
Spiritual Assistance Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Jesus gave her to us as our mother, and that she wouldn't hasten to help us in the same way, to bring us to her son."
"Angels love everyone, want nothing more than to be helpful to us, teach us, and take us up to heaven. That is their highest pleasure."
"Miracles waited your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety."
"Your spirit guides are conspiring to bring you blessings because of all the good you do for others."
"Angels are ministering spirits that minister for us who are heirs of salvation."
"All you who believe, seek assistance through Salah."
"Your spiritual team is helping rebalance your chakras."
"I need multiple Divine goddesses to help me get that done."
"Some souls may come back for a brief period just to help out, to help others learn lessons or progress."
"I was back in my body with a start and realized I'd been healed from depression."
"The angels have been sent to help us tonight, it's going to be strong."
"Think of it being reshaped around Jesus. That's the challenge."
"It's time for humankind to request assistance from the Angels of Light."
"When we do what we can, he does what we can't."
"If his Guardian Angel isn't responding when he calls for her, it isn't because she doesn't want to, it's because she can't."
"How do we employ and deploy the angelic host that has been made available to us based on the scriptures?"
"You're being surrounded by Heavenly beings, helping you manifest and stay strong."
"There is a possibility for you to receive the assistance you need from the universe."
"Father, release Angelic beings assigned to Marshall the boundaries of the territories that belong to me."
"Supernaturally send us people who can actually support us in this season."
"Your guides are literally working to destroy this thing and remove it from you."
"Please make it a point that you realize that you need help, and that help is only available through the Lord Jesus Christ."
"You're worshiping him, acknowledging he exists, and asking him for help."
"He's a father to the fatherless... Every single mother is partnering in their parenting with God Almighty."
"I probably had more help from the other side than I'll ever know."
"If enough people wake up, the light forces can help."
"Ganesh is with him. Obstacles are being removed, spiritual support and connections are increasing."
"I've seen guy after guy come to me and say dude I need help with this and we've seen them get delivered that Spirit cast out"
"Your grace has been made sufficient, help me overcome sin."
"The Holy Spirit is our helper... one who comes alongside to give assistance or help."
"Call on archangel siddiqui for assistance with activating and using the violet flame."
"Christ's grace is sufficient to help us in that process."
"The spirit world doesn't always give you what you want, but they definitely give you what you need."
"The holy spirit is the breath of breakthrough."
"The divine is coming in to help you clear communication... Clarity is coming."
"Your ancestors are trying to assist you through this Chiron retrograde."
"I am always here to help you. I'm only a thought away. Think of me and I will give you a sign. I am with you."
"It's a process and you know there are beings in the spiritual world that do help those type of beings."
"Prayer is such a work that a man without the help of the Spirit cannot submit as pray once, much less continue."
"The Holy Spirit is one called upon to assist, to help."
"If you are in need of prayers, please let us know."
"The spiritual world is waiting to help you, it is there for you."
"You can begin with God's help to take back control."
"Jesus would help you," the old lady said.
"What a blessing to have the spirit to help us in that likening to ourselves."
"A light worker is somebody who helps people to get rid of those layers and those layers are baggage."
"There is a God who loves us, and a Savior who is resurrected for us, and He and His angels are there to help and assist us along our way, as imperfect as we are."
"I called on the Angels, they said I need an Angel."
"As a minister, I believe that we all need spiritual guidance and assistance in our life."
"Help is at hand and will be given to every soul who really desires it."
"Spirit is helping you with love, with a union, with a relationship."
"I invite the genuine unconditionally loving masters and archangels to assist me and all beings on this Earth."
"Spirit is helping you to make your wishes come true."
"You are not alone. You have divine helpers."
"Dear Archangel Michael, I ask for your assistance now. Please go through my mind, body, and soul, clear out any fear, worry, doubt, jealousy, anger, harm, judgment, mistrust, betrayal, and criticism. Fill those voids with love, light, joy, and happiness. Amen."
"You have all the love and support from your angels; you just have to ask them to be there."