
Soldiers Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"Canadian soldiers risked their lives on the battlefield; Canadian scientists, doctors, nurses, and care workers battle on."
"Just off the coast, 130,000 soldiers were poised and ready to come ashore."
"Soldiers are real heroes. Give it up for the soldiers."
"The most important thing in any war is are the men and women who are fighting motivated to fight."
"Historians recently uncovered a list of 17 British soldiers hidden in a bunker at the Auschwitz concentration camp."
"Space Marines are not mindless drones or clones, they are individuals."
"We remember our fallen soldiers from war proper or war improper."
"Shouldn't be happening, two soldiers talking to each other, that would be the end of war."
"Hundreds of German soldiers converged from all directions on a bruised and bleeding soldier manning a bullet-riddled machine gun."
"It showed how difficult it really is for soldiers who were conscripted to be a part of this war that they didn't want to be involved in."
"So now the war is really over, the last soldiers have turned themselves in."
"The running joke about these two soldiers... my favorite aspect of the film."
"Peasants and returning soldiers had not only lost their land but also the possibility of finding decently paid work."
"Having procured identification, tells the soldiers to guide him to where the goblins are."
"These girls look at their handiwork and call the readiest soldiers pitiful."
"Master P and No Limit had a roster of soldiers."
"More soldiers died of dirty frying pans than of bullets or cannon fire."
"Seeing young soldiers squeezing triggers, knowing they're doing it on behalf of others, empowers them to do the right thing."
"The rules of use in Bello apply. Soldiers must aim only at military targets and they must minimize the harm they do to civilians."
"My soldiers get off on Thanksgiving."
"Don't those soldiers deserve hope too?"
"God provided for our nation when our soldiers were starving."
"The greater part of Surrey's men were foot soldiers."
"These presidents that are on the mountain, stand for freedom, and that's what we as soldiers fought for is freedom, so it means quite a bit."
"In moments like this, it's the eyes of those Lanza soldiers who went through the thick of it that are the first to fill up with tears."
"It�s about saying thank you to the soldiers for protecting us during all the wars."
"I cannot put into words the gratitude I feel for all the soldiers British American Kenyan who worked together to save us that day and I will never forget for as long as I live that the human condition is a spectrum..."
"Some soldiers are addicted to warfare, the adrenaline, and the team... it sucks when you put them back in civilian life."
"We soldiers were brainwashed into thinking we were special because we were going to save America."
"The courage of the British troops, boy, they were terrific soldiers."
"After just a few months, many soldiers had their lives taken during the heavy conflict."
"Divided into 20 Legions of so-called ‘Angels of Death’, these transhuman soldiers would each be crafted to specialize in methods of warfare deemed necessary by the Master of Mankind."
"We talk about war a lot... think about the soldiers who storm D-Day."
"Stress, emotional stress is one of the biggest killers on the battlefield. Every Soldier needs to know how to negate that emotional stress, how to switch back to their cool calm Collective thinking brain."
"Emancipation might lead to a large influx of black soldiers."
"I'm always thankful for our soldiers."
"The effect of war on soldiers is profound, even after they return home."
"It's anti-war without being anti-soldier, it's anti-war without being anti-service, without being anti-taking action and doing something."
"It's not always great deeds by celebrated heroes. It could just be the soldiers that lay down their lives... all throughout this... heroic people."
"A general’s most important talent is to know the mind of the soldier and gain his confidence, and in both respects the French soldier is more difficult to lead than any other."
"The bravery and the dedication that these soldiers put forward is mind-blowing."
"Soldiers handing out flowers at a military base on Mother's Day, well that's nice."
"But not try to believe that with an extraordinary amount of money and soldiers, you were going to somehow create a gender-sensitive multi-ethnic centralized state based on a box of human rights law. Those sort of models or visions were insane."
"The soldiers helped tremendously... the cause was just."
"The soldiers based around Judea, which kept the garrison in Jerusalem, were locally raised Samarian and Caesarean soldiers."
"Hey, slow down. Come on, stop! Velociraptors versus heavily armed and trained soldiers. Velociraptors versus a 13-year-old swinging on a pole."
"You're the greatest soldiers in the Galaxy. That makes you a pretty hot commodity."
"It's been an inspiration to every generation of soldiers ever since."
"Some say the unsullied are the greatest soldiers in the world."
"They were almost to a man the failings and leavings of society, yet they were the best infantry in the world."
"In roll call, there's just been a battle and the soldiers are lining up in the gray light of morning to be reviewed by the commanding officer."
"I love soldiers, I love hearing their stories, and seeing their commitment to this country."
"Cyber Masters: intimidating soldiers, a modernization of classic designs."
"The guard are derided as cannon fodder, scum forced like barely armed children into the wars and jaws of evil. Yet nothing could be further from the truth."
"More American soldiers have killed themselves than been killed by the enemy."
"The soldiers had brought an assortment of weaponry and artifacts."
"The soldiers switched to alert mode to protect Colonel UD."
"Whatever decision he made, he was never going to forget his brave soldiers."
"Instead of talking about George Washington and the great victories in the Revolutionary War, how about talking about the soldiers in Washington's army who mutinied against the officers?"
"They're just soldiers. They're doing their job."
"Brave soldiers, it has been an honor for me to serve."
"There's something immediately very likable about these copy-and-paste soldiers."
"Our country, sad to say, doesn't really take care of our soldiers the way they really should and by this foundation we can provide a soldier and his family with a mortgage-free home."
"In hindsight was right but it was interference in a mammoth scale with matters that really soldiers should have had no part of."
"Some of our soldiers here at Scotland Yard say there are people who can smell a crime."
"I couldn't hear them, but I could see them - swarms of German soldiers working hard, working fast, digging in, getting ready."
"Soldiers do work that civilians can't do, or we would hire civilians. Civilians are like beans; you buy them as needed for any job which merely requires skill and savvy. But you can't buy fighting spirit. It's scarce. We use all of it, waste none."
"The coup Army has set out with a large number of soldiers under their command."
"Soldiers do nothing but take the piss out of each other... it's a way to build camaraderie and fellowship."
"An extraordinary War demanding extraordinary soldiers."
"One thing's for sure: soldiers haven't lost the competitive edge."
"Ramsey II launches an attack against the Hittites with 24,000 soldiers."
"I've always wanted a TV series about a group of soldiers in the future."
"There's a tendency in this film to depict British soldiers almost as Nazi-like as these sadistic predators."
"Most soldiers aren't saints. They're drunks, thieves, rogues."
"Soldiers that weren't thrust into the fray but instead ones that welcomed it, embracing the action."
"It's amazing what eleven months can do for the story of soldiers from one regiment." - Host
"I still remember the refrain of one of the most popular barrack ballads of that day which proclaimed most proudly that old soldiers never die, they just fade away."
"It's just been a really wonderful insight into the life of the men during the First World War."
"Every village and in every city and on every street, people were in mourning for the sixty thousand soldiers who had never come home."
"We were very well trained to encounter the mission that we were in, but in reality, the North Vietnamese soldiers were the best fighting soldiers in this entire world."
"So this is my interpretation of what George's idea was, and he referenced, as in the book, he references the stormtroopers being like ex-soldiers, specialist forces or whatever, yeah, in Afghanistan or wherever, or Iraq, and you know what do they do after they're defeated?"
"...the war could not have been fought and won without the sacrifices of countless other soldiers from Commonwealth Nations."
"How could anyone ever know of the price paid by soldiers if they'd never been to places like Normandy, Bastogne?"
"My soldiers do not buckle or yield when faced with the cruelty of this world. My soldiers."
"The courage of the rank and file undimmed."
"Shame on us who treat our soldiers and our veterans with no respect. They all deserve our love and our sincere thanks."
"Soldiers putting themselves at risk to protect the innocent and vulnerable is always a noble goal."
"This is the wall of the missing with no known grave."
"It's almost like you can feel the emotions of the soldiers."
"Long Live all my Fallen Soldiers."
"Over two millenniums ago, an army of Greek soldiers found themselves isolated in the middle of the Persian empire... theirs was a story of courage."
"The NVA were hard fighters, and we had respect for them as soldiers."
"This is the incredible stories of Britain's bravest soldiers, Victoria Cross for Valor."
"Continual exercise makes good soldiers because it qualifies them for military duties by being habituated to pain."
"Wahat Al Karama is a permanent tribute to UAE's brave soldiers."
"Rangers are elite forces composed of highly trained and motivated soldiers."
"The predecessors fought to create a world for them while the soldiers of the present put their life on the line to maintain the peace."
"They're the finest soldiers I've ever seen."
"No soldier wants to be forgotten, that applies to friend and foe alike."
"Soldiers off the battlefield respected each other for what they did for their country."
"We're soldiers, lad. Our job is to clear up the bloody mess the politicians make."
"Let's not forget what this weekend's all about, especially Monday being Memorial Day."
"The soldiers were absolutely extraordinary."
"Always keep your heart with the soldiers on either side because they're not the cause of this."
"How could anyone ever know of the cost paid by soldiers in agony and bloodshed?"
"Wars are fought by soldiers but are preached by politicians."
"Every step of the journey, breathing every breath with these men."
"If we think of D-Day, we picture the soldiers more than any other image of this event."
"It is the bound and duty of soldiers to defend their home and their country, and they are not afraid of dying, but they are worried about not dying correctly."
"The line between soldier and civilian blurred way more in World War II than in almost any other large-scale modern conflict."
"That personal commitment to bring our soldiers home, be they living or dead, goes to the very spirit of our fighting men and women."
"Yes, they were good men, good soldiers."
"Happy Memorial Day, especially to all my fallen soldiers and veterans out there."
"They rushed towards us shouting, fell on their knees, kissed the flaps of our overcoats, and threw their arms around our legs."
"I shall never forget to my dying day the long stream of dusty travel-worn soldiers."
"Those kids will have soldiers who are ready to protect them. Those kids will have us."
"Dear soldiers, I may not know you or anything about you, but you inspire and amaze me every day."
"They're more than just the things they carried."
"When we talk about the impact of the First World War, we tend to focus on the soldiers who directly fought the enemy."
"We're almighty proud of you, proud of all you soldiers."
"I find myself constantly in awe of Civil War soldiers."
"This story is based on an inspiring story of 28 soldiers who were part of the Red Army's 316th Rifle Division."
"One must imagine the sheer terror of soldiers facing them for the first time."
"Why are there soldiers? This is utopia."
"In total, some believe the number of soldiers that fought in the war was around 70 million, 11 million of those died."
"It's important to remember that the soldiers who fight in wars are more than just soldiers; they're people like you and I."
"He's best known for playing hard-bitten men, cowboys, soldiers, and killers."
"You'll never know what the price paid by soldiers if they'd never been places like Normandy, Bastogne, or Haguenau."
"We commemorate this story to the men and women who never managed to return to their loved ones from the field of battle and hope their souls eventually settled in a place of peace."
"They are Odin's undead soldiers from Valhalla."
"Remembrance Day is just a time whereby we remember the Fallen Soldiers."
"These soldiers experience a Christmas holiday probably like they never have experienced before out of the goodness and graciousness of those outside of these gates."
"Unable to contain their exhilaration, the soldiers let out a triumphant cheer."
"Apparently, her father has seen a few soldiers walking through the house but only from their waist up."
"Soldiers forgive; it's only civilians who cherish hatred throughout the years."
"I'm tremendously against that war, but I'm not against the guys that are dying."
"Soldiers, they are just people too, and a lot of them are in first-time situations."
"The year is 1940, and the young soldiers of Newcastle are eager to do their bit."
"Gold will not always get you good soldiers, but good soldiers can get you gold."
"We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers, the men and women who died young."
"They are soldiers that are fighting on; they didn't become weak."
"What's not to enjoy about a secretive legion of super soldiers that are several steps ahead of everyone around them?"
"Rest in peace to all the fallen soldiers who passed due to ignorance."
"It's frankly kind of mind-blowing to empathize with what life was like for these soldiers."
"Hundreds of thousands of men on either side are not going home."
"It's very easy to place judgment and criticism on the soldiers that fight the wars for their country, but I just want to gently ask you to not judge."
"They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die."
"The Geneva Convention arose out of a need to provide dignity to soldiers."
"War is awful. Our side of the house makes it better for soldiers at the point when they're actually celebrated for the sacrifices they made."
"He would lead from the front and showed that he cared for his soldiers."
"Soldiers are soldiers, and they gave their lives in the name of duty."
"It's a very important day to remember the fallen soldiers who fought for your freedoms."
"My heart goes out to all these soldiers from all these countries from around the world."
"For days, French soldiers will drag bodies out of the water to loot for coins and treasure."
"For all the soldiers who died here, may they rest in peace."
"I will pray for peace for the souls of the fallen soldiers of war."
"Two young soldiers that stuck, covered each other's back, two best friends."
"The only weapon I have is for the beliefs of those soldiers out there, creatures of God, and given the opportunity, will fight for His cause."
"Soldiers, forty centuries look down upon you."
"The trust of the soldiers between each other greatly supersedes the money involved."
"Finally, the long-awaited victory of the soldiers over the first full battle against the monsters was achieved."
"It's so often the rebels who turn out to be the most loyal soldiers."
"You can't begin to imagine what those soldiers went through during that time overseas."
"I'm accepting this key on behalf of a lot of fallen soldiers."
"We have come here today to dedicate this land, but you know what? They’ve already done that. The soldiers buried here have already dedicated this land, they have hallowed this ground much greater than we can."