
Historical Battles Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"In any case, the Admiralty Board preferred a well-balanced ship and were not deterred by a slight disadvantage in gun caliber any more than their forefathers were deterred from fighting and winning their battles against Frenchmen who, in general, had more powerful ships."
"If Hannibal's plan was right from the start and he had predicted exactly what the Romans were going to do, the problems they might have perceived could have made him more confident in his predictions."
"Through 8 long years, through the brutal winter at Valley Forge, through setback after setback on the field of battle, he led those Patriots to ultimate triumph."
"You might have won the battle at Trafalgar Square, but we won the Battle of Wembley."
"Khalid ibn Al Walid exploited this prodigious mobility to frustrate and exhaust a Sassanid imperial army in what is perhaps the greatest example of its use."
"The Battle of Galgamella...effectively birthed Western civilization as we know it."
"The Battle of Bachman may be the biggest battle of this war by far, but perhaps the biggest battle altogether that we've experienced this century."
"Given the lengths of these wars the loss of life must have been immense since battles were fought in many different areas over an unbelievably extended period of time."
"The key to the Greek victory in these straits was their ability to maintain a close ordered formation."
"Control of the sea: the decisive battle was not the end. The enemy wouldn't surrender just because they'd lost a good chunk of their navy."
"This is shaping up to be a pretty solid Union victory."
"Every battle, every skirmish demanded its price in broken bodies and in the extinction of the lives of young allied soldiers."
"Marines win 22 of the 27 awarded on Iwo Jima, the most in any single battle."
"The tide began to turn in the Americans' favor."
"We fought Jim Crow with the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, yet we continue to confront racism from our past and present."
"The Flying Tigers frequently came out as the victors in most engagements, dominating the skies above Burma."
"Every immigrant who brings his butt into this country has mother culture who's fought America and Black Folk went out there and fought them to get them off of America."
"It's a battle and a part of history that's easily overlooked, but something that definitely deserves to be remembered."
"Richard was now in numerical inferiority against the Ayyubids."
"The Polish offensive got off to a fast start and they smashed the Red lines immediately."
"The greatest battles and wars in history weren't won with the biggest weapons, they were won with the greatest minds."
"The history of the Medina sierra is almost 80 to 90 percent a history of military battles."
"In the long, bitter Battle of the Atlantic, the Germans were losing 15 new boats a month to the Allied hunter-killer groups."
"The bayonet's most famous use in the Civil War was in defense of Little Round Top at Gettysburg."
"Yi makes it about cannons about sinking ships and this is why you get sway time and time again with almost no casualties."
"In these situations, the Legions had a clear advantage."
"Cannae was a masterpiece of military strategy."
"Joan's victory at Orleans was so vital for Armagnac morale... proof that God was on the side of the Dauphin's cause."
"Charles Martel's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tours dashed all hopes the Umayyads had."
"Competence...the fundamental key...everyone counts...without competence we're setting ourselves up for real problems." - Chris Hadfield
"The face of modern warfare changes forever, and the stage is set for history's first great tank battle."
"The French are breaking and I think that's safe to say that this battle is over."
"The Haitian army of free slaves was able to beat off both the British and the Spanish."
"Napoleon's victory at the Battle of Austerlitz is considered a tactical masterpiece."
"The focal point of the German invasion of Soviet Russia, also called Operation Barbarossa, was the Battle of Stalingrad."
"The Battle of Britain was won on small margins and the engineers of the Spitfire did everything they could to give the Spitfire an edge in battle."
"No Spartans, man. I'm telling you, they are tough to kill. They will fight surrounded and win."
"I mean, look at the carnage of this area. This is why I love these Greek siege battles."
"Even victory in a battle may take decades or even centuries to recover from."
"For example at the Battle of Mursa in 351, Emperor Constantius the Second would finally claim victory thanks to the combined efforts of both bow-armed and lance-armed Klibanarii."
"The Battle of Britain began on July 10th, a crucial test for Fighter Command against the Luftwaffe's onslaught."
"Mountains snowy Italy to the jungles sweltering Pacific, the dream of victory was now becoming a reality."
"The British have lost nearly 90,000 men but the German Advance has been halted."
"Napoleon had taken on an enemy army almost twice his size, and beaten it four times in just six days."
"Napoleon needed to rest his troops and resupply them with ammunition, which was running dangerously low."
"Hannibal's plan for the Battle of Cannae is absolutely brilliant."
"Until this point in history, the Sea Peoples had been undefeated, but they were no match for the Egyptians."
"He saved the American Revolution twice, at the Delaware River and in Yorktown."
"He first sent his cavalry to harass the Pompeians, attacking the rear of their column."
"The days have been filled with bloodshed, but we are slowly bringing peace to the lands."
"Facing off against an Allied tank, the kill ratio was all in the Panther's favor."
"It was his courage and leadership that prevented another Manzikert."
"She fought three major battles in the War of 1812 and never got caught."
"Possession of The High Ground would prove decisive."
"Octavian's victory goes to show that clever strategy on and off the battlefield means more than sheer numbers."
"Adversity: taking an all-mercenary army, not having your own republic fully support you, walking through the snowy mountains, defeating your enemy over and over and over again on their own territory. That is adversity."
"At the Battle of Mantinea, King Agis was able to perform an unprecedented wheeling manoeuvre to save their fleeing comrades on the left and ultimately win the battle."
"Many dramatically describe the battle as the death of chivalry, as so many French Knights were brutally slain by lowborn archers."
"The spectral encounters reported here are not just limited to visual apparitions but many visitors claim to hear the distant Clash of arms the Urgent drum beats and the anguished cries of soldiers echoing through the turmoil of the 1815 battle."
"Throughout history, mankind has been forced to wage many battles in order to protect his family or nation against misfortune, disaster, or even possible extinction."
"This is really battles of history here."
"Wherever there was a battle, whichever side the armies of Trondheim were fighting on, was almost always the winners."
"You'll never know what the price paid by soldiers if they'd never been places like Normandy, Bastogne, or Haguenau."
"The true cross... that was lost to Saladin at the battle of Hattin in 1187."