
Church Leadership Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"He (Christ) is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have preeminence."
"Paul greets all these church leaders in Rome, many of whom are women who are church leaders in their own right."
"Pray to the Lord asking Him to make the hierarchy of the Church return to being a witness of Christ and not a slave of the world."
"I don't think it's helpful for like half of the Elders of a church to be Armenian and half of them to be Calvinist because it's confusing."
"The worst thing you can possibly do... is to flee from doctrine... because if somebody gets upset or offended we're going to have a split." - John MacArthur
"The only authority I possess at all in the church is the delegated authority that comes through the Word of God." - JOHN
"The Bible is very clear that churches are to be led by a plurality of Elders where power is balanced and checked between leadership."
"How many church leaders started by serving the Lord... and slowly it turned into a concern for status?"
"Catherine must have known that her time as Queen of England was limited when in February 1531 a clerical convocation affirmed Henry’s position as Supreme Head of the Church of England."
"Some Christian leaders they've been far too much to this kind of thing."
"The church needs to stand on God's word, never apologize for it."
"I believe that God's model is that the pastor is ruled over by the Lord and recognized by the congregation as God's anointed instrument to lead the church."
"Clearly, there has been a change in this country and in the world in the last several years with regard to the role of women in the church."
"We should maintain integrity because we worship you, because we care about the church, because we honor the truth, and because we're so grateful that Christ purchased our salvation."
"I wanted to say thank you for being the first one to love the church and to put your life for the church. We love you so much for kite wardo."
"The church encourages youth leaders to report to authorities immediately."
"Any church that does not value and utilize and recognize the giftedness of its women is a foolish Church."
"Who do not negate headship but at the same time Elevate and value giftedness."
"How can a pastor smell like the Sheep when he's locked the Sheep out of the fold?"
"A church married to the king is going to rise."
"He can stand up in the church, he can stand in the pulpit and wave his hands in the air all he wants to."
"If your pastor don't have a pastor or some form of system of accountability you're probably going to end up running into witchcraft at some point or another."
"Oh Father, give the churches boldness, give the churches biblical clarity."
"When you help the reader understand that pastors become gun-shy, they're in so many conflicts. Why would they want to take on another conflict eschatology?"
"If pastors are silent in the pulpit, the people will be ignorant in the pews."
"Not every pope or bishop lives up to his calling."
"We need our church leaders to give us the uncomfortable truths."
"We haven't seen a situation where the holder of the office causes problems conceptually or theologically."
"If you are a Christian, you're attending a church with faithful leadership who preaches the whole council of God. Don't ever take it for granted."
"The church needs to disciple men how to be men to change our families and our communities and our world."
"One of the most difficult things is not seeing the shepherds of the Church stand up."
"We have what I call a cowardly Pastor problem because they don't want to get involved in the political situation conservative Christianity and
republicanism have grasped hands in a way that's very unhealthy."
"I don't want to be a megachurch, I don't want to be a maggot"
"God really is using pastor Jason and pastor Liz and Freedom Christian Center."
"The church has got to stand for something better than that."
"Black lives matter movement was the first movement in history that involved black people that was not led by the church."
"Jesus never promised the church will not make errors."
"The pulpit drives the church. If I am not faithfully speaking to people far from God, how will they be reached?"
"Pope Liberius was imprisoned and exiled for refusing to change the official stance of the church."
"The story of Napoleon and Pius the Seventh is a case of church leaders standing by their principles."
"Priests are not getting protected by their own or their bosses. We need about 3,000 priests like Father Altman, Father Altier, Father Nolan to come together and preach on these truths."
"I don't want the church back. Don't ask me to be your senior pastor. It's not happening no mo."
"Instead of confessions from pulpits, pastors and church leaders who commit crimes will be criminally charged."
"God has given all of us as Leaders church leaders a call to be diverse." - Nikki
"Real preachers of God can't just preach rainbows and lollipops every Sunday."
"She never studied Theology and never learned formally to read or write, she came to be recognized as a doctor of the church and a master of the spiritual life."
"Pastors, teachers, evangelists, your role is every bit as spiritual as the prophet or apostle."
"The original documents for the Southern Baptist said elders and deacons were the offices of the church, and I would say they got it right."
"That is actually not a failure on the part of the learner; that is, in my view, something that has gone missing in church leadership."
"We talked in depth in this video about the what and the how but it is the why that should always direct all of our decisions being made in church."
"What the church is really needing is just as we have a category for a qualified man we need to have a category for qualified woman and then we find her."
"The great apostasy in the church begins at the top."
"The longest-serving Pope in history... 31 years."
"One of the greatest challenges of the 21st-century church will be the proper handling of the prophetic word."
"Everything in the church rises and falls on leadership."
"The church encourages women to contribute in leadership roles of every kind, including ordained pastoral ministry."
"The church is better with men and women in leadership together."
"I think pastoral transition is a critical time in the life of a local church."
"He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead."
"He is the head of the body, which is the church."
"God placed all things under Jesus's feet and appointed him to be the head over all things for the church."
"If a man desires the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work."
"He must be the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach."
"When they had ordained them Elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord on whom they believed."
"The true test for a good church leader is not if he is successful in business or rich or powerful. The true test is how he has led and managed his own home."
"One who does a good job at home can be expected to do a good job with God's family, the church."
"...if the church is going to follow Jesus and if Jesus is going to be the lord of the church, then we have to embrace his teaching about the nature and the authority of all of sacred scripture."
"The purpose of church leaders is to empower us, to equip us, and to facilitate the kingdom of God in our midst."
"Our goal is to help those working in churches lead better every day."
"Elders are to be recognized by the church as gifts from God for the good of the church."
"In furtherance of this, we of the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles now issue a proclamation to the Church and to the world."
"Authority and leadership in the church is about service."
"The Reformation was the result of the conviction of men who studied the scriptures that Christ alone is the head of the church."
"I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church."
"The crisis in the church is essentially a crisis of fatherhood."
"Tell her story: how women led, taught, and ministered in the early church."
"Every blessed church that is doing well, making disciples, and making a difference, they honor and they respect their pastors."
"He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the shepherds and teachers."
"Women occupy every other role in the previous list from the scripture I just read in Ephesians."
"The Lord has placed in his church apostles and prophets, high priests, seventies, elders, etc., what for? These various officers are for perfecting of the saints."
"Those ministries there listed are Apostles, prophets, evangelists, Shepherds, and teachers."
"In the New Testament, elders or the leaders of the local church are always mentioned in the plural."
"You cannot disciple a church without the engagement of a strong pulpit ministry committed to the exposition of the word of God."
"Pope Francis encourages the church's pastors to listen to them with sensitivity and serenity, with a sincere desire to understand their plight and their point of view."
"It's God that's responsible for His church; it's God that has formed this church and He's leading His church."
"The pope considered himself to be the successor of the apostle Peter who was given an office in the church to be the rock of the church to be the holder of the keys of the kingdom of heaven to be the confirmer of his brethren and to be the chief shepherd of the church."