
Religious Focus Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Jesus Christ's attention is on the church right now."
"Let us put Our Lord Jesus Christ, King and High Priest, back at the center of the life of the Church."
"Can't think of anything else but Jesus anymore."
"You alone we worship, and from You alone we seek help."
"The church is about much more than just abortion and gay marriage."
"So is it focused on God? Is it biblical? Does the Bible dominate everything?"
"My focus is Jesus. Additionally, I am NOT interested in propagating pure emotionalism. Certainly, God's power does touch our emotions, but seeking an emotional experience for the sake of an emotional experience itself is not spiritually healthy."
"It's not ignoring questions or struggles, it's focusing on Christ."
"I would that we could get back to the gospel."
"The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus, not man. A spirit-led Ministry always points back to Jesus."
"It's time for a personal revival where we focus on Jesus."
"Focus on God's holiness, his Perfect Purity, his total goodness."
"In the end times, the whole world's going to focus on Jerusalem. So here we are, the reality of God."
"When some choose to make Christmas about Santa we should choose to make Christmas about Christ."
"Something that I've tried to do is whenever the chalice is coming towards me, I think, 'Son of David, have mercy on me.'"
"Let's focus on what's most important: salvation."
"The reason why some of you so far away from God, you worry about who's thinking about you. You worry about who's looking at you. You go all out your way trying to convince this one of you that you're living right. Who cares what they say?"
"Soundness is of a necessity today because there's many things out there pulling the people of God out to it that's not worth nothing. That's right."
"God first, nobody else. God ain't first with your husband, God ain't first with your wife. No. God is first alone."
"Christianity is theocentric, that is to say, it is God-centered."
"We're not looking for the Antichrist; we're looking for Jesus Christ!"
"Jesus is the central focus, let your attention be on him."
"The main thing is Jesus, the main thing is the resurrection, the main thing is the scriptures. Like, we have to keep the main thing the main thing."
"The whole goal of this is to see Jesus and especially to see Jesus in the scriptures."
"Stop looking for the antichrist and start looking for Jesus Christ."
"Take time to withdraw and look at the Lord with the eyes of the heart."
"Let every other name fade away till there's only you. Jesus, take your place."
"Father, our goal is to accept it this month as Woman Evolve focuses on acceptance."
"I'm on kingdom business and I don't have time to play political or social politics."
"If you want to be delivered, if you need to be delivered, then look up. Look up to Jesus, fix your eyes on Jesus, focus on Jesus."
"Listen, just focus on being his. Be sincerely his, and that's why we focus on scripture and what the Bible actually says."
"If you're at wedding day has come and gone your hope is still in Christ."
"Instead of worshiping the text as if the text was God, Christians should be focused on the second person, the word of God, Christ."
"You can't focus on Deliverance and not focus on Jesus because it's literally what he does."
"Out of all the Israelite camps, IUIC focused on the two things I appreciated the most: Christ and the laws."
"Let's deal with something that's most important: our sin."
"The driving force for our confession should be the love of Jesus, not love of self."
"The focus of the Christian really should be... let's focus on getting the Jewish people saved."
"I always bring my conversations back to God."
"We're just normal people. Don't idolize us, idolize Jesus."
"Let's not be caught up in worrying and complaining. Let's focus on being faithful Catholics and leading others to the faith."
"The most important part of church is God's Word."
"What's going to matter isn't money or appearance; it's returning back to God with a sound heart."
"Everything comes down to the Salvation of souls."
"If you come to my church you won't hear any politics you will hear exeresis on the gospel which is what you should hear in a church."
"You want to grow in holiness... fix your eyes on Jesus."
"Unity is not about being united with each other, it's about being united to Christ alone."
"Don't allow fear to rob you of your focus on God's word."
"Look up to Jesus, fix your eyes on Jesus, focus on Jesus."
"The scriptures are always front and center. They're at the heart of true Revival."
"2020 was all about learning to desire to choose Jesus first."
"You're either under the power of Jesus Christ or under the influence of Satan."
"If you remember the actual reason for Christmas, you focus on the Jesus part, not the Santa part."
"Every story in the Bible, every action in the Bible was given that we might see Jesus."
"Once the Exiles returned, there is a real focus on the one God and not the others."
"The cross is the focal point of the whole of Scripture."
"The central theme of all of scripture is the single person, the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Jesus from the very beginning of his life in ministry was focused on what he would do at the cross when he was crucified."
"We want our religion to point to Jesus."
"Fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith."
"Jesus more than anything else is the target."
"You got to stay focused on Jesus."
"That's really my focus right now, alhamdulillah."
"We have the month of Ramadan to focus on building the Hereafter."
"Focus on Jesus... hold on to Jesus."
"The church should be designed to please one person, and that's Jesus Christ."
"Christ should be the supreme object."
"Joseph F. Smith wisely refocused the church on the doctrine of the first vision."