
Classical Music Quotes

There are 329 quotes

"Notably with Beethoven, composers began organizing large concerts to introduce the mass to their music."
"If you don't know much about classical music, you still like it. But if you know something about classical music, you enjoy it more. In the same way, Advaita Vedanta is something like that."
"I love it when conversations just flow. It's so weird, every time I listen to classical music, I think I've got a grip of it. Then I listen to Johann Sebastian Bach for 20 seconds, and I realize I know nothing."
"Listening to some Mozart...it's just a superlative piece of work."
"Beethoven pieces that were transformed into other droning music by Walter/Wendy Carlos set these brutal scenes of mayhem to beautiful music."
"Chopin seemed to be uniquely placed... to push the piano to its maximum limits."
"Playing classical music throughout your day... it brings so much joy to me."
"Learning classical music is definitely the first step."
"It's so purposeful and I love the classical music during the tooth to earth scene."
"In this video, I want to tell you about Nadia Boulanger, a woman of incredible achievement and one of the most extraordinary behind-the-scenes figures in classical music history."
"Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 premiered to a packed audience in 1824, earning five standing ovations."
"In some ways, well, again, interesting that so often classical players are terribly inhibited by their training."
"The reason why you're still talking about Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart to this day." - Charlie Benante
"Classical music's long overdue reckoning with racism."
"Beethoven is the biggest name in what's called the Western Classical Canon."
"Classical music: racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and probably afraid of pickles too."
"Even people unfamiliar with classical music know the work of Wagner."
"If you listen to any classical music concert in India, the kind of mathematical permutations and combinations that they conjure is just out of the world."
"I've said it before but imslp org is a great resource if you just need sheet music to read it's a free repository of all sorts of out-of-print classical sheet music."
"Ludwig van Beethoven remains perhaps the greatest figure of single rebellion in the history of Music."
"Music was supposed to restore the equilibrium of the soul."
"Classical music comes directly out of the Moors."
"Classical music is different from any other music."
"Fantasia, a collection of animated stories set to great works of orchestral music..."
"Classical music is some of the most brilliant music that has been created in this world."
"This piece is one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever heard."
"Classical music played by dedicated, highly trained musicians."
"The music of classic is incredibly well made and beautiful to listen to."
"There are living composers that are breathing life into Old classical tropes that we've heard for hundreds of years."
"Beethoven's nine symphonies set a new standard for power and drama."
"Exercise, long walks in classical music have performed admirably when measured against antidepressant medication."
"The classical music wasn't half bad; it seemed to get faster as my car sped up and slowed down as I slowed down."
"Classical music is good for babies, everyone knows that."
"this idea of like the classical music almost being like a cue for like man's Ingenuity we'll call it because like whenever we fly it's classical music when they discover the tools it's classical music you know like"
"John Williams brings film scores back into the domain of classical music."
"There are like thousands of people out there who've been told that if you cannot play with nails just don't even try to play classical guitar, you're not a serious player. This is historically incorrect and nonsense in my opinion."
"But all in all, I had like some classical music playing, the food was really good. It was just a shame about the staff, but hey ho, it was still a good time."
"You don't have to love Beethoven to give your kids classical music lessons."
"There is not a single person who doesn't know who Mozart is."
"He was such a quirky, strange kind of guy for a classical musician. This was a guy who sat around with his feet up all the time, dressed in funny costumes, played characters, and funny voices."
"For people who don't have much interest in classical music, and even for some people who are part of the classical music world, he provides some relief from the conservatism of the classical music business."
"All of the great classical composers were fully trained and fully aware and obsessed by the movement of harmony in music."
"The Opera Garnier transports one into a refined state of mind, like a perfectly crafted piece of classical music."
"The only person who is improvisation for worth listening to as real music were those who oughta and Mozart is balancing a clear architectural sense with an extraordinary rhythmic fluidity and a flexibility of discourse."
"If you wanted to begin a meditation, if you wanted a stillness, this would be a wonderful piece of classical music to begin by"
"This I like to think of as the last gasp of the traditional high art classical orchestra."
"His development of the concerto style was to influence all forms of composition in the 18th century and was a very important stage in the evolution of the classical symphony."
"In every generation, there are people who say that classical music is dying."
"It's marvelous. And overtures, you know, Hussite and Nature's Realm Carnival, it's just, just wonderful wonderful stuff."
"It's a wonderful, wonderful series of sets of discs and you should get them while you can, in my view."
"There are so many people who don't know anything at all about music and classical music, or any music, but they know Arvo Pärt."
"I love the music of so many people but especially I would have to single out people like Bach Beethoven Shogun Debussy all those great classical masters."
"A hard part of sampling classical music is how to use the harmonic color palette in a way that remains true to a composer while also not being completely inaccessible to audiences that aren't used to that."
"You're going to learn from the classical, the well-written pieces of music, to make you a better musician."
"Throw on 'The Tarkus Suite,' listen to ELP's version of Modest Mussorgsky's 'Pictures at an Exhibition' that lasts about 37 minutes."
"Mitch was a very famous oboist in the New York Symphony... and he had the classical upbringing."
"Bach doesn't come out of nowhere, Bach comes out of a direct continuity, a direct line."
"What was the first name of Beethoven, the composer of the piano piece known as the Moonlight Sonata?"
"It's a conversation about being alive... that is happening in classical music."
"My dad loved Chopin and Mozart and Etc. He could Whistle Along to an entire Symphony from Beethoven."
"The truly excellent ones are pretty much part of a consensus, we sort of know what they are and we know what the acceptable range of interpretive options are in the Brahms symphonies."
"His Brahms is some of the greatest Brahms ever in the history of humanity."
"Dvorak's New World, amazing with those fabulous bass lines."
"Mahler's Ninth, it's a great Mahler Nine, absolutely gripping."
"I found the most efficient, effective way to help me to relax could be the classical music. When I'm deep in the music, I may forget about, temporarily forget about the math."
"That Berlioz Lélio is beautiful, beautiful stuff."
"His music affords a classical elegance where those elements of the music could be easily implied by the notes that he wrote."
"The Quartetto Italiano is always on my shortlist."
"The quality of work in the Beethoven string quartets probably is as high as you will find anywhere in all of music."
"The Juilliard Quartet is one of those iconic sets that really belongs in every collection."
"But my God was he a good Brahms conductor."
"Mozart was an unbelievable prodigy, let's not kid ourselves he was incredible."
"Zell and Cleveland and whose finale of the Jupiter Symphony is one of the great conducting exhibitions of clarity and balance and exquisite taste allied to energy and vigor and intensity, I mean it's just, it's just like you know, wow, just unbelievably amazing."
"What would Puccini and Verdi and Wagner make of all this? One suspects they would join in the Applause, they after all were Once musical boundary pushers too."
"Classical music is good for anxiety."
"I hope this reaches the ears of the young audience, the little girls who grow up playing classical music and see that they can one day be in a studio like this and make any kind of music they want."
"It's just gorgeous, it's I think Rachmaninoff's best work."
"The Chacon from Johann Sebastian Bach's second partita in D minor."
"It's a thrilling performance, exciting big band Haydn, wonderfully sung, it's just great."
"The power of the string section and the percussion together, it's just a great distinctive Prokofiev Fifth, one of the great ones, absolutely amazing."
"Moonlight Sonata tinkling away in the background while wandering the corridors is always eerie and mesmerizing."
"Sometimes the greatest political act is to turn off CNN or Fox or PBS or whatever you know KPFA whatever your particular poison is and turn on Mozart."
"Once you get into the third movement of the freaking Moonlight Sonata, they call that the madman's composition."
"The ride of the Valkyries, thank you, Wagner."
"Before Beethoven, people clapped during performances."
"Classical music has an image problem that greatly hampers its ability to attract new audiences."
"Classical music has become a globally understood shorthand for wealth, opulence, and privilege."
"It's by Antonio Vivaldi, a great bed composer."
"Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Grieg, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, just some of the greats in our classical destinations."
"Moonlight Sonata playing during one of the most pivotal scenes really carries the film."
"This classic Schwarzkopf Four Last Songs is famous for Schwarzkopf."
"The Brahms Violin Concerto with Oistrakh is smashing, absolutely wonderful."
"Zell's Sony Schubert Ninth is one of the great Schubert Ninths."
"This Dvorak Eighth is an absolutely fabulous Dvorak Eighth."
"This is like listening to a long-form classical piece of music."
"In my opinion, the work of Trevor Pinnock is particularly exciting, his performances of Bach and Handel make me jump out of my seat."
"The relationship between Dvorak and Brahms was entirely mutually beneficial and it was a two-way thing."
"The idea that Dvorak was sitting humbly at the feet of Brahms is just absurdity."
"Haydn's writing here is typical of what the woodwinds section did in the orchestra at this time: adding weight and color to a predominantly string led sound world."
"Classical music to some might be the most gorgeous music ever created, and to other people, it's just like, 'Ah, I don't see the appeal.'"
"Clemperer on Warner, this is such a great Bruckner Sixth."
"There is one Bruckner cycle that has absolutely no bad performances, all of them are terrific, all of them sustained the same high level and that one is Skrowaczewski on Orfeo."
"We're always thinking about ways to make classical music appeal to a bigger and broader audience."
"There is no single best performance of anything in the classical repertoire."
"The standard of performance of classical music is extremely high."
"A classically trained pianist, so you know she's got that composure and flow."
"Haydn's opus 20 number three in G minor is one of the most passionate and powerful of the six."
"The smetana from my life quartet is a great introduction to string quartets in general."
"The Juilliard Quartet really initiated an entirely new aesthetic in Beethoven quartet playing."
"The entire set is stunning; it's a marvelous set of Beethoven quartets."
"What's remarkable about Handel's Messiah is not how fast he wrote it but how good it is."
"The quintets are the miracles of Mozart's chamber music."
"Symphonies are the highest form of orchestral music yet invented."
"Dvorak's Cello Concerto is incomparably the greatest cello concerto ever written."
"One such piece of music is Handel's Messiah, which is a two and a half hour long reflection in music on the meaning of the life and death of Jesus Christ."
"Handel's Messiah might well be the greatest piece of music ever written."
"Classical music is much less complicated than you think it may be."
"Mendelssohn thought the music was evocative of his travels in Scotland."
"Keep on listening to Tchaikovsky, he's a great, great composer."
"In classical music, what instruments usually comprise a string quartet? Two violins, a viola, and a cello."
"The conductor Hans Von Bulow was quoted as calling the Well-Tempered Clavier the Old Testament of music; Beethoven sonatas were the New Testament."
"Mozart is the kind of composer where even if you play Mozart to a non-musician, there's sort of an ease and elegance about his works."
"Classical music isn't dying so much as it's being murdered by stupid people."
"Relevance is going to make classical music more popular, and popularity is the literal opposite of elitism."
"Ultimately, I don't think the genre is the problem; I think people like classical music itself, but the industry that we've built around classical music is dying."
"In the end, the question isn't actually why is classical music dying; the question is do we care enough to fix it."
"The St. Matthew Passion is considered one of the greatest masterworks of Western art."
"The way of being more known in classical music and in a career, so that it sticks more, is allowing yourself then to have time to actually be a deeper person."
"The violins and hautboys played old charming pieces of music."
"The Romanian Athenaeum... so lovely to hear some amazing classical music in this building."
"Classical musicians have been very open and interested in other styles of music and how it can enrich their own work."
"Nothing could be more soothing, classical music really eases my soul."
"Musicians all over the world have been better because of Bach and Beethoven and Mozart."
"Surround yourself with the tranquility and classical grandeur of Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart."
"If he can't do a Beethoven Sonata, and he keeps working on it, he's doing Mozart, he's trying... that makes his character better."
"Haydn's 'The Seven Last Words of the Savior on the Cross'... it's a work of extraordinary depth and interiority."
"It's an incredibly intense piece of music expressed through the most purely wonderful, beautiful, elegant classical formal strategies."
"Mozart's music is bigger, meaning longer, larger, more complex, more intricate, more full of music than any other composer who had come before him."
"Mahler Symphony Number Six... is one of the most exhilarating pieces of music in the entire repertoire."
"I've been listening to it since I was five. I didn't know a damn thing when I first started listening to classical music. I listened to it because I liked it."
"Mozart, the divine Mozart, remains to be rediscovered, and perhaps needs to be rediscovered by each succeeding generation."
"Why did Mozart kill his chickens? Because when he asked them who the best composer was, they all said 'Bach Bach Bach'."
"He was the Thomas Edison of the Classical period."
"This is one of the Great Mahler fifth recordings."
"It's really one of the great Mahler nines."
"My enthusiasm for classical music goes back to when I was in diapers."
"It was really this Symphony, the Eroica Symphony Number Three, where he found his voice."
"The classical element is what helps elevate it, make it sound very pretty, very beautiful, very fitting with that spring vibe."
"Franz Liszt was one of the greatest innovators since Beethoven."
"The performance here by Andre Previn and London Symphony Orchestra of this Prokofiev work is just riveting."
"I think The Planets is definitely a very easily recognizable piece for even people that aren't familiar with classical music, so I had to include The Planets on here."
"And in general, recordings and pieces and performances that I think will get people interested in classical music and listening to more classical music."
"And if you're gonna pick Dvorak, I figured might as well go with the hit, and that's Dvorak Symphony Number Nine, Symphony from the New World."
"Leonard Bernstein in the New York Philharmonic playing Shostakovich Symphony Number Five is kind of a landmark recording."
"Bach was the Earl Scruggs of Harmony."
"Bach and Mozart... reach highs that liturgical music didn't."
"When you're as popular as Beethoven, you've got dozens of excellent recordings of just about everything."
"It's the most iconic monument to symphonic sublimity in all of western music."
"It has the absolute best soloists ever in the Ninth."
"In the classical music world, we all love to talk about this stuff, and it is fun, actually."
"Mozart wrote six fabulous piano trios... they are extremely rewarding pieces."
"Schubert wrote two absolutely magnificent piano trios... big serious works and they are simply wonderful."
"Tchaikovsky... arguably his greatest chamber work... an extraordinary composition."
"Shostakovich's second trio... a tragic, colossal, extraordinary piece of music."
"The Weber Concertstück is such a great piece."
"There really is none finer, especially for concertos in the classical form."
"It was Haydn's Symphony number 88 that put me there."
"They found that the individuals who took the test while listening to Mozart would generally score higher."
"The music of Beethoven is so immense, it is created with so much love, care, and dignity, the absolute golden ratio of the form."
"Yeah, I mean to me that sounds very Beethoveny, just because the sequence and the repetitions and then the variation the third time and the call and response."
"If you haven't encountered Arvo Pärt's beautiful music before, you're in for a real treat."
"I'm going classical. I am quite confident this is Debussy."
"With classical guitar, there's a lot of room for experimentation."
"That excerpt was from Schubert's G major Piano Sonata, and it absolutely entranced me the first time I heard it."
"Classical music went undercover, morphing gloriously into a variety of new musical forms made possible by the onwards march of technology."
"Among the great composers, Haydn was the one who was most genuinely liked by all who met him."
"Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughan Williams represent an important period in English classical music."
"One of the most striking segments in the 1940 film Fantasia is entitled Night on Bald Mountain."
"In Austria, cradle of so much classical music, waltzing is the national dance and hearts beat in three-four time."
"I've never felt doom and gloom about classical music."
"This headphone has made me fall in love with classical."
"The Tchaikovsky first piano concerto... that introduction is so catchy and so tuneful and so wonderful."
"It's a great piece when it goes well, it's unbelievably exciting."
"It's one of the most popular violin concertos on Earth."
"Mozart really invented the form as far as the Classical period is concerned."
"Morovets was really one of the 20th century's greatest poets of the piano."
"It's a desire to really know and, I won't say master, but to know deeply the language of a great master like Brahms."
"It's one of the saddest and greatest of intermezzos."
"It turns out that 'Adagio for Strings' may be more relaxing than AC/DC."
"Classical music is incredibly complex but yet most good compositions don't at a surface level sound overly complicated."
"I'm also trained in classical music. I don't really listen to it that much, mostly just when I'm learning a piece, but I do like playing classical music from time to time."
"These works stand apart as true masterpieces and while they are firmly based in the classical period, they are set apart from any other operas of their time."
"Finding a Rachmaninoff cycle that really does justice to all three was a bit of a job."
"Even today, in a world where composers like Puccini, Verdi, and Wagner revolutionized the way we look at opera, these works by Mozart still manage to find their way to the top of various rankings."
"I'm writing new music for classical musicians... I'm trying to expand that now. I'm working on some new programs that will get one computer to generate the song and another to compose off what the first computer is doing."
"Start listening to classical. It makes you smarter."
"William Grant Still is one of the major African American classical music composers."
"I feel like my closest encounter would be my mom's mom; she plays classical piano, and I fell in love with it."
"That was the first movement from Beethoven's fifth symphony."
"The great jazz musicians are really very good at this, and of course the great composers in classical music."