
Dissolution Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"You just have to drown into the ocean, you have to disappear in the ocean."
"We needed this thing to completely dissolve in order to form something new."
"His massive fortune was dismantled after two generations."
"The whole world begins to dissolve just as Om sounds, you don't see any other, you don't hear any other sound, you only hear Om everywhere."
"Everything will disintegrate; there's nothing in the physical world that will stay infinite."
"The relationship between Elizabeth and Randy dissolved under the intense pressure of the wrestling industry."
"The experience of the mystic then is, in a sense, the process of dissolving that ego, and that always leads to a certain non-participation in some of the ego games that are happening around us."
"Divorce is regarded as a last resort and approached with a lot of caution."
"Seeing such a phenomenal group dissipate, it was hard to watch."
"Emperor Francis acknowledged reality and officially dissolved the Holy Roman Empire."
"Marriage is not an equal deal when it dissolves."
"The engagement was dissolved by mutual consent. We were both rather relieved."
"Once the purpose of a soul contract has been achieved, the connection will naturally dissolve."
"The isopropyl alcohol has completely obliterated the PVB, turning it into goop."
"The Northern Securities Company dissolved."
"The second you find yourself in that situation is the second that what you have with that woman is going to dissolve very very quickly."
"We will be no more. In the end, the ship will break up. We will all disintegrate and disappear into atomic dust."
"Do that and I will be happy never to see you again," Valtan's form dissolved into a pool of light.
"This is amazing. We can put this in something to dissolve."
"Dire Straits finally dissolved in 1995 after Mark decided he wanted to focus on his solo career with no plans to reform the band."
"Why do you think people drink? People drink alcohol because they have a hope that it will completely dissolve them."
"Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God."
"It illustrates the fear that black and white in the South are going to come together because he's dissolving, in many ways, racial distinctions without meaning to."
"So that's the principle of it and then you dissolve it when you're finished."
"Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I am both the origin and the dissolution."
"Life is going to do what it wants to do through you as you slowly watch in this time that the small separate self who completely thinks it knows what it wants dissolves."
"I lead people home... my work is very much a dissolution process."
"I don't solve problems, I dissolve them."
"No good marriage ends in divorce."
"An annulment is the same as never happened."
"Even that is identity. So die. Allow your identity to loosen and dissolve. You can't do it. It's almost just a willingness, and even that is a stretch."
"Enlightenment is what happens when you dissolve the questioner."
"Water dissolves all because water contains all."
"My god has the army dissolved beside of."
"Alas, the day finally came last week where the court appointed date of the dissolution of our marriage arrived."
"Considering the magnitude of marriage, the allowance for divorce is limited."
"Another person of the opposite sex cannot meet all of our innate needs and that's why so many relationships dissolve."
"It isn't inconceivable that the UK will be dissolved within our lifetimes, and honestly, fingers crossed."
"Love dissolves everything unlike itself."
"The family is an institution under attack, it's dissolving before our eyes."
"It's difficult to wrap your head around something that powerful, something so energetic, something so large, simply dissolving like ink on a soiled piece of paper."
"One toxic person can end a friendship."
"Tartaria has become nothing but independent Tartary."
"The blood of Jesus dissolves every single letter in that Alliance and it's like deals off, contract is broken, I disagree, no no I will agree and align myself coming with the truth of the word of God."
"Perhaps we feel like that when we die and become a part of something entire, whether it is sun and air or goodness and knowledge. At any rate, that is happiness: to be dissolved into something complete and great."
"Unconditional love dissolves all limitations."
"So also these texts are helping us to begin to dissolve the sense of an autonomous solid I enduring unchanging me at the center of everything."
"Solvents like CDCl3 are used in NMR to dissolve samples."
"...let our bodies just dissolve into nothingness."
"Do not fall into the trap of thinking that when this goes red and bleeds, it's dissolving the iron."
"Instability is not the ultimate goal but it definitely dissolves, maybe nobody thinks destabilizing is definitely an interesting approach."
"This one's out of topping but it is Orlando, and so I it either sunk or it dissolved."
"My sense of self had almost completely dissolved into nothing."
"There's no distinction at all, like the whole Paradigm itself kind of just dissolves."
"I do not expect the Union to be dissolved, but I do expect it will cease to be divided."
"What's breaking my heart right now is there are a lot of marriages that are just breaking."
"We have destroyed the idea of a border."
"This stuff actually dissolves pretty fast."
"There's no such thing as me anymore."
"Divorce, that's precisely the word I use, Nick, divorce."
"I just want to end this marriage as soon as possible."
"When that happens, distinctions get lost and things blend together; it's like falling back into the waters of the formless void."
"He really wants you to kind of marinate in what it feels like to start to lose everything, you know, like the feeling of all of your memories all together up in your mind but they're just slowly dissolving."
"Once he lost the primary, the revolution part dissolved, it disappeared."
"The process of Buddhism and a lot of spiritual practices is to dissolve that illusion and merge back."
"As your ego is dissolved and you see yourself as more part of the whole universe and just start to take in the being and be more in the present moment."
"Spock's mind and Jim Kirk smelled together but all the force of Spock's wool could not prevent the dissolution of his friend's Consciousness it was being crushed out of existence and he could not hold it together against the destructive force."
"Saturation occurs when water can no longer hold any more solid, and additional solid won't dissolve."
"Bliss makes you afraid because bliss melts you, and then you melt."
"Because the powder dissolved or spread evenly throughout, this mixture is also a solution."
"That put the final nail in the coffin for NWA and the group split up so they could each focus on their own solo careers."
"This individuality is dissolved into the infinite, and from the infinite, now you live the life."
"Marriage is a corporation and you're dissolving it."
"Just be with awareness and then the greatest opportunity to see awareness beyond concept is in the time of dissolution."
"When you have your solute in your solvent and it's nicely dissolved, then you have a solution."
"Entropy typically increases when a solute dissolves."
"Step into your timelessness for a moment as you dissolve even more deeply as being."
"Feelings of love dissolve the pain and fear of separation."
"Simply allow them to dissolve naturally."
"The Red-headed League is dissolved. October 9, 1890."
"The story of the slow dissolution of a person's psyche."
"Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness?"
"The concept of Europe began to break down."
"Money dissolves the society and becomes the society."
"Money is not itself the community; it must dissolve the community."
"I'm not trying to solve people's problems, I say I dissolve them."
"The threat appeared to be crumbling away before our very eyes."
"On December 26, 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics suddenly ceased to exist."
"Once fully dissolved, there are no sodium chloride molecules swimming around in here anymore; the water has broken the ionic bonds between the sodium and the chloride."
"It is recognizable by its vivid color and quick dissolution; it fulfills the needs of many creators in their pursuit of beauty in their artwork."
"A man or a country, a town, that is not in alignment with its own purpose, highest purpose than calling, cannot stand, cannot be, must dissolve."
"They dissolve perfectly on watercolor paper."
"When you dissolve the family, you dissolve society."
"The Holy Roman Empire was officially dissolved as Napoleon Bonaparte tried to lay his claim to the entire world."
"The world felt like it was dissolving around me, but I didn't know how or why."
"Their consciousness dissolved as if they had been the dream of something alien suddenly waking."
"This timeless silence and vastness, something is dissolving and dissolving."
"The threat has gone, the Soviet Union has diminished, the Warsaw Pact has crumbled."
"Shiva appearing as the entire universe, that which supports the universe and which finally dissolves the universe, is Bhairava."
"When the third eye of the Bhairava opens, we are still seeing this universe, but everything is dissolved in the light of Shiva."
"Creation, preservation, and dissolution; these three forces could not have created the world if there was no Shakti, the power to hold them together."
"I really wanted it to feel like the sound was kind of dissolving and getting more and more indistinct as the movie went on."
"Your entire consciousness is now dissolving into the ocean of nothingness."
"It's important the water is nice and hot as that will help speed up the dissolving process of the Gum Arabic."
"Ultimately, you have to dissolve the Witness too because that's just another construct."
"The other shrunken, puddled, dissolving away in twenty heartbeats, its flesh was gone, swirling away in a fine white mist."
"I was counting sheep until we dissolve."
"Drifting more deeply, feel into each particle as it condenses from infinity and dissolves back into it continuously."
"We want the sun to really be blazing through, almost like it's dissolving all of the trees and the appearance of them."
"The more you focus on the 'I', the more this sense of 'I' in this individuality, this ego, dissolves until the self, and then the self is revealed."
"All these distinctions that you thought were real and concrete, let's dissolve all those."
"I will then announce as soon as may be, and that will be as soon as possible, the date of dissolution, the date of the election, and the date of meeting of the new Parliament."
"It is that positive entropy that is the driving force for thermodynamically favorable dissolution."
"The lemon juice helps the sugar dissolve and break down a little bit."
"The nitric acid oxidizes a thin layer of gold, the hydrochloric acid is then able to react with that oxidized layer forming auric chloride which is water-soluble."
"Awareness has the ability to dissolve anything without force."
"In the hypnagogic state, there's a dissolution between the boundaries of self and not self."
"Water is a great solvent, especially of polar substances."
"Here the boundaries between self and Other, inner and outer, mind and matter dissolve into a seamless whole."
"The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently."
"The British North Borneo company was finally dissolved in 1946, and the colony passed directly into the hands of the British government."
"1991 is the end of the Cold War officially when the Soviet Union dissolves."
"She says she wishes for death, for blindness, that her brain and blood and marrow dissolve in tears."
"There is a will to dissolve the boundaries between self and other, which are the root of our subjective anxiety."
"It would not be officially dissolved until March of 1660, which is why we call this parliament the Long Parliament."
"Boundary dissolution is what is needed here. Our separateness is an illusion. There is a kind of human bedrock."
"Love is the answer, but love has to be true; it has to be so true that it will dissolve everything in this lower realm."
"The identification with the small self that's fighting, resisting, grasping dissolves. It's a home-coming."
"The wave simply dissolves back into the ocean, and so the ocean experiences the bliss that it always had."
"I dissolved again into that native infinity of crystal oblivion from which the demon life had called me for one brief and desolate hour."
"The dying of the ego isn't something that happens sometime way off in the future when you get enlightened; it's about allowing it to dissolve any time we get caught in it."
"Water will dissolve all of these organic compounds and allow them to move around and form bigger and bigger bonds and bigger and bigger molecules."
"If you want to go into this question very deeply - then meditation is to remain so completely with the fact, with what is happening, it is totally dissolved."
"You're doing it to dissolve yourself into the God that's already there."
"Liberation isn't something that you gain; Liberation is something that you dissolve into."
"The compost is a solid, but you put it through a mesh screen with water force over it so it will dissolve."
"Prussia would take over most of northern Germany, the German Confederation as a body would be disbanded."
"We can't just kill this delusionary sense of separate self, but we can dissolve it through practice."
"They got to make history together as they literally watched their empire dissolve."
"Every story dissolves the moment we ask ourselves, 'Who am I?'"
"Dissolving solid magnesium sulfate in water is actually an exothermic process."
"When you truly become the what is, when you truly dissolve into that force of the universe, it doesn't really feel like meditation anymore."
"The process of dissolution is the same, whether it is the physical dimension dissolving into the light or a strong sense of ego dissolving into the impersonal."
"The court of Oyer and Terminer was immediately dissolved."
"Pharmaceutical tablets dissolve in our system at rates determined in part by particle size and exposed surface area."
"Spirit is stepping in on your own behalf to help you really dissolve and transmute dramas and fears."