
Unusual Behavior Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"He's doing donuts in the middle of the intersection."
"Imagine seeing a guy doing profusely fast back flips through the forest."
"She's singing to the snakes. She is singing to the snakes."
"TV man leaves TVs on porches in dead of night."
"None of that would be here but for the people who stand with me today."
"It's very unusual for someone who's going to commit a massacre to warn about it in advance."
"There's no way a mother is just gonna go off and vacation in Hawaii when her child is missing two children like how bizarre it just doesn't add up."
"I really do unprecedented, it's more just like the taking two bites at a time without chewing in between."
"It's just weird, just really, really weird, bizarro market."
"This movie's gonna spawn probably a new fetish because now after avatar you see these blue people or I saw I seen a dude who tattooed his whole body blue so he could eff like an avatar."
"I used to like just eat the wood off of pencils."
"You know the webbing between your fingers and toes? What if you got paper cuts there willingly?"
"It's a bit strange for someone to walk into a police station with a camera."
"Isn't it strange that the kidnapper took so much time to write such an intricate letter?"
"Penguin falls in love with fictional character after being damaged in an earthquake. Grape, a 20-year-old penguin, fell in love instantly with a cardboard cutout of one of the anime characters put into the penguin enclosure."
"It's not uncommon for this unusual behavior to occur when there are emotional or mental health-related issues at play."
"My son put some Trix in his ant farm instead of eating them. The ants dug up all of the dead ants in the farm and piled them on top of the Trix. Not sure what that means, but I'm not eating Trix anymore."
"I would just be like launching rockets and they'd be like why are you doing that? I'm like, well first off, world domination."
"Magnificent stray dog visits Hyundai dealership every day."
"He admitted that he would fly with his entire suit stuffed with cash from Texas to the White House."
"The thing that we're discussing today is the lady who keeps making food in her toilet."
"The Dubai fog lingers around for a while, it doesn't just dissipate with the morning sunshine like usual fog."
"What doctor ever hugs you unless you're dying?"
"Why lie? Not reporting your two-year-old daughter missing for over a month is strange behavior."
"It's hardly the kind of crime you typically associate with one of Earth's Mightiest Heroes."
"The simple act of driving a car deliberately into a tree at 50 miles an hour without breaking is something many people would find very difficult to do."
"I have never seen a tattoo artist act like this ever, ever."
"What we witnessed that day is something never before recorded, dozens of animals of different species all attacking humans as if acting as one unified force."
"A moth spotted drinking a sleeping bird's tears in the Amazon jungle."
"My cat very uncharacteristically jumped at me climbed on top of my shoulder and started hissing and growling."
"Something about this cat has stolen my heart because this isn't normal, cats don't do this."
"I remember being disturbed by his movements, like a squirrel or something, twitchy and grabbing at the foliage."
"I've never seen Brad get this mad like ever. This is crazy."
"Cow's surprising tree-climbing ability leaves everyone baffled."
"The blind horse likes pizza... it's very discerning about the quality of its food."
"It's just not normal human behavior to in the middle of the night get up and run 14 miles through a swamp."
"I just want to breastfeed my dogs, you know?"
"Ever since we got home Annie's been acting really weird and just like staring off like this."
"Just the headline alone here: 'Grave robber arrested after trying to make soup from 100-year-old skeleton.'"
"Last minute, Barry changed everything. He called me that Sunday, Mother's Day, and was really frantic. He didn't sound like himself."
"You're going to listen to this person, which you normally don't."
"I'm at the grocery store, and there's this guy in the frozen section who has tweaked off his balls on some kind of a loosen airy drug."
"I was fucked up and so I acted in a way that I never really acted any other time in my life."
"The candiru fish has a reputation for allegedly entering people's urinary tracts and latching itself to the inside using its sharp barbs."
"Man fined from pretending to be a ghost in a Portsmouth cemetery."
"I feel a little crazy right now, honestly, at 5:45 in the morning with a lightsaber on my back."
"He's just gonna have to take the mask off and get to watch him eat with his weird face."
"Everything else was obeying dream logic... but the man in my dream moved with the simple briskness of a real person."
"There’s a moth that gets most of the nutrients it needs to survive by drinking bird tears!"
"It's almost like a spiritual Tourette syndrome."
"Authorities in the Japanese city of Sapporo say that they have arrested a 21-year-old man this week after he was found drunk and naked inside of a local laundromat."
"A clown doesn't also need a pleather jacket and a grill, like just a guy who's like, you know what I'm going to do today? I'm gonna put clown makeup on my face and just walk around outside. Like, that guy's scary."
"This black swan got so attached to koi fish that it sometimes feeds them."
"My cousin's wedding, the couch had a back to it and three of us were stood on the ledge of it."
"Why is this villager riding a chicken?" - [Block Facts]
"I might be like that white [__] that drove for 200 miles with a diaper on."
"This is seriously so cool. I definitely had people look at me funny because I'm sitting here driving like this."
"So that just is bizarre and fascinating to watch."
"His disappearance is totally out of character."
"It struck me somewhat out of the order for young fine arts students to be walking in such a district, that's all."
"There is one report from southwestern BC of a Sasquatch seen feeding on a cat."
"The larger one was holding the four legs of a cat in one hand and the hind legs in the other, scraps of viscera had spilled onto the Sasquatch's chest."
"He didn't walk like a normal animal a wolf would do."
"A normal person doesn't walk around school looking for murder tools but you're not a normal person."
"Ozzy Osbourne was arrested for public intoxication after stumbling on the street in his girlfriend's dress."
"A colossal squid may look up at the surface and see the bottom of a boat and interpret that as a large fish that it might like to go after or possibly even a whale."
"That's when they noticed it seemed to walk on top of the snow, as the snow never sank underneath it."
"It's like they're attractive but they're kind of creepy because it's like they just hide in the bushes and stare at you."
"Being the best at anything is fairly inherently unusual and it's gonna require a very unusual behavior to achieve."
"Wow, I have never seen such genuine apprehension toward a pinky promise before."
"Melvin's the one who brought the pickaxe to prison."
"Every time I've kissed you, I've kept my eyes open."
"Obviously they did it, uh, if some people have suggested maybe some of them went into the water to do it."
"Authorities discovered 29 life-sized dolls in his apartment."
"My daughter comes home and is acting strange, talking to walls, sitting in her closet, and pointing at corners."
"He sleeps while riding his motorcycle."
"To be still lying there at one o'clock is all a bit weird for me."
"Never have I ever sat down in the shower."
"Kayla almost never barked, so this behavior was very strange."
"All is well with the world," said Simpson, an unusual speech for him.
"For her to leave the house without her shoes and that car, it's out of character."
"Who would be outside early in the morning when it's freezing outside, staring into people's windows for no reason?"
"It's more odd to me that you'd be leaving Donuts in a car in a blizzard instead of knocking on the door."
"Every once in a while, I will see someone on the bus with an umbrella open on a sunny day without a cloud in the sky."
"Layers are not known to climb trees so much like the leopards, but this particular pride has been known to do that."