
Love At First Sight Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"When I saw you, I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew."
"Love at first sight is absolutely possible and not unrealistic."
"From the moment Danny laid eyes on Layla, he knew she was the one."
"It's like you meet someone or see someone and know right then and there that's my person, kind of a love at first sight vibe for some of you."
"Literally saw him, knew the second I saw him. It was the weirdest thing. I saw his face and I felt like I knew him my whole life."
"The moment I saw him, I said that's gonna be my husband."
"From the moment I landed, I fell madly in love with him."
"It's like the moment you actually see that person, they walk in the room, your eyes meet, and you just know that that is the person for you."
"The meeting was electric. It was love at first sight."
"I was his love at first sight... this is pretty special."
"The moment my eyes connected with hers, it was as if I knew her my entire life."
"You may feel like your head is a little bit up in the clouds when you meet them as well. You may feel like, 'Oh my god, I'm falling in love.'"
"She asks if he fell in love at first sight, which he confirms."
"I knew I was meant to be with you from the second I saw you."
"Love at first sight! We met at Chuck E Cheese!"
"You've bewitched me from the very first moment we met."
"I fell in love with her in two minutes, and she with me."
"I think I fell in love the moment I met her."
"I fell in love the moment I saw you."
"I fell in love with you right away."
"It was love at first sight, and it really is just love. It's just love."
"Describes this as love at first sight."
"He fell in love when he saw her, love at first sight."
"I fell in love with her the first time I saw her."
"I knew from that night that she was going to be my wife."
"I first saw her from across the room. I was like, 'I'm going to marry that woman.'"
"He confessed that he fell in love with her at first sight."
"When they meet you or you walk in the room, they're like, 'I found my husband' or 'I found my wife.'"
"When I first saw this house it was love at first sight."
"The moment they see you, it's an instant wow. It's an instant damn. Did I just meet the one?"
"Ruby fell in love at first sight."
"I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that you were the one."
"I loved him from the moment I saw him."
"I looked and I said, 'That's gonna be my wife.' And lo and behold, look what happened."
"It was like love at first sight for him."
"It's absolute pure mesmerized love at first sight."
"But as soon as Liz saw me and I saw Liz, I knew she was the one."
"I love you already and immediately wanted to marry her, the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."
"It was like something from an old movie where the Sailor sees the girl across the crowded Dance Floor turns to his buddy and says see that girl I'm gonna marry her someday."
"I've actually never fallen in love with something quite so quickly."
"I fell in love the moment I saw you. I feel empty without you."
"I fell in love with you at the first glance."
"I see my dream man across a crowded barn I know that he will be for me forever."
"I saw her, I laid eyes on her, and I just knew."
"I wanted to marry you when I knew nothing about you except how beautiful and intelligent you are."
"I loved him from the moment I first saw him."
"The day I saw her, I wanted her for the rest of my life."
"I knew that she was the one right away."
"I've wanted to be with you since I first saw you"
"I think I fell in love with you at first sight, at the concert with the tears pouring down your cheeks."
"I fell head over heels for her the minute I saw her."
"As soon as I met you, I knew you're my wife."
"You're very loving, very attractive. When he first met you, when he first laid eyes on you, it was like bam, he fell in love with you."
"I loved you from the first moment I met you."
"First time I ever saw you, I fell in love when you entered the room and when the light hit your face."
"I never was struck before that hour with love so sudden and sweet, her face it bloomed like a sweet flower and stole my heart away complete."
"I distinctly remember feeling entirely at ease from the moment I saw him."
"I knew the moment that I met her that she was going to really be the type of woman that would make me a better man."
"I remember distinctly thinking the first time I saw her that's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life."
"He did come to Kashmir that day, looked at her from a distance, and fell in love with her even more."
"It was love at first sight when we met a few weeks ago... for me anyway."
"I knew I'd marry you the first time I saw you."
"...when I saw her, it was like I just got hit by lightning."
"I was in love with you from the moment I saw you."
"It was the one that I fell in love with as soon as it launched."
"I absolutely fell for her immediately. I just fell in love with her as soon as I saw."
"The moment I met you, I knew that you were the person that I had been praying for."
"I do believe someone can see someone and instantly fall in love."
"Isn't she wonderful? One look and I knew she was the one for me."
"I met my wife... within hours of meeting her I declared to everyone at school that I would marry her."
"You have to immediately fall in love with a new racquet that you're trying."
"We met midway and fell in love instantaneously."
"...Romeo sees Juliet for the first time and pretty much falls in love with her."
"I just knew from the second I saw him, I knew from the second I met him."
"That elevator opened... I fell in love with her."
"Sometimes you know when you first set eyes on someone," she said.
"He saw her across the room, and he said she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen."
"My name is crystal tuttweiler and i'm 25. i met patrick when i was on a walk with my sister and one of his best friends and we stopped there to say hi we fell in love right from the start"
"Seeing that outfit was like love at first sight."
"I fell in love with the car at first sight."
"I think I fell in love with you the first second I laid eyes on you."
"First time I ever saw you, I fell in love when you entered."
"I fell in love with Sophie right away."
"For him, it was love at first sight."
"When you meet this person, their smile is just going to make your heart melt."
"It was love at first sight for me, I don't know about her until it took a couple of weeks."
"It was love at first sight all over again."
"They immediately locked eyes and it was it. Wow."
"Isn't it all about the first glance, that undeniable spark, that special something, that feeling you get as if your heart has been pierced by Cupid's arrow?"
"He saw Zeynep and something entered his heart."
"If anyone asks me if I believe in love at first sight, I say emphatically yes."
"Once we saw each other in person, it was over."
"I just fell in love with you at first sight," he wrote.
"I knew it from the moment I saw you."
"The first time I saw him, I immediately knew that I loved him."
"Men who meet the woman that they are wanting to marry, they know that pretty quickly."
"From the very first time that I looked into your eyes, I knew that I was in love."
"As soon as he walked on stage, I said, 'That is the guy I'm going to marry.'"
"I immediately fell in love with this small, unpretentious beach town and everyone in it."
"It was like a Cinderella movie for me and her because I fell in love right away."
"Michael was hit with what Sicilians call the Thunderbolt."
"He fell for her unparalleled beauty and thought they were destined to be together."
"I actually told her she would be my wife just two minutes after meeting her."
"She fell in love with Hector the moment she met him... he swooped in and saved her from an ugly fall."
"I instantly fell in love with this one."
"When I saw you for the first time, I knew we were just into me because my knees went weak, my stomach went tight."
"From the moment we first shared our gaze 30 seconds ago, I knew you were the one for me."
"It only took one second for me to fall in love at first sight and get my heart broken."
"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night."
"From the very first moment I saw you, I never felt such emotion."
"The moment I set eyes on you, I was in love all over again."
"The moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you'd be my wife."
"I fell in love right then, so did he."
"It was electric; it sparked through everywhere. It was meant to be and it was love at first sight."
"I mean, I didn't believe in love at first sight, but now I do."
"I fell in love at first sight and every day we were together made my hopes of being with someone and loving someone more and more strong."
"I really fell in love with it the moment I saw it, it actually comes in a terracotta kind of color as well, it's quite pretty too."
"When someone comes passing by, what a thrill, you know at once you love her so, and always will."
"Well, when I walked through the front door, I fell in love with it."
"I swear on my mother's life that I instantly thought to myself that's the man I'm gonna marry."
"I absolutely fell in love and I knew this was going to be my dream car."
"This moment I lay eyes on you, and the love was true."
"I just saw it and I just fell in love with it."
"I think I've loved you from the moment I first saw you."
"The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service."
"I fell in love with my wife of 23 years at first sight."
"Libra woman with Taurus man, when they first meet each other, it's like love at first sight."
"I knew that the moment I saw her, I would fall in love with her."
"I'm a firm believer in love at first sight."
"I fell in love with him the first moment that I saw him."
"I found forena the moment I met her."
"The first time I saw her, I knew she was my wife."
"When I saw Xiangjian, I realized what falling in love on first sight meant."
"They both pause what they're doing when they look directly into each other's eyes and immediately fall in love."
"I can't explain it, the moment I saw her, I was bewitched."
"I just fell in love from the moment I saw her."
"I'm gonna marry that man as soon as I saw laid my eyes on him."
"I feel like I just met my husband. May they live happily ever after."
"Their first date is like a lightning strike to him; he crushes hard for her within the first hour."
"She gazed up at Seb when she walked past the vehicle and I think he, for a moment there, he fell in love."
"The first time I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to have her."
"I immediately fell in love with the outfit, I was like you know what, so right, it's so right."
"I fell in love with her the moment I met her, and I've been drawing her ever since."
"I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him."
"You can't stop what you feel from the get-go; the very first time I ever met her, I knew I loved her."
"From the day I saw you walking towards me with your parents, I fell for you."
"First time I ever saw you, I fell in love."
"From the moment I truly became aware of him, I was in love with him."
"As soon as I saw her, that was it. It set me off completely the same."
"It was 1955 when I first laid my eyes on Grandma, and let me tell you, I fell in love real quick."
"You have someone here who essentially fell in love with you immediately."
"Meeting you was like being struck by lightning."
"I've been in love with you from the moment I first saw you."
"I fell in love the minute I saw this."
"I knew the first moment that I saw you."
"It's impossible not to fall in love."
"Since the first time I saw her, I knew clearly that she is the one I used to fall in love with."
"First time I saw you, I knew all the time."
"It was love at first sight, definitely."
"I fell in love as soon as I saw them."