
Zombie Apocalypse Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Simon is really cool and smart. Uh, I'm sure he is, but Milo, you have to be a lot more than cool and smart to survive a zombie attack."
"I'm interested in seeing in these type of zombie movies is how communities come together and coexist, survive or break apart and eat each other alive."
"We need to fight off the big wave of the Zombie Army attack tonight while we still have the time."
"By making sure the zombies can't break through, we make sure everybody inside this base is really safe."
"Guys, so we need to try and get down. Lots of infected, it's the howl is that."
"So I'm forced to assume that she's had some kind of an epiphany, like, all it took for you, was just for one of them to try and kill you, before you realize 'Oh yeah, these aren't really people any more.'"
"Just like they have for all 100 days of the zombie apocalypse."
"In no time, the zombies are getting over the wall and the horde is starting to mass outside."
"The zombies might overwhelm me and kill me, but even if they do, I'm going down with a real drip and I'll be flexing on them every second of the next 40 days."
"It's been a long time since we checked out the game... cepheus protocol... a tactical strategy game about trying to save San Francisco from a zombie apocalypse."
"The early stages of a zombie apocalypse are not going to be pretty for America, but we will come back."
"The group has now survived an entire year in the zombie apocalypse."
"The upshot here? In a global zombie pandemic, study up on your fungi."
"He kind of didn't have a choice, the cities were overrun with zombies so he came out here to escape that whole mess."
"The worst thing in a zombie apocalypse comes out: people."
"A sequel to the really awesome post-apocalyptic zombie killing VR game, Arizona Sunshine."
"Blastoise, I mean it's basically an infinite supply of water, also just think, just blast away whole hordes at a time, it can split concrete and steel with those, so like, ooh, horde of zombies? Now it's a horde of half zombies. That easy." - Loxton
"It's been a long day, let's hope the zombies don't break in overnight."
"I have the power to create a zombie apocalypse. I don't think you want that to happen so leave a like if you don't want me to press the button."
"I am literally attracting every single zombie towards me."
"Tonight we're gonna do it guys, and I'm gonna do my best at least to try and escape the zombie apocalypse live."
"The most important thing about the FN that makes it ideal in a zombie apocalypse is its accuracy."
"She's infected. I was bitten an hour ago and it's already worse. This is [ __ ] real, Joel."
"Zombie apocalypse at least then I know what's trying to kill me."
"We took on hordes and hordes of zombies all night."
"Rule one is cardio. Without cardio, there's no way you can outrun a fit zombie."
"Rule two: the double tap. You never know when a zombie is truly dead, so just to be safe, shoot it twice."
"Tower base... zombies cannot get to your elevation... supports become the Target."
"The psychological effects that a zombie apocalypse may have on different people."
"We've got a second chance at stopping the zombie virus, so if you're looking outside right now and seeing a couple zombos running around, don't worry because we're on it."
"Honestly, my first thought would be zombies..."
"I've got some grenades, alright? I'm saving them for a special occasion. It's more special than this number of zombies' birthday, alright? It's a birthday grenade now."
"Did you see that movie Night of the Living Dead? In this film, canisters of toxic gas that could turn cadavers into zombies were stored in the basement of a medical warehouse."
"No one knows exactly what happened the day the zombie struck, all we know is someone had to strike back." - Captions
"The most terrifying thing in a zombie apocalypse is not the zombies but the unpredictable humanity."
"I pretended it was overrun by infected zombies."
"As a mortician, I always tie the shoelaces together of the dead. Because if there is ever a zombie apocalypse, it will be hilarious."
"This concept though that everyone is already infected with the reanimating zombie virus is a stroke of Genius. It adds such a novel exciting Edge to the world of The Walking Dead."
"What happens when you take a character who is empowered by an ancient Moon God and put him in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? You get a zombified Moon Knight. It's fairly straightforward. You don't really have to ask that question."
"The Pox Walkers are drawn together in their thousands quickly overwhelming a city's defenses."
"The gate they had failed to secure was pushed down again by the zombies, and countless more poured into the yard."
"Back in 2012, Hyundai unveiled a concept car designed to mow down the fearsome hordes of the undead."
"DC's didn't get stale or lame it's because Tom Taylor's like I got a dope idea for this thing it's called DC it's just a zombie apocalypse with DC characters what have I slaughtered all your favorite characters but wouldn't you like that."
"48 Hours remained before Kay becomes a zombie but Andy does not panic. He immediately begins to pack a bag because according to the map issued by the government there are eight stations set up on land and maybe there is a cure for the virus there."
"Hey everyone, it's Britney, and after the last zombie apocalypse, something totally awesome happened to me."
"The CDC is sending out tips to survive a zombie apocalypse just in case. So good thing you went through that Walking Dead phase."
"She just said that too many people had already died in the zombie apocalypse."
"The Dawn of the Dead tells the story of four survivors after a zombie apocalypse, hold up and trying to survive inside of a shopping mall."
"Moral of the story, don't go swimming in a zombie outbreak."
"Deadpool is dispatched to stop the zombie Theodore Roosevelt from hunting all of the animals in Los Angeles Zoo."
"My whole squad's in here, walking around the party, a cross between a zombie apocalypse and big Bobby."
"You should always be prepared for the zombie apocalypse; it could happen at any time."
"Inside the vault is what we're looking for: the antidote to the zombie virus."
"I could easily live in the zombie apocalypse."
"I think I'd be the person the zombies would actually understand me speaking, and then they'd look at me as their leader."
"In reality, a zombie apocalypse is easy to stop."
"Train to Busan is a harrowing zombie horror thriller that follows a group of terrified passengers fighting their way through a countrywide viral outbreak."
"Days Gone is by far the best zombie apocalypse video game that exists on Earth."
"If there's a zombie apocalypse, I'm dying first."
"The party never stops, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse."
"This is where the last stand is with the zombie apocalypse."
"The Crown Prince leads his loyal team in defending against the zombies inside the palace."
"If you and I ever become mindless flesh-eating zombies, we solemnly swear to eat folks of all colors, nationalities, and religions."
"He awakened the power to control zombies after a zombie apocalypse happened on Earth."
"First rule of being in a zombie apocalypse: don't be a hero."
"It's a good last ditch zombie blaster, no question there."