
Data Storage Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"40 gigabytes is damn near an entire game at this point."
"If all you want to do is file storage, the way to go is really one of two main options."
"And storing the archive listings in the Datastore makes sense."
"Using AWS S3, we can store and retrieve any amount of data at any time on the web."
"Stay tuned for how to do this in constant time, how to be able to store an arbitrary key, get it back out in constant time."
"We've been able to see how our pages are able to store data in order to just make the user experience a little bit better."
"Arrays are useful for storing collections of data that relate to each other."
"Filecoin focuses on storing files for the decentralized web instead of just decentralized finance."
"Kafka is the de-facto storage of choice for stream data."
"Just storing data is really easy. You just throw it in a file or something."
"Your files sitting on that hard drive on your computer, their time in this world comes to an end. That hard drive will eventually fail."
"Shift registers: sequential logic circuits for data storage and transfer."
"It's borderless, you've got to file for your pay your full and you get storage anywhere in the world it doesn't matter."
"Memory is like a bunch of boxes storing data at addresses."
"It's basically a big hard drive for your house that all of your computers can use and your devices can use as a central point of storage."
"This dime-sized SD card holds more data than this entire column of CDs."
"Hard drives and flash drives contain non-volatile memory, which is like paper. It can be destroyed or erased but when properly taken care of can last forever."
"SCP-3014 consumes data and stores it permanently."
"Pixel owners get free unlimited storage for photos and videos, at original quality."
"It's insane that we can fit so much data onto something small enough to eat."
"Every binary number starts with one. This means there isn't any reason to bother storing this bit in the first place!"
"Now that we've scraped the information that we want from our web page, now we can save this in any way that we'd like."
"If Solana stores everything on our weave as much as Solana grows are we full-grown because think about it like if every transaction on Solana is then stored on our weave then the more Solana grows the more we've grows."
"What if our batteries actually lasted all day and we didn't have to worry about how much storage yeah what if we could stream and download the things we want when we want them"
"The hard drive difference is a tremendous quality of life difference."
"Now we have all of our data inside of our database and now we can go start working with it."
"A CD isn't it that is more than storage CDs."
"Cloud saves, that is the reason I will be clapping for."
"Hybrid level storage: the middle ground between speed and cost."
"Incredible DNA data storage might be one of the most dense data storage mediums."
"Here it is reading a standard format three and a half inch disk and more importantly it's reading it really fast."
"Memory cards are perhaps the ultimate save medium."
"A buffer is a region of memory that's used to store data."
"Every single thing that you do online is going to be collected and stored indefinitely."
"Solid-state drives more reliable than hard drives now."
"Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images reduce the cost for storage and transmission."
"The storage speeds... over 900 sequential read."
"Even if you buy a one terabyte drive and use it heavily daily, you're gonna go a decade before it's remotely an issue."
"So if we are choosing simultaneous recording we're not going to be slowed down to the slower slot because both are equally as quick."
"Variables are essentially a way of storing data."
"Every manufacturer had their own format, in fact, some CP/Ms like the IMSAI 8080 such as the one seen in WarGames, uses 8 inch floppies, while most machines used the 5 and a quarter inch floppies."
"The storage system is so fragile but also has so much more engineering in it than just storing some ones and zeros in these bins."
"Storage does get cheaper and cheaper when you talk about it on per gigabyte allotment."
"In a web environment, databases can store HTML, PDF, images, XML-based documents, and more."
"File-based approaches contain storage waste due to duplicates and redundant data."
"It's all highly available, it's got redundant power supplies in it."
"HTML5 allows us to store extra information on standard HTML elements using the data attribute."
"Reliability matters: Durably store messages even if workers can't process."
"Blockchain transactions stored in the chain from the block."
"Using a hard drive or SSD has the potential to give you enough space to hold each system’s entire game library if you wanted to be especially gluttonous."
"Up until now the answer was generate five million curves and then store them on disk and read it."
"Technology is incredible, you can now store and recall items in Pokemon as data via PC."
"This is clearly where the actual data is stored as I think it's probably solid-state."
"With that covered, we have a really efficient way to store two-dimensional data."
"Chips are tiny right... We've got like two terabyte sd cards. Like wow, that's crazy."
"This system is actually an 80 gigabyte hard drive based navigation system."
"One mask holds the equivalent data to maybe a hundred and forty-five million smartphone photos."
"Most of average cases should have a key value size of 100, 200, 300 bytes or even 1 kilobyte."
"No more storage issues when you're on the go and you have these huge 4k files."
"This invention can store an astonishing 360 terabytes of data on a tiny piece of glass."
"Wow. The point is, if we can store music on a compact disc, why can't we store a man's intelligence and personality on one?"
"Arrays allow you to store several pieces of data in one place."
"The best way to store those things in Azure is we have Azure Key Vault."
"This is a great example demonstrating how the data on persistent disks persist through the lifetime of a disk."
"If you're planning on using your home server as a NAS, you might need multiple hard drives or SSDs to keep all your data stored."
"The apps are really good for storing data and mapping what data you want to store to your database."
"So now we have a Google Drive backup."
"With these technologies, data can be stored for very long periods, probably millions of years."
"Data set comes with its own storage option which is an in-memory storage, making Power BI so fast."
"You can store everything between zero and one."
"All of your files will always be safe in iCloud..."
"Rate 10 combines both stripping rate zero and mirroring rate one to provide improved performance and fault tolerance."
"Once development was complete, I was still storing all the test data in S3, so the following month I got a bill for zero dollars and seven cents."
"External hard drive with all my footage is safe, though I did have to get a new cable like that."
"Variables are just used to store data."
"Blockchain technology is a revolutionary force transforming how we handle financial transactions and store data."
"I want backups on some different medium but also I might just have replication if there was some just disk failure."
"Data is written here. Even if I turn off my computer, we can bring it back from that magnetic tape anytime we want to."
"It's actually kind of mirrored, as far as the storage of that information. The data is actually all saved in whichever axiom is the master on the system."
"We're going to store our session data in Redis."
"Storing vectors with the data ensures that the vectors are always associated with the correct data."
"Cloud resources can also typically host and store more data, and since the cloud can be accessed from anywhere, these large stores of imagery and other data types are accessible from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection."
"Raid-Z groups... provide parity. Raid-Z1 is roughly the same as raid 5."
"Using liquid, your computer hard drive taking up the same amount of space could probably hold 50 to 100 terabytes."
"So a little bit more about Azure Data Lake... it's designed specifically to store massive amounts of data for big data analytics."
"If storage were free, we'd all mirror our data just to be safe. Except it isn't, and so normally we don't."
"We make two copies of everything, so when the information arrives at our facility, it's actually stored twice."
"S3 provides level 9 durability, which means once we store the data in S3, the chances of losing the data are nearly zero."
"You can store literally anything that you want within variables."
"Magnets can store a one or a zero, and no power is required to keep them in these states."
"If it's more, hey I have a bunch of media files. Want to store it? Well then maybe I'll use BLOB."
"Azure data lake storage supports Access Control Lists (ACLs) at the file and folder level, making it the correct answer."
"Azure data lake storage supports role-based Access Control (RBAC) at the file and folder level, making it the correct answer."
"...you can pre purchase a quantity in either hundred terabyte chunks or one petabyte chunks for the different access tiers in the different redundancies in the different regions."
"Blob Storage is an unstructured data store used in Azure, and it's used by both first party services as well as third party services, Isvs, Enterprises and the like."
"B, create an Amazon S3 bucket to store the raw data. Create an Amazon FSX for Lustre file system that uses persistent SSD storage. Select the option to import data from and export data to Amazon S3. Then mount the file system on the EC2 instances."
"We're going to allow users to log in, sign up, log back in if they log out, as well as store the highest score for that user."
"We want to save it to a JSON file."
"For example, if we press the SAVE button, we store the current joint angles values in a separate array."
"...and it's going to read the flash contents obviously the slower spy speeds are going to be more reliable but they're also going to be slower and so it's going to take about a minute or two to actually read the eight megabytes on this chip..."
"This gives us the ability to store both images on one IC."
"New York Times published where they talk about how they use Kafka to store all the journalism starting from 1851. All the articles that New York Times ever published are stored in a Kafka topic."
"ZFS is not raid. Don't think of it as raid, think of it as redundancy."
"...with these files we can save everything we've got into one file which is more easily transportable between systems."
"A standard step function consists of steps, and each step is persisted into a data store that exists on the standard step functions service."
"Columnar storage stores data in columns rather than rows, making it more efficient for analytical processing."
"We can store all this information in a single blob field or glob field."
"It's not a good idea to use the root file system for backups. You should have a different storage media for that."
"We might be looking at external data storage for certain kinds of simulations that have particularly large outputs."
"Numpy arrays are meant to store a very specific data type."
"The Microsoft silica project is a revolution in the field of data storage."
"It's just a directory with a bunch of parquet files in it, and there's one extra bit that is very important, and that is that we also store this transaction log."
"Thread locals are a powerful concept inside of Java that allows you to store data that is isolated to a given thread."
"That's a way you can save your results in not the default table but the permanent table using BigQuery."
"You can spin up a virtual copy for any use for anything and have instant access to that without adding or provisioning more storage."
"RAID Z is where ZFS starts to go off in its own special direction."
"If you want to be able to tinker and build your own and have amazing performance if you need it, honestly, TrueNAS is going to be awesome."
"If you're using two or more drives, you can use those for redundancy."
"Amazon Redshift is a columnar architecture. It stores data column by column."
"With MongoDB, you can save data the way you use it in your application. Embedding data is like using hashmaps, dictionaries, or JSON."
"You can overflow that to disk, you can also persist data to disk."
"I hope so it's much it's much better to store in the cloud than on your own tin um you know I don't know how many times you've had a hard drive fail on you it's really distressing."
"Just running on mechanical drives is likely going to be fine if you have a light home server use, but if you have multiple servers or getting multiple terabytes of data, you really want that SSD as a special drive."
"Cloud is just someone else's computer. You're not paying for a piece of a cloud up in the sky to store your photos or something; you're just paying a privilege to be able to connect and store your data at someone else's computer."
"I definitely recommend that everybody out there use an external hard drive."
"Tables store all the data in your database."
"Each knowledge article is stored as a record in the knowledge table."
"Synology just lets you access the data if you had a failure and you needed to get that data back you can't just easily restore one drive in a drobo instead you have to use sort of a roundabout way in this case we just plug in a drive and then recover what's on it."
"When it comes to cloud storage which is where the most of the data is stored these days dot supports a number of file formats like Json CSV Avro and parquet."
"So if you just want to back up photos as soon as they're taken, and you want a central location to store them, and you don't want to pay any cloud storage fees, then Synology Photos is a great option for a lot of people."
"Hard drives and solid-state drives are not perfect, and everything on this planet is temporary. If you treasure or you value what contains your data that's contained on whatever storage you've got, you make copies of that data and you place it in another building."
"But increasingly in the modern age, there are more and more web applications and a lot of data might only live in some cloud provider."
"...catalog can store I was working on technology to store information and DNA so they in in a one a cubed sugar a size block could store all the information output of 2018 into that sugar cube in DNA it is fantastically dense it's it's a can be a good durable way to do it."
"ZFS, I'm a huge fan of it. It is an incredible system and it is highly, highly fault-tolerant."
"So, I do have some redundancy in different locations and that is all free and part of the Synology service."
"Column-oriented storage is very compressible."
"What is RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks and is used to provide data redundancy mirroring across multiple hard disks."
"Config Maps and Secrets are both used to store data that can be later used by applications in pods."
"Google Sheets is able to serve as a container for a lot of different kinds of data."
"Understanding how SQL Server stores data in tables and how indexes work is crucial for optimizing performance."
"Glass storage in the cloud offers lifetimes for the data of upwards of tens to hundreds of thousands of years."
"We use a femtosecond laser to write the data inside the bulk of the glass media."
"Full disks have very little area that's actually writable to them, and so it can take a very long time to write data to them."
"I save it by opening a pickle file and do pickle dumps and it takes me one line of code to save the entire state of all of Twitter all at once."
"Data lakes have the benefit of supporting any kind of data regardless of structure or format."
"Glacier is the cheapest storage option and it is used for archiving the data for seven to ten years or longer to meet regulatory compliance or requirements for some organizations."
"Scalability: It can handle infinite data and zero maintenance."
"This is a common encryption mode chosen by our customers because it provides the encryption at rest that they require and it's free."
"What kind of sorcery is in my thousands of years so they could burn that's pretty advanced you could burn floppy disks the other one software."
"Its ability to isolate storage and compute layer is the most unique thing about Snowflake."
"If I had a liter of water and I could program into each one of those molecules a bit of information, I could have all the information in humankind."
"With BNB Greenfield, you can upload and download data just like in any type of centralized storage network."
"The cool part about the neurosd series is that they store the data on the actual device itself so nothing is lost."
"This colossal explosion is taking only one megabyte of disk space."
"Many people have questions about ZFS and fragmentation. If you use `zdb -m`, it will print out your meta slab."
"Tables are the only way to store data."
"We're also going to make the data of our app persist in the user's browser in an IndexedDB database."
"That's why we want the data that we would actually use to live on the server side."
"You can save your measurements in a touchstone file which is pretty handy."
"The other hard thing about working with APIs is parsing through the data that you collect and then saving it in the right way."
"For now, all you need to know is you store fixed size data on the stack, you store dynamically sized data on the heap."
"A database is a place where you can store, manipulate and retrieve data."
"S3 is your all-purpose data store for storing raw objects of a variety of different sizes and types."
"Azure storage... was built with security in mind."
"Save responses with the 200 response code and also those with the 404 response code."
"In JavaScript, there's a feature called local storage, through that feature, you can save all of your data inside the browser."
"You get the performance of data warehouses because it also supports caching and indexing."
"We will extract the data, clean it, perform some transformation, and store it in the Spark managed table."
"It's going to collect all the hashes for the files and store that in a baseline text file so we know what the digital thumbprint is supposed to look like."
"All your data is in the clouds, there's no security risk."
"Atoms, the tiniest building blocks of everything, could potentially store data at a scale a thousand times smaller than today's hard drives."
"Raid stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks."
"It keeps your data stored locally which I really appreciate."
"Define a state of an empty array called 'Data' to store the fetched data."
"Go for this drive if you are looking for a huge amount of data storage capacity but at the same time never want to have to worry about performance dips and never want to worry about a drive failing anytime soon because this will have your back."
"Using key-value pairs, you can store a huge amount of data without any confusion."
"You still have access to your weather station data, you can still put it in your dashboards, you can plot it, you can store it."
"Arrays can hold multiple different values of the same data type in one variable."
"Single line of text in SharePoint stores 255 characters, and multi-line of text stores up to 63,999."
"Main memory is volatile, which means that if the power goes off, the data is not there."
"A data lake is a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it is needed."
"Memory is an array of bytes within RAM, think of it like a street and a street contains houses."
"We're currently storing some notes in memory here."
"In one gram of DNA there's 256 terabytes."
"Incremental encoding avoids having duplicate prefixes storing them over and over for consecutive tuples."
"We try to keep as many things resident in memory as possible and otherwise we have to incur a heavy penalty of performing disk I/Os."
"We want to use persistent data, meaning we can close out of our web app, come back a week later, and our to-do list will still be there."
"Blob storage is a service for storing large amounts of unstructured object data."
"Storing anything sensitive on the SD card in Android is kind of scary and dangerous."
"What Elasticsearch does is store all the data in specific search-specific data structures internally."
"Sessions are a way of letting us store and retrieve arbitrary data on a per-site visitor basis."
"Each cell in your body contains 1 and a half gigabytes of information."
"The company burst onto the scene with its cloud-native architecture and it positioned itself as the data warehouse built for the cloud."
"Google Cloud Storage provides a variety of storage services."
"Amazon S3 actually contains more than 200 trillion objects and processes on average, a hundred million requests per second."
"The cloud is a unique place and it's really interesting, and it has benefits there that you don't get in your own little data center or your own little data room."
"ZFS is core, central, and foundational."
"MySQL is a relational database management system that stores data in rows and tables."
"It's very important that you firstly understand your workloads and understand what type of persistence you really need."
"I'm feeling quite happy that I'd want to migrate my main array across to a ZFS-backed solution."