it's the same thing for you and your content, too."
"You really want people to sometimes loop and watch, even into a repeat." - Jenny Hoyos
"If it's less than 30 seconds, it needs to have over 100% retention or else it's not going to take off." - Jenny Hoyos
"You have to remember what brought people to your channel and what's gonna keep them there."
"Impact retained that core audience even during bad times."
"Your second card should be about 10 seconds before your audience retention drops."
"Hopefully what I really like is that anyone you know these people will still the audience will still think about the movie even after they go."
"If you enjoyed make sure you leave a subscribe on the way out."
"This is clearly a game that is losing some of its audience. I think people were asked to have an incredible amount of patience with this game and I think that has not really been reciprocated in the quality of the product that they've got right."
"People come for the content but they stay for the personality."
"We need to focus on telling a good story. That's what's going to get people to want to watch the movie over and over again."
"The most present, the most authentic is when you make the best content, but you also want to know what gets viewers to stay and what gets viewers to leave."
"Chances are if you've watched this far and you're still here, you're serious."
"Focus is strictly on one thing, and that brings in a consistent audience."
"I think YouTube wants to pull the rope pull the rope up pull the ladder up however they also want to maintain an audience."
"Consistency is what will keep your audience coming back. And one of the best ways to improve your videos."
"Just make good stories, that's how you win the fandom back."
"It's not as luck-based as people were thinking, bro. It's really not, bro. It's really not like right now. People are recommending my stream right now to people because you guys are in here for a long time."
"Trust is what makes people come back and click on your videos."
"Make sure you subscribe and turn your notifications on, make sure you click that Bell so you get every single update of what we're doing."
"All they need to do is book consistently and give me storylines that keep the viewer coming back."
"They had audience retention down to a freaking tea, bro."
"You have to accept that you're going to lose subscribers; it's going to be a constant battle of push and pull."
"The retention today is nuts, I love you guys."
"If you do not post, people will unsubscribe."
"Your video might as well not even exist if people aren't seeing it and clicking on it."
"...the click and stick strategy...hooking a viewer in so that they stick around to the end."
"Your video needs to have a reason for them to want to watch it."
"You keep them watching by having a balance between the... and the."
"Building an email list is essential for long-term success."
"At the end of this video, I'm going to give you a secret word to put in the comments so that I know you watched the end."
"Make sure you stay tuned by subscribing. I know you guys like our videos, but sometimes you just gotta stay with us to the end."
"Providing value to your viewers is what gets them to watch your video in the first place and more importantly keeps them coming back for more."
"If your video doesn't have any obvious drop off points, that's probably because either A, the video is good enough, or B, the introduction wasn't engaging enough to keep as many people in from the start till the end."
"Thanks so much for watching guys and I will see you literally in a week so please come back. Don't miss it. Subscribe. I'll see you then. Bye guys."
"If your audio was bad, people probably aren't going to want to watch it. Let's be honest."
"You have to create shows that don't give the audience an out."
"Let's have 'goose' in the comments if you're still here."
"The potential loss of a dedicated viewer highlighted the significant impact Harmon's exit had on the show's audience."
"I think you are an exceptional entrepreneur. However, my central focus is, do I think you have created something that will retain users so that you can keep them there and one day monetize that audience?"
"Keep on watching until the very end."
"Watch time is definitely the most important stat on this website. Stay until the very end, there's more than a couple surprises."
"Guys who are main eventers make people stay for the main event."
"People remember you more and they want to come back to see if you've posted something new."
"What makes growth is when those viewers come back for a second, third, or fourth stream."
"How do you get those masses back? How do you get those people who turn wrestling off back? That's the challenge. And if you're not doing that, it's because you don't know how."
"stay with me till the end of this video."
"One of the things that can hinder your videos is revealing the payoff in the title."
"How can we expect casual fans to see this on social media and then want to watch professional wrestling?"
"That familiarity is how Sandler draws his fans back in time after time but it's also textbook complacency."
"Make sure to click that like and subscribe button if you enjoyed our video. There will be more videos like this in the future."
"I would love it if you stick around till the end."
"Stay tuned for more, catch you next time!"
"A great thumbnail boosts watch time and engagement."
"...it makes sense that their music now grows with them, and this is how you maintain an audience for a number of years."
"It was actually a great interview, starts a little slow but by the end you're gonna never want to turn this off."
"You can be the most entertaining person on the planet, but if your audience is no longer interested in the game you're playing, retaining a constant viewer base is going to be difficult."
"Just focus on bringing joy to people's lives and have them not click off your video in the first 35 seconds."
"Trying to keep interest along the way is a very, very real thing."
"To restart a famous show like this, you have to keep in mind what was popular about the original."
"YouTube favors creators who are able to get their audience to stay on the YouTube platform for longer."
"If you're not building stories that people focus on, talk about, relate to, and makes them want to come back every week and see where it's going next, nothing is going to happen."
"It really does scare me that like one day nobody's gonna come back if I take a break."
"I think a lot of people come to your channel for a video or a project, but if they like you and your style, they'll stick around for you."
"Sticking to something consistent is going to really get people to come back for more."
"As an industry, we surely have to keep using the technology that's available to us to try to get people to come back to the movies."
"It's very clear that you cannot leave the game alone and trust that it will somehow magically capture the nation's imagination."
"We're just trying to create a bridge to keep people interested."
"You will tune in again next week. You will."
"The biggest thing I found is audience retention is people staying on your videos for a longer period of time, it helps everything."
"YouTube, if you're able to come in on YouTube, make videos and actually talk to people and retain the viewers, then you'll do very good on YouTube."
"Sell it on a personality rather than a guide. People coming back for who you are, the information you provide."
"Forget about the first 24 hours rule; longevity is so much more valuable."
"Having a great opening hook... is of immense importance."
"You're supposed to save the good stuff for the end of the video so that people keep watching."
"We're very happy to see that there's still an audience for high-end keyboards."
"People are going to stay for the content."
"I'm trying to really make sure that like the stuff that I'm putting out is stuff that when you're done with it it's what people come back for."
"If you're good, nobody can take your audience, no matter what."
"Building up that library of content that will continue to bring in views, continue to bring in that growth, that's really important."
"Thanks so much for staying to the end."
"It's an insurance policy whatever happens in social media and other technologies doesn't matter, you can always bring people with you if you have them on your list."
"I think it's because I'm delivering right away and earning that trust, and because they like the first story, they stick around for the second story too."
"The advent of television saw the motion picture industry looking for ways to drive audiences back to the cinema."
"It is amazing that you can mock your subjects and still get content, still get them to come back."
"You put matches like this on a consistent basis, the ratings and the audience will come back."
"Say what you want, people are still watching Love & Hip Hop Atlanta."
"If you just get that boost and you're not consistently putting out quality content, people aren't going to stay."
"The longer people are on your video, the better, because YouTube sees that and they're gonna push your video onto other people's recommended pages."
"The quality of the storytelling is going to keep people there long term."
"I can't wait for next week to find out what happens."
"Tell the audience what you're going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you just told them."