
Spiritual Engagement Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Open our eyes that we might behold wonderful things from your word."
"God is not looking for people to tap out; he's looking for people to tap in." - Ivan Orji
"Don't settle for less than a relationship that makes you drop to your knees and worship the Lord."
"Let's pray together and get right into The Desolation."
"We enter into your gates tonight, God, with boldness as sons and daughters."
"True prayer requires effort; unfortunately, instead of putting in the effort, we often simply bow our heads, close our eyes, and let our minds wander."
"There's a great value in religion and being connected."
"Faith enters into the realm of grace and accesses God at a whole 'nother level."
"We started experiencing His power doing His will, fulfilling His purpose, and engaging His priorities."
"Listen to more Quran... find a reciter you enjoy... pick one Surah to study deeply."
"It's a wonderful thing when you are happy about the things of God."
"If we're serious about engaging to do what our Blessed Mother said in Fatima, avert war and bring peace to the world, then we need to deepen our relationship with God now."
"It's like watching Daredevils on TV, wondering if they have a secret stash of invincibility potions."
"Any of those spikes that come in, I think are just going to be bought up very, very quickly."
"Can you force it by going into the situation like the guy in the first story?"
"Our prayers are not the voice; our prayers are The Echoes of his voice."
"I feel like a personal call to really kind of also kind of work in this realm."
"People love the church community; they don't love Jesus."
"There is a release in the name of jesus somebody just go on and begin to send god right now give him the praise worship him say lord i thank you."
"Reading the Bible isn't just about reading words on a page, it's also encountering the word in the word of God."
"Spiritual revolution is underway, embrace the awakening."
"You want God to be real with you, then you come on back and be real with him."
"May your study of the King James Bible be a transformative experience leading to a closer relationship with God."
"Peterson... teaching the Bible... gaining traction... with young non-religious... found particularly interesting... recovery of something like a spiritual vision."
"If you just accepted Christ, or if you're one of those people that only come to church on Easter and this was your spiritual duty, and all that, whoever you are, it's all good. We all stand."
"We come on here because we love these people."
"Be blessed, everyone. Remember, don't just be a fan, but be a follower."
"Church is more than just flipping on your TV at 10:30 in your pajamas in the living room."
"Let the Bible read you. It's alive, it's active, it's sharper than any two-edged sword."
"Lord, here I am... and here's this situation... I surrender it to you."
"God wants to partner with us, He wants to use us."
"Your soul wakes up and eats the Bible, and after a while, you're blissed."
"Praise is powerful... praise is the only thing that can bring God's presence into your situation."
"I feel like people who worship a lot more they are happier people."
"We decree that we will leave out of here better and we receive the key of David right now."
"Engage - it's inviting the presence of God to meet you right where you're at."
"Christians can have demons. Once you legitimately get involved in doing exorcisms, you're gonna know."
"It's not about entertainment, having a bunch of flashy lights and cool haze, and stuff like that, it's really, I feel, and I know, it's about focusing people's attention on the gospel here during worship."
"Magic works through you, looks through you, and around you."
"Stop playing church and start actively engaging with spiritual warfare."
"And it's just oh it is a good time to be a part of this work yeah what's going on amen."
"Every opportunity where the holy spirit is prompting us to... engage somebody to have a conversation."
"When your spirit is being bound for something and trying to make something happen, that's when you're in the spirit."
"You'll find what you're looking for by the way, if you look for a place God is working."
"I believe that God wants our questions and I believe that God, yeah, honors the sincere questions that we have."
"I love helping people, so whenever I get an opportunity to, I'll do that through church and whatever other way I can."
"Meditation involves the whole person: body, mind, and spirit."
"It's time to push in prayer, it's time to pull in the Supernatural."
"When you engage your mind like this, when you see Him, now you're inviting Him. You're surrendering yourself to Him so He can come and move in the spiritual realm upon your life."
"Ruminating on the scriptures is a way for us to enter into a continual prayer."
"The world around us excites us creatively, spiritually, emotionally."
"The rest of the Lord is a condition of being busily engaged in blessing other people."
"The greatest reward God's greatest response to your seeking, your including Him in your everyday life, you're engaging Him, is He rewards you with His presence."