
Faith Development Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
"My faith has only increased with time. The more I've engaged in the philosophical, religious, scientific conversations, my faith has only increased."
"Faith is a habit that must grow in your life. We need faith to move mountains that block our progress."
"When that Rhema comes, that's when faith is developed."
"Never give up. You are not meant to perish spiritually. You are meant to survive spiritually, and blossom in your faith and trust in God."
"Nurture your faith, for it is the key to truly understanding my love and grace."
"As you sincerely seek to increase your faith."
"He did not ask those with little faith to increase their faith. He asked each of us, wherever we are in our life's journey, to increase our faith."
"Faith come by hearing, hearing by the word of God."
"Read it daily, at least one chapter a day, and be filled with the knowledge that will build your faith and your relationship with Him."
"Faith cannot grow when all you see is the bad, when all you believe is the worst, when all you predict is gonna go down like it's always going down before."
"Don't trust God right now, just get to know Him. Then you'll trust Him, then you'll start to fall in love with who you trust."
"We're just people that are trying to grow in our faith and be closer to the Savior."
"It's important to note that not all newly created faiths have access to the same tenets... finding the right balance for your needs is up to you."
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rhema of God."
"Every believer has been given the measure of faith... it's up to us to take that measure and develop it."
"Spend time in the Word, faith comes by hearing."
"The muscle of faith does not grow in comfort."
"The strongest faith is a faith that grows through your doubts."
"Lewis will help you grow in your own faith but he'll also help you to talk about your faith to other people because he kind of way has that enabling dimension."
"Faith comes from hearing and hearing in the word of God."
"There's moments where God is silent...to develop our faith further for greater things."
"Develop perseverance in God, and you'll live in the land of hope."
"Your relationship with God is the most vital part of being a child of God."
"Trials produce faith; trials increase faith because when you are going through a trial God is processing you and removing impurities."
"As painful as trials are, just know this: trials are sent to refine our faith."
"All we gotta do is get started with the faith and then it grows."
"Your issue is not prayer, it's not fasting, your issue is you don't know how to perceive God because your spiritual senses have not been exercised."
"God already figured it out for me and that was... the beginning of my faith."
"Faith comes out of your spirit. Your spirit is given to you to guide you."
"No one can become strong in faith without persistent effort, if people allow themselves to raise trivial objections, they will find doubt becoming stronger."
"Faith comes by hearing the anointed spoken word."
"If you didn't pray all night, in the morning, you go and pray and then come down, develop the upper room Spirit. What greater way is it to listen to somebody that carries the spirit of God that is delivering something into you because faith comes by hearing, not by reading?"
"Our faith grew from one seed planted long ago, matured throughout the Old Testament and reached maturity in the New Testament."
"Use your faith, grow in your faith."
"I have really, really grown in my faith... that's just something that's become a lot more important to me."
"Testing us develops our faith, our trust in Him."
"Faith grows when we exercise it, when we use it."
"The nobleman will begin with feeble faith that needs to be supported by things visible, but through the working and the speaking of Jesus, it's going to grow into a ferocious faith."
"It's really important to have a rebuilding and growing of your faith."
"We are developing our faith up to the mega faith level to where we are able to receive everything that God wants us to have."
"I want to get to that place where I can disciple others not only to come to faith but to grow and mature in the faith."
"The purpose of storms is not the only storm; my faith is being developed during storms."
"Miracles don't produce faith, but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
"Greater faith is born in the process of accepting it."
"It takes weeks to grow a tomato... Imagine how long it might take to grow a person's faith, which is a much more complex thing."
"Being single is a perfect time to really grow in your faith."
"The purpose of our homeschool is to develop faith, character, academic excellence, and to create memorable childhood experiences."