
Foolishness Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"A wise person is hungry for truth, while the fool feeds on trash."
"Wealth is the slave of the wise but master of the fool."
"The gift of a fool shall do thee no good when thou hast it. Neither yet the envious for his necessity, for like as he hath nothing to give thee, so shalt thou have nothing to receive."
"There is only a finger difference between a wise man and a fool."
"The willingness to be a fool is the precursor to transformation."
"Never underestimate the power of foolish people especially numbers."
"There's a fine line between being brave and stupid."
"Don't argue with a fool, it's a speaking to us in the book of Proverbs."
"A man who represents himself has a fool as a client."
"Honestly, you can't stop stupid. Your brother is making a huge, stupid mistake."
"It's only a fool that wants to go to war, but it's a bigger fool that doesn't prepare for a war."
"It's beyond comprehension that you could be this dumb."
"Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
"He's willing to look foolish for the sake of honesty, which actually is a sign of wisdom."
"Only a fool is sure of anything. A wise man keeps on guessing."
"If you have too much hate for the other side, you become an idiot."
"You are doing things that look very childish, very stupid, very immature, but Lord, in this foolishness, you have hidden the wisdom of God."
"It should seem obvious that to declare otherwise would be foolish yet this is what's witnessed all over the Earth every day."
"A journey that should only be taken by the bravest of souls or the dumbest of fools."
"Only a fool thinks they can always do what they've always done."
"It's a little taste of how Mega World is not only deeply dangerous... but they're really pretty stupid."
"I will never do anything so foolish again in my life. That was a very dumb thing to do."
"They were each doing the stupid but courageous thing."
"Who's more foolish the fool or the fool who follows him?"
"This is the dumbest thing we've ever done."
"A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds."
"The labor of the foolish wearieth every one of them, because he knoweth not how to go to the city."
"Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows them?"
"Dude gives him the stupidest advice he could have ever given. He tells him, 'Melly, man, maybe you need to go shower or something.'"
"Some of these dudes are just morons, just stupid as a soggy Cheeto, dumb as a broken Oreo."
"You're dealing with a fool that's about to experience a lot of loss because of their fears."
"There's nothing more dangerous than an idiot with a trick up his sleeve."
"The Emperor's had all the theoretical power in the world, but that power was being wielded by cloistered fools."
"A man's got to be very, very stupid or very, very brave. What's the difference?"
"Ah yes, idiots. They can be quite entertaining at times, you know, when they're not trying to get people killed."
"Keeping it real is not life. Keeping it real might, you know, the most foolish thing I always hear people say, 'I just say what I feel.' That's the most foolish thing you can ever say. Who cares about how you feel?"
"Men do stupid stuff for no other reason than stupidity itself."
"Churches that are full of bewitched people are full of foolish people who have neither applied their minds to the truth, nor set their hearts on being faithful to the truth."
"The prosperity of fools will destroy them."
"The defining character then of a fool has a theological component, a rejection of God, and a moral component."
"Life is making an awful fool out of you, my friend."
"Anyone who flying out to any man is dumb."
"Wisdom deals with foolishness, not just ignorance."
"They say there's a fool born every minute, and videos like this one really do prove that saying right."
"Sometimes the most profound wisdom comes cloaked in the garb of foolishness."
"He had to be one of the dumbest sumbitches I've ever come across to steal a phone that belongs to somebody that came in from the outside."
"He may not be the dumbest character in the show, but destroying your entire fuel depot is certainly the dumbest thing anyone in the series has done!"
"Foolish people aren't always stupid. They have a high IQ, they just don't use it."
"The man who fools himself is a fool indeed."
"That's what I like to call true dingus behavior."
"Our generation now listen not Fruit Loop foolish there's a difference"
"how foolish did Noah look building an ark in a desert"
"how foolish did Sarah look in Walmart in the maternity section"
"how foolish did the Israelites look marching around Jericho no bombs no gun ju"
"how foolish did David look a 9-ft giant a little slingshot"
"he was a fool to think that the Tyrant would never find him"
"because these people decided to say yes to looking foolish look what happened in scripture"
"You sit on YouTube and say these people, you are fool amen."
"Assumption is the mother of all stupidity."
"Acknowledging when you're doing foolishness... Accountability and responsibility is important with that."
"A man tried to rob a bank after paying 500 to a wizard to make him invisible. Truly only two types of men in the world."
"Exploring things and being foolish with your ambition."
"Someone who judges without knowing is a fool."
"This was the stupidest time of my life."
"While his foolish decision to brag is what got him caught in the first place, it's not a bad deal for someone who may have killed two people."
"Our religion does not tell us to be foolish."
"If you want genius, look for systems that create foolishness."
"You're as foolish as he used to be."
"I'm probably bordering on foolish. I'm like generous to a fault."
"I had a nasty feeling that that might turn out to be an idiotic thing to do but he did it anyway and sure enough it had turned out to be an idiotic thing to do."
"It's incredibly stupid. I admit that."
"This dummy was calling her at the prison from a cell phone in his cell."
"You could be honest and still be a fool at the same time."
"People are so full of their own foolishness that they won't even be in their grandchildren's life. Like, that's really sad."
"Hindsight was the most stupid thing ever to do."
"A fool gives full vent to his anger."
"You have a stout heart," he said. "Foolish?"
"But if you can be a fool, there's so much happiness to be found."
"We ought to make certain as Shepherds that we don't become the fool by acting like the fool and we work hard to expose the foolishness."
"The goal is to arrest what's going on and we should argue by means of countering their foolishness with the truth."
"If you reply to a fool in a foolish way, you become a fool."
"We just forged ahead like two idiots."
"Ask stupid questions, win stupid prizes."
"Nowhere Are we more foolish than in our relationships."
"It sets up who's going to die because either they're [ __ ] or they're stupid."
"If you're gonna be stupid, you better be tough."
"As soon as I get desperate, I get stupid."
"When you are impulsive, you are by definition a fool in motion."
"He's so in love and he's so stupid."
"If a man who doesn't know that he can trust you isn't a perfect guess, what sort of an ass is he?"
"Shaw lost the leadership due to his foolishness and now has the chance to turn things around."
"If you risk something that is important to you in order to gain something that is unimportant to you, that is foolish."
"I still do not understand what made them think that paying for their room with a stolen card was a great idea or, you know, bringing in all their equipment, stolen cards, and fake IDs."
"Okay, this is what it was, it was these bunch of idiots that had put a fish tank in the ground with no cover and no railing."
"We can all be foolish. We have a gift for it, a knack."
"Teach a fool, but that doesn't stop them from being an idiot."
"Do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."
"Sin will make you stupid, it'll just lead you to make more bad decisions."
"We're not to be foolish but we are to understand what the will of the Lord is."
"I was such a fool. The words came so easily."
"The foolish hearts were darkened, and claiming to be wise, they became fools."
"To be a Wildcatter, you gotta be real stupid."
"No one should ever be surprised by how often greed and stupidity become close companions."
"The chances that a fool takes, never knowing when to stop."
"Be the wise person, don't be a knowledgeable fool."
"Anybody who gets caught cheating in this era, yeah, that's dumb."
"...it's so unnecessary man, it's stupid, it's foolish, and it's like all for what? Because your ego was hurt?"
"I typically think that is such VH1 foolishness."
"A wise man suffers much less than a fool."
"He'll always martyr himself anyway. He's an idiot."
"That's the sacrifice of fools. If you come in this room right now and you just feel like you've got a ton of things to say, that's what fools would do."
"They're going to make a fool out of themselves just to make you smile."
"No matter how much you say, you can't argue with the fool."
"To be very brave is sometimes to be foolish."
"It was a foolish desire, and he knew it, but it was there."
"Enabling a foolish person isn't really helping them because they're not moving toward wisdom."
"I believe that the secret to enjoying life comes from doing as many foolish things as possible."
"If you get them pregnant, it's one of the stupidest things you could ever think."
"A fool and his money are quickly parted."
"Need I remind you that my so-called reign of terror is over? Besides, whoever did these events was no genius, just a complete and utter fool."
"Not every kind of a fool. Only one kind—the fool in love."
"I hope I stay foolish forever for the rest of my life because I was foolish. I found a way because I was on the journey. I found a way."
"Being proud is worse than being a fool."
"It's cool if you're a fool, but if you're in love, don't be a fool. It's not cool."
"I love you. What a fool I am, an idiot."
"...they were about to find out what so many in history have learned the hard way that bravery and foolishness are often mistaken for the same thing..."
"...bravery and foolishness are often mistaken for the same thing..."
"It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."
"They gave full vent to their anger and it was a very foolish thing to do."
"Anyone who rejects the gospel is a fool."
"If you rise up and fight against God and defy his purposes, you look like a fool."
"It's like Pennywise and pound foolish."
"If you're going to be stupid you better be strong."
"The sinner who acts like an atheist is a fool."
"Fate is on the side of fools more times than you can imagine."
"He survived and then his wife is going to be cheating with John and then he's going to walk in like what type of foolishness is this."
"That old man we met, telling to commit suicide, and then he jumps into the water. Dumbass."
"A man who doesn't consider his destination at the end of the road he's on as a fool."
"He's a fool, but he's a good father."
"I'm a fool for love, and I regret it."
"Sometimes you grab onto something so stupid."
"He that trusteth in his heart is a fool."
"If you hit somebody over the head with a hammer, you're an idiot. It's not the Hammer's fault."
"Please forgive me. I've been acting like such a fool."
"It's time to give it up and surrender... so they tell me... a brave attempt but a foolish one, I think."
"Knowing without doing doesn't make any difference. It makes a fool out of you."
"You lean in and stop the foolishness."
"But God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound things that are mighty."
"I may think him a fool, but I still love him."
"That guy is not afraid to be a fool. That is bravery."
"You have a stout heart," he said, "but it was foolish."
"It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness."
"The foolish are certain, while the wise hesitate."
"To argue with a fool makes you the fool."
"But five of these were wise, and five were foolish."
"The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God."
"Everybody's been in love like that, and you'll make a fool out of yourself to love someone."
"I find men more interesting when they are a little foolish."
"Anger lives in the heart of a fool."
"These awards celebrate the bizarre and bewildering ways individuals have exited the gene pool, leaving us with jaw-dropping tales of sheer idiocy."
"Hate is always foolish, love is always wise."
"The only thing that makes you look foolish is doing nothing."
"That's foolish, you love her, that's all that matters."
"Folks, do you ever see somebody pull off something so stupid, so boneheaded, so foolish that it's almost in a paradoxical sense impressive?"
"Wisdom is too much for a fool; when the leaders gather, the fool has nothing to say."
"Only a fool throws their life away for pride."
"A reproof enters more into a wise man than a hundred stripes into a fool."
"Love doesn't help a fool; you can be in love with something that destroys you."
"Anna hugged him tightly, calling him a fool."
"The coordinator... speaks with the wisdom of ages against the foolishness of the moment."
"Only a fool would drop a guy like you."
"Nothing proves people to be so foolish as pride."
"Every single hero's journey starts with first being foolish."
"A fool looks in the face of death and doesn't see death."
"The lips of the wise spread knowledge; not so the minds of fools."
"We do not dare to compare ourselves; it is foolish."
"A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash."
"Anger resteth in the bosom of fools."
"Sometimes I can admire audacity even from idiots."
"A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of a fool proclaims folly."
"Everything I've done has been because I am a fool."
"Marin Colin was not a normal man; he was indeed both a fool and a hero."
"Foolishness is when you do crazy things because they are your idea. Faith is when you do crazy things because they have been granted and graced to you by the plan of God."
"When you see two people fighting, you don't know who the fool is; they both look like fools."
"Being a fool allowed you to be someone who could actually speak the truth."
"Be graceful, only great fools are ungrateful."
"Only an idiot would give that man a stone. Or a genius."
"You can spot a deadbeat in the Bull Run the length of the bar, oughtn't to be so compounded foolish about Caleb."
"Yeah right, the guy's got heart, no brains but lots of heart."
"It's important how we tend to be loyal to the point where it just becomes something dumb."
"Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the good sense of your words."
"But fools despise wisdom and instruction."
"Don't do anything foolish; it could cost you your life."
"Anybody that turns crooked has got to be stupid; he just thinks he's smarter than everybody else."
"God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish."
"The fool is a little bit substandard intelligence, but then he'll have off these moments of crazy epiphany."
"I've heard that love makes people do foolish things, but I wouldn't have said that I'm in love."
"It's about spending time with people you love, sometimes making a fool of yourself, but it's okay."
"The greatest fools are oft times more clever than the men who laugh at them," he said.
"We were both rather foolish, weren't we?"