
Diverse Opinions Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Freedom of speech doesn't mean you have the right to hear only your opinion."
"I think it's entertaining when we have a much different opinion than everybody else on the movie."
"I have made videos with Jessie Lee Peterson even Ray Comfort reached out to me and we had a Skype interview on my channel I'm clearly not opposed to speaking with people who are different than me."
"Finally, we have a disparity on our rankings. We did it!" - Reflects the excitement of having differing opinions among the hosts.
"I think if you love film, this is worth seeing even if you hate it."
"That trailer was dumb. I thought it was cute. I thought it was great."
"Using this platform to spread good and to do good in the world."
"Chris Cuomo is actually a perfect guest. You put him on there and you're at least going to get some different opinions."
"I don't feel bad about mixed reviews, if you had unanimously good reviews every movie would gross 10 billion trillion dollars."
"Nothing wrong with getting different opinions about something because it could maybe open you up to something you've never considered before."
"I loved that we had a variety of different opinions about this show call in."
"Even if you are Elon's biggest fan, it is still good for you to hear what other people think."
"The music in 15's been called excellent, try, lackluster, amazing, and not very good all at the same time."
"Question everything, and consider different opinions."
"Watch films for what you enjoy them for and have patience for opinions that are not your own."
"This is an interesting draft class to say the least."
"Under the Skin is a must-watch movie whether you like it or not."
"I loved it. I thought it was great. Completely understand why some people did not."
"If we're not willing to allow other people to have different views from us, we're going to remain entrenched and intransigent."
"You might not agree with me on this, and it's absolutely fine if you want to. You can make your own channel, you can share your own opinions, and you can share them with your own audience over there, exactly like I'm doing."
"There's a wide range of opinion about just about everything."
"We're all individuals, sometimes we're going to get things wrong or sometimes we're going to have a different opinion on something."
"The great thing about football is that somebody's got every different opinion you can have."
"Unless someone can figure out how to make a system a network of individual voices of varying ideologies who are honest and rational and back up their opinions based on fact and sources we'll see what happens."
"You're either going to love that piece or say, 'Why?'"
"Art has a strange way of manipulating us... opinions that reinforce my own is cool and all but it's hearing from those of you that go in a completely different direction that's truly interesting."
"I look forward to more comments... if you like this sort of stuff that's absolutely fine... if you hate what I would like in FIFA that's also absolutely fine... not everything is for everyone."
"You don't think you can have differences of opinions that are extraordinarily strong and still be kind and loving?"
"Free Speech works two ways: when Galileo says the Earth goes around the sun, and when Kanye says how he really feels."
"We made an intentional choice to recruit advisors with strong independent opinions."
"It's more entertaining talking to people who disagree with you than just agreeing."
"It really helped me in that moment. I don't approve of people like her doing that, but equally, in a world which has diverse opinions, you're never going to be able to stop it."
"There's about 47% of Americans who wanna hear dissident voices and who will be really tuning in."
"I personally think a healthy Society has lots of different views and opinions through rational debate we should hammer out our differences."
"I'm so excited to talk about this case because there are so many different mixed opinions."
"We need more of this: people brought into conversations, allowed to say all their views."
"We go beyond the headline, willing to engage in transparent conversations with those who do not think like me."
"People with idiosyncratic medleys of opinions are very hard to market to a particular audience."
"I feel like this one is going to be a topic that prompts a lot of very different opinions."
"It's finally time for every opinion and experience to have a safe space."
"You're not going to please everybody all the time."
"The goal of the debate watch is not to say who won or who lost, but to share views with those who agree and those who don't, to listen respectfully to each other's opinions."
"I do believe that university students particularly should be exposed to points of view and opinions that are different from their own."
"I definitely recommend this book left and right; it is very polarizing, and everyone's opinion on this book is different."
"That's the whole fun in product reviews; we don't all have to love the same things."