
Plan Quotes

There are 707 quotes

"His only plan is to evade police, and he has done so successfully thus far."
"We're taking it to the reactor, all right? And then we're gonna throw it in and destroy this ship. No one goes to Earth, Carver. No one."
"It's freaky how this recovery is following the plan exactly. It's almost like you wrote this plan."
"The only one that could have had any inkling of how far Armin's plan he was willing to go for it was Aaron."
"He is The Mastermind who's been controlling everything for this entire time his Insidious plan doesn't even end there."
"This plan is going to work. You're going to have to trust me on this."
"I'll pay Melinda Zuko a visit to see what I could find out."
"Desperate and having nowhere else to turn, Jason concocted his plan."
"Mary and Joseph had a plan, but God had a purpose."
"Trust that freaking plan, ladies and gentlemen, this is all a part of the plan."
"I figured she and I were going to be completely alone. We got inside, and to my joy, she said, 'Don't worry about your car. My friend will be back in the morning.' Tonight, it's just you and I."
"I'm a Milky Milky man, bringing milk is just one small part of my plan. Milk, yup."
"God has a greater plan, a bigger purpose for our lives to deliver his message and his kingdom works for this country."
"I trust him, follow the game plan, and everything usually falls right in place."
"My daughter is going to walk today and I have a plan."
"You never know, maybe this was just all part of a master plan all along."
"A divine plan is in progress, and you are part of that divine plan."
"Embracing the universe's plan brings an unparalleled calmness to your being."
"Trust and believe, and watch and see as my plan begins to unfold in front of you."
"I know that God has a good plan for everything."
"Behold, your plan is intricate, weaved together, perfect, it unfolds, and I need you each moment."
"You guys all thought wrong I got something up my sleeve."
"This is a very vital piece of the plan that Dumbledore has laid out."
"Quality is the best business plan."
"You had a plan, now you have a different plan."
"It's the water. I have a plan, and each and every one of you has a part to play."
"Yeah mate, I'm good; it's a solid plan."
"Everything went according to plan."
"I have a plan. It may be dangerous."
"The plan is to take this Cottage back restore it to its pretty much its original state."
"You're going to need a plan on what stocks you're going to buy, some time to do some research, a trading account to invest through, and a good mindset."
"That plan can then be fed into the AWS provider and it can figure out the sequence of API calls that are necessary to actually provision that VM."
"God has a plan for everyone's life an individual plan, whether that includes a spouse or not."
"Let's go at the end of the month."
"A plan without a vision is boring."
"The plan is to upload three times this week"
"In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will."
"It's a risky, stupid plan, but we're desperate."
"It's not a bad idea. You two could check out the duds while Alex and I scope out the poker-playing dog statues."
"Next year, I will do the classic, okay? We'll work at it."
"As you develop, God is going to deliver more of the plan."
"Sy's plan is for us to infiltrate Jellyfish Fields and destroy all of the jellyfish Harvesters."
"Was getting caught part of your plan?"
"Even if the plan is horrifying, if tomorrow I tell the press that like a gang banger will get shot, nobody panics because it's all part of the plan."
"So now we can go back to my shop."
"Alan got a plan, he's going to find Nolan."
"Believe it or not, I actually don't have a problem with this villain plan on the whole except for the fact that it's actually too good."
"I laid out my plan: everyone file a grade appeal, even if you passed, if it'll help your GPA."
"The Chucky Coalition reveals their master plan. They're not here to kill Nika but to possess her."
"Trust in his plan, lean into his love, and watch as he transforms your Wasted Years into a beautiful story of redemption and hope."
"Now, there's no way out of this for you. Indeed, I have been forced to haste my plans. Thanks to you, re-adapt. No, I shall no longer wait for the future. The only victory that matters is one I can see with my own eyes."
"Sometimes trusting your plan and vision is the best way to go."
"The decoy Swan. Apparently, this should sort all our problems out."
"...being rude is not a part of my plan."
"The plan was to affect an amphibious landing by American Marine forces."
"All we have to do is get in, break up the wedding, steal the princess, make our escape. Come on, bro."
"Wow, wow, wow, wow. You know what, that actually was not a bad plan."
"No matter how you feel about me, it's not gonna matter unless action is taken unless a plan is made."
"The plan of salvation of God is being fulfilled from the time of creation until now in this last age."
"God wants us to believe in his plan. He never gave up on including humans in his family."
"God has a plan for me god's not done with me yet I need to just be in this current moment and he has the next step planned out."
"Initiate operation Raptor Roundup."
"Ry was incredibly pleased with himself and the plan he had implemented."
"A goal without a plan is just a dream."
"If the worst does happen, well what do you need to do as an investor? Well, for what it's worth, here's my plan."
"If you don't think this smile gives, I had a master plan the entire time, I don't know what to tell you guys."
"This glowup plan is a two-step approach: mental and physical."
"That's the plan on how to upgrade this Amiga 600 and to enjoy it a bit more."
"Their plan works and everyone is relieved that they might have a chance to get out of here."
"Just make sure that you've got conviction, you've got grit, and you stick to that plan."
"Identify the goal in order to make a plan."
"Infinity Wars has way more action. The good thing about Infinity Wars that I thought was kind of brilliant at the time was showing a bad guy with a plan that is not a selfish plan."
"This plan relies on a lot of things going right, and it all goes right. Great."
"The plan is to fan this spark into a flame."
"God always sees injustice and has a plan to reverse it because He's good."
"I've got a big plan for you guys today."
"Blackbeard's plan is something more akin to becoming a Yonko."
"Ryo told him that they could tell the church that if their plan succeeded they would give them a lot of money."
"There'll be something on Senegal when I get back."
"Well, another one. Another plan comes to fruition. Looks like the beehive is going off in the world."
"She had a plan, and the plan wasn't to disappear."
"Every agrees that Morgan’s plan is the best they’ll get."
"This is not the plan but I think I have an answer now I think I may have had it even before I set myself back into exile."
"Let's just stick to the script, exactly."
"If your current plan is similar to your pre-pandemic plan, it might be a bad plan."
"Sometimes God's plan for us is better than anything we could plan for ourselves."
"Make a simple plan, inform everyone involved with it, don't change it, kick it in the house." - Colonel Charlie Beckwith, First Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta
"If you really want to stand true to this commitment, you have to have a plan of how to get out of that relationship first."
"We initially had a plan to bring in an audience that was primarily folks who are getting disability benefits."
"Everything is according to her plan up until this point and now he finally became a god."
"What's your plan after that? Find my wife, buy our freedom."
"What exactly was their plan? Was it to just kill the Jedi?"
"Guys, I think I can't do this anymore, so I have a perfect plan. I'm just gonna hack my phone because I can totally do that. I'm smart."
"The worst revenge plan in the history of revenge."
"I understand it from you right, exactly, so I thought the only thing logical we're going to Walmart right now getting 10 cans of propane and a lighter and then we're putting it in his room."
"We put together an elaborate plan for escape."
"I do indeed plan to get a restraining order."
"I'll be the next weekend I will be in Disney if you want to look for me."
"In the end it wasn't the science or the lack of support or even the weather that prevented Wolf's plan... but rather it was what he planned on using the island for that ultimately kept him from achieving his goal."
"The last leg of their plan was revealing the flash sideways which would fulfill the supernatural side of the equation."
"Jesus Christ loves you, he has a purpose he has a plan for your life."
"...I got to install that next week."
"Voss initiated the final step of the plan, pulling down the massive boulder."
"Oh, this actually sounds like a plan, which means it will go terribly."
"Taking massive action, but with a plan."
"Okay, plan of attack: kick chair through the window, grab the two boys, roll three times to generate speed, release at an exact 78-degree angle, throw the boys through the window directly into the school bus, preserve reputation for punctuality, deliver clever mom quip."
"Was a crazy plan and it worked like a charm."
"God like gave me confirmation like yo this is this is part of my plan for you you can go do poetry I would provide I would be a provider yada yada yada."
"Emma tells the whole town, actually, that fire was started by Mr. Gold. I didn't know that was the plan, but that was his plan all along."
"Here's the plan: I have to take this abomination of a motorcycle on a journey across Tennessee."
"They had been duped. This was Frieza's plan all along."
"Tell Carly the plan is in motion."
"We were 3 and 13 and 1 and 15. We were sitting in the room, I said man what you got planned dog, what you want to do? He said Jo, we going to win Super Bowls."
"Mom's plan to take over the world stemmed from heartbreak."
"This is the most genius plan Brook Haven has ever seen."
"A product roadmap is a plan. It's how you're going to take your product vision and your product strategy and you're going to make that actionable over a period of time."
"I'm hitting you up. I may be moving to the beach soon."
"The more objective you are with your trading, the more likely you will be able to stick to your trading plan."
"The sudden realization of, yeah, that's doable, that's my Escape Route, it's happening."
"This is the blueprint of what they are going to do."
"God doesn't have to come up with a plan because He's omniscient."
"So what was your whole plan? Can you help clarify this to me and the audience?"
"When Frida is in Marley, however, Zeke realizes that this is the best chance to complete his plan."
"Meliodas is planning to be the Demon King to break Elizabeth's curse."
"Just be careful, Claw is planning something big."
"Everything went according to Nathan's plan except for the one little tiny detail at the end tiny tiny detail which ended up in all of them dying and ava escaping into the real world."
"Nefera later sits down with her father to discuss her plan concerning the monsters and humans living together."
"I finally have a weekend where we can go do some camping."
"The plan was for the next two weeks James and Sarah would be the ones that were evicted."
"His plan for your life is bigger than your plan, but it may not happen the way you thought."
"At the same time, Yian notices the alien's human host, and sees the magical mirror of the wizard, which allows her to conjure up a plan."
"Music beyond what we do here, Dumbledore's big plan thing."
"So here's the plan: Step one, don't get distracted. Step two, go buy my wife some flowers because I forgot her birthday last week."
"It's all intentional. It's part of the plan, man."
"that wasn't part of the plan at all"
"This means that once we pass the halfway point at 50 kilometers the plane will head to the landing Zone if we drop the link rather than turning around and coming back home."
"The plan was simple. All I needed to do was get a ridiculously coloured hair dye. Purple, peach or blue, then mix it in her shampoo."
"So here's the plan: we staged the GSXR on the street, now not just any Street the Mean Streets of Lancaster Pennsylvania."
"Our plan is still to take her and get inside from the second level."
"Jesus laid plans for the Holy Spirit to finish the work he had begun."
"Two psychos down, one Dragon to go. You got a plan?"
"There's a perfect plan for you based off of what you want to achieve in that given time period."
"Stick to the plan. Stick to your guns, no pun intended there, and just um, hope that through making good product, even if not received greatly in the box office, that people will hear through the word of mouth."
"So the plan is we sled and then we sled some more and then we keep sledding. Sound good, huh?"
"The plan works and as the boat sits motionless in the water, Godzilla rises up and takes one last look at Kong before returning to the depth."
"Now not only do I have a nice-looking set of drawings that I'm proud of, but also a thorough understanding of this project and a detailed plan of exactly how I'm going to bring it to life."
"It's time to go home. Fifth and final part of the plan. It's showtime."
"The plan is, we airbox off, so we got three bolts holding that on and let's just get to it I guess."
"It was a brilliantly simple plan."
"God does have a plan and like there can be beauty found if you look for it."
"Maybe this was always God's plan."
"It's a stew, yeah? Kind of meat and two veg type dish which is right up my street. So yeah, that looks like a winner. That's certainly the plan."
"We're going with a two by eight frame."
"The Grim act shows the shepherd's power and the seriousness of their shared plans."
"So we're trying to see a truck. I mean, worst case, we'll go back up to the other car we already found and look next to that, but this one makes kind of more sense."
"Do we have a plan for Brexit? We do."
"God doesn't want you to suffer like that. He does not. It's not his plan."
"We go in and we kick butt, right there. It's a good plan."
"This trading plan consists of two major time frames."
"The Joker's plan is to sow chaos in the city."
"You're going to spend a lot of time in places like this but you're never going to make it work if you don't have a plan."
"Stick to the plan and learn in order. It won't be a black box."
"Following a natural plan like this, where we're mimicking the mechanisms of these drugs, there's no injection."
"Real estate investing is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a get wealthy plan."
"You need to trust the plan; you need to trust Me."
"Okay, I feel like I'm being serenaded. That was like music to my ears. She's gonna put foils in, she's gonna do her mids and ends first and then she's gonna go back and do her roots later. I love this plan."
"It's awesome man what a great plan."
"What do you think? Was this Dumbledore's initial plan to make sure that Harry died but still defeated Voldemort?"
"That's your great plan? No, that's my dicey as [ __ ] plan."
"There is no plan B. This is it. If I don't do this, I'm not doing anything."
"Now my plan was to stay alive long enough to sell off the dope that the cops never found and then disappear."
"That was the plan if I won the title here."
"He planned the design of your life."
"My five-year plan? Probably five weeks until Twitch says not to do it anymore."
"The Brotherhood plans to rebuild their super weapon known as Liberty Prime."
"This plan was quickly undone by the Doctor's friends."
"I suspect sending my grandfather to your world was part of her plan."
"Moon's plan for revenge had already begun."
"I came up with a plan it involves pulling up our bootstraps oiling up a couple of asses and doing a little plowing of our own not gay."
"That's true, it's all part of the plan, right?"
"My plan is simple: I go in, Kick Butt, we win."
"They come up with another plan to locate where director Na's money is hidden."
"A foolproof plan from brew day to that first pour."
"What you need right now is my special five-point plan."
"I've written a plan I thought you might like to put it on, it's a simple little fast set in a Country House in Berkshire."
"The devil has a scheme but God has a plan." - Lisa
"And I think the fact that Lector's plan was largely improvised and it's not even over yet speaks volumes."
"That is one hell of a ballsy plan for Lector to attempt."
"A good plan it will make a real difference to young people."
"That's just how we've got it set out for now."
"I'm going to find a farm, let's find some chicken."
"Okay, here's the plan. Originally I wanted to take you guys ice skating, but apparently our ice rink only does public skating a couple times a week at like a specific time."
"What we need," said Hermione briskly, "is a diversion."
"The Japanese plan consisted of an initial attack against Miri and Serai with the objective of securing their oilfields."
"There's nothing random about your life. When God makes a human, he has a beautiful plan."
"Having a plan is going to get you to your goals so much faster."
"We're gonna walk back to the apartment now, get some sunshine."
"I think when we tell people what we're doing they're going to think we're crazy. It's scary."
"Good work foot soldier, you did well. Looks like after all these years my plan can finally begin."
"You guys outsmarted me and saw through my naive little plan."