
Card Game Strategy Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Gray Merchant of Asphodel might not look like much, 5 mana you only get a 2/4, not a great body. The big deal is when it enters the battlefield we drain our opponent equal to our devotion to black."
"Scrap Raptor... in tandem with that of Dinos, this card was unbelievable."
"Empty jar is a deck that has shown up while library FTK. I don't know if it's so good that people just don't want to play because it's so boring or if it just actually loses to things that empty jar doesn't."
"Doom Weaver... if you're sacrificing big creatures... you can draw four cards, five cards, six cards at a time."
"Let's test it on that mob. Oh yo, the hunters are here and I am not ready for this."
"This card looks super scary. That means Rachel can now be casting stuff for free every single turn. This is really bad news."
"Joseph, congratulations on the first ever three-peat in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh, because we have six cards and they're all dead. It's impossible."
"A Johnny Strength of the Pride combined with a ton of life gain stuff can make its presence felt on a budget in Modern."
"You always want to have a body and this generates bodies for you to just throw away or for you to buff up. That's really good."
"Colossus instead restricts your opponent and prevents them from adding cards from their deck to their hand by card effects unless it's by drawing."
"Mask Change: it's simultaneously an easier fusion summon card that provides protection and allows you to play more offensively."
"Master Dark Law: Easily the best hero monster overall and one of the best fusion monsters in the game."
"One drops rock. We talk a lot about removal spells like Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, or counterspells. Everyone knows Josh loves Swan's Song. But we have a lot of other one drops in Magic's history."
"I personally just love Ephemerate. It's one of those cards that I love to play in the deck."
"Trap monsters like core in the Shadow archetype provided strong follow-up plays with their graveyard effects, adding depth to the deck's strategy."
"Wendy is just really difficult to answer because the moment it goes to the Graveyard, it fetches you a new mantra."
"Knowing you don't have Twin is very assuring to me in a lot of ways."
"Mine Crush is still the better card purely because it's a trap card and can be activated during your opponent's turn."
"Prohibition more than makes up for that with both how easy it is to use and how long lasting its effect is."
"I think Rasta is one of those cards that just, if I have those colors in that deck, it's going into those decks."
"If Muldrotha's in a deck, it's one of the best cards."
"That's incredible! This card must be facing the field's active respect."
"I never in my life pictured seeing a card from that long ago be useful and today even with the rebirth this card is amazing."
"Fakie... definitely does deserve it, he's probably one of the most used cards in FIFA 22."
"This card is insane, it's one of the best cards you can have."
"Tribe Infecting Virus is a really, really nutty good card."
"You know what's great about that Tibalt? Still exiles. Tibalt beats everything."
"Dragonrider Talritha: 3 mana, give a minion +1/+2 and Divine Shield."
"With these five cards you can create chaos against your opponents."
"Spider Woman fits perfectly here and I swear it's pure evil."
"Abyss Dweller: absolutely insane, the best card in the game right now."
"This deck may not put up 57 quadrillion negates through 12 hand traps, but it is full of turn-ending Floodgate effects designed to take the teeth out of your opponent's plays."
"This card is broken, oh my god, easy game one boys."
"If you like grindy mid-range style decks, you want to take advantage of some of the new flip lands and you want to give golden Guardian a shot, I think this is a deck that you'll probably enjoy."
"I think power creep is a bad thing. I think that I'm much more in favor of power balance and of looking at in-demand cards for other formats from Pauper to Legacy to Modern."
"The targeted discard effect of Silver Samurai is where the power is."
"It's not the only cards they're scrambling to release."
"This card is great. This card right here, you're gonna want this card. It will be in every single deck that plays these colors, barring budget."
"This card is so disgusting in arena that they have preemptively banned it."
"We've got Road to the Final Ansu Fati next. This Ansu Fati card is incredible."
"Deal 5 damage to an undamaged character for 3 mana, a very strong tempo removal effect for rogues."
"Do you know what this card reads? Draw seven cards."
"Patriarch's Bidding is just five mana, get back all of your stuff, but it comes with the deck building restriction that you gotta be able to build a tribal sacrifice deck."
"Black Rose Dragon destroyed every card in the field, spells and traps included for many years. Black Rose Dragon has seen almost constant play ever since its creation all the way back in 2008."
"Unicorn to two means you're a bit less likely to see it in your opening hand."
"Multi-role going back to three gives you almost limitless grind game and resource generation."
"This card sees all, an auto four of in those decks."
"Have you ever had the joy of stealing your opponent's planeswalker and activating its ability for yourself? It is a supreme joy, trust me..."
"In terms of being super super useful in a lot of decks."
"Ultron, a perfect card to the lore that is Ultron."
"Elegith and Essior, drawing tons of cards and making everything lethal."
"Karasikar the Eye Tyrant, a goadtastic deck forcing interaction."
"Martin Stromgald, a token-tastic mono red deck for a one-hit KO."
"Will Helpt, a zombie-tastic deck with card advantage and token production."
"Sweet Kings Kaneo Centro, a group hug strategy with calculated control."
"I think this is actually a pretty strong card inside J stacks, maybe even outside of them as some extra burst damage potential."
"I love this planeswalker, I could have used it as a boardwipe."
"Eight wins of the mill deck is just obscenely good."
"It's just good in any creature deck that is running a Guardian Project or a Runic Armasaur."
"Skills that are too strong in yugioh don't stay that way for long."
"This singular Forbidden Droplet is the clutchest card I've ever seen in my life."