
Affordable Housing Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"There's a responsibility on the part of people involved in creating affordable housing and creating decent living wages to do their part to address homelessness."
"The trouble with landlords selling is that in today's incredibly tight housing market, buyers will likely be the occupants, reducing the stock of desperately needed affordable rental housing."
"The only way to make sure that people have a choice in the way they earn money is to make housing affordable, healthcare accessible, and to not burden marginalized people with criminal records that lead to a cycle of joblessness, homelessness, and desperation."
"The lack of affordable housing directly impacts how many people are becoming homeless."
"House the unhoused, and address the root cause, prevent others from becoming homeless by building and supporting nationwide affordable housing!"
"There's a shortage of multifamily affordable income property in America."
"The best thing we can do to ease the burden of housing cost is to boost the supply of quality housing, including building more new homes and preserving existing federal support and market rate affordable housing."
"Local communities can allow for revitalization and an influx of new residents while preserving affordable housing options for the people who have called these neighborhoods home for decades."
"New York is investing twenty billion dollars to combat homelessness and preserve and expand new affordable housing across the state."
"If they're listening, three steps: provide shelters, affordable housing, and community service."
"Shipping containers: the future of affordable, adaptable living."
"I'm voting for affordable housing... I know that we can bring out our people to vote... it's a part of our future."
"We need to be building the kind of housing that people can really afford."
"Sicily, Italy: Buy a place of your own for only one euro."
"Let's invest in community-based organizations, let's give the subsidies to get that AMI that is affordable in our communities."
"What do you need to do first as you're building affordable housing? You need to bring the price down, you need to include the community."
"California is seriously considering rezoning areas for affordable housing."
"The idea was affordable housing, which offered space and light as well as maintaining a form of high-density living for a growing city."
"We should get like a really bad property, we can't afford waterfront right now."
"It matters not just that it's faster and more affordable. It matters that these are the best houses you can possibly buy and live in, and part of that is the experience of living in them."
"I had a great conversation with some ministers in Mozambique and other countries who were working on affordable housing."
"The Biden framework includes $150 billion for affordable housing, the most significant single investment in quality, stable affordable homes for this country's low-income people in history."
"We need building regulation that promotes the development of low-cost housing."
"HUD's mission is to make sure there are more affordable housing opportunities for people across the country."
"For some people they just know tiny homes are an awesome affordable housing option."
"People who live here and work here should be able to afford to live here but with rents skyrocketing it's becoming less and less of a possibility for most families today."
"The most cost-effective solution is housing."
"Imagine a micro apartment that you could rent for 800 bucks a month."
"Mass-produced housing... extremely affordable... really fast."
"I'm big on preventing gentrification and I'm big on um Community projects and allowing um people that come from situations such as myself lowincome Section 8 you know affordable housing subsidy I'm big on catering to that audience."
"This is such a killer opportunity for those looking to get into affordable housing."
"I want to make it look as luxury as possible off of the fact that it's like very cheap ideal housing for the situation that I'm in right now."
"Social housing is part of that, so affordable housing... is extremely important."
"Affordable housing is great if it brings more people in, but then when you get the government involved, there's a lot of dominoes that have to fall."
"Affordable and social Council houses aren't just a nice add-on, they're fundamental to securing decent homes for all."
"We are trying to find alternatives to make affordable houses for the community."
"We need to build housing that people can afford."
"The tiny house movement to me is a way for us, as communities, to be inclusive, affordable by design, and meet people's needs."
"The tiny house building form offers some very promising and exciting new options for those in need of affordable and sustainable housing."
"They create affordable housing for families and just everybody in general who don't have enough money for housing."
"We want to create more affordable homeownership and keep our people in our communities."
"We need the city to commit to invest in affordable housing, our public schools, and green spaces."
"He basically wants to do the same thing he did with sneakers, not own a few flashy and expensive properties, but rather thousands of affordable units to help as many people as possible."
"Everybody agrees [on the need for affordable housing], but... they just don't want it in their neighborhood."
"We can end street homelessness if we have enough shelter and affordable housing."
"I've been on the search for the most affordable housing options, and I've discovered five of them that I think you should know about."
"If you need affordable housing, here's an easy answer, and it's made right in the Northwest."
"Affordable housing is a passion for us."
"We are here to build more non-profit affordable housing."
"It's not just that they're making an affordable home; they're creating environmentally conscious homes."
"This is providing affordable housing, this is how you do it and believe me it ain't easy."
"One way to deal with homelessness is to give homeless people affordable homes."
"Affordable housing means stability and dignity, opportunity and pride."