
Haunting Quotes

There are 1099 quotes

"I really want to see a ghost so that I know that if I die, I can stick around and haunt everyone."
"If there's one word that I've heard people use to describe the past time and time again, it's 'haunting'. I feel like this game has haunted me for years."
"In order to be haunted by it, I think regret is part of haunting, where it's sort of like, 'If I could go back in time, I would do it differently.'"
"The Legend of Chloe: the ghost of a girl that haunts Myrtle's Plantation in LA."
"Piles of creepy dolls: haunting reminders of the past."
"An abandoned carnival in one of the most lethal places on Earth, a truly haunting place."
"My spirit will live forever, and it will live in this house. Nobody else will be able to live in this house. I put a curse on it."
"Several people have reported seeing a grey-haired nurse walking down the halls before she disappears into thin air."
"People are often overcome with sadness, anger, despair, or happiness with all this activity."
"Whatever it is that haunts him seems to have no intention of letting him go."
"The Amityville Horror is the subject of one of the most notorious and controversial alleged hauntings in American history."
"The parallels to real-life drug addiction is rather haunting."
"Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say."
"This memory of Nicole now fully transformed into a Sinister ghoul haunts the poor engine engineer's mind."
"We trapped the Devil Himself. It's here, it's in the house."
"The ghosts of the couple will make themselves well known to you."
"The entity that should really be feared is the lady in Black who can be seen gliding around the Mansion or running through the Acres surrounding the house terrifying all that come face to face with her."
"Apparently, the words 'help me' have appeared on numerous occasions scrawled across the bathroom mirror."
"Kate Morgan has haunted the Hotel del Coronado since 1892."
"Who or what is haunting Willard library?" - Ghostly images
"A haunted one night but only left his markings on this door one time and nowhere else."
"The hauntings began as soon as the bull family moved into the rectory in 1863."
"As much as Poltergeist is about the haunting, it is about the picturesque family to which this haunting is occurring."
"Passchendaele is finally captured on the 6th of November by then British and Commonwealth casualties totaled 275,000."
"The universe is always going to make a way for our voices to be heard."
"It's the quietest moments that are the most haunting. She was my life, my everything."
"You cannot kill my spirit, and my spirit will lodge in your body and haunt you until the day you die."
"Throughout Germanic and Celtic mythology, there are numerous tales of ghostly black dogs, haunting canines that are anything but man's best friend."
"The Lutzes immediately claimed weird things started happening. They said the house was horrendously haunted."
"Locals believe the girl haunts the spot and frequent reports have been made witnessing the ghost lurking around the tunnel."
"The ghost of a woman who killed her baby lived in my house."
"I'm almost positive just based on what we've experienced this whole night, I think there's a demon in this house."
"Those that stay claim to have heard strange sensations, slamming doors, and abrupt waking in the middle of the night."
"Ghosts and spirits haunt the desolate streets they once walked, demanding to have their stories told."
"I think it was the child entity that followed me home."
"The poltergeist began disturbing the family in 1966 with a wide variety of paranormality."
"I hope Andre's spirit haunts and taunts him for the rest of his days."
"I froze instantly, my mouth went completely dry, and I watched her flow past my bathroom door into the guest bedroom."
"What do you think? Is Arash being haunted by something sinister?"
"I don't usually share this story... it's always haunted us."
"Old Salem jail...stories...too gory to be true...turned into luxury apartment Flats...the ghosts...still around."
"Could their home truly be a dwelling place for spirits? Whether one's a believer in the supernatural or a firm skeptic, this haunting video raises more questions than it answers."
"Welcome to an unexpectedly extremely haunted experience in a very, very unlikely place."
"This isn't just an apartment, this is a beautiful place of spiritual energy, it's spooky, it's haunted, it's all the things."
"This place is haunted, it's definitely got something."
"Some argue that the sounds resemble those usually found in a recording or video and therefore might be fake. Others swear that there's a spirit haunting the basement, possibly a child who died there long ago."
"This next series of clips have left the TikTok community on edge with some calling it the most genuine haunting they've seen in years."
"Could we be looking at ghost or some other spectral presence haunting this area."
"It's now said that her ghost haunts the home and that she takes a particular dislike towards male visitors."
"Everyone who worked in this home, old or young, we're all convinced that the place was just undoubtedly haunted."
"That green mist is apparently the souls that still linger here."
"The basement door started opening by itself."
"I'm very curious to see if Sierra's haunting continues."
"Real hauntings do not come from wraiths or spirits but from memories and the knowledge that someone who should be there is not."
"This hotel is just super cursed. Tons of deaths have occurred in this hotel, and it's haunted as a result."
"The island is made up of human ash and that right there tells you there's bound to be endless amounts of Paranormal Activity."
"Many believe countless Spirits haunt the grounds in the buildings."
"No matter how many times it changes ownership with the chance of being renovated and improved it might always be known for its horrific past and its hauntings that have lasted hundreds of years."
"You'll always be reminded by the fact that the Island's victims make up half of the soil beneath your feet."
"Built around 1736, this house in Burrillville, Rhode Island, is the site of one of the most notorious hauntings in U.S history."
"Sounding like you're trapped in the middle of a haunted antique shop at 3:00 in the morning."
"My roommate's nightmares and hallucinations were getting worse... she would walk into the house and see something standing over her."
"This entire hotel is said to be haunted by children who have stayed there."
"I can still see that face staring into my soul."
"The house had a grip on both Linda and Stephen. A grip that was so strong that even after they both moved out, it continued to grasp onto them, attempting to drag them back and destroy them within its deep, dark core."
"These spirits are just, like, coming back to the scene, maybe even looking for their moms and their dads and wanting to live through your daughter."
"He felt like his past had come back to haunt him."
"The screaming skull still haunts to this day."
"I am going to haunt every last one of you and that's a promise."
"Nestled in Utah's Wasatch Mountains, this spot is supposedly haunted by the spirit of two lovers who are forever entombed in Timpanogos Cave."
"But this bride's story doesn't end with her death. For years, guests and hotel staff have claimed to see an apparition in a white wedding dress moving quietly up and down the stairs."
"This sometimes frightening spirit may very well be the old caretaker Murray who, for reasons unknown, seems unable to give up his duties at the much-loved lodge he still considers his home."
"Was Jackie Hernandez the victim of a haunting, or was it something else?"
"Its name became synonymous with ghostly apparitions, violent poltergeist activity, and other terrifying phenomena that defied rational explanation."
"Somebody died on this bed 3 minutes before this picture was taken."
"Ghostly manifestations are the echoes of human souls whose lives were cut short forever anchoring them to a fixed place."
"He is still seen throughout the house as a full-bodied apparition."
"Witnesses have reported door slamming, shadowy figures, and even blood-curdling screams from within the building walls."
"I haven't gone back since. I can't describe it something about that old mine just came with a bad scary feeling and both people that went there with me felt it as well."
"It's haunting. My house turns cold. I get chills when I hear it."
"Brutal, beautiful, iconic, haunted: this is the story of Australia's infamous penal colony."
"This book continues to haunt me and I don't think it'll ever stop haunting me for as long as I live."
"Harold then decided to kill himself by drinking acid. Apparently, everyone who spent any amount of time near the house has reported feeling an incredible sense of dread."
"Many skeptics believe haunting experiences are psychological phenomena."
"The darkness will literally haunt this person to the point where they confess."
"The Beast may have been gone... but everything about it was still haunting me."
"The footsteps never stopped till the day we moved out."
"That's him for the rest of the night, they both get haunted by the ghosts of their past."
"I'm not afraid of a Haunted House; my problem is that there's a house haunting me."
"It's just like a very amazing, like beautiful with the setting and haunting movie."
"I used to see ghosts outside my apartment complex all the time."
"This isn't just the story of a man who is haunted by scary ghosts and creatures, this is the story of a man who is haunted by his past and isn't just reminded of it but tortured by it with every waking moment."
"It's not just the film that's haunted, but the entire theater, a modern gothic cathedral whose walls turn against its occupants. In turn, the people tear it all down."
"It is also rumored to be one of the world's most active properties with spirits."
"It's visually intoxicating while also being haunting and disturbing."
"The idea of Godzilla embodying the souls of everyone who died in World War II because of Japan is haunting."
"It's a beautiful and eerie and absolutely haunting tune."
"The past never truly dying and instead trying to rip you out of your life here and now."
"Phantom footsteps, but find no body."
"The ghost of a boy who could be seen running through the REC field in the streetlights from the dead-end road that ran along the edge of the camp."
"A woman wearing a long flowing white dress could be seen standing on one of the deck porches."
"Every time I turned my back to an empty room, I felt as if an eerie crowd of silent watchful people stared through me."
"Whatever spirits share that space did not seek to physically harm anyone; they like to be seen, talked about, remembered through stories."
"The deep green woods, the aging structures, the ruins and secrets and stories of the camp holds are their home."
"The sound it made as it drove over her is something that will haunt me for the rest of my life."
"I mentally heard a woman's voice say with great agitation, 'This is my house'."
"I began worrying that our basement was haunted, that there was some dark entity living underneath our house."
"These creatures are said to change shape either to hunt down their prey or to escape, but sometimes it seems they change forms simply to haunt people like you and me."
"Haunted by the ones we don't, the ones that you expect never harm you, it's the ones you don't."
"It felt like this thing was kind of taunting us, following us."
"Ghosts are very, very real... they'll haunt you for the rest of your life."
"I haven't seen it in some time, and I moved out after a while. Maybe it's waiting, maybe it's done with our land because everything there is dead."
"What happened that day will haunt me until the day I die."
"Every night it haunts me. I hope to God you never see it."
"It's some sort of distorted, expressionless face. It's hard to describe, but the image of it is burned deep into my memory."
"Her mind haunted by memories from her childhood."
"I don't see the figure as much anymore, and the doors don't slam as often, but they do still shut; it's just quieter."
"yeah I'm hearing sometimes love is not enough when the road gets tough I'm hearing while it's okay your energy haunts me"
"A hauntingly atmospheric composition."
"Quick little back story on the road above the tunnel, a little girl got hit by a drunk driver, and that's what's believed to be haunting this tunnel."
"And every night, with the twisted voices of the ones I used to love, it repeats the same thing to me: 'Come home.'"
"Multiple ghosts haunt the Myrtle Plantation according to Legend."
"Visitors report seeing Khloe's Spirit, her turbaned head and disfigured ear haunting the premises."
"This kind of thing sticks with you, it haunts your very core."
"Places are haunted because people leave before their time and they just can't accept it."
"For over forty years, authorities have pursued thousands of leads, and it’s even rumored that Betsy Aardsma’s ghost haunts Pattee Library."
"There is no way any person with any feeling could have witnessed or seen the photos of what occurred that night and not be haunted for the rest of your life."
"Every night since I have been back in these rooms, it has come to me. It is an apparition, or at least it seems to be one, the apparition of my son's wife."
"...what it means to be haunted by the past and the human heart."
"I will leave you as you were on arrival, guilty and haunted by what you have done."
"I became his prey for two years, and he always kept that power. His smell still haunts me."
"A haunting and spooky place with terrible stories to tell."
"People often hear the noise of children playing in the courtyard, even when it's empty."
"If anywhere is going to be haunted, it's going to be in here."
"The ghost of his wife, Francis, has been sighted in the window of the old botany building, across the street from his grave."
"I can 100% say there was something in this house. 100% haunted."
"Ghosts are very, very, very real. They're not real in the sense that you might expect, but if you do something terrible enough to someone innocent enough, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll haunt you for the rest of your life."
"The Wainwrights decided to overnight in room 2D themselves to prove that the hauntings were all just nonsense."
"We were in this house and there was something here with us."
"The power of fairy tales, folktales, and horror movies is that if they're working, they hit you on an emotional level, and the best thing that could come out of it is sort of a great haunted feeling that's strong and remains with you."
"Her memories are haunting her like a monster which she must defeat."
"The haunting had stripped us of our home but it had given us a renewed appreciation for the intangible: our love, our courage, our determination to overcome."
"I still have nightmares about living in that house."
"I believe there's a possibility my house is haunted."
"If someone nicknamed me Mr. Nasty after I died, I'd be so upset. I would haunt everyone's morning coffee to make it taste like a stick of deodorant."
"There is something paranormal in that building and the man who sold it to us knew it."
"It’s hauntingly beautiful and incredibly suspenseful."
"The haunting tale of leth Hall, where spectral companions from its historic past seem to linger, a silent proclamation of existence within its walls."
"She spoke to me, then she said, 'You let me die. Now I will take something from you.'"
"Whatever we saw that night has haunted me for years after that."
"The unknown entity that had haunted our nights was George, a man lost in time, his whispers a plea from the other side."
"The mystery remained a chilling testament to our haunting summer at Camp Echo."
"The neighborhood prayed for it to cave in, but no matter how hard the wind blew or how many times it was buried in snow, the house continued to loom behind the empty driveway, always standing, always rotting, always watching."
"His words have haunted my dreams since."
"The house was built right next to an old indigenous graveyard."
"Some secrets are best left undisturbed, and some cabins, no matter how picturesque, are forever haunted by the restless spirits of their past."
"It is believed that his spirit still lingers in the corridors haunting the institution."
"He says it was the one thing he's ever seen that's actually replayed in his nightmares like a movie."
"I swear I heard her voice in my head: 'You belong to me. Happy.'"
"I adored her performance she is so Haunting in this movie so real and grounded."
"I couldn't ignore it. The lights were still flickering, my body still felt as if it were full of pins and needles, and the breathing was still there."
"It wasn't like one object had accidentally fallen off. It was more like someone raked their entire arm across the surface, smashing everything there onto the floor."
"Seeing something like that, experiencing that type of haunting, I'd be on the market for a new home in seconds. Scary ghost lady, no thank you."
"This isn't just some nighttime story to scare your kid. This is what happened to me and my mother."
"I didn't speak on the way back home, which was unusual for everyone. I was quite the talkative person on road trips. I simply stared out the window, that haunting image of a smiling beast lingering in my mind."
"I'll forever be haunted by the memory of those sinister uninvited guests in the office corridor."
"In the years following their disappearance, other keepers were sent out to man that lighthouse and all of them reported hearing someone yelling the names of the three lighthouse keepers that went missing."
"It felt almost haunting to me but in the pleasant kind of way."
"Yes, Gavin, I live in a haunted house. Haunted by the spirits of all my ancestors who have died over the last century."
"But out of the entire world of its story, this single image, The Pale Man, seems to be uniquely haunting."
"Questions pile up unanswered, and the ghosts become real."
"They were real people. It was haunting and it was sobering."
"I want to haunt you the way that you haunt me."
"In the kitchen, in the upstairs bedrooms, people have reported feeling cold spots and in the children's bedroom there have been reports of a smell of a woman's perfume."
"Reflecting on the tragic incident in 1997, Redford admitted to being haunted by its memory."
"The smurl family lived through a real-life horror story that would not meet its creepy inclusion until 15 years had passed."
"I still see them to this day, every night laying awake in my sleep."
"You're familiar with this idea, I'm sure, the notion that a really horrific death leaves a kind of specter behind that haunts the area. It's not uncommon."
"The team saw tons of activity in Ramsey School, including slamming doors, loud bangs, shadowy figures, disembodied voices, and items moving of their own accord."
"The tale of Resurrection Mary is a creepy urban legend that could mostly be real."
"This movie has one of the most haunting, beautifully produced soundtracks I've ever heard."
"Whoever is haunting the building, they’re sure doing a good job of it."
"Really any object can be haunted by a strong enough spirit or entity, so leaving Barbie out is just wrong."
"This is happening all over. What if we were talking to a demon again, like we did at the Langham Hotel? What if these energies are just trapped in time?"
"In the silence of abandonment, the ghosts of the past still roam."
"People have reported seeing a young man wandering around the halls as if he is searching for something, with many believing it is his lost love."
"People have experienced lights flickering on and off during the night, a window was seen opening and closing on its own, and most terrifying is disembodied screams have been heard echoing out of the school."
"Many people visiting the jail have made contact with Selena... Selena's spirit is more likely to be an intelligent spirit, an intelligent haunting, a spirit that's able to manifest and interact with the living."
"One of the ghosts inside were going to kill me."
"Being haunted by Victoria's ghost does you have like a torch in her that she can activate to shine up like that? I need to know."
"It's the one that's kept me up at night all these years."
"Mulholland Drive is easily one of the most mind-blowing movies ever made, it will haunt you for days."
"I just want to tell everyone now that if George Michael has not played at my funeral, I'm going to come and haunt every single one of you."
"The ghost will haunt him for many years to come."
"He remains unresponsive to all external stimuli to this day, just staring off into the distance with a haunted expression."
"Moving to the fourth floor we land in the operating room where visitors report feeling pain and discomfort of both the physical and emotional variety."
"The only time I've seen a house actually be haunted was a house that was left abandoned for years and years."
"I can move on from this. I can leave it alone, but it won't leave me alone."
"Ghosts don't just haunt places, they haunt memories."
"Anywhere could be haunted, like people die everywhere. It's their Spirit not knowing like where to go from there, that's why the ghost exists."