
Military Training Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"Your task is to teach them the military profession, to put them on their legs so that they can run their own army." - Yitzhak Rabin
"The United States is about to increase its training of Ukrainian soldiers."
"The distinction between a trained and untrained soldier makes all the difference."
"The private finds out that there is only one way of doing something: the right way."
"I joined the military. I was taught how to be a good person."
"Mental toughness, the ability to go through such a rigorous and grueling training and not give up, not quit, hence the dropout rates."
"Chinese training has often been described as some of the least realistic and applicable of any major player on the world stage."
"Maybe go for some basic training for three months."
"It's the ultimate test of a soldier's ability to cope under pressure."
"The Mud Run is about instilling a Royal Marine state of mind."
"US Navy SEALs put this to the test in a very palpable way through surf torture."
"So when you're ready to fire you'd load around fire it and then either reload or just eject the shell and there was no need to have a manual safety to keep the gun safe with a round chamber because this was the doctrine of military unit anyway."
"Soldiers from fortress worlds have been trained and raised to serve in war... each is already a proficient combatant long before they are taken to serve in the Imperial Guard."
"These troops may have been exercised but they were not battle ready."
"It's very important to train with our allies in the Arctic Circle because they know how to do it right."
"The only way to guarantee a shot at becoming a Ranger."
"Ranger training is much more challenging than it seems."
"It is a game-changer for what it means to be a fighter pilot and what our training is all about is going to change dramatically."
"When it comes to the military, there are ultimately no limits on the type of training that's done if the end result justifies the requirement."
"The U.S Navy SEALs purposely go through sleep deprivation training to prepare them for what's to come as part of what's known as Hell Week."
"The British SAS never recruit from the general public, and the training program is intense."
"Putting people first ensures we have cohesive teams that are highly trained, disciplined, and fit, who will win against any adversary."
"We trained with you guys all the time... assaulting ships with fast rope."
"The royal heir and the spare would have quite different potential programs of education, and certainly really up until they were nascent, up until the 16th century, really the royal heir was all about training for war."
"Carrier qualification was the process of training pilots to land on and take off from aircraft carriers."
"Without it, we would not have had the pilots with the skills necessary to prosecute the war against Japan."
"The first thing they said in the intelligence school was if you lie Marines die Never Lie."
"This video series will equip you with all the skills necessary to set up an effective long-range weapon system and effectively employ it, delivering deadly first-round hits."
"We volunteered to do this. We're trained to do it, and we were paid to do it. That does not make you a hero."
"Troops, generally speaking, have pretty strong incentives to survive, and if getting better at your job improves your odds of survival well then you are probably going to try and find new and innovative ways to not get blown up."
"The European Union is set to train 15,000 new Ukrainian soldiers."
"It served as a place where recruits were enlisted, trained, and prepared for military service."
"The iron will that this instills in GROM operatives."
"We've spent 20 years giving them the most sophisticated equipment, the best training in the world, but what we couldn't give them was the will to fight for their country."
"UAPs are having an impact on our training ranges and needs to be treated as a legitimate issue."
"I remember just jamming MP5 mags and running around the kill house, thinking I was living my best life."
"Prussian General Friedrich Von Steuben joined the camp and trained the Continental Army."
"Whether you put a conscript with a three-day military training crash course in the foxhole or Navy SEAL, the effect of an enemy artillery shell will be exactly the same."
"Colonel Johns translated his love for his men into one thing that would save them when he was not there to wield the sword himself: good realistic training, esprit de corps, and high morale."
"The yellow phase is the most mentally challenging portion of your basic training experience overall."
"They're going to give you a hard time about breaking Air Raid, yes sir, freaking Air Raid."
"A beluga whale believed by marine experts to have been trained by the Russian military."
"It's a constant reminder to all of our active duty marines who come through and see this to remind us why we wake up and train every day."
"It was humbling because it was like yo man, went from like being in BUD/S still training and being with the grunts like the grunts, the first dudes on the front line then that was, bro, that was humbling."
"The whole Navy SEAL program was kind of like a mentor."
"Marine security guard forces were first trained at Foreign Service Institute in Washington DC."
"They yelled at me because they take it very seriously and around through grenades they have they just live ammunitions."
"Rigorous exercises like those of the Navy's top gun school."
"I think within the military, they should spend more time on the range. It's this... people don't think about things. You're training to kill someone, and I think that makes you think about it a bit more."
"I'm hoping this kind of technology can be transitioned into a standard training procedure that soldiers experience before they go and fight, it can only help."
"He also paid all his soldiers' debts, and ordered 30,000 youths from across the empire to be trained in the Macedonian art of war."
"The average soldier in the U.S armed forces is trained to put their politics aside and complete the mission."
"We need to be training our military and civilian leaders to understand these systems and biases and recognize their own blind spots."
"We're going to get a military academy to train more people."
"You are not passed out so it doesn't give you the right to take your foot off the gas. It is a hundred percent the minute you wake up until pipe down that is what is expected of you in training and that is what is expected of you to be a sailor."
"When they walk across that parade deck on training day 70 and they graduate, they're no longer recruits; they're Marines."
"Basic training doesn't get better, you get better."
"What makes a good SEAL? I mean, I think we talked about most of it. It's just... they're just dudes that will not quit and they're going to get the job done right."
"The hills you have to climb afterwards are legitimate, and the option of ringing the bell just doesn't exist."
"Percy Hobart is not only a great teacher but he actually wants every man under his command to understand what they are doing and why they are doing it."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 has earned a place in the gaming Hall of Fame."
"Ukrainian Pilots will travel to the U.S for F-16 jet training."
"Portuguese president Marcelo Rebelo de Souza affirmed Portugal's readiness to take part in the training of Ukrainian pilots and engineers on F-16 fighter aircraft."
"British training according to satellite photos showed Ukrainian troops successfully crossed into Russian territory."
"United States basic training is among some of the most respected in the world, even across other world militaries such as the British, French, and Canadian Armed Forces."
"It is not an army we must shape and train for war; it is a nation." - President Woodrow Wilson
"The military does a great job at teaching you how to be a killer but they do a [ __ ] horrible job at teaching you how to heal from that."
"In January of 1954, former Captain Torni started basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey, as Private Thorne."
"Exercises take place based on where you believe the conflict is coming... they're obviously training there for a reason."
"I graduated from SF training and spent the last three or four days trying to get my choice assignment."
"Mass exercises in close quarters highlighted those officers capable of quick and independent thinking."
"I find that the people that have trained for war actually live a life that's more peaceful."
"It's crazy on the ground you will blow your head off no you it happens in basic training nowhere really really bro it happens every day in basic training bro."
"I would go through buds three times just to hang out with them just to hang out because think about the the people that you meet from all over the place and the caliber of personalities."
"It's more the training than the weapon system, combined arms is key."
"It's not just about the hardware, it's also about the people and the joint arms culture." - Emphasizing the importance of training and organizational culture in military effectiveness.
"Romania approves transit of goods and training of Ukrainian Pilots."
"This video should, you know, basically show you guys how to do land nav like the way the military does it."
"Of the 170,000 men who trained here, over 12,000 went to war and never came back again."
"Once a successful countermeasure was worked out, serving officers would be invited to take part in the war games."
"The general overseeing Army Special Forces training himself a SOG Vietnam vet."
"You can't kill people if you see them as people... they trained me to other them and they trained me well."
"Now I think this is part of where this gun's bad reputation comes from, US troops in World War One would have been trained with diligent marksmanship practice that would involve being directly behind your rifle."
"A single arrow capable of ending the life of a man who possessed the finest training, weapons, and armor."
"You stand before what's colloquially known as a big ass gun and you've been trained how to use it. You have the skills, now all you need is the resolve."
"We didn’t think too much [about dying]. We were trained to suppress our emotions. Even if we were to die, we knew it was for a worthy cause."
"Soldiers will need new equipment and training to operate in conditions such as complete darkness, bad air, and lack of cover from enemy fire." - Military.com
"The Army does a wonderful job teaching you how to take a life, but what they don't teach you is how to deal with it."
"What makes a fighter pilot is someone that has the ability to adapt extremely fast."
"The skills you gain here will help you survive, even excel, on the battlefield."
"It's worth all the pain that you're going to go through in a s and at pre-scuba and all these other places it is worth all of it without this life I can't imagine where I would be had I not lived this life."
"All GDI infantry were trained at a Barracks."
"Death Korps training unsurprisingly is a bit on the brutal side."
"New information about an arrest in the case of a group of West Point cadets who overdosed on fentanyl-laced drugs."
"This is the sign of a well-trained unit this is the autopilot response when you train and you've drilled enough this you don't need commands like contact front you know once the shooting starts you shoot back first thing right away."
"Yelling 'contact left' and rolling out that door is remarkably stupid; you don't go on contact left, you go out the other side."
"They are so well trained by the time they graduate that members have described waking up screaming from nightmares about ranger training, thankful that they are only in an active war zone."
"BMT is the most fun you never want to have again."
"They're just a bunch of idiots who are trying to copy soldiers in their minds. It's not training in discipline that makes a soldier, it's uniforms and guns and stockpiles of ammo and pointless missions."
"I mean [__] dude out of boot camp. Boot camp is business. Literally, if you can manage military, you can do anything."
"If weapon systems come out after you go through the Q course at Fort Bragg, there's a weapons facility where they basically have a catalog of all the weapons from all around the world."
"Congratulations, Commander, you've earned a 98 on the enhanced infantry platform training program."
"My duties as a sniper had me often going out alone, thinking for myself in order to fulfill my mission and at the same time stay alive. Once again, my training kicked in."
"There's a reason why militaries all over the world are doing things at secret locations when they're training, right?"
"I just needed a break, that was an opportunity to go to the Q course."
"You've got an opportunity to take these kids that come into the military and instead of making basic training about sit-ups and push-ups and running, why don't you make basic training about getting stronger?"
"I went through training, Navy SEAL training, Ranger School, everything I did in the military. I was [__] up."
"BMT is just this really stressful summer camp in a way where you're doing something every single day you have a goal you've got scheduled things that you can accomplish."
"Fourth because when you do the gas chamber the gas chamber is something dreaded by everybody even if they're like oh it's not gonna be that bad I know everybody everybody was a little bit worried they were poop with their pants just a little bit."
"In training exercises at the conclusion, there is a big shout 'endex.' It means it's all over. And at that point, all the dead stand up."
"The thought never left my mind after I wound up in basic training."
"There really was no thinking involved, it's just reacting to what we were trained to react."
"You either leave boot camp graduating a marine, or you're leaving here in a body bag."
"Taking care of your body at OCS is like a huge deal, like I can't emphasize that enough."
"None of this really prepares you for what happens next when you join your company for basic training."
"Quitting wasn't one of my options in Ranger school."
"Secret operations were common and so it wasn't unexpected to be training for a mission where you didn't know the full details."
"It's my duty, obligation, responsibility to train these Marines to be the best that they can be."
"You don't need to be a bodybuilder or a CrossFit Superstar to be a good Navy SEAL operator."
"Don't worry about the military part. You're not going to be graded on poor military bearing or poor, you know, the way you wear your uniform in properly."
"Graduating the Q course was nothing compared like you still gotta prove yourself."
"Those are the reasons why you even thought about going to ranger school in the first place."
"We feel that the Ranger course is the highest level of combat preparedness that the United States Army has to offer."
"Another phase the soldier is gonna have to go through in the Q course is a collective training event known as Robin Sage."
"A lot of Cadets quit because of it."
"This was really a turning point. This allowed General Washington to train his troops."
"So, Top Gun helped you with that, but the fleet also did that. I mean, we all practiced that before we got to Top Gun, but they really helped you polish that so that you could recant three BFM engagements with some degree of accuracy, backed up with your HUD."
"Ten soldiers started course three five four in February 8 months later only seven of them remain."
"Through reasoning and critical thinking, Marines develop better courses of action."
"Your solution as a commander is a physical fitness program that will provide for progressive and continuous physical conditioning of your men."
"By the end of this first year, I had met my circle of friends. They all wanted to pretty much, to a person, wanted to be selected for SEAL training."
"I was feeling absolute relief and then about maybe five minutes later, it was like, 'I'm going to BUD/S!'"
"There's a definite like, the Naval Academy guys usually do well at BUD/S."
"Soldiers learn by doing, so as far as possible, instruction has kept practical and concrete."
"Drill, combat training, practice, and discipline combined with the experience in war are things that make America's combat troops into seasoned troops."
"It was nice to know that our training made us fight the tougher rules and the missiles could actually handle."
"Fighter Weapon School is the Pinnacle in any weapon system."
"Only a little over 1,000 women were able to complete the tough training and selection process."
"I used to run like a 6-minute mile when I was in the military."
"I had trained every single pilot on the Squadron which was absolutely unique."
"There's nobody better to prepare soldiers for combat than soldiers that have been in combat."
"I learned how to swab a floor with a mop, I learned how to drive a two-and-a-half-ton truck, I learned how to fire a .45 caliber pistol."
"That's why we're doing this, to make sure you get it right here and don't go screwing this up in theater."
"Every soldier knows how to give an IV, every soldier knows how to give a tourniquet. These are like basic soldier training that they give you."
"He trained vigorously and qualified for the Special Forces, also known as the Green Berets."
"The really impressive thing the British army had managed to work out by 1918 was how they could turn conscripts with no experience into the effective warriors they turned out to be in the autumn of 1918."
"Regular soldiers and national servicemen alike had undergone rigorous training in all weathers and now are a fit and efficient unit capable of meeting all eventualities."
"I will not stop until I know that these Marines are as lethal as possible and had the best opportunity to come back to their moms, and their wives, and their children."
"The elaborate military training serves as a means to an end; through the Youth of Japan, the Army seeks to build within the nation a denial of self, an ardent loyalty, a devotion that glorifies death for the Emperor as life's greatest reward."
"Normally, Hell Week was a pain in the ass, but this... oh, this was going to be good."
"Training is the battalion's life and the nation's protection against that day which could come swiftly and without warning."
"To combat the threat of terrorism, I've got to be an expert in the techniques of close-quarter battle."
"LVC is an evolving concept that combines real flight Ops with simulators to create scenarios that are both cost-effective and tactically relevant."
"You're not going to go to war in the simulator; you have to be able to do this in the real world."
"The military toughened me up mentally and emotionally."
"Darby Phase at Ranger School is all about adapting to the unexpected."
"The notorious Darby Queen obstacle course is no joke."
"You don't have to pass every single obstacle, but put 110 percent effort into trying to do that."
"Everybody still remembers their Marine Drill Instructors."
"I have the privilege to be trained by the best, America's best leaders and Ranger operations."
"The Romans wanted their soldiers to be ready as quickly as possible: train them, equip them, go."
"The quality of its Special Forces has some variation, but overall these soldiers have shown a high degree of proficiency and training."
"Most surprisingly, Nzinga even received military training, showing great skill with a battle ax, the traditional weapon of Ndongo warriors."
"The stakes will be high in three months' time when these recruits face real enemies."
"Apparently the American soldiers were like noticeably and markedly better at throwing grenades than every other group because no one else threw baseballs."
"The success of the Navy Seals mission depends on training and stealth."
"The army camps on the Brownlow's property just beyond that run of trees over there, there were thousands of them."
"The drill sergeant of today's Army is not only a professional soldier but the world's best maker of soldiers."
"I'm on my way to teach the colonial troops a few new tricks."
"Parkour is a training discipline using movement that was developed from military obstacle course training."
"It's crazy because like before I came to Top Gun, I was on the opposite side of things."
"Getting letters from home and getting packages from home... definitely got me through swab summer and it made a huge difference."
"The ability to effectively operate in a nighttime environment is a fundamental task every infantryman must train to fight against a peer and a near pure threat."
"These fighting men had trained in Okinawa, Thailand, the Philippines, and Taiwan; their jungle skills had been honed razor-sharp."
"The one thing in the Marine Corps is to adapt and overcome."
"I don't think anybody ever forgets the first day of boot camp."
"If 40,000 other recruits could make it through the training, I too could survive at the Academy."
"The potential platoon leader never loses sight of the fact that his instruction is aimed at preparing him to lead men into combat."
"Alice fought in one of the great wars, so not only is Alice a fighter - but she’s a military-level trained fighter."
"Only by duplicating as closely as possible conditions they may someday face in reality can men of the Army's Special Forces acquire the skill and the judgment demanded by their highly specialized and unconventional calling."
"The Marine Corps has been training officers the same way for decades and decades and it works."
"Our strategy from the very beginning has been to identify effective indigenous ground forces and provide them with the training and equipment to actually conduct operations."
"Here I am, 16 years later, finally going to Jump Master school."
"Especially the Ranger training, there's no doubt about it that I think that training saved my bacon a few times."
"If you want to do the job, what it really boils down to isn't running or rucking or pull-ups or swimming... it boils down to whether you have the will to kill and the will to die."
"The balance between studying and military education is perfect."
"The Lithuanian Parliament has already given the government a mandate to train inside Ukraine."
"The making of a United States Marine Corps drill instructor."
"The aim was to equip the man to function better as a soldier, to be more efficient."
"Strafing is awesome, it's kind of the pinnacle of what you train for as a fighter pilot."
"Fitness, packing list, finances, family, career - those are the five things that you must take care of before you show up at Ranger School."
"Attitude is everything at army basic training."
"Make sure you get into shape. When you go to basic training, they are going to whip you into shape."
"Don't take anything personal, and when they get in your face, just let them get in your face."
"That's right, that's where they train all the Top Gun Pilots for the Navy Aviation program."
"Both Jungkook and Jimin successfully completed their basic five-week military training and graduated with distinction."
"Battle School is for training future starship captains and commodores of flotillas and admirals of the fleet."
"Everything we do on this course is done as a team."
"For the next 10 days, these young soldiers from across Canada will endure punishing physical, emotional, and psychological trials."
"He trained his men with modern firearms and artillery."