
Skill Application Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Avoid the tutorial trap by completing all the course quizzes, course challenges, and then after finishing the course, apply what you have learned and build a project portfolio."
"Specific fact-based knowledge is what actually enables us to do the things that learning General skills is supposed to."
"You've already mastered the main moves; now you just have to use those moves in a more sophisticated way."
"Hopefully by the end of this tutorial, you should have a pretty epic building to kind of use."
"I think learning all this stuff I've been learned it's gonna help me get through that."
"I'm a huge proponent of actually practicing what you learn after you learn it."
"Step number two is to build something with those skills every single day."
"Knowledge, skills, they are designed to have real-world impact. They are designed to give you the ability to do something that influences this world."
"There's something attractive about feeling smart, finding a niche use case for a skill."
"It's not about I'm right, you're wrong, it's about can all of these ideas exist in good faith."
"Your joint mission is to communicate, help people communicate, and to use our communication skills to help others find their path."
"It's a reason why a lot of players aren't ranking up and even the most mechanically skilled players aren't getting kills."
"This requires skill. This requires brain power. This is stacking blocks."
"Meta skills give birth to things that could not be manifested otherwise."
"Putting your skills to the test and seeing things work out is simply the best."
"You can do some really awesome stuff just being creative with it."
"You don't have to know everything to do the thing that you know."
"So many jobs can be done by people of either discipline."
"It's not about my skills, it's about how I can contribute."
"You shouldn't be able to see the moves you've made, keep them invisible which means have a light touch."
"The things that have really been the biggest successes for me were both things I was really passionate about and things I did well."
"When I applied the same skills that CIA had taught me in a corporate context... I had this incredible advantage over all the people around me."
"Creativity is what happens when skill meets a deadline."
"I love this: creativity is what happens when skill meets a deadline."
"It's one thing to have an understanding of where the anatomy goes, it's a whole other thing to be able to actually use that anatomy in a dynamic way in a drawing."
"Building projects with those skills... it's just a much better answer."
"Taking the skills you already have and applying them in a new context is rewarding."
"You're using those skills to help people out."
"The second time that repetition is going to help you actually apply, rewire, and reconfigure."
"I would absolutely use those skills to absolute annihilate the dirty filthy pricks off the face of this planet."
"Just defend yourself. Everything you've been learning, put them to use."
"Rediscovering talents, applying your strengths."
"It's time to apply those skills, little by little, to a vision of the future where you can truly soar."
"If you combine Python with other knowledge that you've got, you can do many, many things."
"The goal of trading is to use your practice, use your journaling to take more winning trades."
"I always love it when a skill delivers on its promise."
"I cannot believe that we built these to be honest with you, and I'm thrilled. It is just so rewarding to be able to do something like this."
"We're essentially helping customers - that's our skill set."
"Chances are you got a lot of great experience and you learned a lot of skills that you can end up using in other areas of your life or other professions as well."
"You've got to know these things so that you actually get the results."
"These skills will apply and help set you up for success."
"When you're good at whatever you're good at... recognizing you also have to know how to run a business."
"If you use the right technique you can do just about whatever you want."
"In order to really create these changes, you have to be able to actually apply it and take the training wheels off and trust yourself."
"Once you know how to do all of this you can sort of put them all together."
"Superior judgment can avoid having to use superior skills in an emergency."
"Only try things that you have a really good idea are going to work with your current skill set."
"All the agnostic skills you get from having played other tactics games combined to make this something with a pretty high skill ceiling."
"If you love technology and you like coding but you don't want to necessarily follow the Silicon Valley software engineer route then I think there's some really good transferable skills you have."
"Intelligence can be a very dangerous combination of skills and smarts."
"The issue is not the skills; the issue is taking action."
"I feel like I learned things from this that I can incorporate into other projects and designs in the future."
"Everything we've learned on Uncharted 4, The Last of Us 2, we applied to this again to give that definitive version."
"It's satisfying to watch Fernando and Lewis and to be able to put into practice what you see them doing."
"Make sure to tap into your talents, gifts, skills, and abilities."
"You could master all the fundamentals in the world, but if you don't know how to use them, you'll never climb consistently."
"You have to put your skills to the test, put them into practice, develop your skills."
"Anyone can use these techniques and sometimes they try."
"Knowing stuff can be very useful for opening up new options."
"Every real sales trainer knows that their stuff is really good in certain areas and okay and others."
"Use the skill to make the world a more interesting place."
"If you know how to set up equations, that skill translates to all of the other concepts."
"So if you can learn how to create explainer videos, you can offer this to clients or apply to jobs where different businesses want a fun and unique video to promote their services."
"Competence is the ability to apply all of one's knowledge and skills to the task at hand."
"You can hit balls all day and hit them good on the range, but you have to do it right on the golf course."
"I think the most important part is developing a concrete skill-based methodology to understand what type of strategy one employs that works for your unique personality profile."
"You've got to tailor your marketing plan for what your resources, skills, and product is."
"I would genuinely try to use these skills as much as you can. Just a couple of things that we've just talked about will skyrocket how people pay attention to us."
"The skills that you learn there will transcend and go beyond whatever you decide to do with your life."
"Every time we open a door in this hobby, we learn so much more and it is applicable to just about everything that we do."
"I'm not a really big fan of building high grades, but if I can take what I've learned from previous model kits and interlock them together, I can actually do something pretty amazing."
"These are skills that are going to apply outside of this example."
"He decided to put his skill to better use, becoming a teacher to train government agents, villains, heroes, and henchmen alike."
"We only invest in industries we understand and where our skills translate over to."
"I would love young men and women who have these technical skills working for the national cyber crime unit."
"I was enamored with the idea of business making an impact on society by bringing the skills that business brought together."
"Take those techniques, that behind-the-scenes thinking, that critical thinking to your job and become a more effective ServiceNow administrator and developer."
"You can utilize those in your other programs and do some pretty cool stuff."
"Practice using the skills outlined should help you to understand what you're looking for and where to apply things in your answers."
"This is about those four core skills and putting them into practice."
"Once you have these tools in your tool set, you see how or where you can apply it in the code base."
"You can all do them; it's just about picking out the information and knowing what you're looking for."
"Do something with every talent, with every skill, with every gift that God has poured into your life."
"The belief that I have the skill set to be successful at something... that belief will motivate you to engage in those behaviors so that you're successful."
"Making that transition out of the military and using those skillsets and knowledge in everyday life."
"It's super satisfying to be able to have that skill set and apply it and have people do well."
"Because you've baked so many double-decker round chocolate cakes, it's not really difficult for you to make that conceptual leap and perform well and actually make the triple-decker square vanilla cake."
"We can use our basic HTML, CSS, JavaScript web development skills to upload and create a Google Chrome extension."
"Temper isn't just about maintaining your skills; you have to put them to the test if you want to learn something new."
"This is almost like this training field for you to really practice and apply some of your powers, your skill sets, things that you have learned over your life's experience."
"You feel capable without a coach to be able to go to a competition and think, 'I can really explain how to walk a course, how to implement all those little things about the eyesight, about the distances'."
"Imagine how different our politics would be if those same skills, influence, leadership, talent were put at work in service of the public good."
"I feel like there's a lot more support that I get professionally as my skill set translates better here."
"These are all really important skills that could be applied to life as a medical student and even life as a doctor."
"You don't want to be a data analyst for two years, three years, just learning. You want to put your skill to use and from there get your dream job or your dream role or your dream promotion."
"If you have building blocks that you know how to use and put together, you can do whatever you want, just like learning a language."
"It's not just about the content; it's about the skills that you're using to process the content."
"I am interested in this position because it is a role where the skills and experience I've built up over the years are going to be put to good use every day."
"Then you have conscious competence where you have to think about the things that you know to apply them."
"I'm a dog lover that starts to get into professional dog work because of my experience and the need of somebody who has this like skill set naturally."
"By learning how to draw something just from seeing it... you're gonna take a lot of what you learn from drawing that apple and you're gonna apply it to drawing human beings."
"The more familiarity we build with CSS sizing, the more we can APPLY these skills to create almost anything for the web."
"The training new students receive has two important functions: to properly use their newly acquired skills correctly and stress management."
"Mathematics is problem solving, and you're applying multiple different skills to that problem."
"Student motivation is increased if they're practising real life skills which will be relevant beyond the classroom context."
"Inquiry-based learning helps bridge the gap where they're actually making use of the skills as they're learning them."
"Once you have this skill, you can use it to make your own business and be successful."
"We should find a suitable place to discuss what's happened as soon as there's a problem or deal with it on the move if the pupil has the skill to do that."
"It's a combination of this course and my confidence to go out there and start signing."
"The more that they acquire skills in the context of the game, the faster they're going to be able to apply it in the game."
"You've got to break them apart and understand them and how you can make them applicable to where you want to go."
"Your existing .NET skills, deploying to actual hardware."
"You've made it to the best part; in this final section, you put your skills to the test by building a wicked planets finder project."
"The purpose of this project is not for you to get a good grade. The purpose of this project is for you to put to practice the skills that you learned."
"Step into that suit anytime you have to use your English."
"You've got a really valuable skill set that can translate into Health Tech or that can translate into teaching."
"As a real gamer, he thinks about putting his abilities to use."