
User Control Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"The idea behind this operating system is to take the Android open source project and harden it and make it way more secure but also way more private, and to give control back to the user of their device."
"The reality of social media is that you need to put the individuals in control of what they see."
"We believe that your private data should remain private, not because you've done something wrong or that you have something to hide but because there can be a lot of sensitive data on your devices, and we think you should be in control of who sees it."
"Masks is the fact you can go and edit them anytime you want."
"Pointer acceleration can now be disabled on Mac OS for the first time."
"You should also give me the manual override if I want it. There's two sides to the thing."
"Can actually use... you can choose how to use the battery in the vehicle... you always have control."
"Direct manual focus is a really cool way to go because it'll basically use autofocus but then once the focus locks you could then turn the focus ring and fine-tune the focus."
"The visor suite features an automatic magnification and image enhancement system controlled by the wearer's eye movements."
"Overall, having all that control with Linux is well worth while."
"Flat pack doesn't require root to install... apps you installed can't use elevated permissions to install anything without you knowing."
"This can be an incredibly powerful tool for the entire world to put people in charge of their own money."
"You can draw any profile and tell the extension that I want that to be my profile."
"It seemed like this was a desperate attempt to fit into the woke narrative, either that or PayPal was just trying to increase their control over their users whilst virtue signaling to increase their EST score and look good to the public."
"Customization is king on Linux; you can swap out anything."
"Always honor the player's intent when it comes to camera control."
"Every two pixels it's going to subdivide it so essentially the higher value you set this to the lower res the displacement is going to look."
"This value here is if you want to change it for this specific object and this is really where you get to control."
"For all the stuff that we've talked about so far like blocking someone from your suggested videos locking them from your viewers recommendations and blocking them from your related channels I think those should go both ways."
"You can pretty much customize anything on Linux."
"Enable back button focusing for more control."
"The point of crypto is to have true decentralization, where users control the network."
"You now have the ability to add negative prompts and control the seed number."
"The high level of user control of the interface is one of the reasons I really like Linux Mint, and it's my favorite Linux distro."
"So as part of their privacy protections you can opt out of your location being maintained by Google."
"It's very interactive and what I like most about it is that I as the viewer am controlling the parallax."
"Battery settings have been updated with usage history and power adapter options."
"That's done through this sexy-looking dedicated audio controller which not only handles that but also lets you control volume, chat mix levels, switch audio modes, tweak EQ, and more."
"Quicks provides an alternative to the centralized nature of big tech platforms."
"Custom lobbies in GT Sport allow you to adjust everything you need to create a good experience."
"Don't have to share any information, including your email with them."
"First Windows 10 home users can also now defer updates for 35 days same as Windows 10 Pro and enterprise should be able to do that forever if you want."
"And then you also get the option to unsend an email just like we do with messages so if you go and send this email you can see at the bottom down here we do have the option to undo send."
"The advantage of a PC... is that you can tweak the options to allow you to get better performance in certain areas."
"You can edit your photos in the photos app with a pretty astonishing level of control."
"Image review off, avoid automatic distractions after shooting."
"OSD menu accessed by LR trigger along with X and Y buttons."
"The most striking feature of the entire pack package to me is Ora's automated opt-out requests."
"There's something so nostalgic about this debug menu like maybe it's because games don't use these anymore but it really felt like I was manipulating the game to my will."
"Set start date and end date: Customize when your form is accessible."
"With iOS 14.5, Apple's putting some of the power back in the hands of the users."
"Pro mode... manual access to all the camera settings."
"ARMA 3 offers uncompromising customization to the user."
"What's really nice about this too though is not just how good the image looks but how much customization and control you have over it."
"It's pretty useful, so color adjustments that you do with this, for example, can change the way the game appears to you."
"You're in charge of your social media experience, period."
"Creating reports? No wizard needed, full control preferred."
"Nobody's been able to delete their cos profile before."
"Web 3 gives users control over who they sell their data to and for how much."
"So, ProRAW is basically, keeping some of the computational power of what makes the iPhone great and giving us more control."
"And if somebody snatches your phone and managed to unlock your device with their face mask you can manually lock it on your Apple Watch."
"There's a lot going on here that you can configure, adjust, change, and set. Works very, very nicely."
"You can also decide whether videos should play automatically on websites using the new media out to play controls allowed it is."
"It would be great if we could simply turn it off for the handful of times we're not using the feature especially for the people who choose to buy their camera."
"If you want to change your return location, find portal statute area and touch it. In the end, you'll be able to find a place that looks like home."
"The biggest thing really is just to do this to brighten or darken your photo, just to get a better shot."
"You want to control ISO, exposure, and other things manually."
"It's a good thing... They should give you an option to remove things from your watch later list."
"You want to be the user you don't want to be getting used."
"Starting next year, Instagram will allow users to see a chronological version of their feed instead of one created by algorithms."
"Shared replays will finally let you play the game your way."
"We believe in the empowering nature of AI in which you, the individual, are in charge."
"So maybe they're going to intentionally allow you to change the task personalization settings without it being activated."
"They want to feel like they're behind the controller seeing it."
"Accessibility settings are all about taking the hand when you need it and not when you don't."
"One of the best features here is that you can quit a game at any time and create a save state."
"A neat feature of Metamask is the ability to speed up or even cancel a transaction after you have submitted it."
"I'm subscribing, I want to get this channel's stuff and when I decide I don't want to, I will unsubscribe. I don't need YouTube telling me."
"Cart flows does more than just give you all of this control."
"You can adjust all of this, you know, you can make it turn green if it's super cool or whatever."
"Imagine being able to streamline your own ad experience so that the ads you choose to see are what's paying for the bandwidth"
"Less diverse content but hands-on controls make up for it."
"This app is tracking your behavior and sharing your information with other applications. Would you like to stop it?"
"Once it's done cooking, you can either let it release on its own for a little while or you can turn the knob to venting."
"I could see it right here, I can also tap and talk through this to the nest hub max as well."
"Spotify will soon let you mute and block artists."
"Lots of user control, everything is configurable."
"Maybe that's a middle ground for you, turn them off and turn them on when you want to use them or never turn them on again if you don't."
"Skipping cutscenes is such a basic and simple thing."
"It kind of allows you to tweak not just how your system looks but also how it behaves."
"In terms of say customization, the hud elements that you can turn on or off different items that's a great addition."
"Twitch coming out and saying that they are going to make it so that if you block somebody on the site they will no longer be able to watch your streams."
"Algorithmic transparency should be controlled by the user."
"You can just adjust the dials to set how responsive or unresponsive you want it to be."
"Control how many resources Opera GX is actually using on your system."
"It can't support the full 1800 watts you can flip that switch and then inside of the app you can."
"The level of control you've got on this camera is second to on it's approaching DSLR levels."
"Privacy, security, and giving our users control over their devices and personal information are foundational to us."
"You get to control your PC in the way that you want to."
"Members can now control whether they see autoplay previews on Netflix, here's how."
"I spent my whole life as a gamer asking for someone to take the guardrails off my console."
"Users fundamentally control the prize pool for the biggest event."
"The ultimate goal of Pluto is to bring the power back to you."
"You don't get to decide what they do with this information. The only way to prevent it from being used against you is to prevent it from being collected in the first place."
"Or maybe you’re just into gaming and technology, or want to be able to customize your setup, or you just want to be in control of your own system."
"It's super easy to get control of any parameter that you want."
"Now, what you can also do is control or change how members can share information."
"The nature of this user control might differ, it might be something like Facebook giving people the ability to give feedback to the algorithm."
"The operating system takes the final decision and can override the user's wishes."
"I would like to give the ability to the user to define the properties for the file"
"We've got the flexibility to literally be able to disable/enable it just by doing a simple button press."
"Here you can simply have the camera switch off and assume a neutral position for privacy reasons."
"My favorite feature of this app is the group conversations as well as the ability to edit the user participants in a particular conversation to either add or remove users."
"When we think about image optimization, we can break down the different user-controlled variables into a few basic categories."
"Recognizing these trade-offs and knowing how they're going to impact image quality is going to put you in the driver's seat to create the best ultrasound images that you can."
"Net neutrality protections are supposed to ensure that we, not our ISPs, decide what we do online."
"Commodore didn't provide any switches on the outside of the case to easily change that."
"This lens just presents all the information to you, and then you can do with it what you will."
"Maybe the idea of just having greater control over your system sound is appealing."
"I3 is a manual tiler, which means you get to decide where the next window pops up."
"You're not being restricted if you don't want to be; you can see all the files, you can do whatever you want to."
"That's the beauty, you can control the things according to your choice."
"Our main focus really is to give every user ownership over their data."
"We believe in giving users control, choice, and transparency."
"This app is like the main hub, and it's where you control everything to do with your Revolut account."
"It's your platform, not Facebook's, not even Valve's. It's yours and it's ours to do whatever we want with."
"How customizable is your content management system?"
"Sometimes you want full control and you want to be able to click a button or use a voice assistant to trigger a routine or an action."
"It's up to you guys to customize your site the way you want to."
"The subscriber has full control over the window; they can shrink it down or enlarge it to whatever size they want."
"Webflow writes beautiful code and gives you access to the code if you want it."
"As a user, you can actually go and trigger all your services within the containers to start with a single command."
"It is all customizable; you could manipulate this, you could tweak it, you could really do whatever you wanted to for the function and purpose of the application."
"It's a very nice way of showcasing how much power you have now in your hand."
"People really like more freedom, people like granularity of results, people like to be in charge of how things are approached."
"There is no coercive element that can force the users to accept system rules that they don't like."
"Captivate gives you so much control and so many personalization options that you can really make it your own."
"Defaults matter, we should probably enable the changing of defaults."
"Oxygen OS 12 rids you of certain levels of control and customization that have been staples of this Android skin for a long time."
"The program mode is good when you do want to have pretty simple operation but you still want to be able to jump in and maybe make a change."
"They're all controllable in the same KEF Connect app."
"This is a nice neat way to give a dynamic user-selected view."
"So this allows you to control what your users can enter."
"We built a foundation for users to control Home Assistant in their own language."
"This opens up more control over how you want to manage showing and hiding various different elements."
"This should be able to be activated without updating the phone. That's a basic right as an owner of the phone, or at least you would think so."
"This camera has 49 focus points and a fixed touchscreen so you can tilt the camera exactly where you want the focus to be."
"There's control on this side where I can say okay I've set it up in this particular way and the person can choose what they want to receive or what they don't want to receive."
"If you like being able to do everything on your car that you want, you can't go wrong with this Think Tool Mini."
"Having control over exactly what your clients can do on a website is incredibly useful."
"The digital crown is so precise and you can make micro adjustments to the volume of your music."
"We focus a lot on putting users in control and just getting the UX just perfect."
"What this does is, at the end of your email, this adds a link where somebody can unsubscribe from your sequence."
"I want to customize the crap out of this."
"From the app you have access to volume control, parametric EQ, and a whole lot of other very useful settings."
"You can fine-tune and configure your search to be exactly what you want."
"The best thing to do is actually set this to be a manual trigger a flow, so this is just a flow button essentially."
"An EV button by the gear stick allows you to stay in all-electric mode if there's enough battery charge to do so."
"You are in charge of your own website."
"We go to great lengths to protect their privacy and we give them transparency, choice, and control."
"We simplify the interface and only let people control and input the information that we want to put in."
"The controls on the handle allow you to select express clean, deep clean, and the clean shot function."
"You can switch between the original system and our system by pressing and holding the back button."
"It's really critical that we as product creators understand the role that we play in making users feel in control of technology and not the other way around."
"You can tweak this thing however you want."
"The factory should somehow ensure that the user can never create its own entities."
"Your data will only be visible to you or to anyone you decide to share your browser session ID with."
"Users will have ultimate control over the appearance of our theme."
"One of the benefits of using Access is you can custom tailor it to get exactly what you want."
"One of my favorite features is actually the ability to enable and disable drum parts."
"It provides the ability for a user to change that before they run the script."
"With the teach pendant, I can do everything from jogging the robot to programming it."
"You can also edit this yourself, which is brilliant."
"Having user-upgradeable firmware is a very important feature in my opinion."
"Users should always be in control of their experience."
"The user should always be in control when they're on your site."
"Users should always be in control, fundamentally."
"Use techniques like stable loading to ensure that your site isn't jumping around underneath users' fingers in order to keep the user in control."
"A user can upgrade or downgrade their account at any point."
"You can actually be able to change the Dual BIOS settings within the software."
"Real-time token management gives the user of a token or an issuer the ability to stop the delivery of the use of that token."
"The bin types again are set up by the users."
"You can get really granular and set up a curve, which is always nice too."
"Some of the bloatware, the non-Samsung related bloatware, is uninstallable which is good to see."
"We've got the meet now, share capability, a feedback section, you're controlled right here at the bottom."
"You can easily customize every single detail on your site."
"These templates are all 100% editable."
"It's making systems behave the way that we want, not the way that they want."
"When you place your data in an AWS region, your data stays there. We don't move it around without your instruction to do so."
"Giving you the ability to strip off different settings and restore them to defaults that granularly is powerful and helpful."
"The advantage is that we can decide how much we want the output to be closer to the prompt or not."
"The user should be in control of the applications that they use to perform common tasks."