
Psychological Insights Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"What we are telling ourselves about ourselves is basically a lie that we construct in order to cope with some horrible dimension."
"Most people quit at 40%. It's the brain that quits first; the body always has more."
"Every time we recall a memory, we're altering it, so our memories keep changing over a lifetime."
"One of the things that horror stories can do is to show us the archetypes of the unconscious: we can see the dark side without having to confront it directly."
"That's why I'm also scared of it because they are in there, they know how we think better than we know how we think."
"Emotion itself turns out to be the way in which we can enhance memories."
"Men fall in love more quickly, more definitively than women—but in each of us, our brains decide for us long before we do."
"The terrifying truth is that Christopher Wilder was not unique."
"Conclusions are within reach, if you've been feeling lonely, this feels really fast."
"Understanding men's evolved desire for sexual variety helped him to stay more faithful to his wife."
"It's trauma that causes this condition in the brain."
"Courage is contagious, so is lack of courage."
"The feedback mechanism from fear is real where it needs to be."
"You can't laugh and be afraid at the same time."
"The opposite of depression is expression, what comes out of your body doesn't make you ill, what stays in there does."
"The critical element is not fear, it's the violation of trust. It's betrayal."
"None of us are afraid of commitment. None of us are afraid of attachment. What we're afraid of are rejection, trauma, abuse, disappointment, shame..."
"You can't win hearts and minds if you don't understand how the hearts and minds themselves work."
"It often seems that rejection, someone leaving you, someone insulting you... directly create your hurt, sadness, or your anger... but they don't."
"There can be some powerful illuminating answers...about your subconscious..."
"Beliefs are hackable, beliefs are swappable."
"Human beings need socialization, they do. It's been proven time and time again."
"Pain that is not transformed gets transmitted."
"A stronger emotion will always dominate a weaker one."
"My work is filled with the deepest meaning, about embracing our basest urges."
"More and more people are assimilating... crucial gifts that Jung gave us..."
"This is the type of lunation that spotlights where we've been holding on to any sort of insecurities or fears that aren't really grounded in reality."
"If you are deeply insecure about something and you're presented with a magic cure, you are more likely to believe it than somebody who's confident."
"Humans naturally return to their baseline level of happiness."
"Memory is highly connected to your emotions."
"Evolutionarily, why there's an endorphin rush from understanding this is fascinating."
"Knowing things that happened to a person during their childhood can allow you to truly understand why people behave in certain ways."
"I'm fascinated about that idea of generational trauma being passed down." - Tom Hanks.
"We know that when times get rough those barriers get thin and it is easier for Monica to get in to the brain good luck getting it took this brain just like completely separating from it just gave me this like power that I didn't know I had."
"There's something very insecure and broken maybe from your childhood that makes you feel like you have to overcompensate and come up with these fantastical stories that aren't true." - Speaker 5
"People benefit from the concept of God, but they undervalue themselves."
"The cure for limerence is actually to like just come out into the light of day."
"People are complicated and a lot of times what we take to be true about human nature isn't as true as we think."
"Mars in the eighth house in its own sign: sudden healings, psychological breakthroughs, realizations."
"Loneliness is one of the scariest human emotions."
"They're afraid of their own ego, that's why they act humble."
"The longer we engage with them... the more we tend to like them."
"Misery loves company, but hurt people hurt people."
"The best stories give us insight into our complicated selves."
"All suffering is obsession with self. Happiness is your job and happiness is a decision."
"It's one of those rare cases that makes you question everything you thought you knew about human nature."
"Fear is often the agitator, the necessary component."
"Psychology of cruelty: dehumanization precedes mistreatment."
"Every single limiting belief or insecure thought that you have about yourself stemmed from outside of you."
"The vulnerable narcissist, this is where you see the sullenness, the petulance, the passive aggression, the chronic victimhood."
"Repressed emotions tend to come to the surface one way or another."
"Humans are emotionally charged beings capable of love and attachment."
"Emotional intelligence is being able to use those emotional cues to inform our decision making."
"Every human being has a five-second window... before your brain sabotages any change in behavior."
"Colbert offered a poignant reflection on Trump's State of Mind, characterizing his rhetoric as a manifestation of self-delusion."
"Even though money might solve something your mind is going to create something else in its place."
"Even knowing that it's irrational isn't always a guarantee that you're gonna just magically get over it."
"Every feeling has a corresponding physiology."
"Humans have such trouble recognizing lies; they first believe, then have to make a conscious effort to disbelieve."
"Maybe she'd be less dangerous if she was happy?"
"Observing every movement and thought: the power of the Observer."
"Hate comes from love, whether it be something you love to become something you hate, or something that you hate because it affected something you love."
"You're almost seeing your shadow side or a different part of yourself."
"A dream bypasses all walls of defense that people put up."
"I better make room on my wall for that silver play button I'll be getting soon."
"Happiness serves a function to our survival."
"The things you're most proud of in yourself are the light side of something you're probably embarrassed about."
"We're all humans. We find it hard to override our instincts."
"Personality can be changed and altered in adulthood."
"Regardless of whether you’re in the stock market or a curious observer, this period will teach you more about investing and human psychology than just about anything else."
"Without fear and contraction, there is no courage."
"It's kind of like the thing we fear the most."
"I mean narcissists are not happy people because without that incoming value they become depressed they become sad they feel worthless."
"Women would rather share a winner than settle for an average guy all to themselves."
"She helps with her, I mean you know she's just a dental doctor not like a psychiatrist but she knows the mind and the teeth are connected to the face."
"The idea we have of who we are is suffering from ideas it has about itself."
"Your courage comes from your conversation, so does your fear, so does your discouragement."
"It’s all coming about because of one belief, and that one belief is the ego."
"I don't see the parasocial as an inherently degraded thing. I think that it can be a legitimate supplement to real relationships."
"This psychological approach took air accident prevention to a new level."
"The side benefit of all this is that mental shift."
"People lie because they cannot accept the truth."
"Childhood memory dreams are a manifestation of the mind's ability."
"The subconscious part of our minds records absolutely everything that we ever experience."
"The unconscious, however, has taken note of them and such subliminal sense perceptions play a significant part in our everyday lives without our realizing it."
"The inability to make harmony, to create immunity, to create resilience is basically at the root of the militaristic mind losing every war against life."
"Understand how motivation works or the first thing understand the nature of motivation and understand that it is our ignorance of motivation that leads us in the wrong direction."
"Most people who commit suicide want to be found."
"The main theme of this book is that humans are not rational."
"Moments of Joy can correspond even with the highest amounts of fear and pain."
"Comparison is the thief of joy if you are comparing your life to somebody else's it automatically makes yours not as good in your eyes."
"One of the reasons why I ended the book on a note of tentative optimism is that the longer they're in power, the more liable they are to become megalomaniacal, paranoid, and to make mistakes."
"I'm seeing a lot of personal breakthroughs, a lot of self-discovery energy here."
"You could also have a lot of psychic breakthroughs around this time."
"More than anything, it's about the mentality."
"He has those psycho moments where he just does what you don't expect."
"Anger is designed to conquer fear, shame, and danger."
"My work is at essence about how we can better see ourselves and see others."
"The ego is the number one arch enemy of our people."
"Some of the scariest things in life are just other people."
"They want to teach people how to spot a narcissist."
"What you fear, you attract; but what you look at, disappears."
"Getting to the cause is always internal, it's dissolving the split, letting go."
"We want to gain deep insight into what they're really like."
"Something is revisiting, something is resurfacing that is there to complete the picture."
"Savor these mind fucks, you'll appreciate them."
"In deep sleep, the mind subsides of its own accord."
"If you're deflated... that's all you're going to offer everyone around you."
"It's sad because through narcissism and understanding it, we really do have a roadmap, a blueprint, a template to understand these societal problems."
"A lot of the pain you're experiencing has to do with attachment trauma from early childhood. It's not just about the breakup; it's about past wounds surfacing."
"The obvious answer is the Joker. But I think it's actually her self-esteem, and that's why the Joker's her weakness."
"Variables that made it different, made them not want to like it."
"Understanding of human behavior and relationships is far more authentic, relatable, and honest."
"Self-esteem is good too much can be detrimental... yeah 100% all right."
"It's the fear of trying a new thing, it's the fear of consequences, it's our desire for certainty."
"One of the problems of explaining consciousness is that people think they're conscious of a lot more than they actually are conscious of."
"Frustration is the largest hurdle to human progress."
"Self-sabotage is a neglected part of myself jumping up and down going, 'Notice Me, Notice Me.'"
"Love burns out very fast, hate is not sustainable."
"Cultivate your skill from a place of flow; you'll find yourself having more insights, breakthroughs, and outer world changes."
"I took my first psych class in high school and I learned so much, like things that I could relate to."
"Confidence is fragile. It's easily lost. It's impossible to regain."
"Counter dependence and rigid over independence, can be a big problem if people actually want to experience intimacy in their lives."
"It's kind of an instinctive... behavior kicks in for humans."
"Having watched every single minute of this trial, it is my opinion that Johnny struggles with childhood trauma and substance use disorder."